Regardless of the genius, bernois and Bernard, who came in, argued with Xiao Xuan: "how can you make your money? This can be regarded as a weapon of mass destruction and biological and chemical weapons on the cliff, okay? If enough drugs are put into the Rhine River, the whole of France can definitely be reduced to a paradise of maggots and worms, followed by a large-scale plague!" Said the genius.

"Forget it, let's do whatever you want! Fortunately, I have some inventory in the past few years, otherwise, how much money is not enough for you bastards!" Xiao Xuan murmured without saying more.

The two people talked about this crazy biological and chemical weapon grade illegal drug, but it was like talking about whether the price of wild vegetables on the roadside vegetable stall was worth it.

"God, your research violates international conventions. According to the provisions of the Geneva Protocol, it is strictly prohibited to use chemical, biological, bacteriological and other weapons of mass destruction and humanitarian destruction in war. You, you... You are completely terrorist acts."

Bernard couldn't help crying out. The Rhine River is the mother river of France. NIMA poisoned it. How crazy it is!

Although genius was just talking, Bernard almost dropped his eyes.

Bernois tilted his lips. Is he a fool? Do you know what kind of ghosts you stand in front of?

He can remember clearly that when he was the director of the 29th Bureau, he was ordered to participate in an operation to encircle and suppress the ghost house. The severity of that operation is a nightmare!

The joint special forces of seven countries were almost wiped out. If a Chinese team hadn't come to dissuade him and Xiao Xuan sold face, he wouldn't have come back alive!

After returning home, he was removed from the post of director of the 29th Bureau for dereliction of duty and other charges.

Bernard's rank is just a mayor of the city hall. Obviously, he is not qualified to know this. In his opinion, the rich batian is a big man.

Just outside the door, bernois just said that he was fully responsible for today's affairs. Otherwise, Bernard would have to pay for any serious consequences. Between face and the position of mayor, Bernard chose the position of mayor for the time being.

So I walked in honestly again, but who knows, as soon as I came in, I heard such a terrible speech.

Bernard's horror was speechless. What was the origin of the two people in front of him? He could ask the military to call and arrange him to solve the problem. He also arranged bernois, a special envoy.

Just when Bernard was flustered and didn't know how to adapt to the development of things at this time, he heard batian scream like a wild boar stabbed by a knife on the pig farm

Not only the cry was heartbreaking, but also rolled all over the ground. His face was ferocious and terrible. The veins and blood vessels on his forehead burst up, as if he was bearing some great pain!

"Help me, the mayor help me..."

Batisian shouted hoarsely, as if he couldn't help grabbing his skin with his hands!

The feeling of itching made him feel what it was to be immortal and die! It's so painful. Every muscle on his body seems to be bitten by ants, which makes him want to have arms all over his body to scratch... He doesn't even feel that his skin and flesh are broken!

Bernard looked at batian's painful appearance and was infected. Fine beads of sweat exuded from his forehead! Don't say to save him. I'm so scared that I step back.

Battier Ann crazily grasps his skin and flesh like crazy, and the flesh and blood are blurred... However, this is not the most terrible. The most terrible thing is that under his blood red skin and flesh, there are white maggots, fresh and still crawling

"Vomit..." Bernard couldn't help vomit. It was disgusting. The scene was really disgusting!

Philip vomited too. He really couldn't help it, even though he wanted to!

His white face is pale now! He deeply understood that his father was right and wanted to be friends with genius!

This time, he spent hundreds of thousands of money to pack female stars for genius. Originally, he still had some resentment. Now it seems that he is too narrow. The next time a genius sees a female star, no matter how much money, he must buy it for genius!

In the twinkling of an eye, batian was surrounded by blood and white maggots!

Even a veteran like bernois, seeing this scene, couldn't help a burst of stomach acid!

Genius looks at his "test object" and his eyes jump with excitement. Every scientist is a fanatical paranoid, in other words, a neuropathy!

Genius is no exception!

Although Xiao Xuan didn't change his face, he still frowned slightly, opened his mouth and said, "genius, if you can't clean up this stinky thing immediately, you can wash the floor here when I go to candlelight dinner in the evening!"

The "genius" turned over and turned over for half a day in the huge armchair of the sofa, so it was difficult to turn out a bottle like a wolf spray.

He went to bath and sprayed mosquitoes. He sprayed a few sprays and walked back lazily. The corners of the mouth are the most difficult to hide. There are some lingering losses, like being seen that batian was eaten alive by maggots. It's like some disappointment.

Batisian struggled for about half a minute before he completely passed out. At this time, the maggots on his body seemed to be dead and no longer moved!

But the white maggot body floating on the scarlet flesh surface is still very disgusting!

"Sorry, the research on the antidote is not complete. At present, we can only kill maggots, but not corrupt maggots! If you are not afraid of his mutation virus, you can take him to the hospital for treatment, and maybe you can live. If you are afraid, burn it!" the genius grinned.

Xiao Xuan half narrowed his eyes and looked at bernois with a smile.

Bernard, stop talking and singing. He can't even say a complete word. Tanima was shocked. This kind of thing can only be seen in science fiction war books or movies! tqR1

In this way, the born shock and stimulation to the brain nerve should be active. He can't bear the fear of death!

"Lord ghost, as in the past, the word cruelty is still true to your name. This must be the scientific genius who was wanted by the United States and disappeared later, the friend code named genius? You are also a real scientific madman!" bernois chewed the bitterness in his mouth and said with a bitter smile.

The genius shrugged his shoulders. Xiao Xuan asked with a smile, "when can I see the person I want to see?"

This time, Bernard answered without waiting for bernois to speak: "five minutes, oh, no, three minutes, right away!"


Xiao Xuan sighed. This is a wonderful world! Why do so many people, if you talk to him well, he has to be smoked to talk well?

"Lord ghost king came to France this time to see the film festival?" bernois asked.

He put away all kinds of careful thoughts and asked directly.

Xiao Xuan was silent for a moment and said, "of course, it would be better if you could send me dozens of tickets to the Cannes Film Festival!"

"Well, of course it's no problem!" bernois had investigated the two women in the police station, one is Xiao Xuan's wife in China and the other is her wife's subordinate. Although it seems that Xiao Xuan's trip is because of a woman's accident.

But now, unlike in the past, it seems very nervous about Xiao Xuan's intention, so he was sent to inquire.

"Don't worry, I'll leave in two or three days at most!" Xiao Xuan sighed again at bernois's constipation. Perhaps in the eyes of these people, he is more terrible than the plague.

Bernois almost didn't cry after listening to it for two or three days. Can he spend these two or three days safely? But he dares to say whether he is welcome or not? Even dare he say anything within the deportation? Fart, give him a bear heart and leopard courage. He doesn't dare!


At the Cannes police station, Su Mei, Zhang Yue and an unnamed girl were locked up in the same detention room. A lawyer came, but the police refused to bail.

"I'm not good for both sisters. If it wasn't for me, you would also..." the girl is a Chinese face. She is about 20 years old, young and energetic. Her facial features are exquisite and very beautiful. Even at first glance, it makes people feel that her eyebrows and eyes are somewhat like Su Mei, but her temperament is not as cold as Su Mei.

Su Mei shook her head and her face was expressionless. Zhang Yue sighed and said, "maybe that guy was a big man last night! By the way, I heard last night that your name was Su Guo er?"

"Yes, my name is Su Guoer!" the beautiful little girl said with a smile. She likes to laugh very much and laughs very sweet!

When Zhang Yue saw that Su Mei was silent, because she didn't rest all night, her face was very ugly. She couldn't help opening her mouth and comforted and said, "President Su, don't worry too much. I think sister he and they may inform Xiao Xuan. If he came, it would be good! I was too impulsive last night. If I didn't kick him, maybe

When Su Mei heard Xiao Xuan's name, her body shook and her mouth twitched, but she just said faintly, "I think the lawyer should be able to solve it? No one is to blame for last night. Even if you don't kick him, we can't escape this disaster!"

Su Guoer felt that when talking about Xiao Xuan, Su Mei and Zhang Yue were a little unnatural. She was also a meticulous girl, but she was innocent in her heart. When she found it wrong, she opened her mouth and asked, "who is Xiao Xuan?"

Zhang Yue was about to answer, but she saw a big bellied policeman with a group of small policemen coming in a hurry. She opened her mouth and said, "three ladies, I'm really sorry. Yesterday was a misunderstanding! You can go! I can arrange someone to take you back to the hotel now!"



Grass mud horse, the lawyer asked for bail last night. All kinds of good things were said. You pulled it like 250000 and didn't agree. Now what's the virtue?

Somehow, Zhang Yue felt that Xiao Xuan must have come!

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