Xiao Xuan opened his eyes to see Su Mei, yawned again, frowned and muttered, "what time is it now?"

Xiao Xuan's lazy appearance almost blew Su Mei's milk up again.

"Ah, it's half past seven! Go, my husband will take you to dinner!" Xiao Xuan jumped up from the sofa, looked at Su Mei with pink lips and smiled.

"Sun Ma will buy vegetables later!" Su Mei snorted. Don't overdo it and ignore Xiao Xuan.

"Let Sun Ma cook for Yucheng and eat with Yucheng! Let's go out to eat!" Xiao Xuan said with a smile. After saying that, Su Mei was unmoved, grinned, moved her neck, suddenly came forward, took Su Mei's jade arm and picked up the woman

Su Mei was originally a thin woman. Even a strong man of more than 100 kilograms was like Xiao Xuan carrying a toy. Holding Su Mei was not like playing.

"Hate, you put me down quickly!" when Su Mei reacted, the whole person had been tightly held in her arms by Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan just smiled badly. He suddenly lifted Su Mei up with his arms and wound her around again. Unexpectedly, in a posture that ordinary people can't do at all, he got Su Mei who was originally held in front of him to his back, from holding to carrying on his back.

"Pig Bajie carries his daughter-in-law to dinner!" Xiao Xuan smiled and walked to the door with Su Mei on his back.

"Xiao Xuan, please put me down..." Su Mei's pretty face was as red as a drop of blood. After all kinds of screaming in the air, she found that she was on Xiao Xuan's back steadily, two hot big hands were on her hips, and the plump jade peak was rubbing tightly on Xiao Xuan's explained back.

Such contact made Su Mei not only blush, but also inexplicable heartbeat disorder. She was so ashamed that she wanted to jump off Xiao Xuan's back immediately. But Xiao Xuan hugged so tightly that where could she break free?

"Let's go!"

Xiao xuangen ignored Su Mei's struggle and went straight to the door.

Just arrived at the door, before Xiao Xuan opened the door, sun Ma had pushed the door in. When she saw Su Mei carried on Xiao Xuan's back, she was surprised, then a little smile flashed in her eyes and said, "uncle and miss are going out?"

"Well, Su Mei and I don't eat at home at night. There's a half boy upstairs, and I'll trouble sun Ma to take care of it!" Xiao Xuan grinned and said with a smile.

"Oh, good!" Sun Ma answered and made way for the door.

Xiao Xuan walked out with Su Mei on her back. At this time, Su Mei's head was buried on Xiao Xuan's wide and thick back. She was too thin skinned to look up at Sun ma. She was so ashamed that she was overwhelmed by the meaningful smile from the corner of her eyes.

"Xiao Xuan, I'll go with you. You put me down first!" Su Mei said like a mosquito.

Xiao Xuan ignored her and walked to the parking space with Su Mei on his back, enjoying all kinds of wonderful touch between his tentacles.

Every time he said he should seriously fall in love, but either he was too busy to turn his legs, or Su Mei was too busy to have endocrine disorders.

But this time, Xiao XuanZhen is ready to fall in love with Su Mei!

Su Mei was stuffed into the car. The car drove for a long time. Her blush didn't disperse, and she didn't ask where Xiao Xuan was going!

"Wife, what do you want to eat at night?" Xiao Xuan asked sharply. Looking at Su Mei's face, her head was red and shy, she felt happy.

"Whatever!" Su Mei looked nervously out of the window of the car. This should be Xiao Xuan's fulfilling what he said to have a good love? This feeling made her heart beat faster.

"OK!" Xiao Xuan smiled and stepped on the accelerator.

About ten minutes later, the car stopped in front of an emotional western restaurant. After getting off the bus, Su Mei glanced at the surrounding environment and raised her mouth.

Obviously, I'm satisfied here. Of course, what's more satisfying is that Xiao Xuan rarely chose a big stall without making any sense this time.

For women, especially women like Su Mei, when facing men like Xiao Xuan, there is only one direct difference between big stalls and high-end Western restaurants, that is, whether Xiao Xuan cares about you or not!

There are essential differences between women and men. Brain circuits are different, and the perspective of thinking about problems will not be the same.

For Xiao Xuan, the difference between a big stall and a western restaurant is either a place where you can eat enough, or a place where you can't spend money!

But a woman hopes that for the first formal date, a man will choose a place a woman likes, which at least proves that he cares about you and is willing to please you.

Of course, Su Mei won't say this series of ideas, but her face will show them intentionally or unintentionally.

"Come!" Xiao xuanyang raised his arm and motioned Su Mei to hold him.

Su Mei hesitated, gritted her teeth and put her hand around Xiao Xuan. They walked to the restaurant side by side. It was really a little like a golden girl. It was just Xiao Xuan's evil smile at the corner of his mouth that made him look a little ruffian.

"Hello, you two. Have you positioned yet?" the waiter greeted him and asked politely.

"Well, you can arrange it! Arrange a position near the window!" Xiao Xuan waved his big hand and said in an atmosphere.

After sitting down, Xiao Xuan began to order and didn't ask Su Mei from beginning to end. But Su Mei has to admit that Xiao Xuan's order is very considerate. The standard western set meal, from appetizers to main meals to dessert, including drinks, is impeccable.

"This guy has a comprehensive understanding of Western food culture. When he takes it seriously, he looks like a dog." Su Mei thought secretly. For ordinary people, or study abroad, travel and so on, you can have a one-sided understanding of Western food culture. However, like Xiao Xuan, who is full of authentic British English ordering and ordering collocation, there is no need to consult the waiter. He is like a genuine western aristocrat, which is a completely different feeling.

"Wife, I heard that this is one of the best restaurants in NIUYAN pai in Nanhai city. Do you like it or not?" Xiao Xuan said slowly. It's really like a rich childe trying to please Su Mei.

Su Mei nodded and said after a while, "but I'm not used to it!"

Xiao Xuan smiled. Sao Bao cut his hair and said, "a man like brother can eat big meals in the hall and cook small dishes in the kitchen. He can beat hooligans and sometimes play a guest role in the bank. You really don't know your happiness in the midst of happiness..."

Su Mei looked at Xiao Xuan's frowning appearance and involuntarily bent the corners of her mouth, revealing a trace of smile.

Xiao Xuan glanced at the neon lights outside the window, and then glanced at all kinds of men and women in the restaurant. Isn't that how ordinary people live?

Ordinary couples, is not mutual accommodation, mutual habits, mutual support! Maybe one day, he will give in to Su Mei's daughter's living habits, just like at this time, he will choose a restaurant he doesn't like, but Su Mei will feel that he has put his heart into it. Maybe one day Su Mei will give in to his coarseness of drinking draft beer at the stall with her feet buckled.

Or, no, maybe one day. They couldn't run in because of all kinds of, just like those couples who broke up for various reasons, they were lost because of the small matter of chicken feathers.

Who knows what will happen tomorrow!?

Just now, Xiao Xuan thought Su Mei's smile was very beautiful!

It was said that in ancient times, there were emperors and princes playing with beacon fire, and Bomei people smiled.

To please the beauty? Or just to please yourself with that laugh.

After the meal, Su Mei had an elegant meal. She always felt that Xiao Xuan was absent-minded and asked, "what are you thinking?"

The neon lights on the building outside the window are reflected on Su Mei's face, with soft lines and beautiful Phoenix eyes, with some doubts. Beautiful as a doll loved by God.

"I was thinking, will we still sit together like this in a year? Two years later, three years later... We are married by agreement. It is limited to one year. Maybe we will be strangers in the end of the world in one year. Thinking of you as a great beauty, maybe we will go our separate ways with my brother in a year, and my brother is heartbroken!" Xiao Xuan said with an exaggerated cover to his chest.

Su Mei put down her knife and fork and crossed her fingers, as if to see whether Xiao Xuan was joking or serious when she said this.

Xiao Xuan felt his coat pocket, as if he wanted to light a cigarette. He remembered that this was a smoke-free restaurant, and Shanshan withdrew his hand.

"I don't know!" Su Mei thought for a long time, but she only said this.

Xiao Xuan smiled bitterly. Su Mei was the most puzzled woman he had ever seen! This is also very much like that person. Remember that year, he asked the man if he would still be together at this time next year? The man's answer is the same as Su Mei's answer at this time. I don't know!

The next year, the man completely disappeared from Xiao Xuan's life. Let him be the ghost king, let him be powerful, let him tear nine cows with his bare hands... He can't find Ding dian'er's trace about that man.

Where's Su Mei? Will it be the same?

Xiao Xuan felt a little agitated, but when he looked up at Su Mei's ugly face, he put away his worries. It's said to accompany Su Mei to dinner. What do you think of the many disappointing things?

"Xiao Xuan, you are the one I can't understand! You know what? Li Hanxiong has been looking for you everywhere after the press conference. It makes me feel that he seems to be afraid of you. And Zhang..." Su Mei's voice was interrupted by a crisp childlike voice.

"Mom, look! Dad is over there..." tqr1

Although this kind of western restaurant can't be said to be quiet during the meal, it is true that few people make a loud noise. The crisp boy's cry suddenly attracted a lot of attention.

LAN Lianfang looked in the direction of little bear's finger, blushed and scolded: "little bear, don't talk."

Just before she finished, the little bear broke away from her hand and ran to Su Mei and Xiao Xuan's table. He said loudly, "Dad, you're here too! Beautiful mother is also here... Mom, come on, dad and beautiful mother are also eating here..."


God, what the hell is this bear child talking about? Does this sentence sound too informative to outsiders?

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