Xiao Xuan came out of the ward alive and kicking, but he half killed his brother outside the door. Yesterday, the doctor said that three sternum were broken! Can you walk down today?

However, they didn't dare to ask after they were killed. They just looked up at Xiao Xuan with respect and asked, "master Xuan, do you have any orders?"

"Just two people to go out with me!" Xiao Xuan waved his hand casually and walked outside the inpatient building. Fortunately, sun Manyu and Bai Yujiao are not at the door, otherwise he can't leave the hospital so easily.

As soon as Dong Dahai and Dong Dashan got out of the hospital, they got into a taxi. Both of them were in a hurry and looked alert.

Xiao Xuan glanced at his brother from a distance and said, "go drive and keep up with the taxi!"

Half an hour later, Xiao Xuan was almost asleep in the car. Dong Dahai and Dong Dashan, their grandsons, were like taking stimulants to visit mountains and rivers. They forced taxis to wander around the city for more than half an hour.

"Master Xuan, they stopped!" shouted the driving brother.

Xiao Xuan opened his eyes vaguely and looked at the parking position of the taxi. It happened to be a narrow alley. It was impossible to open to traffic, and it was still a straight lane. Even if people followed, they would be found every minute.

"Which street does this alley lead to?" Xiao Xuan asked.

"Master Xuan, it's a dead alley! It's full of old miscellaneous yards. Now most of them are abandoned. They said they would be demolished a few years ago, but later they seemed to say they didn't demolish it because the funds were not in place! I also heard..."

"I see. You two go back first!" Xiao Xuan said and got out of the car!

"...." the two brothers looked at each other, but they didn't dare to go. Xiao Xuan was injured and was admitted to the hospital. If something goes wrong today, do they want their heads? Although staying may not help, it can at least tell the news!

Xiao Xuan did not care about the two people. He walked to the alley and looked in at the entrance of the alley, but found that there was no one!

"A little interesting!" Xiao Xuan touched his chin and muttered, raising his feet and walking in!

As the brother driving said, this is an abandoned old courtyard. No one has lived here for a long time.

When Xiao Xuan came to the third gate, he saw Dong Dahai and Dong Dashan suddenly jump out of the door. Dong Dashan's big fist almost suddenly attacked Xiao Xuan's chest with a Yin wind

"Stop!" Dong Dahai saw that it was Xiao Xuan. He howled and sighed. His pale face also recovered a little blood color.

Dong Dashan couldn't close his fist, turned in the air, took a slight wrong step at his feet, forcibly deviated half a foot, and smashed his fist against the bluestone brick wall behind Xiao Xuan. tqR1

With a loud bang, the hard bluestone brick wall was forcibly smashed into a hole by Dong Dashan's fist. The spider web like crack climbed on the wall, and finally half of the wall collapsed

Xiao Xuan took a deep look at Dong Dashan. Yuan Wuji's vision was a little wrong. Dong Dashan is not similar to the lion king. In terms of the control of power, this guy is a little better than the lion king!

"Master Xuan, how is it you?" Dong Dahai took a breath and said secretly. Fortunately, this fist didn't hit Xiao Xuan, or he would kill the God of wealth!

Xiao Xuan seemed to see through Dong Dahai's thoughts. The corners of his mouth turned up, smiled faintly, opened his mouth and said, "I said I came for a walk. Do you believe it?"

Dong Dahai said without thinking: "believe it! Nanhai city is Xiao city. Since it is Xiao city, you are the king. Your words are also true, not true! Both Buddhism and Taoism say saints, follow their words and do what they say and do as the rules. Master Xuan doesn't say he is coming for a walk. I believe it or not, that is to say excrement is delicious. I think there will be a large group of people rushing to eat it."

Xiao Xuan had to say that he liked Dong Dahai a little. The precipice had the potential of being shameless. In ancient times, it was a Qin Hui alive..

When it comes to Qin Hui, he is a treacherous minister, but he is definitely a wise man. Not a smart man, can't be a powerful minister!

Xiao Xuan likes smart people as well as straightforward people. Dong Dahai's horse is very straightforward, as if he is flattering for fear that others don't know.

Just then, Xiao Xuan's phone rang. As soon as he answered the phone, he heard Bai Yujiao's voice in the phone, "Xiao Xuan, where are you dead? Traceless just called and said that a group of experts sneaked into Nanhai city. I don't know what to do. Don't be unlucky and hit you. You still have injuries..."

Before his voice fell, Xiao Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "I may not be so lucky!"

Then he hung up the phone, turned to Dong Dahai and said, "if you don't give me a reasonable explanation now, I may strangle you now!"

Dong Dahai was stunned. He immediately reacted and said, "master Xuan has such a fast reaction speed and a Qiqiao and exquisite heart. In the twinkling of an eye, I'm afraid there are n kinds of ideas. But it has nothing to do with me. I came back to move... Who knows master Xuan will come with me!"

With that, Dong Dahai quickly pushed open the door of the compound, but he saw an old woman in her fifties and sixties, packing up and saluting. When he saw Dong Dahai, he said, "the sea, all packed up, let's go!"

"I know, mom, I'll say a few words to my friends and let's go!" Dong Dahai answered, looked at Xiao Xuan again, shrugged and said, "should master Xuan believe it?"

"It's interesting. You can know better than me when an expert enters Nanhai city!" Xiao Xuan touched his chin. He glanced at the old woman. His hands were powerless, and looked at Dong Dahai with worry and melancholy. It didn't look like fraud.

"These people have been chasing me for more than half of China. If it hadn't been for the quick wind, I would have hung up." Dong Dahai said.

"Because Lord Tao?"

"Yes, I planed the old man's ancestral grave!" Dong Dahai nodded with emphasis.

"Why? Digging people's ancestral graves is a taboo in the Jianghu! Not to mention the Taoist priest's old man who pays attention to and has good face, even ordinary people want to work hard for you." Xiao Xuan smiled and lit a cigarette and asked.

"Do you really want to know? Let's talk about it when I escape this disaster! Odina bird rules, no money, no accommodation, and can't take my mother over, otherwise I'll drink beer and talk with you for three days and nights!" Dong Dahai waved to Dong Dashan and motioned him to move his luggage.

Xiao Xuan smiled and said, "it's too late to go. I think you might as well talk to me!"

Dong Dahai was stunned, frowned, stretched out again, and said, "it must be too late. Just, if it's a big deal, I'll have another fight with those turtle sons. I'm not ashamed and guilty about it.

My brother, Dong Dashan, was the one. When he was raped on the road at night, he couldn't help but move his hand. Only when he did, did he know that it was the dry son of Taoist priest. His fist would be useless if he didn't die. The next day, Taoist priest took him to his hometown and almost didn't kill him... I managed to save him! I took him away all night.

However, the old man did harm to his family. He let someone catch my mother and force our two brothers to die... He was unkind first, so don't blame me for being cruel. To tell you the truth, I not only dug his ancestral grave, but also took the valuable burial with him, and poured two bottles of vinegar on his ancestral bones... "

"..." Xiao Xuan was dumbfounded when he heard two bottles of vinegar. NIMA is tantamount to frustrating his ancestors!

It's really great to be able to come to Nanhai city from a successful family!

"I am a rotten life. Whoever moves my mother, I will..." Dong Dahai was filled with righteous indignation and spattered with saliva.

Although this guy likes to run the train with his mouth full, Xiao Xuan can basically be sure that this guy is not lying. When Dong Dahai spoke just now, he glanced at Dong Dashan and the old woman. Their expressions and movements can't hide their anger.

If Dong Dahai's words are true, the goods are a man.

Xiao Xuan didn't say anything, but he heard a burst of angry scolding at the intersection: "you bastard, do the things that are not allowed by nature, and dare to say it to show off!"

Seven or eight strong men came in at the entrance of the alley, looking at Dong Dahai!

"You are very quick at these hairs, and there are many eyeliner in the Nanhai City," said Xuan Ye. "Stand aside and watch the war." the sea came out and killed these bastards! "Dong Dahai's heroic bastard", "he said with great dignity.

Just as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately took out the speed of the cunning rabbit out of the cage, jumped up to the yard and hid a long way

"..." Xiao Xuan almost couldn't resist being rude on the spot. NIMA is a wonderful flower!

However, Dong Dashan still stood out with no expression, step by step, rubbing his fist! Yes, the strong man coming face to face.

"Master Xuan, are you Xiao Xuan? Hahaha, it seems that this trip is worth it today. Brothers, go ahead, kill Xiao Xuan and catch Dong Dahai alive. Both of them are wonderful skills, enough to make us popular and spicy for the rest of our life..."

Xiao Xuan had to admit that his luck seemed really bad! Just listen to gossip and be beaten and killed

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