The roar of the meat grinder engine was accompanied by a shrill scream, and blood splashed.

Chen Youlong saw his feet broken and crushed alive. It was not only pain, but also sadness, anger and unwillingness.

Lost, lost, lost the whole Chen family and life.

Even if he still had arrangements, he firmly believed that those arrangements were enough to make Xiao Xuan die and lose everything. But he couldn't see the moment when Xiao Xuan failed.

The sawtooth was too sharp and swallowed up his legs and feet in a moment. Chen Youlong refused to faint by biting his back teeth. He breathed the air greedily, which was painful and greedy, because soon, he lost his qualification to breathe, and the dead didn't have to breathe!

Dong Dahai stood aside and had to say that he admired Chen Youlong!

No normal person can still clench his teeth and not faint at this moment. No normal person can watch the Tibetan mastiff swallow the broken meat from his body like crazy.

Dog barks, screams, machine roars, mixed with occasional retching!

Finally, everything was quiet, only the ticking sound of blood dripping on the ground from the meat grinder and the breathing sound of hot breath from the nose of the Tibetan mastiff.

Dong Dahai wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and clenched his fists involuntarily. He has seen the scene, but what he has done today is also the most bloody thing he has seen, known and done in his life.

"Brother Dong, I found it!"

A brother found a hard object wrapped in pickled blood and meat in the last pile of minced meat and handed it to Dong Dahai.

Dong Dahai took it and rubbed it on his clothes, revealing the true face of "hard object", a pink crystal.

"Clean up here. Remember, brother Xuan said to make sure every piece of meat goes into the dog's stomach..." Dong Dahai hurried to the exit and said in a deep voice.

Xiao Xuan drank Kung Fu tea in Odie's private room until Dong Dahai opened the box door.

"Found brother Xuan!" Dong Dahai handed the pink crystal.

Xiao Xuan nodded, took the crystal and played with it for a moment. He glanced at Dong Dahai's white face and said, "do you think I'm too cruel?"

"No, no, no!" Dong Dahai said nervously.

Xiao Xuan smiled and said, "yes or no, it doesn't matter. Go and wash."

With a wave of his hand, Dong Dahai silently withdrew from the room.

"Old Dong, why is your face so white?" Zhao Sixi just came up and asked with a smile.

Dong Dahai turned upside down in his heart, shook his head, "just challenged a limit!"

Zhao Sixi shriveled his mouth and played with the taste: "what? I saw some blood and soft egg?"

Dong Dahai nodded involuntarily and said, "it's nothing to see blood. None of us have seen blood. We're dying. Brother Xuan is killing our hearts! Compared with brother Xuan, we... Alas..."

Dong Dahai was incoherent. Killing Chen Youlong is nothing, but the despair of Chen Youlong's last frequent death made him understand what killing heart is.

The awe of Xiao Xuan in my heart reached the top in an instant! What kind of people will kill and kill!

Zhao Sixi patted Dong Dahai on the shoulder and said, "don't think too much. Being soft on the enemy is stabbing your own people!"

Dong Dahai took a deep look at Zhao Sixi and said, "Sixi, you've really grown up!"

Zhao Sixi smiled and said, "people are changing all the time. The only difference is that they have become what they want or what they don't want. I wish I could become what I want."

Dong Dahai grinned, suddenly smiled, patted Zhao Sixi on the back, turned and went upstairs to take a bath and change clothes.

Zhao Sixi opened the box door and went in. He saw the crystal played by Xiao Xuan and asked, "this is the crystal fragment?"

Xiao Xuan made a sound, raised his head and said, "it seems that the old Taoist is almost dead?"

"Once I open my mouth, you will know everything." Zhao Sixi smiled bitterly.

Xiao Xuan smiled at Zhao Sixi.

"I caught the master of Shenji hall beside master Tao. That guy vomited a lot of things. Shenji hall is specially responsible for treasure hunting. The most important thing to look for is six things, including crystal fragments. But what's the use of this thing?" Zhao Sixi looked at the crystal fragments that didn't shine. His heart was that if it was a powder diamond, such a large piece would be valuable, and the crystal wouldn't be valuable. tqR1

"This thing is useless to you. No wonder Chen Youlong is so effective. He found as much as three yuan and the old Taoist helped him!"

"Unfortunately, Lao Dao and Jiansheng are missing for the time being!"

"Hurry up and check!"

"By the way, the magic machine hall also found the whereabouts of bazhijing. Is brother Xuan interested?" Zhao Sixi didn't ask more about the crystal fragments, but mentioned another thing.

Xiao Xuan frowned and said suspiciously, "eight close mirrors?"

Zhao Sixi nodded. "Yes, Lord Tao's divine machine hall has been frantically searching for the whereabouts of grass pheasant sword, bajijing and baban qiongqu jade in the past two months, and has obtained the accurate whereabouts of bajijing."

Xiao Xuan touched his chin and said with a sneer, "there's really some meaning in the old way."

The grass pheasant sword has been collected by Xiao Xuan. It is confirmed that it has divine power. It must be the same for bajijing and baban qiongqu jade.

Are these two things that Chen Youlong was looking for? Or

Chen Youlong got three pieces of crystal fragments. One of them was implanted into his heart and is now in Xiao Xuan's hands. The other piece was obtained from Mr. Huang, but it was all divided and embedded in the pistols of the yellow scarf soldier and Chen Youlong. The other piece, Xiao Xuan suspected, was in Jiang Haoran's hand.

Now Jiang Haoran's whereabouts are unknown. I'm afraid it's Chen Youlong's backhand?

What the hell are they doing? And the old Taoist Xiao Xuan knocked on the table and frowned to sort out his thoughts.

"Brother Xuan, brother Xuan..." Zhao Sixi called twice when he saw Xiao Xuan distracted.

Xiao xuanyang lowered his chin, "Oh, give me the information they found! Hurry to track down the whereabouts of Taoist priest and Jiansheng."

Zhao Sixi agreed, but he couldn't help sighing and said, "brother Xuan, I really understand what you meant."

"Hmm?" Xiao Xuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Sixi with a smile.

"You see, Taoist priest, it's so powerful. In the north, it's also like wind and rain. It's also regarded as a shrine in the underground city. It can be said that the fall was only overnight. People can't help but sigh!" Zhao Sixi smacked his tongue.

Xiao Xuan didn't answer. His eyes stopped on Zhao Sixi's face and motioned him to continue.

Zhao Sixi continued: "you said that Xiaocheng guard couldn't go all black. Now when you think of it, you laid the foundation for Xiaocheng guard early. I just regret your foresight."


Fangzhou, a small town less than 300 kilometers from Yanjing city.

In a small hotel built in a village in the city, the landlady is bored eating melon seeds, full of broken melon seeds and pulp. From time to time, she glances at Liao's lane.

The small hotel doesn't have much business. Except for the occasional couple coming to open a room in the evening, the dispatching trade union of the next factory comes to stay regularly.

Suddenly, two strange middle-aged men quickly stepped into the alley. The convenient travel bag in their hands brightened the boss's eyes.

"Boss, check in? It's clean and sanitary, and hot water is convenient."

The two middle-aged men looked at each other and nodded into the shop.

"Open a double room!"

"OK!" the landlady quickly took the two hundred yuan bills thrown by the middle-aged man, quickly issued the bill and took the key.

Bring two people into the room without a word from beginning to end. The landlady has not seen such a talkative person for several years. She is not picky about anything and has no superfluous requirements. If every guest is like this, business will be too fucking easy to do.

The room is not big. Although there is a small window, the next building is too close to block the light, and the room is still dark.

"Lost! I didn't expect that boy to have so much energy!"

"With his strength, it's not surprising that the government won over. I just didn't expect that the Chen family was so easily defeated. It really caught us off guard!"

"Taoist priest, listen to my advice and stop now. I can't escape. I believe the boy won't kill all."

"Jiansheng, when was the last time we ran in a panic? Do you remember?" the Taoist priest pressed the human skin mask on his face in the mirror and asked in a deep voice.

"Thirty seven years ago!" Jiansheng said faintly.

"Thirty seven years. At first, we wanted to have a meal. Later, we said we wanted to have a place, and then we said we wanted to dominate the world. Now, do we want to live and breathe?" Taoist priest looked at Jiansheng with bright eyes.

Jiansheng was silent and said, "half a lifetime brother, I will follow whatever road you choose!"

"The jade is broken and the tile is complete!" the Taoist priest shook.


In the office building of Yuya international, the president's office was knocked.

Su Mei whispered, "please come in". The Secretary pushed the door in, holding the EMS file bag in her hand, "President Su, there's your express!"

"Well, good!" Su Mei took the document bag and opened it on the spot. She saw a ticket to Australia and a pee note.

"I'll wait for you in Adelaide!"

In a short sentence, Su Mei's pretty face turned red again from red to white. "Who do you think you are? Why should I go!?"

Su Mei snorted, but the jade hand couldn't help picking up the ticket. Her eyes fell on the time bar on the ticket and floated to the calendar schedule on the desk.

"What is he going to do!!!" Su Mei's expression changed, as if it was difficult to make a decision.

After a while, she couldn't help taking out her mobile phone, found the name Xiao Xuan in the address book and dialed it out.

"What do you mean?" asked Su Mei.

"Travel together!" Xiao Xuan's voice came out with a smile.

"No! No time!"

"The one-year appointment is coming!"


"Entertainment companies are talking about expanding their business over there!"

"I'll think about it!" Su Mei hung up.

Rao is very clever, but she doesn't understand what Xiao Xuan means at this time.

Think of the surprise in Su Guoer's mouth, and think of the appointment of a year that Xiao Xuan said is coming.

Is it the end of the story and the season of division? Or

Su Mei sighed heavily, or whatever the result was, it should be over!

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