When Yuan Wuji entered the door, he asked in Russian: "who is Romanov?"

Before, there was a language barrier. Suddenly, a man who could speak tsarist Russian came. Romanov subconsciously said, "I am!"

Before the words fell, Yuan Wuji killed him from the bayonet night guard. The dagger in his hand flashed a light in the air and rushed towards Romanov.

"My grass, you can grab food with a few bird words?" Sun Shilin spat and stamped his foot to kill Romanov.

The two people made the killing like looting, one more excited than the other.

The two leaders were so crazy that it was self-evident that the following people looked at each other in black and white bayonets. With a sense of comparison, they screamed and jumped at Romanov's horses.

Romanov's scalp was numb. He looked at the fierce men who looked like wolf cubs coming down the mountain to see their prey, and his mind was confused.

Who the hell is it? What are you doing? Is it from the Liu family? But if the Liu family wants to have this ability, can they let him buckle the goods for so long?

Romanov's eyes were sharp. He opened his mouth and just wanted to say something, but he was hit in the mouth by a heavy punch that Yuan Wuji happened to chase. Several teeth fell off on the spot, and a mouthful of blood gushed out, which made him cry out in pain!

"Who the hell are you? Dare..." Romanov just said, and sun Shilin hit again! In the middle of the bridge of the nose, the fragile bridge of the nose bone was broken on the spot, and another stream of blood gushed out

Several Romanov's horses saw the boss's tragedy and wanted to come up to help, but they were blocked by several brothers in the dark night. The blades crossed their necks. They didn't have time to help the boss out. They only had time to feel the coming of death!

It's the first time that the wind blows and the dark night and bayonet appear in Nanhai City, but they are fierce enough for any force to fear. If you don't do it, you'll kill if you move!

In just ten minutes, all 70 Romanov's horses fell to the ground and couldn't stand up. At everyone's neck artery, there was a deep bone visible dagger scratch. The blood was like cheap tap water in the tap, gurgling all over the ground

In terms of skill, this team may not be the ultimate, but this team is born to kill people. It's so fierce that people can only think of madness!

When sun Shilin and Yuan Wuji dragged Romanov out of the building, the brothers of the dark night and bayonet guard also dispersed one after another. As for the dozens of corpses that suddenly appeared in the building, it was completely out of their consideration!


Such scenes were constantly staged in Khabarovsk city during this day. At about 10 p.m., the police had received three alarms about major murders. The important thing is that the dead at each murder scene are less than dozens of people, more than hundreds of people! As soon as I walked into the scene, it was like walking into a slaughterhouse.

As police officers, they soon thought of gang vendetta, and even they investigated that the matter had something to do with Romanov, but when they were about to take action, they were severely ordered by the military

The reason is exquisite!


At this time, in bragovishensk, Amur state, the familiar black SUV staggered and stopped on the Bank of Amur River. At this time, when the lights are on, the whole city is dazzling under the wonderful lights. The beautiful Amur River is more like the mystery and shocking beauty covered with night veil.

In front of the gate of the largest and most flamboyant castle building on the Amur River, several guard like guys looked at the SUV and seemed to be puzzled one after another.

Yes, they all know the car. It's the car of his Highness Prince Illich. But the moon stone of Prince Illich has been broken, and the news of his death has spread all over the castle

At this time, a Chinese faced man with blood all over jumped out of the car. He came step by step with four busy heads in his hand!

"Come on, come on, report! Alert!"

"There are strong enemies coming..."


These guards were frightened by Xiao Xuan's ferocity, but they still reacted quickly. They quickly pulled down the switch, started the high-voltage power grid, and took up machine guns to aim at Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan grinned at the corners of his mouth, holding four heads in his hands. He moved very slowly, but very fast. Every step seemed to move across a space.

The purple golden fruit that melted the ghost face Gu is really a great tonic! There has been a qualitative change in all aspects of the body. This feeling full of power is really beautiful.

Xiao Xuan muttered. In the blink of an eye, people had reached the door of the huge iron gate.

The kV high-voltage power grid has been started at the door. If you really touch it, you can burn a piece of black carbon on the spot.

Xiao Xuan sneered. He stamped his feet in place and jumped up five or six meters high. His body was as flexible as a wild goose in the air. When he fell again, he had reached the door!

"Who are you? You..." the guard just said with a gun in his hand. A deadly hand had cut his neck and twisted off his head. The action was crisp and neat, as if it had been practiced countless times.

In the bloody scene, Xiao Xuan had another head in his hand! This completely stunned the other guards!

Where is this madman from? What the hell are you doing? Where did anyone rush up and twist people's heads without saying a word?

But no one answered them! Xiao Xuan was like a ghost from hell. He stepped on the rhythm of soul harvesting and killing, reaping his life one by one!

There was no expression on his face. There was a smile like radian on the corner of his mouth. His eyes were scarlet, just like the demon king who was stunned. Harvesting human life was like his mission!

Kill one person step by step. More than ten guards at the door were killed. The rest were frightened, threw down their weapons and ran away.

Xiao Xuan did not pursue, but walked towards the castle!

When the heavy gate was pushed open, there was a sense of forest coming. In such a large ancient castle, there was no light on!

Although there is no lamp, it is not dark inside. The soft moonlight came in from nowhere, trapping the castle in a mysterious dark light.

This seemingly 18th century castle building is very different. There are many small windows on its walls. No matter where the moonlight rises, the moonlight will penetrate through the small windows at any angle.

The hall is big, big, big enough to make people feel deep! All the small windows have a huge glass curtain wall. Through the refraction of the glass curtain wall, the moonlight will fall on a dark corner in the northeast corner of the hall.

In this corner, there was a huge stone table against the wall, covered with a shiny black cloth. Under the huge wolf head relief on the wall, people can't help but think of a question, what's on the stone table.

At this time, more than ten werewolves stood by the stone table, looking at Xiao Xuan who pushed open the hall door.

Xiao Xuan had already carried more than ten heads in his hand. For convenience, he found a wire from nowhere, strung them together and dragged them under his feet, just like a string of sugar gourd!

He walked forward step by step. His head rubbed against the floor, making bursts of strange friction sounds. His blood rubbed the ground. It looked particularly frightening under the moonlight in the small window.

"The Illich werewolf family is very powerful, and the king's ghost amulet makes you want it too?" Xiao Xuan suddenly opened his mouth and added a dry and cracked lip to his scarlet tongue. His eyes seemed to twinkle with excitement.

"Lord ghost king, I've heard for a long time that you like to copy the family and destroy the family. Is this going to attack our ilrich family? The secret of the ghost talisman, any different people, organizations and large families all over the world want it. Why can't my werewolf family want it? If you want to attack us, you'll come alone. I'm afraid you underestimate our ilrich family." A middle-aged man standing at the stone table glanced at the head in Xiao Xuan's hand, his face was iron blue..

The middle-aged man spoke fluent Chinese and combed his hair meticulously. It was hard to hide his murderous spirit on the face of a standard foreign handsome uncle.

"Hehe, good. I'm trying to help you. Since you want the ghost talisman, come and get it! If I die, the ghost talisman belongs to your ilrich werewolf family! Of course, I live, Gaga... Your end..." Xiao Xuan said with a ferocious smile.

When Xiao Xuan said that I was dead and the ghost talisman belonged to you, a faint light of greed flashed in the eyes of several other werewolves beside the stone table.

Greed is the source of all evil. It will make people forget their nature, good and evil, their duty and become the slavery of the devil!

"If Lord ghost king is willing to lend us the ghost talisman for ten years, I'm willing to turn fighting into friendship with you. Otherwise, at present, I can only live forever. My favorite son died in your hands, such a big revenge..." the middle-aged man said, and his words became very cold. Obviously, His hatred for Xiao Xuan was too strong to hide.

Xiao Xuan suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, "the things that miss me are damn! It's really a first-class crime to die unrepentant and attempt revenge!" in the tone of his words, Xiao Xuan seemed to be a high king. Monarchy should not be offended or provoked.

At this time, Xiao Xuan was quite different from the little man who quarreled with Su Mei by the roadside. At this time, he was arrogant and everyone was full of ants. Only he was the momentum of the true God, which was enough to make countless fart people kneel down and surrender!

In his words, Xiao Xuan was like a violent man, and filled a group of werewolves beside the stone table very quickly!

Obviously, these old things beside the stone table are the most powerful existence of the Illich werewolf family. While Xiao Xuan rushed over, they tacitly stood out of the position of the seven wolf star moon array without any communication. tqR1

With a few howls, they changed under the moon. Obviously, they already knew Xiao Xuan's strength. As soon as they came up, they used the transformation attack!

Seven or eight werewolves changed at the same time under the moon. Originally, foreign men with a bit of luxury and handsome in their tall and powerful became huge, bulky and detestable werewolves!

That scene is like the horror film of European and American Werewolf series.

Xiao Xuan's action was very fast. In the blink of an eye, he came among the werewolves. The "head gourd" in his hand suddenly became his weapon!

At this time, the scene can be mended by itself. A group of vicious werewolves are eyeing. The wolf claws are extremely sharp and ready to give Xiao Xuan a fatal blow at any time.

And Xiao Xuan was carrying a wire strung with gourds in his hand, whirring around as a whip!

Brain and blood in the head, with his violent movements, there was a "brain rain" in the house!

Xiao Xuan's face was full of abnormal pleasure with a fresh way of playing, but the werewolves wanted to crack their eyes and wanted to tear Xiao Xuan up.

This is a dead pervert!

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