With a smile, the dragon head flashed a long and narrow light in his eyes and said, "it's like life and death!"

Xiao Xuan smiled and smiled with some meaning. He shrugged and said, "at will!"

They said that they had gone downstairs, and Xiao Xuan sat in the leading car.

As soon as he got on the bus, he glanced around. Xiao Xuan said lazily, "I didn't expect you to be so afraid of death. It's estimated that your car can't be pierced or overturned by mortars!"

The leader smiled and said, "I'm old and can't compare with you. The secret service is a thorn in the eye of many spies! My old bone faces at least dozens of assassinations a year!"

"The front line of the secret service should have other training places. How could you think of looking for me?" Xiao Xuan asked coldly.

The dragon head said, "you are a clich é! The mercenary combat effectiveness of the ghost house has been witnessed all over the world. It's not surprising that I found you!"

"Old fox!" Xiao Xuan touched his nose, and an embarrassed look flashed on his old face. From his perspective, it is not difficult to see that most of the front-line soldiers of the secret service have a bit of martial arts foundation. Obviously, I have received professional training in martial arts.

Xiao Xuan naturally thought that the secret service personnel were not only top soldiers, but also supported and trained by the Chinese martial arts circle.

For example, the last crazy Taoist, master Yunfeng! Another example is today's Luohan war, the dragon head is eager to jump out.

But Xiao Xuan was a little confused about how the secret service people get along with the people in the martial arts circle.

Of course, Xiao Xuan only asked tentatively. He didn't think the dragon head could really answer him.

The car sped all the way, but it didn't stop at Odie.

Instead, he stopped at the door of the most ordinary gym. Xiao Xuan glanced at the gym and several good cars not far away. He followed the faucet upstairs knowingly.

The head of the gym is a tall man named Han Daoyuan. A suit and leather shoes, calm temperament, shining in your eyes! A good figure makes people feel at first glance that he is the gold medal coach here, but Xiao Xuan can see from his hands hanging on both sides that this is an expert of Eagle Claw skill!

"Unexpectedly, the dragon head is coming!" Han Daoyuan was obviously slightly surprised when he saw the dragon head and opened his mouth.

The dragon head nodded, smiled lightly and said, "are they all here?"

"Yes, master Ye Chengfeng, Master Zhu Guozhi and Master Wang Yang are all here. Listen to master Ye Chengfeng saying that master Shi hengluo is also on his way!" Han Daoyuan said, looking at Xiao Xuan with the rest of his eyes.

Obviously, he felt that Xiao Xuan's new face appeared here suddenly.

"OK, I see! Arrange a rest room for me!" the faucet waved his hand and said.

Xiao Xuan picked his eyebrows and looked at the dragon head. He was kind at last. The old thing is not good for nothing.

At least from Han Daoyuan's eyes, he could see that if it weren't for the dragon head, this guy wouldn't be so polite.

As they were talking, they saw Shi HengAn and his party coming around a thin middle-aged man. Looking at the posture, they could guess that the thin middle-aged man was a famous arhat, Shi hengluo!

Xiao Xuan paused, looked at the visitor, looked at him, and raised his eyebrows.

When Shi HengAn saw Xiao Xuan, his resentment flashed in his eyes. He whispered a few words in the ear of his senior brother Luohan. Luohan just glanced at Xiao Xuan, but his eyes fell on the dragon head first.

"Old man Yu, I haven't seen you for a few years. It's rare that you will join us in Jianghu affairs!" arhat said with a gloomy face.

The dragon head smiled bitterly. When the officials came to mix with Jianghu affairs, he couldn't help it. He said faintly: "brother Luo's spirit is even more than before!"

He arched his hand and made a boxing gesture of right fist and left palm.

Although Xiao Xuan didn't know much about the personnel in the Chinese martial arts circle, he still knew something about the boxing ceremony.

The fist hug of Longtou naturally means that he came as a private rather than an official.

In the martial arts circle, the boxing ceremony is also divided into two types, one is the right palm and left fist, and the other is the left palm and right fist. Most people use the right hand (right-handed), so they mainly look at the right hand. And because the fist is harder than the palm, and the right fist is more powerful than the right palm. If the right fist and the left palm are meant to decide life and death, but the right palm and the left fist are just a competition.

The dragon head takes the right palm and left fist as the boxing ceremony, which is obvious! But Luohan didn't seem to buy it at all. He just snorted coldly and said, "fist and foot have no eyes!"

The faucet's face was slightly ugly and sighed.

Wulin people are so proud since ancient times. There are scruples and exclusions against official people. Even if it is cooperation, it will not make heart.

When Shi HengAn passed by Xiao Xuan, he made a neck wiping action and said with Yin pity: "blood debt and blood compensation is the natural principle. Don't think that moving out of the Great Buddha will break the rules!"

Xiao Xuan smiled and said, "what? Do you want to do it with me before Luohan does it?"

Xiao Xuan's smile was cold. In his opinion, he was merciful last time and didn't abandon this guy. Shouldn't he be grateful for himself?

Shi Heng'an found the killing intention in Xiao Xuan's eyes, and thought that he was almost defeated by Xiao Xuan's move that day. There was no reason for a spirit to excite him. He shivered. How dare he do it.

"People in both Wulin and society need to be reasonable! You know why things start today. It's impossible to help tyrants in the Jianghu, even if they are happy and hostile. Fortunately, you still have the face to show that I owe you money. When will Shaolin people become evil slaves? It's reasonable "I think you're old enough to live on a dog!"

Xiao Xuan said sarcastically, then raised his feet and walked to the gate.

The faucet smiled. He knew that Xiao Xuan was not a fuel-efficient lamp, but at this time, Xiao Xuan opened his mouth and occupied morality, which was beyond his expectation. But he didn't say much. Wu raised his feet and followed Xiao Xuan.

Shi HengAn was so angry that his old face turned red, but he couldn't speak. He bit his teeth, stared at Xiao Xuan's back, and followed him in. tqR1

He wanted to see Xiao Xuan beaten into a dog and kicked out of his head by his senior brother.

The faucet is obviously familiar with the people in the gym, or the gym was built by people in the martial arts circle.

After entering the lounge, the faucet answered the phone and raised his mobile phone. He said in a helpless tone: "Nanhai city is really going to become Xiao city. The people on your side are fast. Zhao Sixi and Bai Yujiao are downstairs. Do you want them to come up?"

Xiao Xuan raised his eyebrows and said to them, "let them come up!"

Longtou recruited a subordinate to pick up Zhao Sixi. Then someone handed Xiao Xuan a set of practice clothes and said, "you change your clothes?"

Xiao Xuan looked at his casual jeans and slippers, scratched the back of his head, but did not refuse. Taking Kung Fu practice, he went to the dressing room to change his clothes.

When Xiao Xuan came out again, Zhao Sixi, Bai Yujiao, sun Shilin and Yuan Wuji had all come up.

"Ha ha, it's quite complete to watch the play! Do you think you're playing monkey tricks?" Xiao Xuan teased.

Everyone was speechless, and their originally nervous hearts were diluted by Xiao Xuan's teasing.

As citizens of modern civilization, although they hang out in the underground city and are not unfamiliar with boxing and foot Kung Fu, and even yuan Wuji and sun Shilin have made achievements in martial arts, the scene of Ding Mao hanging out the banner of the people in martial arts is still strange.

After all, this is a difficult circle for ordinary people. Even if they know that there are Shaolin monks, after all, few people have seen Shaolin monks. Rumors will make the original strange things more mysterious.

"When you don't speak, you look like a great master. Is he? You open your mouth and immediately expose your funny nature!" Sun Shilin grinned and was surprised in his eyes.

Temperament and aura are the most impossible things to pretend. Xiao Xuan was dressed in a white martial arts suit. His elegant and calm demeanor was really different from his usual cynicism.

"..." Xiao Xuan rolled his eyes, looked at Bai Yujiao's anxious appearance, and said, "I want to show you monkey tricks. You are worried. Do you think I don't even have the ability to play monkeys?"

"...." Bai Yujiao didn't speak, but was the leader. She said in a deep voice, "arhat is the leader of Shaolin layman disciples. If he hadn't violated the rules and regulations, he wouldn't have been expelled from Shaolin and returned to the layman!"

"Being expelled from the school, why can you still hold the banner of Shaolin..." Zhao Sixi muttered, thinking about all kinds of martial arts movies, he couldn't help opening his mouth.

"Shaolin's laity disciples are a school of their own. Although they don't have much relationship with Shaolin in theory, Shaolin is so big that there are so many monks. They also need to eat and drink. They depend on these laity disciples, so they have something to do with it. What's more, there is always love in learning from one vein!" long tounan said a few more words.

It seems to be for Zhao Sixi, but it's not ringing the bell for Xiao Xuan!

Xiao Xuan just turned a deaf ear, just impatiently waved his hand and said, "let's go, let's go! It's over early. There are many things in my family!"


The crowd was speechless again. They couldn't laugh or cry about Xiao Xuan's disapproval.

The martial arts competition ground is on the top floor. The whole floor is opened and decorated into a huge challenge arena.

Except for a few big pillars, the whole building is very spacious.

Several tables and chairs were set up on the side of the challenge arena. At this time, several strong men have been seated. They are several masters in Han Daoyuan's mouth. On one side, there was also an auditorium with scattered tables and chairs.

In this way, it's really like playing monkey tricks, but today's monkey tricks are dangerous games that may see blood.

The dragon head came out with Xiao Xuan. Several masters stood up and said with a smile: "old fellow, long time no see!"

The dragon head arched his hand and said with a smile, "several old men give face. This is Xiao Xuan beside me!"

Before the words fell, the eyes of several old guys looked at Xiao Xuan together. Xiao Xuan was generous, raised his chin and said with a smile: "boy, I am Xiao Xuan!"

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