Xiao Xuan giggled. His confident appearance made Illich nod in his heart. Has the Liu family

"I have three hates in my life. One hates threats, two hates moving people around me, and three hates insulting my IQ! You have committed all three. How do you say you should die? How about exterminating the family?" Xiao Xuan smiled lightly, raised his mouth and glanced contemptuously at Illich.

"I admit that you are strong, but our ilrich family is the most noble werewolf blood, and we are invincible!" ilrich knew that it was impossible to negotiate with Xiao Xuan, and his fighting spirit was rekindled, with his eyes shining with a quiet killing intention.

"Never admit defeat? Hehe... Tomorrow, the Illich family will be removed from the world. Trust me, I'm never kidding!" Xiao Xuan smiled grimly, stamped his foot, swept in the direction of Illich, moved as fast as a cheetah, and hit Illich's chest with his fists like a meteor.

Illich snorted coldly and dodged quickly. With his degree, he dodged thirty or forty meters in the blink of an eye. Almost at the same time, several other Europa werewolves attacked Xiao Xuan from the side.

After transformation, the sharp claws of the wolf were no less than the most powerful weapon. They roared like wild animals in the night sky, and claws grabbed Xiao Xuan with full strength and lethality.

Xiao Xuan's figure left a series of residual shadows in the air, just like the special effects in the film editing. He only vaguely saw his limbs open and close. His majestic strength seemed to tear the air and make bursts of air explosion.

Then there was the sound of crackling, banging, banging. I saw his iron fist fight with the wolf claws from left and right again and again. The speed was dazzling. I couldn't tell whether it was a virtual shadow or actual effect.

After a few loud noises, several werewolves who sneaked from the side were hit hard, just like being hit by a heavy ton truck. They flew backwards at a very fast speed. The wolf claws were soft and drooping, as if they had been completely broken!

The screams continued, and Xiao Xuan approached step by step. Before they fell to the ground, a deadly hand grabbed them at their neck. The rapid passage of life made them almost have no time to feel the truth of the pain

Xiao Xuan had three more bloody heads in his hand. He approached Illich slowly and said, "Illich, it's your turn! Your head, every head of your Illich family, will appear on the altar on the moon night!"

Illich's eyes were red. He didn't die. He was the elite of his werewolf family! Moreover, Xiao Xuan's repeated extermination of the family made him angry and frightened.

When the mood can't hold, it will burst out. Illich roared up to the sky. The whole person suddenly burst up, and his bones crackled. Suddenly, he was more than half a foot higher than the sky. The whole person became a burly werewolf. Even his hair grew a lot at this moment. The scene was terrible!

"He's completely transformed! This momentum is completely animal, too powerful..." the boxing wind took a breath and hummed.

"Do you think Xiao XuanZhen will destroy the Illich family? If so, how handsome he is! I've been disgusted with those hairy things for a long time!" tqr1

"Shut up! You know shit. Don't you hurry to report to the faucet."


The Gunners and boxers were joking and joking at this time with their worship of Xiao xuansen. Of course, in their view, it would be more perfect if Xiao Xuan didn't make it so bloody.

In the gap between them, Xiao Xuan and Illich had been fighting together. In one hand, he carried three human heads still dripping with blood, while in the other hand, his boxing style collided with Illich's wolf claws.

After his transformation, Illich was completely out of human shape. Both his strength and speed were several grades faster than before. At this time, he was as flexible as the wolf king, his eyes exuded quiet blue light, and his limbs were weapons of mass destruction. With great strength, he could be either dead or disabled as long as he was swept.

"Ow..." Illich couldn't attack for a long time. Xiao Xuan was just a hand. His slow movement was like taking the best boxing skills. Every time he ran, it was estimated that he properly resolved his attack. Especially at Xiao Xuan's feet, he was as light as walking in front of the court. Every step was at the birth gate.

Illich's several attacks were easily resolved, and he was out of breath. Under a howl, he suddenly jumped up, his limbs made a bear hug, and the big mouth of the blood basin opened and directly bit Xiao Xuan's neck!

Animals bite instinctively. Wolves have sharp teeth. The tearing ability and biting force of wolf teeth are dozens of times that of humans!

Obviously, Illich already knows the gap with Xiao Xuan. He uses the game of burning jade and stone and hurting both sides!

"My grass, I want to eat people!"

The gunner just said, pulled out a modified pistol, and made a gesture to help, aim and shoot. It was called a one-off. I saw a red laser shoot out of the pistol, melt any high temperature with scorching heat, and shoot at Illich's head!

Xiao Xuan felt the sudden heat behind him and jumped up quickly. At the same time, he kicked Illich open. This high-temperature laser line directly hit Illich's mouth. A burst of common smell during barbecue spread. Illich made a huge cry, and the whole person was even more crazy.

"I know you mean well, but I don't like people touching my prey!" Xiao Xuan said. At the same time, his feet had bypassed Illich's back, wrapped an arm around Illich's neck, turned his head and said faintly to the gunner.

The gunner used the latest high-temperature laser gun. The spray temperature could melt the diamond in a moment, but there was only a green smoke on Illich, causing a little damage. In addition, Xiao Xuan is so old that the gunner has a red face.

While talking, Xiao Xuan's arm strength suddenly increased, and Illich's huge body writhed and writhed, like a dying struggle, but under the suppression of Xiao Xuan, everything seemed futile.

Ka... Xiao Xuan broke Illich's neck and pulled it hard, but he couldn't pull the head down. He was a little angry. He kicked his foot and kicked his body out directly. In this action, his big hand held the head tightly, and finally pulled the head down under this great force!

The blood was like the fountain valve in the park was suddenly opened. A large amount of blood splashed suddenly, but Xiao Xuan ignored it. He let the blood spill all over him and stubbornly pulled off his head.

In the whole action of taking his head, Xiao Xuan's face was very calm. It seemed that he was like a pork man chopping a pig's head on the pork stall in the vegetable market. There was no superfluous expression!

"You say, is he still human? How do I feel? When he killed, he was too..." the gunner looked at Xiao Xuan's abnormal action, swallowed his saliva hard, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Shut up!" Quan Feng scolded the gunner, endured the discomfort of the injury and limped to Xiao Xuan.

The sun had slightly exposed half of his head, and the sun was half changing. Xiao Xuan stood in the wind, holding four heads in his hands and covered with blood stains. He saw him casually wipe the blood stain on his face, and then slowly looked at the coming boxing style.

"Xiao... Lord ghost king, thank you so much today. If you didn't fight for justice, our team would have fallen here. I will report to the leader..." fist Feng opened his mouth and said politely, but saw Xiao Xuan wave his hand.

"You don't have to flatter. I didn't help you! You can report to Longtou as you like!" Xiao Xuan said with a grin.

The cool breeze in the morning was blowing slowly. The strong smell of blood on Xiao Xuan's body was blowing into his nostrils along the wind, and there was a thick cold sweat on his forehead.

"Nothing else, what should you do! Tell the old man at the dragon head, don't forget the deal with me!" Xiao Xuan muttered, carrying four heads and walked to the SUV from Illich.

The gunner had an unspeakable admiration for Xiao Xuan. He opened his mouth and asked, "where are you going? Do you know the way? I'm familiar with tsarist Russia, and I can lead the way!"

Xiao Xuan looked at the gunner like a psycho and hummed, "I'm more familiar with tsarist Russia than you!"

After that, the car left only a string of exhaust and roared away.

Under the rising sun, there seems to be nothing to prove that there has been such a fight here except the dark red left by the blood swallowed by the dry and cracked soil!

The gunner's "flattery" failed. His embarrassed old face blushed and muttered, "he must have gone to kill the door. It's so enjoyable! I just like this kind of happiness and hatred! Do you think he knew about his father-in-law's family? Otherwise, Illich wouldn't be in a hurry if he said that?"

"Gunner, are you too much of him? You've lost our secret service men!" the boxer glanced at the gunner and asked the other brothers to leave.

The gunner didn't feel ashamed and kept muttering, "I like Xiao Xuan's Sao Bao, but it's disgusting! I want to learn from him. When I go back, I'll change the code to a shaver! I'll shave his head if I don't like anyone in the future!"


Xiao Xuan drove all the way. In addition to making a few phone calls on the way, the car drove like a rocket and directly into tsarist Russia.

Khabarovsk city is a junction City, where Chinese can be seen everywhere.

As Xiao Xuan said, he was very familiar with tsarist Russia. After a few rounds in Khabarovsk City, the car stopped in a slum. It seemed that there was an old man with a beard in casual clothes waiting here. When he saw Xiao Xuan's car stop, he came over.

After a brown paper envelope was thrown into Xiao Xuan's car, the bearded old man turned and left without even saying a word.

Xiao Xuan opened the envelope and pulled out a stack of banknotes and a map. The corner of his mouth bent and the car roared out again!

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