Cang Baihe was once famous in the Chinese martial arts circle, but he was notorious.

It is said that he is cruel and bloody. Not many people learn from he men, only from Zhongnan mountain.

Zhongnan mountain is a place where people practice enlightenment and are obsessed with martial arts. It's more mysterious to learn from sects than to inherit from aristocratic families. It's not enough for outsiders.

No one knows where Cang Baihe came from, but after he committed heinous crimes in those years, someone known as his school came out to announce that he was expelled and vowed to pursue him all his life. He could not vent the people's anger unless he was killed.

But the white crane is also a genius of Tianzong. It not only breaks through the martial arts early, but also is deceitful and black. Many forces chased him and fought countless small battles. He always let him escape and prolong his life.

It is said that before entering the congenital territory, the white crane used to be a special service magic soldier, and the one pistol method is also superb.

But once the way of martial arts breaks through the innate, the five senses of power perception will change qualitatively. Such experts disdain the power of hot weapons.

It's just like this. When he found out that the attacker was a congenital expert, Xiao Xuancai thought of the black crane for the first time because of the shooting, the expert he knew well but never met!

At this time, Cang Baihe fist came with the power to split Huashan Mountain. In the blink of an eye, he drew his fist as a claw and suddenly attacked Xiao Xuan's chest. With the posture of tiger claws taking out his heart, Xiao Xuan suddenly changed color and retreated quickly.

But in this narrow space, I can't retreat, but I can't go anywhere!

In the eyes of the white crane, there was a ferocious flash. Before and after the breakthrough, the difference between heaven and earth can be described as heaven and earth. Only when you reach the congenital state, you will understand that even if it is the state of perfection the day after tomorrow, you will have to break through at the door, which is also the difference between heaven and earth.

Even if Xiao Xuan had the samsara Sutra and his art was higher than people, this fact could not be changed. In this way, at Xiao Xuan's speed, you can throw the guy who is the perfect state the day after tomorrow into 80 streets. The movement track can only capture the virtual shadow with the naked eye, but for the Cang and white crane, it is as vivid as before.

Seeing that this heart pulling claw was about to break Xiao Xuan's chest, he could even feel the sharpness of his boxing style. He swung a series of substantial air waves in the air, layer by layer, first, as if he was going to wear through his clothes and directly cut his flesh and skin!

Xiao Xuan's face was dignified and his arms stood up, as if trying to block the fierce blow with a "cross iron arm".

"Mantis gets in the way!" the white crane burst into a drink, and the momentum soared another three points.

The fist of the white crane was like an empty shadow and an essence. It was constantly enlarged in Xiao Xuan's eyes. After a loud bang, Xiao Xuan was like a kite with a broken line. He flew backwards and crashed into the wall and fell to the ground again!

Su Mei could see clearly in the kitchen. Xiao Xuan's mouth spewed out a mouthful of thick blood, slid down the wall and collapsed on the ground. She could vaguely see that his chest collapsed.

Somehow, her tears burst into her eyes at this moment, and her heart seemed to tear. She was suddenly really afraid that the man would be knocked down and never get up again!

But she didn't dare and couldn't go out. She knew that her going out would only become a burden to Xiao Xuan and distract Xiao Xuan.

A little surprise flashed across the white crane's face, and then it became surprise. Xiao xuanming made a defensive block, but at the last critical moment, he chose hard resistance!

What he didn't expect was that his five fingers, like steel drill, didn't insert into Xiao Xuan's chest!

The skin and flesh of Xiao Xuan's chest is like a hard marble. Oh, no, the marble will be crushed under his grasp. It should be said that Xiao Xuan's chest muscle is like the hardest diamond.

From his eyesight, he naturally knew that Xiao Xuan was lucky to resist, but although he blocked the bloody heart, he still didn't resist the bone fragmentation under Juli.

But even so, it was enough for him to be surprised. Xiao Xuan had a gap with him in the realm. The gap would kill anyone else like a fly, but Xiao Xuan didn't!

Xiao Xuan groaned stiffly, leaned against the wall and stood up. He wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth and grinned to reveal his dark teeth. The white teeth were stained with blood, which looked extraordinarily seeping under the light!

At this time, the White Crane put away his contempt and became congenital. He was particularly sensitive to the momentum. He could feel the strong killing intention of Xiao Xuan at this time, such as beast, God and hell devil. Unyielding and cowardly, it is the spirit of the warrior.

"It's just congenital. No wonder you've been silent for 20 years, and your internal injury hasn't recovered!" Xiao Xuan unexpectedly bent his mouth and smiled.

The white crane's face changed greatly, and he was very angry. He said, "you know I was injured twenty years ago? What's the relationship between you and my senior brother?"

Xiao Xuan thought and said truthfully, "it doesn't matter!"

"Have you seen him? Where is he?" the white crane frowned, his tone of excitement mixed with a few threads of imperceptible fear.

"Dead!" said Xiao Xuan lightly.

But when he said this, Xiao Xuan couldn't help thinking of the Chinese old man who was a mercenary with him. He was 60, but he looked like a middle-aged man of 40. Xiao Xuan still remembered his gloomy eyes when he was decadent and wanted to die. He still remembered all kinds of things that the old man taught him some pithy formulas and mental skills and passed on the reincarnation Sutra to him before he died.

It can even be said that Xiao Xuan's killing the king and seizing the throne also has a great relationship with this mysterious old man.

Xiao Xuan never called him master, and he never said he would accept Xiao Xuan as an apprentice. Or later, Xiao Xuan regarded him as a master from his heart, but in name, it was not. There was no worship ceremony. Even Xiao Xuan didn't know what school he studied. Even more, he didn't even know his real name. He only knew that his name was fengqingyang.

Iron mercenaries, survival is the pursuit, no one will say their real names, and even no one will care about other people's real names! So is Xiao Xuan!

Only from the little words that the old man occasionally read, Xiao Xuan knew that he was Chinese. Their sect pursued Taoism, but there were only two people left in their generation, including junior brother. The old man's goal is to catch the younger martial brother, give an account to the ancestors of the teachers, and give an account to the Chinese government and the martial arts world.

Feng Qingyang guessed that his younger martial brother might be abroad. He didn't hesitate to be a mercenary. He heard about the ghost King's power and even suspected that the ghost king was his younger martial brother, but finally demonstrated that it was not the case.

My life was ruined by my younger martial brother Cang Baihe! He is too obsessed with the sin of the white crane. He is not good at dealing with him as a senior brother.

Xiao Xuan thought that if Cang Baihe hadn't rebelled against the school and committed the heinous crimes of rape and murder of 50 women and selling state secrets, if Feng Qingyang hadn't been too persistent in the great interests of his family and country and couldn't break it all the time, and forced his younger martial brother's sin on himself, it would be difficult for him to surrender his demons, then his achievements would be incalculable!

It's just martial arts. Martial arts is just a means. In the final analysis, it's the Tao! The wind is clear, but you can't break your obsession. You just can't understand, don't understand, and ask for death. You can only move towards depression and can't extricate yourself

Xiao Xuan fell into memory for a moment. After hearing the beautiful news of his death, the white crane was silent for a moment.

"In this life, I hurt him, and he hurt me! You are his descendant. I won't kill you, hand over the reincarnation Sutra, and I'll spare you from death!" the white crane unexpectedly put away its cruel and murderous nature and said in a deep voice.

Xiao Xuan shook his head and said lightly, "you have spared me, but I can't spare you. No one can break my bones and leave unharmed! Besides, he is not my master and is also my friend. Today, I will collect your bones for him and let him rest in peace! But with what you just said, I think he will promise to give you a whole body!"

Cang Baihe didn't expect Xiao Xuan to say such words, and his nose was crooked in an instant. He hasn't seen any guy in the perfect world the day after tomorrow who can talk to congenital experts like this.

"Boy, you want to die!? if you want to die, I will satisfy you!" the white crane became angry with shame. The whole person suddenly exuded a violent aura. His aura was like condensation, and he would be hanged if he approached.

It was Xiao Xuan. Although several sternum were broken and there was a cold sweat on the forehead, the whole person was calm. The momentum of the whole body was also very calm, and there was no killing intention at all.

Pale crane raised his hand, and Chiba Bagua's gesture was quite like a martial arts master, but Xiao Xuan snorted coldly: "you don't need tricks to kill! You don't need to pretend to be a master..."

Before the words fell, his whole person suddenly seemed to be submerged into the void. Suddenly, he broke out of the limit speed. In the blink of an eye, he jumped out of more than ten meters. Without any moves, he hit the white crane with a straight fist.

Cang Baihe sneered. He had been abroad for many years and changed his name. Then he had many opportunities to communicate with many martial arts masters.

Just like the Bagua hand he used at this time, it is the housekeeping skill of the Bagua martial arts master. He has made cultivation and is powerful! Moreover, with his inner strength after he entered the first day, it was like a tiger adding wings... Can a small family like Xiao Xuan understand the power?

But Xiao xuangen didn't care. It was such a naked and straightforward fist. There was no pattern. The fist style had no power, and the track could be identified by the naked eye!

Cang Baihe sneered and raised his hand to prepare a counterattack, but was shocked to find that Xiao Xuan's fist suddenly disappeared when it was half a meter away from his chest. Even Xiao Xuan suddenly disappeared out of thin air... Yes, it disappeared out of thin air. Cang Baihe looked around and didn't see Xiao Xuan

When the fist appeared again, it had penetrated his sternum. Looking at the bloody hole in his chest, it happened to hit his Tanzhong point, penetrated the Tanzhong point and broke his sternum!

"Twenty years ago, your internal injury was not healed, and the hole in the sandalwood was not smooth. It was a dead hole!" Xiao Xuan's voice was dark, not with the slightest human touch, but also with the indifference of knowing all the prophets long ago. tqR1

The white crane felt the sharp pain from the explosion of his chest and the insensitivity of the slow passage of life. His face was full of incredible surprise,

He couldn't figure out how Xiao Xuan finally disappeared out of thin air. But when he thought of it, his life had come to an end. He only heard his intermittent last sentence: "you not only got the reincarnation Sutra, but also got the holy, holy things?"

Before the words fell, he collapsed to the ground, and his breath gradually disappeared

Xiao Xuan didn't answer him and couldn't answer him. If he hadn't felt his breath when he was punched by the Cang white crane, if he hadn't remembered that Feng Qingyang said that the Cang white crane was chased by him, seriously injured and ran away, if he hadn't finally forcibly used something that shouldn't have been able to bear the consequences for the time being... It was him who fell at this time!

Seeing that the pale crane was dead, Su Mei ran out of the kitchen and said, "are you okay?" as soon as she got out, she saw Xiao Xuan soft and fell to the ground, covered with blood. She didn't know whether it was the enemy's or Xiao Xuan's, and she was instantly scared out of color

"Xiao Xuan!!! Xiao Xuan!!! Stop acting. I'm really angry if you pretend again!" Su Mei shook Xiao Xuan's body.

But Xiao Xuan didn't get up again to amuse her like a magic trick as before.

Su Mei was really worried. The big tears fell down

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