On the plane from Nanhai city to Yunnan and Guizhou, there were only three people in the six seats in first class.

Xiao Xuan, Zhang Yue, and Wu Xiushan.

Xiao Xuan was surprised that Su Mei sent Zhang Yue to Yunnan Guizhou to negotiate the Yunnan Guizhou Charity Night in the new season of Yuya.

Is this his last test? Temptation? Or an ultimatum?

It seems that all the women before Xiao Xuan don't care, but if they are still flirting, Su Mei will break it into the eighteen hell in her heart. There is no reincarnation and there is no need for rebirth?

No wonder Xiao Xuan thought too much. From the beginning to now, their relationship has entered an unprecedented period of harmony.

Su Mei seems to have begun to face up to the relationship between them, and seems to have begun to melt bit by bit and accept Xiao Xuan. However, she still has a stem in her heart, which is Xiao Xuan's unruly!

For women, the unrestrained, arrogant and domineering nature of men is the most infinite charm, the most uneasy and the easiest place to lose dignity. Even if she is as proud as Su Mei, she will have such worries.

Su Mei knew the delicate relationship between Zhang Yue and Xiao Xuan. But Su Mei also sent Zhang Yue.

Xiao Xuan thought about it in a mess. He closed his eyes and didn't look at Zhang Yue sitting next to him.

The faint fragrance on the woman blew into his nostrils with the air conditioning wind. Even Xiao Xuan could feel Zhang Yue's eyes sweeping over him from time to time.

Fortunately, the whole flight lasted only two hours. When the plane landed, Xiao Xuancai opened his eyes and turned around, but he was colliding with Zhang Yue's eyes.

"After getting off the plane, I went to the countryside with the old witch. Are you going to the hotel?" Xiao Xuan asked as if he had nothing to say.

"Yes!" Zhang Yue answered coldly with a layer of frost on her pretty face. She understood Xiao Xuan's evasion and couldn't express her sadness.

Xiao Xuan nodded, but didn't say much.

After leaving the airport, Xiao Xuan watched Zhang Yue and his assistant get on the special bus arranged by the event organizer and sighed inexplicably when lighting cigarettes. That lonely with stubborn back, let him really feel a little distressed.

"Amorous, spare hate since ancient times, but the hero is sad about the beauty pass!" Wu Xiushan stood behind Xiao Xuan and joked with a smile.

Xiao Xuan turned around in amazement, looked at Wu Xiushan, and said in anger and shame, "old man Wu, you spread rumors? Be careful, I won't go!"

With a flat mouth, Wu Xiushan said disdainfully, "rumor? The girl's eyes are like nailing to you since she got on the plane. Fools can see that there is an adultery!"

"...." Xiao Xuan opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything. Even Wu Xiushan, an old antique, can see the clue. What else can he say?

"Let's go, let's go! People on my side are waiting for you!" Wu Xiushan patted Xiao Xuan on the shoulder and pointed to the black car not far away.

When the black Mercedes Benz and two million imported cars bumped into the suburban path, they inadvertently demonstrated the financial resources of the Wu family.

"Tell me, what's going on!" Xiao Xuan said faintly, looking at the flying scenery outside the window.

Wu Xiushan looked dignified and said, "my Wu family, there are already twelve people, so I can't live!"

"Something big must have happened recently?" said Xiao xuanruo.

Wu Xiushan glanced at Xiao Xuan and said calmly, "nothing can be concealed from you. A week ago, there was a large mining accident in Lingshan mining area. You know, the medical environment in this mountainous area, so many wounded people were handled by our Wu doctor. There are a lot of wounded people..."

Xiao Xuan sighed and said, "there are thirteen needles in the ghost gate. Seven of the thirteen needles cure diseases and eight change lives. Without the resolution in the second part, you are completely taking your own life and changing others' lives!"

This mysterious thing, outsiders just can't believe it. But only Wu Xiushan looked frightened, helpless and deeply regretted.

"But there is something strange about it!" Xiao Xuan said with a frown.

"People from the 13th secret service bureau have been involved in investigating the cause of the mine accident!" Wu Xiushan said faintly.

Xiao Xuan gave a cry and stopped talking. Eyebrows from time to time, like another thought.

The car drove very fast, but it took six hours to reach the ancestral temple of Wu family.

Wu's people are all over Yungui mountain. This time, Wu Xiushan used the family order to gather everyone in the ancestral temple.

In addition to those people who can't move and are "terminally ill", more people are still healthy for the time being. Of course, this health can only be said to be seemingly healthy.

Because all the Wu people are black like the bottom of a pot. The kind of black that seems to penetrate from the bone is not like the black complexion of Africa, but a kind of black that seems to be surrounded by black gas.

Of course, the high ultraviolet mountains like Yunnan and Guizhou are black and will not be regarded as morbid.

However, Wu's ancestors were doctors, and their ancestors were mysterious doctors. Naturally, they knew that their skin color was "black" very abnormal.

Xiao Xuan followed Wu Xiushan into the ancestral temple of the Wu clan, which was repaired like a temple. When he glanced at these Wu clan, he showed some intolerance.

Nearly a quarter of them are disabled. And even if they are sound, they are plagued with diseases.

"You pay a little too much for cloth medicine!" Xiao Xuan said in a deep voice, but his heart was shocked.

Generally speaking, people like Xiao Xuan are used to bloody cruelty and have long been like a rock. The "tragedy" of the Wu family alone is not worth his fuss.

However, Xiao Xuan knew that the "tragedy" of the Wu family was the root cause of the strong practice of medicine.

This made him feel that it was at the cost of exterminating the family, and then distributed the energy of doctors for the ordinary people in Yunnan and Guizhou. tqR1

Xiao Xuan, who was originally a deal and a fate, said positively: "old Wu, I Xiao Xuan is willing to help with this matter, but the problem is a little serious and may need a lot of treasures..."

Xiao Xuan didn't finish his words, but he was interrupted.

"Second uncle, who the hell is this guy? You called us all back to the ancestral temple for this guy?" the young man talking was one eyed, with a black eye mask on his left eye and a violent light in his right eye, looking at Xiao Xuan unkindly.

Wu Xiushan said seriously, "Wu Gao, don't talk nonsense. This Mr. Xiao is..."

"Hehe, I think he is a charlatan! Second uncle, I know you always want to be the real patriarch of the Wu family, but you don't have to use the guise of getting rid of the curse for the Wu family!" Wu Gao seems to have a prejudice against Wu Xiushan, but this prejudice involves Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan looked on coldly, but he was not angry and did not speak.

Wu Xiushan said faintly, "it doesn't matter whether I am the head of the Wu family. The important thing is that now the people of the Wu family are really in trouble. Every child of the Wu family has to fight for it. Is it difficult to wait for the disaster of exterminating the family?"

Wu Gao sneered and said, "what a noble reason. Our Wu family will die and maim a few because of the curse every year. This is a curse, a curse of our ancestors!!!!"

"Ignorance!" although Wu Xiushan angrily denounced, he was not angry. There is more sadness in my eyes.

Wu Gao still had to speak. This time, he was lightly interrupted by Xiao Xuan, "your left brain nerve is damaged. The hidden disease is in the lower three tendons."

"How do you know?" Wu Gao looked straight at Xiao Xuan. There was no surprise on his face, but anger, like the anger and shame of being exposed.

"I also know that the people of the Wu clan are so grumpy and vicious. That's how you are. If you don't want to die, shut up and don't make a noise!" Xiao Xuan snorted, waved his hand and said impatiently.

"Bastard, if you dare to play tricks, it must be the old man of Wuxiu mountain who told you... I advise you to get out of the ancestral temple of the Wu clan. If you don't come to the ancestral temple of the Wu clan, you will be cursed!" Wu raised a sharp and shrill voice, which attracted several young and strong guys to stand behind him and stare at Xiao Xuan one by one.

Xiao Xuan frowned and looked at Wu Xiushan without moving.

Wu Xiushan has seen Xiao Xuan's rebellious and overbearing, for fear that the ancestor would leave, but Xiao Xuan seems to show an unexpected calm. Wu Xiushan knew that this was Xiao Xuan's respect for the credit of the Wu family.

"Wu Gao, I hope you don't make trouble! If you are a junior and obstruct the family affairs, do you want to see the Wu family doomed?" Wu Xiushan's voice was not loud, but his luck spread all over the ancestral temple in an instant.

"I'm not making trouble, but I don't believe him! There are many treasures of the Wu family. Even if the Wu family destroys the family, the treasures will be left to Yungui's children and grandchildren, not plundered by these outsiders!" said Wu gaozhen.

As soon as this remark came out, many people of the Wu family responded one after another.

"Old man Wu, your face doesn't seem to be enough!" Xiao Xuan said with a faint smile, as if it wasn't affected at all.

Wu Xiushan's old face is red, but he listens to Xiao Xuan's deep voice and opens his mouth. "A needle goes to the soul, two needles scatter the cow ghost, and the three needle goes to the snake god.

At the exit of the general outline of the thirteen needles of the ghost gate, the Wu family changed from restless to quiet. More than 100 people in the audience suddenly heard the sound of the needles falling.

For a long time, Wu Gao's group of people seemed to blow their hair. Pointing to Wu Xiushan, they scolded, "you dare to spread the secret of Wu's family..."

Wu Xiushan was just about to explain, but he heard Xiao Xuan's voice rise abruptly, "the way of witch doctors is different. They have different ways, different lives, different lives and different transports. Communicate Yin life with their own life, and then go to Yin Fire..."

Wu's people were stunned, especially those who studied Wu's medicine, were completely stunned.

Wu Gao is no exception. He has made great achievements in the traditional Chinese medicine of the Wu family. He has thirteen needles of the ghost family of the Wu family. He has been highly skilled.

He is naturally familiar with the general outline of the thirteen needles of the ghost gate. But the words recited behind Xiao Xuan are different from the first part of the thirteen needles of the ghost gate, but based on his understanding of the general outline, these words are explaining the thirteen needles of the ghost gate!

At this moment, a shocking message came out of everyone's mind. Xiao xuanhui's thirteen needles of the ghost gate were more proficient and detailed than the so-called Wu clan.

Even coincidentally thought of the second two of the thirteen needles of the ghost gate lost in the long river of history

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