After listening to Jin Beibei's narration, Xiao Xuan found that Jin Beibei only knew a little about the matter. He only knew that Secretary Zhao was taken away in mysterious plain clothes at a meeting two days ago. It is reported that this mysterious plainclothes is from the Discipline Inspection Commission.

No one knows where he was taken.

Since then, speculation about Secretary Zhao's involvement has been heard. Zhao Yucheng, the first childe, suddenly fell sharply in his position in the circle.

It is reasonable to say that under the care of Jinbeibei, a little witch, even if Zhao Yucheng's status collapsed, few people dared to bully him. But kimbeibei didn't come to school today.

In the evening, when Jinbeibei thought of this, when she called, she only heard the sound of ridicule and abuse on the other end of the phone, and the sound of boxing and feet.

Zhao Yucheng didn't give little to Jinbeibei, a little devil, as an accomplice. He has always offended many people. Jinbeibei, a ghost spirit, also knows this. When he heard such a noise on the other end of the phone, he was anxious. I wanted my bodyguard to save people, but NIMA didn't know where Zhao Yucheng was taken.

After thinking about it, only Xiao Xuan could count on, so he called Xiao Xuan.

Jinbeibei is also a ghost spirit. Knowing that Xiao Xuan might not take care of it, she put a heavy burden on her and cried into a poor dog first.

How did she know that even if it wasn't so noisy, Xiao Xuan wouldn't stand idly by. No matter why, Secretary Zhao helped Xiao Cheng guard and Zhao Sixi. Xiao Xuan doesn't like to owe people, not to mention that his old base is in Nanhai city. Naturally, Xiao Xuan doesn't want to be replaced with the "parent officials" of the enemy!

"Aunt, your parents can stand this toss!" Xiao Xuan touched his nose and looked at the beautiful Jinbeibei, saying reluctantly.

"I don't have a father!" Kimberly's eyes were really red when she said this.

Xiao Xuan didn't want to see Jin Beibei cry into a baby. He immediately waved his hand and said, "if I don't cry, I don't have a father or a mother. You have another one. All right, don't cry. Now go to find Zhao Yucheng."

Jinbeibei's mouth was purring and she wanted to cry. It seemed that it was funny.

Xiao Xuan grinned and made a phone call. Before long, Zhao Sixi and Yuan Wuji rushed over with several brothers.

"Have you checked?" Xiao Xuan asked Zhao Sixi with his mouth open.

"A brother sneaked into the monitoring room of their school and checked the video. Zhao Yucheng hasn't been out of the school since he entered the school in the morning! So he must still be in the school. Because the camera of the school doesn't cover all, I can't find the specific location. I brought several brothers to help search!" Zhao Sixi pointed to several brothers around him and said.

"Good!" Xiao Xuan just said faintly, but the corners of his mouth involuntarily rose slightly.

Yes, Zhao Sixi is becoming more and more considerate and meticulous. It used to be what Xiao Xuan said, what he did, where he meant and where he hit. Now it's really different. Xiao Xuan asked to check the position of people. He would even deploy in the next step. tqR1

Xiao Xuan took Zhao Sixi and his gang to the school gate. Jinbeibei pulled her clothes and whispered, "uncle, these brothers are so scary. Especially those in black, how do you feel gloomy..."

Xiao Xuan saw the timid expression on Jinbeibei's face. He couldn't help but be happy. When does Jinbeibei still have fear? Then he glanced at the brothers who followed yuan Wuji. They were dressed in black and had bright eyes. Their overall quality was worthy of the four words Kong Wuli. And their clothes are embroidered with the word ay!

Members of the dark night guard created by Yuan Wuji! From Xiao Xuan's point of view, maybe these brothers are not elite, but in the small place of Nanhai City, this force is absolutely strong enough. Xiao Xuan can be sure that any of these brothers can pull out, 1 to 9 is not a problem, which is equivalent to the real strength of ordinary special soldiers.

"What are you doing? This is a school. No one is allowed to go in!"

As soon as the party approached the door, two or three security guards came out of the school security booth. They shouted so, but they were obviously afraid in their eyes.

Before Zhao Sixi spoke, Xiao Xuan patted Jinbeibei's head and nuozui.

Jinbeibei stepped forward and said, "well, this is my student ID card. These are my bodyguards! They went to my dormitory to help me get things!"

This is the only noble school in Nanhai city. The students are either rich or expensive. Naturally, it is smooth according to the bodyguard. What's more, this guy Jinbeibei is really famous. The bodyguards saw the name on the student card and were dull for a moment. Then they chatted up and said, "it's Jin, Miss Jin! There are rules in the school. The family members of student bodyguards are not allowed to enter the school!"

"Hehe, uncle security, do you want to play with the water snake again? Or do you want to eat curry mustard chicken again?" Jinbeibei tilted her mouth, revealing a strange smile of a black lady.

The so-called "the shadow of a person's name tree" is also applicable to Kim Pei Bei. Just seeing the name on Kim Pei Bei's student card, the security guards were half short in an instant.

At this time, the security guards almost cried after hearing Kim Beibei's words. But the school has orders. They really don't dare to let go.

"Miss Jin, can you go in alone? There are security guards in the dormitory area. Can't I ask the security colleagues inside to help you with your things?" the security guard said with a sad face.

"Don't talk nonsense. Who gave you how much money to stop Miss Jin? I'll give you double! If you force me again, I'll directly put two cobras in your security room. Don't hear me wrong. I throw two every day... I Zhao Sixi always keep my word!"

Before Jinbeibei could speak again, Zhao Sixi stood out with his neck tilted.

"Hiss..." several security guards looked at each other and were stunned. One of them frowned for a moment, as if he thought of something, and immediately whispered to several companions.

I saw a wonderful scene. One of the security guards swung his fist and punched one of the two people around him, directly knocked them unconscious. It was not over. He hit the wall of the security room again.

With a dull sound, the guy turned his eyes directly and fainted.


Jinbeibei opened her mouth and was speechless with surprise. Can a word have this effect? Nima, these security guards are scared crazy by cobra? Or are you scared?

"What are you doing? Let's go!" Xiao Xuan pulled Jinbeibei and walked to the school.

"Uncle, it's the first time I've seen people talking about cobras, which makes people crazy!"


Xiao Xuan rolled his eyes silently. He could not tell the innocent girl that it was not the cobra that frightened people, but the name Zhao Sixi!

Seeing that Xiao Xuan ignored him, Jinbeibei shook Zhao Sixi's arm and said: "Brother Shuai, you were so handsome just now. Cobras are national protected animals. Hey, can you really throw two in the security room a day? Can you give me some later? I used to throw water snakes and mice. At first they were afraid, but later they seemed not afraid. Now..."

Zhao Sixi was full of black lines and took a look at Xiao Xuan. He thought that brother Xuan really valued taste. He would not let go of any young woman from amorous feelings to tender water.

Xiao Xuan turned his head and just saw Zhao Sixi's meaningful eyes. He coughed twice and said, "mom has an egg. They all came in with me for the parade? Don't you find someone yet?"

"Elder brother, I've gone to find it!" Zhao Sixi smiled.

"Could it be in Houshan? There are many security guards in other places except Houshan. You can't fight in the campus!" Jinbeibei thought and said.

Before Jinbeibei's voice fell, she heard yuan Wuji's footsteps and hurried back. She said to Xiao Xuan, "I asked several students, and they all said that people might be in the back mountain!"

"Go to the back mountain!"

At first, it was said to buy Houshan and build a bigger stadium, but later, because the funds were not in place, it never started.

The back mountain is more like a big soil slope, but the cliff is not the big soil slope where you can see the head at a glance in the northwest loess wasteland. The trees here are very lush, the trees are not high, but they can't stand the dense. Coupled with the dense shrubs, you can't see the situation inside from the outside.

There is a huge sign on the edge of the big earth slope, dangerous, no entry!

But obviously, this brand can't scare these bold young masters and ladies of local tyrants.

Jinbeibei followed Xiao Xuan closely. When she first came to the edge of the earth slope, she opened her mouth to shout, but Xiao Xuan covered her mouth.

Xiao Xuan raised his head slightly, and Yuan Wuji nodded knowingly. Seven or eight brothers immediately bent and rushed into the woods like flexible civets. Even Zhao Sixi was unwilling to fall behind.

"Go, let's go in and have a look!" Xiao Xuan took Jin Beibei's hand and walked in along a path stepped out by footprints.

"Uncle, do you think Yucheng will be all right?" Jin Beibei felt worried as she walked in and the light became darker.

"No!" Xiao Xuan said calmly.

"Uncle Zhao has an accident. Yucheng is really poor. The Harvard dream is gone and he will be bullied. Don't let me see who bullied Yucheng, or..." Jinbeibei said angrily.

Just then, a sharp whistle sounded. Soon, it was a swish swish

"Zhao Yucheng, aren't you a bully? Did you think of today when you swaggered?"

Zhao Yucheng's limbs were tied up. The whole person had been beaten out of shape. His nose and face were light. He just kept vomiting blood from his mouth. I don't know if he hurt his inner organs.

"Let you stare at me! Dog day, didn't you look down on us before? Now you're beating us into dogs?"

"Your father is a embezzler. You will be the son of a embezzler in the future. Do you understand that? Do you know what it was to quarrel and kill the door in ancient times? It is estimated that you will not appear in this school again in the future? Please, please, I might..."

All kinds of humiliating words sounded in Zhao Yucheng's ears, but he just opened his eyes. There was no intention of begging for mercy on his stubborn face, only full of resentment

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