Zhao Sixi has a kind of almost blind trust and worship for Xiao Xuan. He always remembers that without Xiao Xuan, there would be no Zhao Sixi. Xiao Xuan just asked him to jump into the fire pit, and he recognized it!

Of course, in fact, Xiao Xuan never let him jump over the fire pit.

Although for a time, he could not understand why Xiao Xuan let him recognize his adoptive father, with his ingenuity, he would only cooperate with Xiao Xuan and do it first.

The northern emperor touched the sparse beard on his chin, looked at Zhao Sixi, seemed to meditate for a moment, and then said, "OK! If you resist the attack of the Taoist priest, I'll take Zhao Sixi as an adopted son! I won't investigate today's matter!"

As soon as he said this, Zhao Sixi was stunned. Isn't NIMA serious? Now women are popular to be near Godfather. Does Xiao Xuan really want to give him a godfather?

Xiao Xuan smiled and said calmly, "four Xi, thank you for your favor?"

Zhao Sixi was about to salute, but he heard the northern emperor say, "Dao crazy bully has been seriously injured this morning. If I guess correctly, Taoist priest will give you a big gift to Xiaocheng guard this afternoon! If you can accept this gift, salute again! I will tell the underground city to accept Zhao Sixi as a righteous son!"

Dao crazy bully has been seriously injured?! Or this morning! Xiao Xuan's eyelids jumped slightly. The old guy's intelligence network was amazing!

Buddha is afraid that he has been defeated! I'm afraid the underground city in the province will be in chaos soon. It's not easy for Nanhai city to be good alone! I'm afraid the old fox knew the news long ago and deliberately delayed it!

"Thank you for your advice!" Xiao Xuan said with a smile, looking still indifferent. In my heart, I had to plan to return to the South China Sea quickly.

"Hehe, you don't need to thank me. I'm afraid you've already made arrangements. I'm just talkative. With the old Taoist's character of being a good man, you take Qingmeng and he will take your hometown! Don't underestimate his strength. In addition to Jiansheng, if he doesn't have a card next to him, he can't be a big man in the Central Plains!" the northern emperor said with a smile at this time. tqR1

"Don't bother me! When the matter is over, come to see the emperor with Sixi!" Xiao Xuan heard the meaning of the suggestion in the old fox's mouth, frowned slightly and said politely.

After that, he gave Zhao Sixi a look in the eyes. Zhao Sixi was busy polite.

The northern emperor waved his hand and coughed softly. He saw a man in black walking outside, gesturing to Xiao Xuan and Zhao Sixi to take them away!

As soon as they walked on their front feet, a blind man with white hair and beard came out behind the screen in the hall. He was thin and wrinkled like a dried orange peel, but there was a strange aura around him. It was the feeling that he could go under the overpass with a pestle.

"Yun fan, what do you think?" when the northern emperor saw the old man, he put down his identity and came forward to help him.

But I heard the old man say, "the man named Xiao Xuan is a character with careful mind, wide thinking and superior vision. Although Zhao Sixi is young, he is smart and agile. What's important is that his destiny is noble!" the old blind man with divine stick temperament all over has an elegant name.

"Well, Xiao Xuan is really amazing. I think he not only touched my personal preferences when he came back, but also the disadvantages and worries of our Beihuang forces. Otherwise, he would not put forward the idea of taking Zhao Sixi as his adopted son to resolve today's affairs!"

The northern emperor is so smart that he can't see through Xiao Xuan.

"If my eldest brother Yunye is still there..."

"Yes, if Yunye is still there, I will kill Xiao Xuan today!" the northern emperor sighed lightly.

"But for one thing, although Xiao Xuan's mind is very crafty, he is definitely not a crafty man! If he is sincere, the emperor might as well accept Zhao Sixi as an adopted son!"

"Let's sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight! See how they fight with the old Taoist!"


Zhao Sixi and Xiao Xuan went out of Beihuang's house and couldn't wait to ask, "brother, which song is the last? How can he become my godfather! Although I love the country, I can't contribute my chrysanthemums. People said that people in the royal family loved to raise a male pet..."

Xiao Xuanbai glanced at Zhao Sixi and said, "do you think too much about him? Just your remnant chrysanthemum. No one wants to give it! You can steal joy when he is the godfather of the northern emperor! Maybe when he dies one day, the three northeastern provinces will really become your world!"

Zhao Sixi touched his nose and didn't answer. He just looked at Xiao Xuan and listened carefully.

Xiao Xuan sighed. From the perspective of the overall situation, Zhao Sixi always couldn't catch up with his expectations and said, "think about the life track of the northern emperor, and then look at the shape of the northern emperor and the divine gun Gao today. It's not difficult to think that the northern emperor is old and no longer powerful! His hands are like the divine gun Gao and the three tigers. Who knows what calculations he is making now?"

Zhao Sixi thought about it and said, "you mean like the ancient emperor, the emperor is old, but which son is the prince has not been decided yet? The northern emperor is afraid of losing his old age? He is already working on this matter? But is it so mysterious? Is it elder brother? You think too much!"

Xiao Xuan smiled gently and said, "no other forces will have such a situation. However, unlike the three northeastern provinces, this is the birthplace of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and even the legacy of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. The northern emperor ascended the position of the leader of the three provinces at the age of 23.

Although the fighting continued in the following years, the northern emperor completely consolidated his position with iron and blood. With the help of three tigers and one shot. But those so-called Manchu and Qing leftover forces will still only support the northern emperor! Even the descendants appointed by the northern emperor! Whoever wants to sit on the underground tap of the three northeastern provinces without bloodshed must get the consent of the northern emperor. Or maybe the northern emperor ordered a meteorite, and future generations are uncertain. It's bloody. "

After hearing Xiao Xuan's explanation, Zhao Sixi understood a little, and then said, "you mean, if the northern emperor really takes me as his adopted son, someone will jump out! Whoever jumps the most fiercely will be cleaned up? And at that time, we will be a family. The northern emperor can use you as an expert to do something for him?"

Xiao Xuan nodded and said, "that's right! Otherwise, with his friendship with shengun Gao, how could he easily promise us reconciliation after I interrupted shengun Gao's hands."

"Shit, is this old thing too cunning?" Zhao Sixi scolded.

"He is seventy years old and has not lived for a few years. What he wants is stability. And he needs fame for his identity! He will never allow reputation stains to make future generations say he is incompetent and will not protect his old age! His subordinates are too anxious." Xiao Xuan can understand the northern emperor very well!

Zhao Sixi didn't speak, but after a long time, he said, "brother, how can you know so much?"

"You should learn to think and solve problems with the superior's thinking. You are smart enough. Observing words and colors is your strength, but you should learn to combine what you see and hear with your eyes and ears and solve problems with wisdom. If you instinctively put yourself in the superior, you will naturally think about what the northern emperor wants and fears. What the Taoist priest wants and fears "Synthesize the information you get, what do they have! Naturally, you will know how to deal with them!"

Xiao Xuan's words have been very heartfelt. He hopes that Zhao Sixi can grow faster, so that he can completely get rid of the underground city.

When the two men rushed to the airport again, Xiao Xuan received a call from Huang Shijie, in which Huang Shijie thanked them for their kindness.

Zhao Sixi only listened to the voice from Xiao Xuan's mobile phone receiver: "thank you for your care. After I joined up with my brother of bayonet guard, I completely eliminated the Qingmen underground city last night! Now there is only one underground boxing ring left, and several boxing experts can't win it at a time. Mr. Sun has gone in person! Everything else has been done!"

The corner of Xiao Xuan's mouth bent. Fang Shiping's work is very reliable. Huang Shijie is also good. He is a smart man, so he said: "very good. I'll leave the matter of Qingmeng to you in the future. I just have two requirements. The underground city can't be chaotic and the Liu family can't have trouble!"

Although Huang Shijie had guessed that Xiao Xuan wanted Qingmeng under his management, he couldn't hide his excitement when he heard Xiao XuanZhen say so.

His voice trembled slightly and said, "don't worry, master Xuan! Mr. Sun has said that in the future, our flying car party will be the flying eagle team of Xiaocheng guard! I will do what master Xuan told me!"

After Xiao Xuan hung up the phone, he thought about paying for a moment, dialed Liu Bingzhou and said, "uncle Liu, Qingmeng's underground city belongs to Xiao city guard, which I have to do. I hope the Liu family don't have a grudge. I'm just for Liu Tao!"

Liu Bingzhou had long heard sun Shilin's analysis of Xiao Xuan. He could only say that he was very satisfied with picking up such a son-in-law. Where else could there be any complaints? He said on the phone: "it's too much to say, family, don't say such polite words!"

After Xiao Xuan hung up the phone, he only heard Zhao Sixi mutter, "brother, there are so many father-in-law and so many women. If you just wipe their ass in the future, you can be busy with shit! How can you run around the world!"

Xiao Xuan hung up the phone and said, "Zhao Sixi, from now on, you remember for me that it's your ideal to cross the underground city. You need to work hard to complete it! That's not my business. My pursuit is my wife and son's hot Kang, okay?"

"I'm so stingy. I'm kidding. You're serious! Besides, you can speak so justifiably about the pursuit without pursuit. It's a model of playing with things and losing heart! If I have your ability, I'll conquer China first and then the world..."

"If you force me again, I'll let you kneel down and sing a hundred times!"


Xiao XuanZhen has no way to deal with Zhao Sixi. It's like a little naughty. The key is naughty. It's not annoying. There's really no way!

As soon as they had a few words, Xiao Xuan's mobile phone rang again. Only yuan Wuji's voice sounded on the phone and said, "brother Xuan, the situation in the South China Sea is not very good, as well as the Buddha, knife crazy bully and wusheng in the provincial capital. They all came to ODI! If you don't come back, I can't be the Lord!"

"What? What did the three old people do to Odie?" Xiao Xuan raised his eyebrows.

"At the beginning, Odie had an order. Odie didn't ask about Jianghu affairs. It was a guest and no trouble! They are now staying as guests. When I know..." Yuan Wuji smiled bitterly.

Before he finished, Xiao Xuan understood yuan Wuji's meaning. Good guy, do you think Odie is a safe haven? Is this him? It's getting more and more chaotic

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