"Xiao Xuan, you really don't know who they are? Are they waiting for us?" Wu Xiushan asked in a low voice.

Xiao Xuan fiddled with the small flag in his hand and said faintly, "the devil knows who they are! Wait for us. But it must be the same as our purpose!"

"They also went up the mountain for Yanghua? Also, you said that the secret service people were dead before, isn't it true?" Wu Xiushan frowned.

"I guess. Let's go up the mountain first!" Xiao Xuan waved his hand and didn't want to say more.

Wu Xiushan took a breath and just guessed that he even killed eight people! Xiao Xuan's life is too worthless! tqR1

However, he would not say this at such a time.

In fact, it was the other party who first exposed the killing opportunity and was seen through by Xiao Xuan before cutting the root.

The three continued to rush towards the mountain. Xiao Xuan looked at the flag in his hand and suddenly asked Wu Gao, "do you know the flag? I think the pattern on the flag is very strange, like something from Miao people."

Wu Gao glanced at the flag, remained silent for a moment and said, "I'm not sure. I can only say it's like the five-color flag of the black witch gate!"

Xiao Xuan turned the flag, which was only the size of a palm. The flagpole was made of copper and had two rows of holes to put smoke. The flag was made of silk and painted with five color poisonous insects. There are three small flags that can be identified at a glance. From Xiao Xuan's eyes, we can see that the flag has other wonderful functions, but the operation method is unknown.

"Black witch gate?!" Xiao Xuan sighed, and his feet were fast again.

Wu Xiushan was full of worries. He didn't expect it at all. He just took Xiao Xuan back to Wu's family to treat patients and save people, but things developed in another completely uncontrollable direction. First, I completely turned against the elder, and then I came to the mining area to meet the mysterious man in black.

Xiao Xuan, the only one who has a ready mind, explained everything vaguely. They guys who don't turn their minds so fast can only suppress their anger.

"It seems that something really happened!"

Near the mining area, you can see the lights from a distance. In this inaccessible mountain, the lights are undoubtedly particularly dazzling.

However, as an old doctor of the Wu family, people at the level of Gu family and Gu king are not as good as Xiao Xuan in some aspects, but one thing is equal, that is, sensitivity.

"Bloody smell... It seems you guessed very accurately!" Wu said in a deep voice, silently approaching Wu Xiushan.

Chijiu'er pulled out the whip around his waist, "that villain who likes to kill is very powerful and accurate. I like you a little. No, I don't say I like you, I just say I like you so smart!"

Xiao Xuan raised his chin and smelled the bloody smell in the air. His face was slightly dignified.

"I suggest you three go down the mountain now!" Xiao Xuan frowned and said.

Closer to the mining area, there is an indescribable gloom. The thick smell of blood in the air is not as simple as the death of several people.

Now that the three have come, naturally they can't fall short. Now they go down the mountain.

Seeing this, Xiao Xuan said no more. The four hurried towards the gate of the mining area.

The gate of the mining area is not a common modern iron gate, but an ancient gate with a watchtower. The four huge long-range miner's lamps, both inside and outside, shine brightly on the lookout platforms on both sides of the mining area.

As soon as I approached, I saw four bodies, bloody bodies, with rotten skin and flesh, as if they had been bitten by wild animals. There were swords and cold weapons beside the body, but there were no signs of fighting at the scene.

This scene is simply creepy and can't help thinking of some very strange pictures.

Xiao Xuan frowned, turned over the four bodies and said, "it's a secret service man." as he said, he had pulled out the certificate from the body's clothes.

Seeing this, Wu Xiushan said, "do you want to inform the police?"

Xiao Xuan shook his head and said, "it's no use informing the police! Let me inform the secret service!"

Through the gate, coal mountains, machinery and forklifts can be seen everywhere. Messy equipment is crisscrossed under the light, mixed with the whine of the cold wind from time to time, and the gloomy feeling is even stronger.

"I always feel chilly on my back!" chijiu'er whispered.

Xiao Xuan quickly sent two short messages with his mobile phone in his hand, stuffed his mobile phone back into his pocket, and said, "how many people died in the officially reported mine accident?"

"Forty two. But I learned that more than 70 died. There were more than 100 injured people! All four underground mines collapsed!" Wu said in a high voice.

"Just more than seventy?" Xiao Xuan raised his eyebrows and questioned.

"Seventy is not enough?" Wu Xiushan wondered.

"This gloomy feeling is like a big cemetery where 700 people died!" Xiao Xuan tightened his clothes and said faintly.

As soon as these words came out, Chijiu's little face was pale and said, "can't there be a ghost?"

As soon as the word "ghost" came out, it was like a corresponding scene. There was a dark wind immediately. Suddenly, the underground seemed like a real ghost. The shrill screams came out one after another, which made people's scalp numb.

"Roll..." the voice of Yin measurement seemed to come up from the ground! It's not loud, but it's sharp. It goes straight into people's ears.

Chijiu'er looked around, but there was no one. Wow, he cried directly, rushed into Xiao Xuan's arms, hugged Xiao Xuan half of his body, and refused to give up.

Wu Xiushan and Wu Gao's faces were also slightly ugly. They stopped to look around and saw no one.

"Don't play tricks! Come out and talk if you have the courage, or you'll kick your asshole when I go down." Xiao Xuan didn't change his face, was angry and stopped drinking. The noise was so loud that there seemed to be an echo in the air.

As soon as the sound came out, the shrill sound was instantly submerged, and the whole mining area seemed to restore tranquility.

"You come down from me first. It's like a conjoined baby. How can you walk!" Xiao Xuan pulled chijiu'er, but the little girl who was very frightened refused to give up.

"You liars said to take me down the mountain to see the city. As a result, they brought me to ghost mountain!" chijiu'er's face was pale, and his two braids were in disorder.

Although chijiu'er was still young, he was still shy and reluctantly climbed down from Xiao Xuan just holding a big man.

"Do you really want to go to the mine? The thing below......" Wu Xiushan just opened his mouth, heard Xiao Xuan take over and said, "the thing below must be human!"

With that, he took the lead in walking from the place towards the mine.

"Do you believe him? In case there is a ghost underneath!" chijiu'er held Wu Gao's clothes tightly. What kind of poison king doesn't poison king? She is a little girl film now.

"It's too late to regret now. How dare you go down the mountain by yourself?" Wu Gao grinned and showed his white teeth.

"Shut up! Your teeth look like ghosts!"


In the chirp of chijiu'er, a group of people had gone down the mine.

The underground power has been cut off. Because of water leakage, it is dark and wet below. From time to time, there is the sound of dripping water. The fear of reaching out without seeing five fingers flows on everyone.

"Xiao Xuan, you talk, you don't talk, so scared!" chijiu'er clenched the whip in his hand.

"Yanghua should be at the confluence of Mitsui. It takes about half an hour to walk from here!" Xiao Xuan took a big step. In the dark underground, he saw his calm eyes.

"I regret it! I really shouldn't have come. I should have killed you all on the mountain!" chijiu'er didn't seem to speak, so he couldn't restrain his fear and kept looking for topics.

When he reached the intersection of well 1 and well 2, Xiao Xuan suddenly stopped.

"There's a snake!" chijiu'er's reaction to the poisonous insect was still very fast, almost instinctively shouted.

In the quiet, in addition to the sound of breathing and footsteps, the sound of crawling was not noticed and could not be detected at all.

"You're better at cleaning up snakes than me?" Xiao Xuan said with a bad smile.

Chijiu'er snorted, raised his hand, and scattered a handful of powder with the smell of jasmine in the air. Soon, the sound of learning slowly disappeared.

"Although he is timid, he has two skills!" Xiao Xuan continued to stride forward, as if he was not afraid of the unknown ahead.

"Xiao Xuan, I don't think something's right!" Wu Xiushan's whole lower body has been flooded by the water seeping from the underground. The chill is spreading out, and his voice trembles.

Xiao Xuan did not stop, but continued to stride forward. At the corner of the intersection of wells 1-2, at the sharp corner, as soon as he turned around, suddenly a dark net rushed towards him!

"Shit!" Xiao Xuan took a big hand and grabbed the black net carelessly. He had to tear everything.

But without waiting for him to exert his strength, the black net seemed to be spiritual and entangled his hands.

Xiao Xuan sneered, his arms were full of strength, suddenly pulled left and right, and the full internal strength air flow turned. He saw that the black net was broken, but the very tough net cable cut the skin on Xiao Xuan's hand without trace, and blood seeped out, but Xiao Xuan couldn't notice it at all.

Getting rid of the black net in his hand, Xiao Xuancai felt that his hand seemed sticky. It didn't feel like the water underground, hot tide, sticky, fucking bleeding!

"Mom, you've been caught!" Xiao Xuan spat and scolded. He just felt the blood in his arms surging towards the wound on his hand, like a blood extractor drawing blood from the skin and flesh of his hands.

"What's the situation?" Wu Xiushan asked hurriedly. Wu Gao quickly lit his mobile phone and hit Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan's hands were bloody, like being skinned, and said, "it's a blood eating insect!"

Wu Xiushan was shocked and said, "blood Eaters? How can that poison be found underground? Blood eaters are most afraid of humidity, underground environment..."

"After you analyze the characteristics of blood eating insects, I should hang up!" Xiao Xuan murmured. At this time, his hands had completely swollen, and the blood all over his body poured into his hands. Can he not be swollen?

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