Master jundao and master Yunfeng, the crazy Taoist all changed their faces at this time. They also reacted at this time. The so-called accurate treasure hunt news is just a trap.

A trap for Chinese secret service and martial friars.

Each country has its own patron saint, power organization or martial friar. Even mutant warriors, robots.

These are first-class state secrets and even unwritten treaties. These people cannot participate in state affairs.

However, people will have inflated selfish desires and greed. Leaders are also people, and so are wizards and friars.

Of course, when greed and selfish desires arise, the constraints of the treaty will always be exploited. tqR1

In this way, it seems to be a dispute over crystal fragments, but the robot organization can cooperate with the American government to find crystal fragments and share research results. It has brought people from the soul of Ashoka of India and the Jingguo of Japan to kill the special forces and monks of China!

The number of secret service teams is limited, and it will be particularly difficult to supplement after casualties. The purpose of robot organization is very simple. On the one hand, it is really for crystal fragments.

The energy object with superhuman limit and almost divine power is the research object they want most. On the other hand, it does not rule out that they are cooperating with their government to suppress China.

Asoka regards himself as the reincarnation of the king of France. According to the treaty, it is not necessary to participate. However, with the crystal fragments of the Pope's crown as bait, his action can be reasonable. What's more, people who pursue force will not be willing to miss the good opportunity of breakthrough.

Although no one has completely figured out what the magical energy in this crystal fragment represents, no one can be unmoved by the existence that may change the fate of a person, an organization or even a group of people.

At this time, the snake array has become, the volcano may erupt at any time, and the situation is not optimistic.

The stab in the hand of the saber was clenched, and she was also angry that Xiao Xuan had long found the abnormality, but refused to ventilate, so that they could be on guard.

But she also knew that even if Xiao Xuan said it at that time, they would not listen. Xiao Xuan is a Chinese, but he is a ghost king without borders! At least in the eyes of their secret service personnel, Xiao Xuan's identity as a ghost king is greater than his identity as a Chinese.

But Xiao Xuan was very calm in his heart. Not to mention that he only suspected before, but also confirmed his guess under the volcano. Even if he said doubts before, these people would not believe it. What's more, he stood up to fight for the saber.

Of course, to say it was for the saber, I have to admit that Xiao Xuan still had the idea of grabbing the crystal fragment of the Pope from Hessen to see what happened!

But now, there are snakes in front of us, volcanoes in the head, robots behind us, Asoka Dharma protector and the sneak attack of Yasukuni soul. It's going to hurt!

"You did a good job!" elder martial brother Cheng doesn't know why. He always looks at Xiao Xuan.

The initial cynicism was followed by more criticism.

Xiao Xuan couldn't bear it any more. At this time, this guy didn't want to resist the enemy and was full of force. Even Xiao Xuan didn't want to care about it, he couldn't help humming coldly: "since you're so strong, I'll see how you fight the snakes?"

With that, Xiao Xuan turned his head and walked to the other side. Beard naturally followed Xiao Xuan's steps and walked to the other side.

The saber opened his mouth, but he wanted to stop talking.

Master Yunfeng just tightened the sword in his hand, and his eyes flashed a little angry with Xiao Xuan's figure. In her opinion, whether it's right or wrong, it's a fool's behavior to fight in the dark at this time. But she seems to have forgotten that Xiao Xuan is not the person in their "nest"!

Even if it was, they pushed it away bit by bit with self righteousness.

The crazy Taoist doesn't like to be noisy and talkative. At this time, when he saw the dense snake array in front of him, he didn't know when he had a green and transparent bamboo pole in his hand, and his face looked dignified!

"Three talents array defense!" master Yunfeng said in a deep voice.

I don't know the origin of the Sancai array. However, in the art of joint attack in the army, the Sancai array must be practiced. I nodded heavily when I heard the speech.

I saw three people form a circle around elder martial brother Cheng. Under the double blow of a knife and poisoning, elder martial brother Cheng can only talk.

At this time, the flute sound of the Indian mouth became more sharp. His flute sound was not only a sound, but also a buzzing, indescribable high-frequency vibration!

Obviously, he drove the snake not by sound, but by something like the frequency sound wave in the air.

After being driven by him, the snakes vomited snake seeds, jumped up quickly and rushed towards the group.

Master Yunfeng's soft sword is like riding the wind. Every time the sword rises and falls, it will bring out a blood mist with the peculiar smell of snakes.

The military stab in the hand of the saber dare not relax at all. Under the night wind, her beautiful hair is flowing with the wind. The core of her beautiful eyes is determined to kill and attack like a song. A military stab has a variety of patterns. Every action will take away countless lives.

The bamboo pole in the hand of the crazy Taoist answered the sentence that the snake hit seven inches and killed him. His movements are fast and fierce, just like a professional snake hunter.

Although the attack of the three men was very sharp, the number of snakes was too large to kill!

I don't know whether it's because of the smell of blood in the air, or whether these snakes are variant varieties and extremely vicious. After hundreds of snakes died, the attack of the snake group became more violent.

The three almost killed red eyes. In the end, they almost waved their knives mechanically, and the whole person was numb. No matter what you kill with a knife, just the bloody scene. People will have hallucinations if the knife is waved all the time

Big beard had already pulled out a short knife and was ready to fight with the snakes, but standing next to Xiao Xuan, he was soon stupid. There were almost psychological obstacles, but he was stunned that a snake didn't rush up

The snakes revolved around him and Xiao Xuan, or the snakes couldn't get close at all. He and Xiao Xuan stopped half a meter away from them! The knife you took out is of no use at all!

Then look at Xiao Xuan, calmly standing aside, leaning his legs and holding a cigarette, smiling at the three people fighting snakes, but he only has a camera, otherwise he can shoot a real-life version of the human animal war on the spot!

Indians can't attack for a long time. The flute is playing harder and faster, and the attack of the snake group is becoming sharper and sharper. They can even vaguely find that there are several golden ring snakes in the snake group.

The golden ring snake is no less toxic than the cobra, but it has a short body, is very fast, and jumps up. It can reach people's throat. It is a natural killer among snakes!

Over time, master Yunfeng has the most profound internal power among all people, but he can't stand such a mechanical sword to kill snakes, let alone a weaker sabre.

The saber was absent-minded, and a Golden Snake seemed to be waiting for an opportunity, lurking in a sudden attack. It suddenly jumped over and ran directly to her throat!

"Evil beast!" master Yunfeng angrily scolded with sharp eyes. At the same time, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the golden ring snake with his empty right hand! Just grabbed the snake's tail and threw it out.

The sabre shook and he was in a cold sweat.

Master Yunfeng's hand holding the sword has trembled slightly. When she twisted her face, she just saw Xiao Xuan's appearance of watching a good play. She wanted to ask Xiao Xuan for help, but considering their attitude before, she couldn't open her mouth and had to resist!

At this time, two robots suddenly killed them. I don't know whether they were rubbed with anti snake drugs or whether they were not afraid of snake venom, but went straight through the snakes and attacked master Yunfeng.

These robots are mostly retired or active special forces. Their skills are fierce. Coupled with mechanized changes, their attack power and attack speed are comparable to the experts at the peak of the day after tomorrow!

If at ordinary times, master Yunfeng naturally has the power of a war, but now when she has been fighting the snakes for a long time, her physical consumption is huge. Not to mention, there are robots attacking, snakes and Ninjas taking her by surprise. She can't be in a hurry if she doesn't want to!

The army spike saw that the two robots were attacking master Yunfeng with their fists and feet, but she couldn't help. If she moved easily, the snakes would probably tear up the defense line and directly let elder martial brother Cheng behind her try the taste of snakes eating her.

"Guard your position, don't move!" master Yunfeng drank violently when he saw that both the military spike and the crazy Taoist were willing to give up defense and help.

At the same time, the soft sword pulled out the sword flowers, a move of "sword rain all over the sky", pulled out dozens of sword flowers in the blink of an eye, covered a sword rain in the air, and forced the approaching two robots back.

In this gap, suddenly two Yin winds hit his face. When master Yunfeng didn't pick up his strength, the Ninja sneaked an attack. He was originally known for his cruel and cunning angle. At this time, he suddenly got into trouble. Can master Yunfeng who can't afford to avoid it easily?

The saber was helpless and had to come forward to help. The army stabbed out and retired one person. In this space, another Ninja hid quickly!

"Chi Chi... Hoo..." the sound of the flute suddenly changed the frequency inexplicably. I saw several flower like snakes jumping wildly. In the blink of an eye, they broke through the lost defense line and rushed to senior brother Cheng!

Although the crazy Taoist priest has put out the fire quickly and elder martial brother Cheng has also explored his hand to kill snakes for defense, two snakes still bite elder martial brother Cheng's skin and flesh in an instant and spit out poison crazily

The sabre made a quick return visit, and two golden snakes attacked her and master Yunfeng who had just breathed

Being in a hurry is not enough to describe their passivity at this time. They are completely passive and beaten!

"Xiao Xuan, you're helping!" the saber finally begged Xiao Xuan.

"Ha ha, people like me can't accomplish anything and can't defeat anything. I'm sorry to make trouble if the elder said so!" Xiao Xuan said with a grin.

"..." there are 100000 grass and mud horses running back and forth in the heart of the sabre. Suddenly, I remembered a famous saying, "bitch, die hypocritical!"

Xiao Xuan didn't know what the saber thought. If he knew, he would leave the beautiful "Queen" on the spot and let her be eaten by a snake!

At this time, the volcanic smoke billowed not far away, the whole mountain began to vibrate, and the frequency of falling gravel became higher and higher!

"Xiao Xuan, please help quickly! I'll tell you about Ling Yan in exchange!" the saber opened his mouth and said urgently when he saw that the situation was critical. She is a special service person. She is as knowledgeable as any top student in Military Academy.

She knows the power of volcanic eruption. The area of 5-10 kilometers may be covered by volcanic rocks. The hot magma can destroy all nearby creatures.

As soon as Hessen waved his hand, he would ask his companions to retire!

"You're gone, aren't I busy here?" Xiao Xuan suddenly dodged and stopped in front of Helson and his party.

The Indian Ashoka Dharma protector suddenly blew the flute and mobilized the snakes to besiege Xiao Xuan, but as he had seen before, no matter how he drove, the snakes could not get close to Xiao Xuan.

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