But after pushing the door in, Xiao Xuan suddenly received an amnesty.

Su Mei is not the only one in the family. Su Guo'er is also there. There is a strange man. They are talking on the sofa in the living room.

Seeing Xiao Xuan coming in, Su Guoer couldn't wait to welcome him and said angrily, "brother-in-law, this Mr. an is Mr. anbigo of Huanyu brokerage company. He met him at the preliminary test venue today. He said, he wants to sign me!"

Xiao Xuan said, looking at Su Mei's face first. Seeing that Su Mei's expression was indifferent and didn't look at him at all, he moved his eyes to anbi Gao, nodded slightly, walked over and sat next to Su Mei.

He was not surprised that someone would sign suguo'er so soon. In terms of Su Guoer's external conditions, she is absolutely superior. Even in the entertainment circle with beautiful women, Su Guoer is no inferior.

As for singing, Xiao Xuan believes that girls like suguo'er will make the best of everything they like. Besides, didn't Su Guoer also say that he won prizes in competitions abroad? Naturally, he won't be bad!

There are both external and internal. Of course, the brokerage company is willing to sign it at the micro time. In case it is popular, it is a sharp weapon for gold production.

Su Mei picked up her eyebrows and did nothing else. She let Xiao Xuan sit beside her.

"What do you think?" Xiao Xuan took something like the contract document on the tea table and turned to ask Su Mei.

"There are a lot of unfair terms, nothing to look at!" Su Mei opened her mouth and said without giving anbi any face.

Anbigo was not angry, smiled, held the gold rimmed glasses on his face and said with a smile: "I know president Su is also a well-known entrepreneur, but I think you probably don't understand the operation of the entertainment industry! The growth of a star, especially a superstar, requires countless resources, which are intangible and priceless..."

"Sign a contract for five years? Have the priority to renew the contract? The working hours should be subject to the deployment of the company, and the work content should be coordinated... I wipe, are you sure this is not a deed of sale?" Xiao Xuan glanced at the contract and sneered.

"Mr. Xiao, these terms are negotiable!" said anbigo with a smile.

Su Mei snorted coldly and said, "don't talk about it! It's all overlord terms."

"..." Xiao Xuan was shocked and thought that Su Mei's attitude seemed a little too... But considering that Su Mei was "wronged" in the afternoon, and that she didn't agree with Su Guoer's entry into the entertainment industry, and that the contract was a bit bullying, Xiao Xuan didn't say much.

But suguo'er is a little anxious. She doesn't want to go to college at all. She wants to sing. It's best to go to the most authoritative Grammy stage of pop music in the world!

However, looking at Su Mei's appearance, it seems that she doesn't agree with this.

It is natural that suguo'er is an adult and can freely choose anything she likes.

But whether Su Mei knows it or not, Su Guo'er regards her as her only relative and sister. She doesn't want to be separated from Su Mei for this matter.

Seeing Su Guoer's eyes for help, Xiao Xuan was also hurt. But Su Mei's attitude, except a little too cold, is basically nothing wrong. For him, he doesn't agree with Su Guo'er to sign this house!

Not to mention anything else, Xiao Xuan would not agree to five years alone. Sign a five-year deed of sale. Are you kidding!

"President Su, I think you can think about it again. We can discuss some terms..." it can be seen that on the one hand, anbigo is an experienced negotiator, on the other hand, he really likes potential stock players like Su Guoer. Otherwise, you won't be rejected again and again and keep smiling.

"Good! See you off, sun Ma!"


Anbi Gao was stunned. Unexpectedly, Su Mei didn't give face. Huanyu is also a big company in the entertainment industry. Generally, artists can be liked by such a big company. They are still newcomers. They have long been happy and dizzy!

Even if Su Mei is the boss of Yuya international, she can't give face like this, can she?

Besides, don't newcomers face some unfair treatment in which company they sign up for? The company also wants to make a profit!

As the boss of Yuya, I should know this very well!

But Su Mei is so unreasonable and unreasonable today. She doesn't give face!

Xiao Xuan knew that Su Mei was sulking, but Ann bigo couldn't sign the contract here, so he took the initiative to stand up and said with a smile, "we all know Mr. an's kindness. Well, let's discuss it again! My wife doesn't agree with my sister to go to the entertainment circle. Forgive me!"

Xiao Xuan's words finally gave anbi three points of face.

Anbigo held his glasses, stood up and said with a smile, "that's right. Let's discuss it first. I hope Miss suguer will think it over carefully. I'll go first!"

"OK!" Xiao Xuan smiled and sent it to anbi Gao to the door with sun ma.

When she returned to the living room, Su Guoer pursed her pink lips and looked like she was about to cry.

Su Mei's face was also full of unhappiness.

Xiao Xuan's egg hurt. He suddenly remembered the rotten Street lyrics he heard in that street: "men are tired, men are tired..."

"That fruit, this company treaty is not fair!" Xiao Xuan coughed twice, starting with Su Guo'er's girl film.

Su Guoer was silent and said, "it's all right. I'll listen to my sister and you!"

Su Mei suddenly cut off the conversation and said, "Guo Er, do you want to go to the big dye vat?"

"Sister, if you don't like it, I'll..." Su Guoer wanted to stop talking, but the meaning was very obvious. If Su Mei didn't agree, she was willing to obey.

"I don't dislike it! I just love you! If I really want to go to the entertainment industry, I'll open an entertainment company!" said Su Mei.

"..." Xiao Xuan was in a mess for a moment. Do you want to do so? Start a company directly?

"Ah..." Su Guoer didn't expect Su Mei to say so. Zhang Dazui couldn't believe looking at Su Mei.

"Wife, this, this, I can ask my acquaintances to find a reliable brokerage company. This is a special entertainment company that operates an artist. Isn't it too... Too..." Xiao Xuan wanted to say, it's too extravagant.

Of course, luxury is not a problem. The problem is that Xiao Xuan feels that Su Mei is tired enough and has a huge workload.

If we open another entertainment company, with Su Mei's character of either not doing it or doing it best, it will take time and effort to do it!

Su Mei seemed to see through Xiao Xuan's mind and said, "I'm willing to suffer for my sister. Only in her own company can she not be bullied!"

Su Mei said with some arrogance and stubbornness. She works in the fashion industry. Although she has no understanding of the operation of the entertainment industry, she has heard about some shady things in the entertainment industry.

When Xiao Xuan heard that Su Mei would say "I'm happy to suffer for my sister", he was so surprised that his mouth couldn't close.

Her puzzled eyes turned to Su Guoer, and she almost asked the girl if she had said everything.

But Su Guoer didn't answer his eyes. Xiao Xuan had no reason to worry.

"Sister, it's not good! We're not related... I......" Su Guoer didn't know how to speak.

"In Cannes, I regard you as my sister. My surname is Su, and you are also su. That's fate!" Su Mei finally had a gentle smile on her cold face.

Su Guoer twisted and didn't say anything. She couldn't help looking at Xiao Xuan. Subconsciously, somehow, she still trusted Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan rubbed his hands and said, "wife, it's not impossible to open an entertainment company, but..."

"But what? You are in charge of the entertainment company!" Su Mei twisted her face, raised her chin slightly, looked down at Xiao Xuan, and there was a provocative meaning that you would refuse the queen.

Xiao Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "where can I open an entertainment company? Don't you catch a duck on the shelf?"

"Hehe, if you can shed your blood for others, you can't start a company for me and do it well? You can't run a Grammy musician for fruit?" Su Mei sneered, got up and left!

Xiao Xuan knew that the crux must be here! She opened her mouth, looked at Su Mei's back, lowered her head, saw Su Guo'er's expectant eyes, and said with a sad face, "just open it! Why are you so fierce..."

"Puff......" suguo'er smiled heartlessly. Xiao Xuan's face looked like a little resentful woman. She couldn't help it.

Su Mei's back was a meal. She didn't speak, just a meal. She went upstairs again.

"Brother-in-law, who did you shed blood for? My sister seems to be jealous!" Su Guoer said with a smile.

"You say, why are you surnamed Su?" Xiao Xuan touched his chin and thought, is it because Su Guoer is also surnamed Su and cute, so she will treat Su Mei differently?!

"I don't know." Su Guoer replied solemnly. She really doesn't know. She hasn't even met her father. How can she know her father's last name? She's been called that name since she was sensible. Is it her fault?

"Brother in law, I think you can make do on the sofa tonight! My sister won't let you sleep! Cluck, I'm going to sleep..."

"Heartless little boy!" Xiao Xuan muttered, and really lay on the sofa. He didn't know how to face Su Mei and how to explain the afternoon!


The night was speechless. Early the next morning, Xiao Xuan was awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone. When he answered the phone, he only heard the voice of Bai Yujiao on the phone: "the Jin family sent a famous post!" tqr1

Xiao Xuan narrowed his eyes, hung up the phone, got up and hurried to the gate

The famous post of the Jin family came too soon, didn't it?

How did Xiao Xuan know that one of the four people who tried to abduct Bai Yujiao was an inner disciple of Shaolin.

Although he was not killed by Xiao Xuan, he was later solved by Yuan Wuji.

The story was sent back to the Jin family. Shi HengAn had learned the news of the death of his younger martial brother. It's really a succession of new and old hatred, the hatred of being humiliated and the hatred of the death of younger martial brother. Let him inform elder martial brother Luohan as soon as possible!

When Xiao Xuan stepped into Odie, Bai Yujiao was already waiting here.

"Bring me the famous post, let me see!" Xiao Xuan stretched out his hand and took it from Bai Yujiao. He couldn't help muttering, "what ghost is arhat?"

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