Xiao Xuan frowned when he heard the speech. He didn't say anything yet. Liu Tao was worried first and asked repeatedly, "how can my aunt go out? Didn't Xiao Xuan tell them that it would be dangerous to go out?"

"Well, well, we can't stop my aunt going out!" the man in black frowned helplessly. His heart was that my uncle wanted to put people under house arrest. Can't people run quickly?

Of course, he was afraid to say that.

A big family like the Liu family has a strict hierarchy. The master is the master and the subordinates are the subordinates! There is a taste of feudal residual thought.

Now not only the Liu family's relatives think so and say so, but Xiao Xuan tries to put them under house arrest. Even these subordinates guess so.

Liu Tao still wanted to speak, but Xiao Xuan pulled his arm and said, "let her go! Go down first and arrange several people to see if they can catch up. If they can, pay attention to protecting them!"

The man in black looked at Xiao Xuan strangely, answered the voice and left.

"Didn't you say it was dangerous? Why didn't someone chase her back?" Liu Tao asked anxiously.

"Look at your whole family. Now I think I'm here to eat your meat and drink your blood. It's like persecution paranoia. I said, can they believe it? If it's not because of you and sun Shilin, I don't care! Hey, wait for sun Shilin's news and solve the problem, I'll go back to Nanhai city immediately, or my own "It's comfortable!" Xiao Xuan said, touching his nose.

Liu Tao said with a flat mouth, "is it to go back to the South China Sea to see your first wife, second wife and little lover?"


Liu Tao didn't ask sun Shilin to inquire about any news. He took Xiao Xuan's hand and said that he was going to dinner.

Xiao Xuan took out his cell phone that kept ringing, looked at it, smiled bitterly, and said, "you'd better keep your father's room and don't let people know about your father's pretending to be ill. It's best not to leave the inner yard easily! There's plenty of opportunities in the future!"

Then he took his cell phone and picked it up. Unexpectedly, there was a low man's voice on the phone. Seeing that Xiao Xuan answered the phone, Liu Tao turned around and left first.


"Did Xiao Xiaoyou have a good time in Qingmeng? We can be regarded as long cherished confidants. Isn't it presumptuous for me to call?"

Xiao Xuan frowned and asked, "secret service leader?"

"You are really smart!"

"Don't talk nonsense. You're haunted. Where am I going? Where are you staring? Is it over yet? By the way, how did you deal with Lingyan? If the chick is finished, you old man will be finished. Don't think I'm kidding!" Xiao Xuan threw away his complaints before waiting for the leader to speak.

There was a silence at the other end of the phone. After a half ring, he said, "little friend, don't forget our previous deal! Why don't you do this? Now you fulfill your previous agreement and do LongQin a small favor. I'll help you solve your current problem. How about it?"

Xiao Xuan coughed a few times, turned his eyes and said, "OK, help me catch the magic gun!"

"..." the other end of the phone was speechless again.

Xiao Xuan also knows that shengun Gao has long been washed white. For no reason, how can LongQin people provoke shengun Gao? Mixing the existing balance of the underground world.

"You can't help me with this matter now, so I can't help it. I don't have time to fulfill any agreement now. I have to take care of the house and be a security guard!" Xiao Xuan played a shameful look on his face.

After about half a minute, the other end of the phone didn't know what to say. Xiao Xuan suddenly changed his mind and said, "OK! That's a deal!"

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Xuan frowned and paced back and forth in the hospital. He was vaguely agitated. After lighting a cigarette and taking a few heavy puffs, he muttered to himself, "it was one thing, but now it has become n things. Who did I provoke? If you are in trouble, you will recognize me!"

He was muttering. In a panic at the door, two men in black came in. One of them was the man who came forward first to report that my aunt had left. At this time, both faces were shocked.

"What's the panic? What's the matter?" Xiao Xuan looked at them and asked calmly.

"My aunt is dead!"


"There were five people in my aunt's car, all of whom were shot in the head! They died on Baisha Avenue less than one kilometer away from home!"


Xiao Xuan's face was gloomy and didn't speak. The divine gun was so clever that he reacted faster than he thought, and revenge began so soon.

But it was Xiao Xuan who did it. It seems that he also angered the Liu family.

"Just a dead man, you're so flustered?" Xiao Xuan asked lightly, looking at the cold sweat on his two heads.

Dead man? It was the Liu family who died! Although the Liu family in Qingmeng is not the boss of the underground city, it is definitely a first-class family. The death of direct blood relatives in such a family can turn the world upside down. Except Xiao Xuan, few people can be so indifferent. Xiao Xuan's indifferent expression showed a fierce color, and they didn't dare to say anything more.

"Mr. Xiao, there are four words sprayed with red paint on the car!"


"Swear to destroy the ten families!"

"What a big tone! These feudal veterans really treat themselves as emperors? Destroy ten families? Let him destroy one for me!" Xiao Xuan sneered.

Xiao Xuan is naturally not afraid, but others are different.

What's the concept of killing ten families? Father, mother, wife, students and friends are the tenth family! Throughout the history of China, only one person has been destroyed by ten nationalities, even Fang Xiaoru in the reign of emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty hundreds of years ago.

"Mr. Xiao, this... This matter, do you want to block the news?"

"Block the news? Why do you want to block it? Bring people back to me immediately and release the news. The third aunt of the Liu family died unexpectedly and will be killed! Do it immediately!"


These subordinates won't understand what Xiao Xuan is making! But they felt Xiao Xuan's anger.

They didn't dare to be wordy and retreated separately.

Xiao Xuan rubbed his forehead. In only a few hours, one of the Liu family died. Although he deserved to die and didn't listen to advice, Xiao Xuan couldn't help it. But after all, Liu Tao's aunt, Xiao Xuan was still a little angry.

Xiao Xuan rubbed his forehead and turned to Liu Bingzhou's room.

Liu Bingzhou has been moved to an independent cross courtyard, which is not as elegant as the inner courtyard, but also exquisite. Here, Xiao Xuan met Liu Tao's mother again. The woman obviously lost the momentum of meeting for the first time and nodded politely to Xiao Xuan.

"Good aunt! I want to talk to uncle Liu about something!" Xiao Xuan said with a polite smile.

"Go, he's in the house! Just keep it down!"


Xiao Xuan said hello and walked into Liu Bingzhou's room. Liu Tao was also present. Xiao Xuan didn't avoid it either. He opened his mouth and said, "Liu Tao's aunt didn't listen to advice and insisted on leaving Liu's house. She had just been killed!"



Liu's father and daughter looked at each other and were silent. Liu Tao's eyes instantly turned red. Although Liu Bingzhou had no red eyes, the corners of his mouth also twitched.

"I'm going to make a big funeral for her and make a big deal of the scenery!" Xiao Xuan's eyes flashed and showed some ruthlessness.

Liu Bingzhou didn't speak, as if he was thinking of paying Xiao Xuan's words.

Liu Tao was puzzled and asked, "is it not good for the Liu family to have a big funeral?"

"Taotao, you go out first!" Governor Liu said with a sigh.

Liu Tao suddenly found that his father and Xiao Xuan were very similar to the same kind of people. Their communication seemed to have an alternative tacit understanding. Others didn't even understand it, so they had understood each other.

Liu Tao stamped his feet and went out.

Liu Bingzhou stared into Xiao Xuan's eyes and said, "you have too much courage in this idea!"

Xiao Xuan looked at the tip of his finger and said, "no one can talk to me about killing my ten families! Since he said it, I can only repay him with this way!"

"Whatever you want to do, just sit as you want! Anyway, I'm seriously injured and unconscious!" Liu Bingzhou said, closing his eyes as if I were really unconscious.

Old age does not die, is also a cheeky!

When Xiao Xuan came out of Liu Bingzhou's house, he just looked up and saw the surging sky. He had a sudden change of pride.

The affair of Qingmeng seems to have been restrained everywhere since Xiao Xuan came. Did you know that Xiao Xuan was not stirring up the muddy water step by step?

At 2:30 p.m., it was the sixth hour when Xiao Xuan came to Qingmeng. The events in these six hours had made him the backbone and helmsman of the Liu family!

The death of Aunt Liu Tao killed the Liu family's mansion and made everyone no longer have the courage to disobey Xiao Xuan! tqR1

If Xiao Xuan really wanted to stop, how could Liu Tao's aunt leave the Liu family's old house? But someone has to shed scarlet blood to completely control this loose sand. Since someone is stubborn to think, why should he stop?

Xiao Xuan was determined and indifferent to life! At this point, he is really not like a person, but more like a ghost without seven emotions and six desires!

The Liu family made great efforts to carry out the funeral, and soon prepared all the matters needed for the funeral.

Vehicles began to go in and out of the Liu family. They were all pasted with reflective films and could not see the scene in the car. Every one of the cars was tied with white cloth.

In several buildings near Liu's house, some sneaky and hidden guys can't sit still. Had to start reporting to the summit.

They are the most elite magic gun team of the Gao family. They are all gun experts with 100 shots and 100 hits. But this is China's legal system country. The Liu family's house is in the urban area. Just a few people died.

But if, according to the meaning of the divine gun, all the people who go in and out die, according to the number of vehicles in and out of the Liu family, there are too many people to die, right?

When shengun Gao received a call from his subordinates, he was in the ward of the hospital. On the hospital bed, his son Gao Ziliang was pale and inserted an oxygen suction tube. The joints of his limbs were twisted into a mess because of the crushing of bones. The tragedy was unbearable to look directly at.

The doctor is asking him to make a decision to transfer to hospital as soon as possible, otherwise Gao Ziliang will have a more serious disability, and even amputation due to infection caused by untimely treatment is unknown.

At this time, the magic gun was high, and the tyranny in the mood was conceivable. After answering the phone and listening to the report at the other end, he was silent for a long time and said

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