Xiao Xuan helped her forehead, rubbed her head on Bai Yujiao, and said, "there's nothing to worry about! If you're worried, you just don't want to hurt people around you because of carelessness!"

Bai Yujiao stretched out her hand and put it on Xiao Xuan's shoulder, allowing Xiao Xuan sitting by the bed to fall in her arms.

She had never seen Xiao Xuan like this at this time. She was always a man of high spirits. At this time, she seemed to be a little tired.

"Everyone has his own way. His own suffering is not only to protect himself in the cage and avoid injury, but also love. When difficulties come, he supports my backbone and is also love. Companionship is the longest love. Xiao Xuan, there are some responsibilities. Don't drag them onto himself."

Bai Yujiao's soft voice sounded slowly in Xiao Xuan's ear. Xiao Xuan raised his head, and his voice was a little hoarse: "maybe!"

Bai Yujiao rubbed Xiao Xuan's hair tip, raised her mouth and smiled! In front of this man who will be as stubborn as a child, it's reassuring. It's the man who will still make people feel very relieved even if he can't give a marriage letter!

Xiao Xuan was only depressed for a moment, so he looked up and said, "make arrangements and tell Sixi them to take more precautions. Although Shaolin people are famous in Chinese martial arts, I don't know them at all! In case they practice villain's way..."

Bai Yujiao nodded deeply, suddenly remembered the faucet, opened her mouth and said, "the burly man with you today, I think, I think he looks like a very powerful person, but... I can't tell clearly, I think he's strange!"

Xiao Xuan smiled bitterly and said: "He is an official. He is in a high position and has a special status. There are few people who can not give him face in China. He has his own sense of being in a high position and the attitude of others towards him, which will make you think he is very powerful. But the people in the official position have all kinds of constraints, so his ideas and actions are very difficult. For example, he wants me to die, but he doesn't dare to let me die!"

"Why? Even if I can understand that he wants you to die, why not? Xiao Xuan, up to now, I don't know what your identity is! Forget it, I won't ask. What's his identity? If he wants you to die, let's kill him first!" Bai Yujiao was a little sad in the first half, and gnashed her teeth in the second half.

Xiao Xuan touched his nose and said: "If the official is compared to the Ming Dynasty imperial court, he is the boss of the East Hall. He is only under the supervision of the emperor and is responsible for all violence in China. All dangerous people, including people in the martial arts, should be supervised by them. It is the kind of existence in the film that can throw out a certificate and shout that Lao Tzu is not legally responsible for killing you. However, I think he is We have an agreement with the people in the martial arts that outsiders don't know! "

Bai Yujiao didn't speak for a while. After thinking about paying for a moment, she said, "do you mean that an existence like Taoist priest and Northern emperor, or an expert like Shaolin, is the object of their supervision?"

Xiao Xuan nodded, then waved his big hand and said, "don't talk about him. He doesn't have much impact on us."

But Bai Yujiao couldn't rest assured at all. Her lips opened slightly and said, "Xiao Xuan, I know you have great confidence and won't be bound by anyone or any force. I also believe your judgment. However, such a big man above ten thousand people should be so humble in front of you. Are you sure he won't rebound?"

Xiao Xuan smiled but didn't answer. He stretched out his hand to pat Bai Yujiao on her hip and said, "don't worry about my brother! I know!"

Bai Yujiao looked at Xiao Xuan about the dragon head and said nothing more. With Xiao Xuan's mind, he wouldn't know what she could think of. Even if he didn't know, that's enough.

They talked for a moment. Xiao Xuan explained some things to Bai Yujiao, and then made a move to leave.

"Going back to accompany the first wife again? Alas, the third child has no status and is becoming more and more difficult to be!" Bai Yujiao joked, and her pretty face also showed a little reluctance to give up.

"She, that's a special situation now!" Xiao Xuan scratched the back of his head and said awkwardly.

"..." Bai Yujiao pointed Xiao Xuan's forehead and sighed.

Xiao Xuan blushed, kissed the beauty on her face, and left laughing. He was going to sit down with Zhao Sixi and his party and talk about the trouble in Shaolin, but from the information Bai Yujiao learned, it was not necessary at all. Zhao Sixi had already had the mentality and made preparations.

When he returned home again, it was already midnight. Sun Ma and Su Guoer were asleep. Xiao Xuan went to Su Mei's room with light hands and feet, and pricked up his ears to listen to the movement inside.

There was no superfluous sound in the room, only Su Mei's breathing sound, but the breathing sound was not so uniform and seemed to be in a hurry.

Xiao Xuan quietly pushed the door in. He could give her medicine and let her sleep, but he was not a God and could not control the sinister pain in her dream. Looking at Su Mei with tears on his face, Xiao Xuan sat at the head of the bed.

The big hand gently stroked Su Mei's forehead, stroked the hair soaked in cold sweat and pasted on her smooth forehead, and her fingertips trembled slightly. It seemed that she was afraid of waking Su Mei, or that she was distressed and helpless in her sleep at the moment.

After several twists and turns, Xiao Xuan was very tired, so he leaned against the head of the bed and slept.

The next morning, when Su Mei woke up, she opened her eyes and saw Xiao Xuan leaning against the head of the bed to sleep. And her head snuggled up to Xiao Xuan's legs. There was warmth in their posture and distance.

Su Mei inexplicably wanted to cry. Xiu's nose was slightly sour, which made her couldn't help twitching her nose! With such a subtle action, Xiao Xuan woke up.

"Wake up? Get up and have something to eat. I've made some arrangements for your father's future. After dinner, I'll tell you carefully and do it as soon as possible!" Xiao Xuan said faintly.

Su Mei nodded, but shrunk under the quilt but didn't move. Her eyes swept Xiao Xuan round and round. Xiao Xuan understood and smiled and went into the bathroom to wash.

Su Mei got up quickly with a pretty red face. After cleaning up, when she went downstairs, she saw that Xiao Xuan and Su Guoer were already eating. Sun Ma was busy. She was inexplicably relieved. It seems that the sadness brought by his father's death has been diluted in this warm breakfast picture.

After dinner, Xiao Xuan took Su Mei to the crematorium. As Bai Yujiao said, everyone's suffering may be determined by heaven. Not every kind of Xiao Xuan can be solved. Like the grief of her dead father and mother, Xiao Xuan could not solve Su Mei's sadness at this time, nor had he the right not to let her daughter do her last filial piety at this time.

The crematorium is a gloomy place with an unspeakable infiltration. Xiao Xuan doesn't care, but Su Mei is a little nervous. She can't help but take the initiative to hold Xiao Xuan's hand. It seems that she will be relieved.

The crematorium staff discussed the whole funeral process with Su Mei. Su Mei listened quietly and looked at Xiao Xuan around her from time to time. It seems that Su Weitian's sudden death made her unconsciously dependent on Xiao Xuan.

Just after everything was arranged, when she walked out of the crematorium, Su Mei's mobile phone rang. Su Mei answered the phone. Xiao Xuan only heard Su Muyou's voice. When the mobile phone hit the ground, Xiao Xuan knew that the food was bad.

Pretending to be calm, Xiao Xuan asked, "what's the matter?"

"Nothing!" Su Mei's tone was very indifferent and picked up the phone.

But as soon as the voice fell, Dou Da's tears began to flow! Expressionless tears, which is enough to make any man distressed.

Xiao Xuan didn't have time to scold his mother. The mobile phone that fell on the ground rang again. This time, Xiao Xuan was quick eyed and quick. He picked up the mobile phone first. Jiang Haoran's voice on the phone was a little proud and said, "if I can't see you in half an hour, Su Muyou will die ugly! Believe me, the Su family will break out the biggest scandal in history."

Obviously, at the other end of the phone, I don't know that Xiao Xuan answered the phone at this time. "OK, wait, I'll see you!" Xiao Xuan replied coldly and hung up the phone.

After hanging up, Xiao Xuan picked up Su Mei and took her out of the crematorium. tqR1

After getting on the bus for a while, Su Mei seemed to slow down. "What did he say about the scandal?"

Su Mei naturally knows that the scandal that Jiang Haoran can say will not be the lacy news of Xiao Xuan in pediatrics. There are several women. But she really can't think of anything else! She was self disciplined and innocent since childhood.

Even if Su Muyou takes drugs, this kind of thing is not a great scandal. In the circle, drug abuse is reported every day, not to mention in the circle of the rich, but in the eyes of the ordinary people, it is not big news.

Xiao Xuan held his breath and didn't speak. Su Mei suddenly said, "Xiao Xuan, you don't know. Do you know the scandal Jiang Haoran said? Is it you, your, erotic photo?"

"..." Xiao Xuan rolled his eyes and said in a deep voice, "don't think about it. I'll know when I see him!"

Su Mei shook her head and said, "if you can, I think you'd better not see him! Jiang Haoran must be ready!"

Xiao Xuan was a little surprised. How could Su Mei have said such a thing before? The concern in these words was hardly disguised. It was too inconsistent with Su Mei's character!

"Things have to be solved!" Xiao Xuan said faintly.

Su Mei didn't dare to think about how to solve what Xiao Xuan said. Jiang Haoran is the son of Jiang Tieshou and the leader of the Party of crown prince Yanjing. It's not a cat and dog. You can kill it at will.

She was worried about Xiao Xuan. Her chest was like a big stone, which made her out of breath!

Xiao Xuan's face was very gloomy. After sending Su Mei home, he hurried out of the door.

Even the leader of the crown prince party should end it!


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