Xiao Xuan looked at the grass shaved sword in his hand and showed a thoughtful look. He didn't expect that all forces had understood the "different space" through the analysis of ghost runes.

From the moon stone of the werewolf family to the "crystal fragment of the Pope's crown" and the mysterious pattern on the grass shaving sword at this time, even Xiao Xuan can't understand the countless connections among these so-called "gods containing divine power".

Xiao Xuan sighed. The grass pheasant sword in his hand waved at random. The sword light was like a rainbow, and the sword Qi flew around. After several sharp blades separated the sound of flesh, several guys in Ninja clothes fell out of the dark, and their throats were cut by the sharp blades!

Xiao Xuan coldly glanced at the corpses in the yard. After confirming that there was no more alive, he touched a cigarette and lit it, swallowed a few mouthfuls of smoke, calmed down for a moment, and slowly walked out of the Yishi temple with a grass razor sword.

He didn't care about the death of these people at all. But now the more and more complicated things about ghost talisman and divine power make him have a headache!

Why are the patterns on the handle of grass shaving sword similar to those on ghost runes? When Xiao Xuan's fingertips rubbed the handle of the sword, he could even feel the familiar energy like the ghost talisman, but the energy was more tyrannical and different from the cold of the ghost talisman!

Feng Qingyang said that the divine power of the ghost talisman is not the most important, the most important ghost talisman itself... Xiao Xuan also vaguely knows some secret things, but now the development degree and discovery of things are far more than those secrets he knows.

Xiao Xuan returned to the hotel. In order to avoid scaring people with blood, he jumped into his room from the window, wrapped the grass shaving sword in a dress, and rushed into the bathroom for a simple wash.

When he came out of the bathroom, Xiao Xuan sent a text message to Zhao Wei. About half a minute later, he received Zhao Wei's reply. He determined that after he left, the women had no more accidents, so he was relieved.

Xiao Xuan sat at the head of the bed, lit a cigarette, played with a half ring grass shaving sword, and even took out a ghost talisman to compare it!

He found that the energy or divine power on the grass shaving sword was very weak, and it was not as good as one-third of the ghost talisman.

After careful observation, he found that although the ghost talisman was small, the engraving on it was complete, both from the engraving line and from the pattern itself.

On the handle of the grass shaving sword, there are engraved lines, but they are not complete, especially the engraved lines on the edge. The end of the lines seems to be unfinished and is forcibly broken. Moreover, it seems that the above is a picture of various birds and animals. These birds and animals are all ferocious. There are many animal patterns in which the head does not see the tail, or the upper body does not have the lower tail.

After careful observation, Xiao Xuan could not help guessing that there were two things, such as grass shaving sword. When the three things were combined, they would become a powerful treasure similar to the ghost talisman?

Thinking of this, Xiao Xuan first thought of the three legendary Japanese artifacts.

There are no more than two legends about the three great artifacts in Japan. One is the treasure of the first emperor, which flowed into Japan because Xu Fu went to Japan to find the elixir of immortality and didn't return. It is related to the treasure and has become the secret of the Japanese royal family. The other is about the myths and legends of Japan.

Youdao is a disciple of Tianzhao great God. Xuzuo's man killed Baqi snake and took its tail to form a treasure sword, which is a grass shaving sword.

The other two treasures are bajijing and baban qiongqu jade. The former is rumored to be a gift of divine power from the great God of Tianzhao, and the latter is also a royal sacrificial vessel, which is accompanied by the blessing of the great God of Tianzhao.

In Xiao Xuan's view, these three legendary artifacts flowed from China to Japan. They are gods, contain special energy and do not conflict with them.

However, he is only guessing whether it is the other two so-called artifact printed with the magical engraving on the handle of the grass shaving sword.

Even now, Xiao Xuan doesn't know where bazhijing and baban qiongqu jade are located, let alone verification.

With a long sigh, Xiao Xuan took out his mobile phone and dialed a 28 digit phone number. After entering various complicated password programs, he dialed a phone. The voice of genius came out of the phone.

"Arrange someone to come to Hokkaido and get something!" Xiao Xuan said faintly.

Genius seemed to have just woke up. After vaguely answering the voice, he realized that Xiao Xuan had called. His voice suddenly rose and said, "Lord ghost king? Oh, I just have something to tell you!"

Xiao Xuan frowned. He was not in the mood to joke now. If he could, he just wanted to have a good sleep after hanging up the phone.

Perhaps it is the sublimation of reincarnation that has made a qualitative change in his whole person. He has killed so many people this time. He has no signs of illness, but he still has an uncontrollable irritability.

What's more, the death of Ah Ying in the mouth of fox woman makes him inexplicably upset.

The genius on the other end of the phone seemed to hear that Xiao Xuan was in a bad mood. He opened his mouth and said quickly: "I've got a new girl this month. I'm a female star in Hollywood..."

Xiao Xuan frowned and interrupted, "I'm not in the mood to know what woman you've got..."

"No, listen to me... I'll accompany her to the Cannes Film Festival! Hey, don't hang up..."

Xiao Xuan hung up the phone and fell heavily on the bed. Suddenly, genius said Cannes Film Festival. What did he want to say?

The genius who was hung up was depressed and muttered, "Lord ghost's temper is getting worse and worse..."

The voice just fell, but the phone rang again. Xiao Xuan's voice on the phone was low and impatient.

The genius said quickly, "I see the noble ghost King's wife."

"And then?"

"She seems to be in trouble!"

"And then?"

"I want to help, but I'm afraid to disturb the beautiful lady!"

"Get out!"

Xiao Xuan hung up again.

Genius holding a cell phone, silly eyes, your sister, you haven't finished yet? The beautiful lady is about to be caught in the police station!

Anyway, you should hang up if you don't hear clearly. You deserve it! Genius muttered and threw his cell phone aside.

In the ghost house, the relationship between genius and Xiao Xuan is more casual, or to some extent, because he can understand Xiao Xuan better with an IQ of 200.


Xiao Xuan hung up the phone, turned his head on the bed, fell asleep, and suddenly jumped up from the bed. It seemed like a sudden reaction: Su Mei was in trouble?!

I don't know what the trouble is? Have you solved it? Xiao Xuan was a little worried. When I called genius again, the damn guy turned it off.

Is this him? The cliff is looking for death. Xiao Xuan vowed to beat him half paralyzed next time he sees a genius!

Xiao Xuan called Zhang Yue again and roughly calculated the time difference. It should be around 6:00 p.m. in Cannes. The phone should be connected at any time, but it was half ring and no one answered.

Xiao Xuan called Su Mei again, but no one answered for a long time. tqR1

This time Xiao XuanZhen was so anxious that he called Zhao Wei directly.

Zhao Wei was stunned when he received the call. Xiao Xuan didn't sleep in the middle of the night. What are you doing? He got out of bed and prepared to go to Xiao Xuan's room.

As soon as I got to the door, I heard ah Cai, my roommate, say, "Captain Xiao doesn't really want to rule you? He told you to go to his room in the middle of the night!"

"Go to hell!" Zhao Wei spat and scolded. He walked out of the door and entered the room where Xiao Xuan had opened the door.

"I'm sorry to disturb you so late!" Xiao Xuan said with a grin and apology.

Zhao Wei blushed and was lonely in the middle of the night. He specifically called her to come over. If she said she had no redundant ideas, it was also false.

Xiao Xuan, in particular, only wore pants and bare his strong upper body after taking a bath. At this time, the wound can still be seen in the place stabbed by a dagger on his chest!

As soon as Zhao Wei's eyes touched Xiao Xuan's bare skin, her face became more red. She suddenly thought of a very untimely or inaccurate word, sexy.

With strong and strong muscles, you can occasionally see several scars with a unique masculine flavor, and you can see two deep Mermaid lines down your abdominal muscles.

It is the best figure of famous male models often ridiculed on the Internet.

Xiao Xuan saw that Zhao Wei was stunned on his body. He thought it was the woman who wanted to do more. When he wanted to do something bad, he quickly found a dress to cover it and said, "just took a bath!"

Zhao weidark scolded himself for being a flower maniac, smiled awkwardly and said, "call me over in the middle of the night. Shouldn't you want to talk?"

Xiao Xuan smiled bitterly. Where was he in the mood to talk? The life of a chicken feather is full of dog blood events. He opened his mouth and said, "I'm not familiar with people in other departments of the company. I asked you to ask who went to Cannes with Su Mei except Zhang Yue?"

Zhao Wei thought for a moment and said, "yes, almost all the other departments went to Cannes!"

"Do you know their phone number? No one answered my phone calls to Su Mei and Zhang Yue!" Xiao Xuan scratched the back of his head and said with a smile.

Zhao Wei picked up his eyebrows and said, "what's wrong with President Su?"

Xiao Xuan's mouth was flat, but he didn't speak.

Zhao Wei hurriedly took his mobile phone to find the phone number for Xiao Xuan, but he muttered, "it's really bad to go out this time. Collective vacation will become a thriller for a few days!"

Xiao Xuan got the phone number and called immediately. Zhao Wei called the little secretary in the president's secretary's office. After calling, Xiao Xuan directly reported his name.

The little secretary at the end of the phone was a charming little girl. When he heard that it was Xiao Xuan, he was saved on the spot. He even said, "minister Xiao, something big has happened... Su and Zhang have been arrested!"

"Caught? Caught by who?" Xiao Xuan asked speechless.



Xiao Xuan wants to curse his mother. Su Mei and Zhang Yue are good law-abiding citizens in China. With regard to the character of those two women, what illegal things can they do, and can they be caught by the police?

Besides, ordinary small things, according to Su Mei's identity, status and ability, are not released on bail every minute?

What's wrong with NIMA? Xiao Xuan asked Heaven silently, what evil has NIMA done? One wave is not even, another wave rises again

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