Su Mei looked at Jiang Haoran's almost crazy and distorted expression, and the whole person was stunned! Half a ring, then the pale trembling voice said, "you nonsense!"

Jiang Haoran sneered and said, "Oh, our father was really romantic when he was young. Even I didn't expect that his illegitimate daughter would be so beautiful. Of course, even if you were ugly, I would marry you. Only the people of the yuan family, the most noble blood flowing through their bones, and only the people of the yuan family deserve me!" tqr1

Su Mei was overwhelmed by five thunders. She didn't know what wind Jiang Haoran was smoking. She didn't believe it. She didn't want to believe what Jiang Haoran said, but subconsciously she knew that Jiang Haoran didn't need to tell such a lie.

Who is Jiang tiewrist and who is he? As his son, Jiang Haoran has no need to discredit him.

But Su Mei couldn't accept it. Her delicate body trembled, and her pretty face suddenly became gray. The whole person took a few steps back and looked at Jiang Haoran in horror.

Jiang Haoran is a psychotic. He has the abnormal psychology of marrying his sister.

Su Mei has studied psychology. She knows that this is a kind of psychological illness. In ancient times, it was very common. This was the case with the royal blood lineage theory. However, the royal blood lineage theory also paid attention to three generations. The rigorous dynasties even required five clothes before they could be combined.

However, Jiang Haoran was obviously insane. He even said that the blood of the yuan family was noble. Only his own sister was worthy of his words if he wanted to marry his own sister.

Su Mei's whole person was dull. At this moment, her intelligent brain seemed to stop working. Looking at Jiang Haoran's slightly red cheeks because of excitement, she finally felt fear.

"My dear sister, do you think so? You say that I, Jiang Haoran, am a talented person. If I want a family background and a future, I can't compare with that little bastard. You and I are a natural couple!" Jiang Haoran said, reaching out and pulling Su Mei's jade hand.

Su Mei was so frightened that she retreated for several steps. She still had fantasies and said aloud, "I'm Su Weitian's daughter. How can I be your sister!? you're crazy! Don't touch me, otherwise, otherwise..."

"Otherwise? Hahaha, or that bastard Xiao Xuan will come and kill me? You probably don't know? He may have died in the vast sea now. Don't imagine that he will come and save you. Besides, if it wasn't for that little bastard, I really can't know that you are my sister! Why do you think you make Yuya big? You think the old man of the Su family doesn't give the company to his son and grandson , why do you have a granddaughter? Isn't it just because Jiang tiewrist will take care of you? "

When Jiang Haoran said here, his face was ferocious, and the green veins on his forehead jumped, like a failed concubine in the harem, or a royal heir who lost his father's favor.

Su Mei only felt a heavy hammer pounding her chest, and there was a kind of tearing pain in her chest! All kinds of doubts in the past seem to be logical in an instant!

At this time, her brain can't think about how to get out of trouble, or whether Xiao Xuan is really dead!

If she is not the son of the Su family, is she an illegitimate daughter?

Su Mei didn't dare and couldn't think any more. At this time, Jiang Haoran suddenly came forward, grabbed Su Mei's jade arm, pulled it into her arms.

Su Mei's crazy struggle was just in front of a tall man. Her strength was like tickling.

The more she struggled, Jiang Haoran became more and more excited. Even his voice was a little hoarse. He only heard his obscene voice: "I think Xiao Xuan should be dead. Now you can marry me. Tomorrow, we will get a marriage certificate. Well, what do you think of my plan?"

"Pervert!" Su Mei suddenly opened her mouth and bit the man's arm grasping her. With enough strength, she went down and saw blood on the spot.

Jiang Haoran shouted in pain and slapped him!

With a snap, Su Mei's hair ends were disrupted, and five bright red finger prints suddenly appeared on her white pretty face.

Taking advantage of the situation, Su Mei quickly retreated half a step, turned around and ran. When she opened the door and ran out, Jiang Haoran didn't rush to chase, but just smiled.

Looking at a row of blood tooth marks on his arm, Jiang Haoran flashed fiercely in his eyes and slowly chased out.

Su Mei ran away like crazy, but it took more than ten minutes for the car to drive in such a big manor, let alone a weak woman who wanted to run out.

"I won't let you taste my power, so I..." Jiang Haoran chased him step by step. Su Mei tried her best to run, but it was just a pale struggle in his eyes.

Jiang Haoran saw that Su Mei had run more than 100 meters before he clapped his hands. At this time, two strong men in black ran out of the nearby trees and jumped at Su Mei quickly!

Su Mei couldn't have any extra ideas at this time. Just for a moment, she was rushed by two strong men in black.

One left and one right set up her, let alone run, even struggling is powerless.

Su Mei was disappointed. She thought that the best result should be death!

Jiang Haoran's desire to conquer is getting stronger and stronger. He likes such a strong woman.

Just then, suddenly, a dark shadow flew down from the dense apricot tree, accompanied by a woman's scolding, "let go of my sister!"

Jiang Haoran also practiced fighting skills, and his reaction speed was faster than that of ordinary people. However, he still didn't wait for his action. A woman's shadow flashed from his eyes and jumped behind him in the blink of an eye. A white and tender jade hand was like a deadly claw at this time, just right pinched at his throat.

It's su Guoer. The taxi driver really didn't cheat her. He took her seven turns and eight turns into an alley. From the alley, he can go around to the hill behind the Manor! Although there are strict protective measures on the hill, there are fewer guards and patrols. For Su Guoer, the difficulty is greatly reduced and he sneaks in successfully! Unexpectedly, I finally found it and saw this scene. After squatting in the tree for a moment, she had to do it because she didn't want to do it immediately.

At the moment Jiang Haoran was caught, he reacted quickly and immediately backhand boxing, but Su Guoer seemed to be able to predict his actions. He just poked an elbow in his waist. At that time, it hurt so much that he took a breath and didn't dare to act rashly.

"Who are you? How did you get in?" Jiang Haoran said in a deep voice. He could feel that the girl behind him was a trainer. At least he, the so-called three masters of fighting, was not an opponent at all.

"Stop talking nonsense and let Su Mei go!" Su Guoer's pretty face was red, as if she was a little nervous. She learned martial arts from childhood, but she hardly touched anyone. It's hard to avoid tension at this time.

Su Mei was more and more surprised when she saw Su Guoer, but she couldn't ask questions at this time. I just felt that the people in black on both sides of her were stunned and struggled in a hurry. But the people in black are well-trained, and she can't break free.

Su Guo'er saw this and made slight force on her fingertips. She felt that her fingernails had been embedded into Jiang Haoran's skin and said, "let your men let go!"

Jiang Haoran sneered and said, "if you have the ability, you'll strangle me. I don't believe you can run out of my Manor!"

"..." suguo'er was silly for a moment. She didn't have much experience in dealing with this kind of crisis. Moreover, when sneaking in, she also observed the defense of the manor. Although it was not five steps, one post and ten steps, it was not easy to go out. She saw the gunman.

If she were alone, she wouldn't be unable to go out with her body method, but there was Su Mei!

"Ha ha, dare not kill me?" Jiang Haoran sneered again. Su Mei could see that Jiang Haoran was gambling.

"Guo'er, kill him! He won't let people go anyway. It's better to die together!" Su Mei shouted.

Su Guoer's forehead exudes cold sweat. What should she do? She doesn't know.

It's illegal to kill! She can't do it even if it's not illegal to kill. Even if she did it, it doesn't mean they can get out of the manor


At sea, Xiao Xuan and the old monk are still fighting!

Xiao Xuan's chest was stained with blood, but his cold face was only resolute. The towering war spirit was suspended around him, forming a powerful aura like an idea.

At this time, he was like a wild goose falling on the edge of the ship, his arms crossed, and the sea wind roared past, as if he would be blown down to the sea by the wind.

The old monk is still on the deck, with a low brow. His thin body is more and more shaky.

"Almsgiver, you are the strongest young man I have ever seen!" the old monk sighed, as if he was sorry! In his opinion, if Xiao xuanruo did not commit heinous crimes, he should also be a young hero.

Xiao Xuan laughed and said in a shocked voice, "success is king and defeat is enemy! Right and wrong is in the outcome!"

"No. right and wrong are only in people's hearts! Amitabha!" the old monk sang a Buddha's name and said faintly.

"Regardless of his right or wrong, he will either win or die today. There is nothing else!" Xiao Xuan snorted coldly, too lazy to rap. Once again, the whole man, like an indomitable God, flew to the old monk. The scarlet blood on his chest was particularly eye-catching. The old monk's eyes flashed, and his hands just made a gesture of fingering flowers.

Shaolin's unique skill, fingering flowers!

It is also a unique skill that the old monk has practiced all his life! He hasn't used his fingertips for many years, because no one is qualified to force him to use his unique skills. But Xiao Xuan was different. Xiao Xuan was the one who forced him to use his unique skills.

He never thought that a little guy at the beginning of his birth could be so powerful!

Decisive battle, victory or defeat in this last game!

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