The interior minister almost immediately informed the Prime Minister of the possible terrorist attack on the palace,

The silence of the Imperial Palace suddenly began to turn the world upside down. Even the outer court and the adjacent parks and squares began to be cleared in the fastest time.

Official vehicles drove into the inner court of the palace, and the Royal Guard began to act.

At the emperor's residence, Emperor Minhe's crutches kept poking the floor, almost roaring: "what's going on?"

"The ghost house sneaked into Xijing and started terrorist attacks!"

Minghe yelled, "fart, ghost house has no borders. They are full to carry out terrorist attacks? It must be you. What good have you done!"

This prime minister has different political views with Minhe, but the royal family should not disturb the government, and Minhe can only scold.

Prime minister an quanjun looked downcast, but his tone was light, "this time it's your baby granddaughter, our inner prince. However, I think they may want to come to the palace to look for something!"

Minghe almost couldn't get along at one breath. He was so angry that he poked his stick on the floor again and again, but after pondering the words of looking for something in an quanjun's mouth for a moment, he suddenly said, "I ask everyone to withdraw from the palace immediately!"

"For the sake of national security, Anquan can't obey orders!"

Minghe was furious, "plateau peak, Saburo liuteng, you are responsible for cleaning up the miscellaneous people in the palace. Erjiro Ono, Mr Ono, you go out!"



As soon as Minhe became powerful, the captains of the four royal guards took orders one after another. tqR1

Mr. an quanjun vaguely understood what Minghe meant. Erjiro Ono and Mr. Ono must have gone to investigate.

As the prime minister, he said nothing about politics, but he didn't have as much power in the palace as he thought.

There was a huge wave in the Imperial Palace, but Xiao Xuan was drinking the sake hidden in the cabinet in a wooden house of the imperial office. "They will focus on guarding the storage place of qiongqu jade?"

Xiao Xuan drank a cup of sake, pushed the door calmly and went out.


Ono erjiro and Ono Jun went out of the imperial office and went straight to Suwa visit tea house.

"There's a god guarding there. Should we go to the shangcang Museum first?" Kono erjiro said in a deep voice.

"No, since my emperor ordered, it means that he is not at ease there. Although the things in the shangcang hall are valuable, they are not as expensive as the treasure," said Mr. Ono.

They ran all the way, but they didn't notice Xiao Xuan who had been closely following them.

Suwa tea house is a large imperial garden, which was once open to the public. There are three elegant buildings, sanwanhua building, book collection hall and Qianxi tea house.

Ono and Ono went straight to sanmaru Hualou and stopped at the gate. Erjiro Ono said loudly, "God, we are ordered by the emperor. Can we come in?"

In the small building, there was no response. After half a sound, I heard a vigorous voice: "since the children are here, why don't they come out and talk?"

Ono erjiro and Ono Jun looked at each other for a moment, but there was no one around.

Suddenly, the wind suddenly sounded, and the gate of sanmaruhua building was blown open by the strong wind. The lights in the house were not on, and the lights in the yard were refracted. I saw the virtual shadow shaking in the house.

Whoosh, the sharp weapon breaks through the air!

Ono erjiro only felt that a flower in front of him, a dark shadow rushed out like a sharp sword, and the silver light of the samurai sword pierced the night sky, shaking his eyes!

The strong wind rubbed the roots of Ono Jun's ears and inserted directly behind Ono Jun, just like shaking a sword in the air.

"Lao he still has an eye!"

The strange man's voice surprised Ono and Ono. I saw a young man walking out from behind the God of heaven.

Xiao Xuan looked at the old monk in front of him with a smile, that is, the Heavenly Lord God in Ono's mouth.

The old monk is in his 60s and 70s, with white eyebrows like snow, a monk's robe and a samurai sword in hand. He has the momentum of removing demons in comics.

"Who are you, boy? Aren't you afraid of death when you break into my palace at night?" the old monk suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Xuan.

Xiao Xuan smiled faintly and said, "give me baban qiongqu jade, and I'll spare you!"

"What a big breath!"

"Then die!"

Before Xiao Xuan's voice fell, the whole man disappeared from his place again without any sign.

"Small skills!"

The old monk's knife flower is pulled up, and the silver light is as bright as the cherry blossom in March in Xijing.

Yoshijiro Ono and Jun Ono have never seen a battle at this level, although one of them is an expert of liuteng ninja, and the other is a descendant of Takahara.

But at this time, they can't even watch the war.

They held their arms tightly and retreated again and again.

I saw the old monk with a long knife in his hand, constantly stabbing and chopping in the void. All his moves and moves showed the heroism of everyone in martial arts.

However, all the power is like his one-man monologue, as if he is just performing a delicate knife technique.

Because Xiao Xuan seemed to disappear out of thin air.

"What kind of Ninja can disappear so thoroughly!"

As a ninja master, Ono can't see it at all.

The cold sweat of Ono Jun's palm began to exude inexplicably. Slowly, his hand sweated too much. The tighter he held the samurai sword, the tighter he was, the more he was sweated.

The night wind blows, slightly cool and penetrating.

Cool is the wind, penetrating is the fist!

No one saw when Xiao Xuan punched, because no one caught his fist.

The fist passed through the chest of Ono Jun and came out horizontally. The big hands still held the beating warm heart.

Mr. Ono never thought that tonight was his memorial day.

Yoshijiro Ono felt fear for the first time. As a ninja, he had a ghost idea for the first time. In the past, it was others who gave such a ghost evaluation of his mysterious body method.

The samurai sword pulled out and retreated quickly, almost subconsciously shouting "God, God, help!"

The speed of Tianyu was very fast. The samurai sword just penetrated the body of Ono Jun in the blink of an eye. In my imagination, the tip of the sword should be able to pierce Xiao Xuan behind Ono.

But he was patted on the shoulder and suddenly turned back. Xiao Xuan's smiling face was behind him.

Tianyu took a breath. He had never seen such a powerful opponent.

"Ghost king?!" Tianyu pulled out his samurai sword and stared at Xiao Xuan without looking at Mr. Ono's body.

"Hand over baban qiongqu jade and I'll spare you!" Xiao Xuan said faintly.

The knuckles of Tianyu's fingers holding the knife began to turn white, and he was timid for the first time.

"Little brother, why are you so aggressive? One of the three great artifacts in Ying, how can you give it to outsiders at will!"

With the sound of running water and the banging of wooden clogs on the floor, an old man in a traditional robe came out of the small building.

"Tian Zang, meet again!" Xiao Xuan smiled, revealing Sen Bai's teeth.

The emperor of heaven breathed a sigh. He invited the old man to play chess the day before yesterday, which became a life-saving charm at this time. Although they can't say that they are invincible, at least they can protect themselves.

Isn't this an endless day?

But that little peace of mind was inexplicably and uneasy when he smiled at Xiao Xuan indifferently.

"Xiao Xuan, go back! If the water is full, it will overflow and the moon will lose. Why do you have to?"

"In theory, I should kill you and take it by force. But I've known you for a long time. You tied with me three years ago. Are you confident to beat me today?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that you have reached the peak. I'm not your opponent."

"You are honest. Do you think the three guards of the Imperial Palace may beat me?"

"Although there are many people in the city, they are just mole ants for you!"

"I like real people. Choose three ways. First, hand over qiongquyu and bajijing. Second, I killed you and killed the guard. Third, I played a terrorist explosion in Xijing. Tomorrow, I will devalue your currency against foreign exchange and play an economic collapse until you hand over qiongquyu!"

"Do you even want eight close-up mirrors?!" Zang Tian smiled bitterly, but it was too much to deceive people.

"Now that I'm here, I can't go home empty handed! Of course, I can do all the above two!" Xiao Xuan bared his teeth, as if it was just a trivial matter.

"I can't be the master!"

"Boy, you deceive people too much!"


Xiao Xuan looked at the night sky and sighed, "I really don't have much time to play with you!"

While talking, Xiao Xuan disappeared again


In Mingying club, the count drank sake without a mouthful, but he missed the spicy of Scotch whisky.

"Don't you dare to do it? I don't think you dare! If there is a nation in this world that is the most timid and cowardly, it is your Yingguo Dahe."


"What's the matter with me? I've been sitting here tasting wine for half an hour. You neither want me to leave, nor dare you sweep me with a gun. I'm worried for you!"


"Well, if you don't do it again, I'll go!" the count's face was very angry.

Suzuki had a guess that things didn't get up because of powder and diamond, but he also knew that things couldn't end well today. He knew better that he had offended the ghost house and was afraid that it would be difficult in the future.

Just because there may be a bomb in a palace, Jingzi and his party in Ji Palace are afraid to move. Moreover, there are so many means of the ghost house, and there is no turning over in the future.

"Count, I don't know why you are today. I'll pay you back these three bank cards. Whether you live or die today has nothing to do with my Suzuki family!" Suzuki suddenly took out his bank card regardless of Jigong Jingzi and the Royal Guard.

The count played with his bank card and sneered a few times. He suddenly stood up, shook his hand and slapped him in the face. "Do you think our ghost king is short of this money? Do you think the things given to the queen by our ghost king will contaminate your Ying people's old tribute?"

Suzuki was beaten. The slap hit not only Suzuki's face, but also those guards' faces.

"Even if I commit a crime, I'll kill you!" Zang Yue was mad.

The count sneered, "it seems that I should give you some color!"


The count burst into drinking, and people in black gathered one after another

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