The woman was very bold and unrestrained. Half of her body rubbed against Xiao Xuan, just like the snake essence twisting twist candy.

Xiao Xuan had a thick skin and was not ashamed or annoyed. He allowed a woman's plump and delicate body to massage him. He grinned and said, "elder sister, what's up?"

"Elder sister, am I so old?" the woman said coyly, not angry, and smiled.

Xiao Xuan touched his nose and said with a smile, "if I don't call you eldest sister, I'm afraid you'll have to move out tonight! I'll be punished by my wife for kneeling for three days, and I have to break all three legs!"


"Ha ha ha!"

A burst of coax laughter began, and the woman hanging on Xiao Xuan also smiled brightly.

Xiao Xuan's words were a little stubborn, but they were not hated at all.

"It seems that it's hard to give you a discount. If you live here for a month, you can buy a small villa in Nanhai city. It's too expensive. If it goes on like this, I won't have enough money to burn here!"

The woman murmured, and Yu pointed frivolously at Xiao Xuan's chest.

Xiao Xuan gave a pep talk, and it seemed that everyone had this idea. He opened his mouth and said, "business is one willing to sell and one willing to buy! Don't ask, ha ha, don't ask! But in order to take care of permanent customers, our store will also launch some new schemes later!"

"New solution?"


Xiao Xuan just smiled mysteriously, turned and walked upstairs.

Regardless of the people below, they all talked.

There is no fool who can live in a house for at least ten days! Xiao Xuan gave such an obvious hint that everyone guessed that the company behind ODI was afraid to do real estate.

Sell them the house at an exorbitant price. But even if the price is too high, how is it cheaper than ten or more nights? Besides, fools don't buy a place that can save lives at a critical moment!

For a time, there was a lively discussion about how much a bungalow would cost if Xiaocheng international developed the real estate!

For this routine without technical content, it was purely a topic of eating radishes first. Naturally, Xiao Xuan didn't care. He went all the way to the second floor.

Bai Yujiao and the Buddha are whispering something to Jinbeibei. Obviously, for them, Jinbeibei is like a child who is taken care of.

"Why don't you take such care of that noble childe?" Xiao Xuan smiled and walked in.

"Because he's ugly!" mumbled kimbeibei.

Xiao Xuan touched his chin and sighed. Jinbeibei is also a good girl. He is also very annoyed with the troubles of this girl film. It's not easy to let go, and I really don't want to take care of it!

Then he opened his mouth and said, "tell me, what's going on! Yujiao said, the Buddha added, Beibei shut up!"

With that, Xiao Xuan sat down on the sofa and glanced at the three.

Jinbeibei still wanted to talk, but was stopped by the Buddha's eyes. It can be seen that whether Xiao Xuan will meddle in this affair is all in this narration of the matter.

Bai Yujiao thought for a moment and said, "the young master who came to find Beibei today is the son of Uncle Beibei! For the time being, we don't know what happened. But one thing is certain that boss Jin wants to separate his family. It is estimated that he wants to bully Jinbeibei's girl ignorance!"

Xiao Xuan thought for a moment. Without hesitation, he directly asked, "Beibei, where's your mother?"

"My mother is busy with my grandfather's business! My father and my mother didn't get married and gave birth to me, so my mother can't say anything about my father's business!" Jinbeibei said with a flat mouth.

Xiao Xuan picked his eyebrows and asked again. An illegitimate sentence, Xiao Xuan couldn't bear to ask more, but looked at Bai Yujiao suspiciously.

Bai Yujiao understood Xiao Xuan's meaning, but she didn't know much about it. He could only say it in a real way. "Jin Beibei's father, Jin Guoping, is the helm of the whole Kim family, and also the controller of many enterprises and forces in Jinjia banner. He disappeared suddenly two months ago. Before he lost his money, he mobilized a lot of money! No one knew where he was going!" tqR1

Jin Guoping! Jin Guoping! Xiao Xuannan whispered the name. He vaguely remembered where he had heard it, but he couldn't remember it for a moment.

Bai Yujiao stopped talking when she saw Xiao Xuan's thoughtful expression.

Xiao Xuan thought for a while, but he couldn't remember. He waved his hand and said, "you keep talking! Don't worry about me, I'll listen!"

"Beibei's uncle proposed a separation one month after Jin Guoping disappeared. However, he was suppressed. This is the second time to propose a separation... All the secret things of the Jin family are in the hands of Jin Guoping alone. These things are likely to be locked in his safe. After he disappeared, only Beibei, the legal heir, can fight the safe Go!

I guess with Buddha that the main reason why they want to take Beibei back is to open the safe! "

Xiao Xuan didn't ask about the safe. Now there are many first-class designed safes. When the safe is opened strongly, the automatic destruction system will be started. Of course, it doesn't deserve the possibility of a bank safe.

In any case, as the legal heir, Jinbeibei can find the safe manufacturer to open the safe.

From this point of view, Jinbeibei is very miserable. But Xiao Xuan still didn't want to mix with this shit.

After pondering for a while, Xiao Xuan said, "Beibei, uncle can only help you. When you don't want to go back, no one can force you! Other things..."

Xiao Xuan stopped talking.

Jinbeibei was silent for a moment. Her eyes were a little red and said, "uncle, I miss my mother. Can you take me to my mother later?"

Xiao Xuan nodded without hesitation and said, "no problem!"

Jin Beibei gave a sound, and her figure was a little lonely. She walked out of the conference room pitifully.

The Buddha looked at the thin girl's back and sighed: "you are sometimes inhuman! I thought you would help..."

"I promised to protect her well, not to help? Do I have to blend in and paste a face of shit to help?" Xiao Xuan snorted and said discontentedly. That said, there was a struggle on his face.

Bai Yujiao knew that Xiao Xuan might have other thoughts. She didn't say much, but said, "everyone has his own life!"

Xiao Xuan's mouth is full of bitterness. Now he has lost his head in a pile of dog shit. He will come in with a Jin family to help Jin Beibei fight for his family property and find his father? He thought it was the first two.

If you can, Xiao Xuan hopes that there will be other outlets for this matter. And he is willing to protect Jinbeibei.

At this point, it's useless to say more. Bai Yujiao's mobile phone just rang. She twisted her waist to answer the phone with her mobile phone. The Buddha opened his mouth again.

"Xiao Xuan, it's not that I talk too much. The Jin family's affairs are not as simple as you heard. Moreover, Jin Guoping is a person who is absolutely worth communicating with. If you really mix it up, you will get unimaginable returns."

Xiao Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "if you don't pay back, I really treat Beibei as my sister. Just, I'm always reluctant to mix in other people's family affairs! Let's see..."

Xiao Xuan suddenly felt that he was completely reduced to the fate of "ass wiping paper", which was almost impossible to change!

There are more and more people around him. No matter who has any trouble, he has to jump out and "wipe his ass". Thinking of this, he is also very drunk!

"Yu Yajing wants to see you. It's downstairs. Can you see it?" Bai Yujiao came in after answering the phone, raised her mobile phone and opened her mouth.

Xiao Xuan touched his chin and said, "let her come up! Go and comfort Beibei! The little girl looks cheerful. In fact, she is a glass heart!"


Bai Yujiao smiled like a flower and said good. She liked the thoughtful Xiao Xuan in front of her, and there was delicacy in her overbearing. Sometimes it's delicate, but it makes people feel very warm.

Buddha didn't know whether he wanted to comfort the little girl, or to avoid suspicion, he also went out with him.

They walked for a few minutes, and Yu Yajing came in high heels.

Although Zhao Changzhou and even the same peak Jin Guoping were planted, Yu Yajing didn't seem to be affected.

She is still wearing high heels and a professional suit, capable and neat.

"Long time no see!" Yu Yajing said with a smile after entering the door and looking at Xiao Xuan leaning lazily on the sofa.

"Miss Yu looks very good! Sit down!" Xiao Xuan pointed to the sofa opposite him and said.

Yu Yajing didn't sit down according to her words, but said straightforwardly, "I've done what you said last time. What you said last time is still counted?"

Xiao Xuan didn't expect that the last time the gang received the loan, the woman really remembered it, shrugged and said indifferently, "I'm free. I can do this job or not!"

Yu Yajing was choking. Xiao Xuan looked forward to it last time. It was only a few months before this guy climbed up the pole, kicked his nose and face, and pretended to be forced.

"Well, you answer me a question first, and I'll give you an answer!" Xiao xuansi said with a smile, ignoring the beauty's depression.

"Ask!" Yu Yajing said. She is a little strange. Xiao Xuan seems very serious today. He doesn't see the naughty appearance before.

"Zhao Changzhou is a Ming chess and a pawn. And you are the right car, aren't you?" Xiao Xuan compared them with chess in a very determined tone.

Yu Yajing didn't seem to expect Xiao Xuan to be so direct. She was a little stunned and immediately said, "no, Zhao Changzhou is a passenger car, not a pawn!"

Xiao Xuan nodded. The woman was honest at this time, and then said, "are you sure it's just a matter of cooperating to recover the loan, and there's no other project?"

Yu Yajing narrowed her eyes, suddenly sat down next to Xiao Xuan and said, "do you think we can cooperate?"

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