Xiao Xuan's words frightened Bai Yujiao. This spirited man seldom said such words with the meaning of dealing with the aftermath. It has always been the collapse of the sky and the sinking of the earth as a bed.

"Go? Where to go? I'm also a man with a family now, but I don't have the smell of abandoning my wife at any time!" Xiao Xuan joked himself.

Bai Yujiao was vaguely worried. She knew that the current situation was very complicated. However, in her understanding, she and Jiang Haoran died at the hands of Xiao Xuan, offending a behemoth like the Jiang family. However, it was not as simple as she thought.

Xiao Xuan knew very well how big the storm whirlpool would be brought by the ghost talisman, which would change the ability of the martial arts, change the Western dissidents, and even change the world martial arts pattern.

Under great changes, there are always trendsetters rising and die hards being eliminated. How cruel! No one wants to be eliminated. Every force will struggle desperately for resources.

Xiao Xuan didn't know what would happen in the end.

He could not even guess what kind of good luck or bad luck these mysterious gods would bring.

The mysterious man in black in wolf castle, the mysterious resurrection of Alexander, the mysterious Longyan Valley, all these things, although Xiao Xuan was not afraid, he had to think more.

As Xiao Xuan said, he is now a man with a family!

There are women who love him or love him, and brothers who pledge to advance and retreat with him to death! He is their umbrella, and they are used to it.

In the face of too many uncontrollable, Xiao Xuan is still fearless, but he always needs some means to make a bigger and stronger umbrella. At least, he can ensure that even without him, his lovers, brothers and friends will not be affected.

Iron and blood tenderness, whether Xiao Xuan is overbearing or murderous, in the depths of his soul, he may be just a man with flesh and blood!

Bai Yujiao looked at Xiao Xuan with some wandering eyes, slowly hugged Xiao Xuan's waist from her back, listened to the man's powerful heartbeat from her back, and didn't speak again. She doesn't need to talk anymore. It's not important to know the cause. What's important is that she knows what he thinks. She knows that this is her white Yujiao man!

"Oh, my God, you two are playing the land version of Titanic! Sister Yujiao, you are also the famous white lotus leader, but now your image is more and more subversive!"

Zhao Sixi didn't know when to approach. He opened his mouth and joked.

Bai Yujiao hummed. She was too lazy to quarrel with Zhao Sixi. She loosened her arm around Xiao Xuan and sat down slowly.

"Just in time. You can do two things." Xiao Xuan waved, pointed to the opposite sofa and motioned Zhao Sixi to sit down and talk.

Zhao Sixi patted his chest and said, "brother, what do you say, do it all!"

"You can arrange the debt collection and let Wuji and the lion king do it. They are the best to deal with those old greasy sticks. Remember, it's a rule. It's really difficult. We can step back. The old greasy sticks can either pay back the money or pay back their lives. The second thing, you go to the northeast and tell the old emperor that it's time to start!" Xiao Xuan rubbed his forehead and said faintly.

Zhao Sixi nodded his head, pondered for a moment, and said, "brother, I have only one worry about collecting accounts. It's difficult to be measured. I'm not afraid that I can't eat mutton!"

"Make progress!" Xiao Xuan smiled and then said, "don't worry, as long as you don't start with kindness, it's a degree! The rest depends on the means of brothers. I believe in the wisdom of brothers!"

"Brother, in fact, I'm worried that we've done it. For those politicians, it's just business. They say that bitches are ruthless and politicians are unjust. I always think it's hard and thankless!" Zhao Sixi said his heart for a while.

When Zhao Sixi said this, Xiao Xuan was very pleased. His bastard brother Zhao Sixi was about to grow into a big tree, but it was just a dance of years.

"You're right. Politicians are unjust. But you should also know that China is a human society. As long as you play the two cards of interest and human affection, politicians are unjust but can be affectionate! As long as you establish interest and human relations with people worthy of investment, at least you wear a protective coat. If you are a secretary, I won't cause you trouble, but I can help you Political achievements, do you have to kill me? 50% of the reasons why you are in the top position are because of the convenience I bring, and we are grasshoppers on a rope. "Xiao Xuan said with a smile.

Zhao Sixi weighed Xiao Xuan's words and finally nodded with emphasis.

Xiao Xuan calmly looked at Zhao Sixi and digested what he said. After half a ring, he said, "what I just said is the inferior way. The best thing to do is to establish interest supply and demand in an ambiguous state!"

"Like this debt collection? It seems that more is just business? We made money? A politician who invested in a potential stock? And sold a favor behind this politician? All we have to do is try to do business, and they will settle the rest?" Zhao Sixi suddenly rubbed his fingers.

"You're enlightened!" Xiao Xuan nodded.

Zhao Sixi smiled and said, "I also have a question about what happened to Taoist master. Brother Xuan didn't seem to want to break the current pattern before, but why did he suddenly change his mind now? Is it because of Jiang tiewrist?"

At this time, Zhao Sixi was like a serious student, learning how to think about the overall situation step by step. He chose to split and analyze Xiao Xuan's idea to confirm his analysis. The method seemed a little clumsy.

However, Xiao Xuan was a tireless teacher and answered them one by one.

"It's because of Jiang Tieshou, not because of him. To be exact, it's because of my personal affairs. But this personnel will affect you. So just clean it up!" Xiao Xuan said vaguely.

"Elder brother, I don't like to hear that. What do you mean you're a person? You don't have a person except that sleeping sister-in-law is your personal business. Haven't you seen a TV play? Emperors have no family affairs, family affairs are state affairs, and state affairs are family affairs." Zhao Sixi talked freely and said it was a smooth way.

Xiao Xuan opened his mouth and stared again. He was stunned and choked. Zhao Sixi's words are rough and even a little incoherent, but this is the case. In Xiaocheng guard, Xiao Xuan is the local emperor. He can call all the resources of the small kingdom at any time, but he should also be responsible for the rise and fall of the small kingdom.

"Roll the calf, this big truth is still a set!" Xiao Xuan waved his hand impatiently, touched a cigarette and lit it.

Zhao Sixi opened his mouth and wanted to talk, but he heard Xiao Xuan's mobile phone ring.

Seeing that it was a CAI's call, Xiao Xuan didn't hesitate to pick it up immediately. He just listened to a CAI at the other end of the phone and said, "President Xiao, song Xixue will arrive at Nanhai airport at 10:30 a.m. our entertainment company will arrange someone to meet him. At noon, Celine will arrive on time. Do you want to come to the company?"

"OK, I'll come!" Xiao Xuan promised to hang up the phone.

"What's the matter? Go and do something!" Bai Yujiao sat beside Xiao Xuan, heard the words on the other end of the phone and said considerately.

Sometimes, she feels a little distressed for Xiao Xuan. There is a saying that you know you saw the thief eating meat, but you didn't see the thief beaten. Everyone was envious of Xiao Xuan's privilege, but didn't see the man's pay.

Xiao Xuan didn't know Bai Yujiao's many ideas. He nodded to Bai Yujiao and Zhao Sixi, went out of ODI and drove towards the company.

As soon as he arrived at the company, he saw that Wang Chao was like an ant on a hot pot. He was so anxious that he muttered, "it's really no spirit of contract. It's too low!"

"What's the situation?" Xiao Xuan patted Wang Chao on the shoulder, motioned him and said directly.

"Just now, Miss Song Xixue's agent called and said that she would definitely stay in the presidential suite on the whole first floor of Xiyuan Hotel, otherwise she refused to attend the afternoon lunch. But the contract clearly stated that Miss Song Xixue stayed in the presidential suite, and her entourage only stayed in the commercial suite!" Wang Chao was sweating. The whole activity took three days, If it is to cover the whole layer of presidential suit, it will be a large expenditure.

"Oh, that's all! Don't worry about her. Follow the contract. Tell their agent that our lawyers haven't filed a lawsuit for a long time, and they're complaining that they have nothing to do. In addition, I'm short of money recently. Liquidated damages are also subsidies!" Xiao Xuan sneered and took an unexpectedly tough attitude. tqR1

"But, will this make us make a mountain out of a molehill? Will other stars cooperate with us in the future..." Wang Chao stopped.

"What are you afraid of? Stars are just jobs. If you don't do a good job one by one, you really think you're a star? I'll deal with playing big names. I'll deal with them. I specialize in playing big names. It's shameless!" Xiao Xuan said with a smile. It's like he will turn into a bitch at any time and can't keep up with the 300 rounds of star wars in the border.

"Even if we have reason, we can't stand brain powder!"

"Go and do it. There's so much to say! You're really good. Tell him directly that you can't be the master if you don't want to be the master. Let's come to me?" Xiao Xuan patted Wang Chao on the back of his head and said with a headache.

Wang Chao turned red with embarrassment and ran out with embarrassment.

Xiao Xuanda stabbed back to the office. He didn't take this seriously at all. He looked at the personnel information of the new recruits sent by ah CAI.

About an hour later, Xiao Xuan drank tea, ate dessert and finished reading the materials. He was thinking about whether to go to the next building to see his good wife Su Mei. As a result, a hysterical quarrel outside the door rang out.

"Your manager is so impolite that he didn't go to the airport to meet Miss Song and refused the accommodation request! We have to refuse the next activities."

"We have a contract. You can't do this!"

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