"Uncle, why did you ask Mommy to come back? detoxification of that beautiful mufei in your arms? " Without waiting for Song Yunqian's reply, Jing Mo asked with a smile. She looked extremely serious, as if she was an adult.

"Uncle won't let Mommy come back. He just confirmed that Mommy poisoned Mufei. If Mommy came to detoxify the poison, it wouldn't be unnecessary." Zhong Lou explained to Jing Mo very seriously.

Everyone recalled the scene that had happened in the Main Palace not long ago. Wen Yi had left while injured, and she did not even try to refute Chen Yuanqing's accusation and fury.

"Since their mother poisoned them, then it would be too troublesome to detoxify them. It would be better not to." Although it was a simple childish phrase, it was extremely easy for Jing Mo to convey their current emotions. Helplessness, grievance, and anger.

"Jing Mo, it wasn't your mother who poisoned him. Your mother is a good doctor." Chen Yuanqing finally mustered up the courage to admit it. Only, when he spoke, he looked at Jing Mo's clear eyes and felt guilty.

"A good doctor can also get hurt and be sad, so I forbid my mother to come. Uncle, please invite someone else." Jing Mo responded to Chen Yuanqing in a low voice, his expression firm and calm.

As if by some strange coincidence, Chen Yuanqing actually replied yes?

In the face of Jing Mo's words, he realized that he was unable to control her own heart, and all of her perseverance would be utterly defeated when faced with Jing Mo's determination.

Song Yunqian looked at the two lovable children in front of him, and the bottom of his heart had already turned into a hot spring. Before he could touch the two children's soft bodies, however, he heard a voice that sounded like thunder.

Jing Mo and Zhong Lou held hands, and said to Song Yunqian seriously: "Goodbye royal father."

The two children's determined looks shattered Song Yunqian's heart. He took two steps forward, wanting to catch up to them, but the only thing he caught up to was their backs.

"Hurry and chase them back for me. I forbid them from leaving the palace." Allowing Wen Yi to leave the palace was already hherlimit. If she let Jing Mo and Zhong Lou leave his protection range, he would really go crazy because of worry.

Before Song Yunqian even finished speaking, everyone in the hall had rushed to catch up with Jing Mo and the two young master s, and Ke Er, who had just woke up from her coma, was even more so at the forefront. She was currently a little confused towards the entire situation, it was obvious that she was the one who poisoned them, so how could it be possible that they were twins?

The twins' movements were strange, Song Yunqian and the guards that followed closely behind him only managed to catch up to them for a few steps before they disappeared, while Ke Er and the rest of the imperial concubines followed behind. Seeing how anxious the emperor was, they too pretended to look for children, and started to search for them in the flower gardens outside the flexion palace.

"Beautiful mufei, are you looking for us?" The childish voice suddenly entered Ke Er's ears. Ke Er looked towards the two tiny figures hanging upside down on the tree, they were looking at her, their brilliant smiles as dazzling as the sun.

"Zhong Lou, Jing Mo, come down quickly. Your royal father is looking for you." Although she still had some lingering fear towards the two children, since she had found them, Ke Er still wanted to seize this opportunity to curry favor with Song Yunqian.

Mother said that Beautiful Big Sis likes royal father. In the future, you should accompany royal father, and it would be best if you give birth to a little brother for him to inherit the throne. That way, royal father won't look for us anymore. " Jing Mo poured her heart out to Ke Er in disappointment, while Zhong Lou continuously nodded his head, looking like what his sister had said was correct.

Ke Er looked at the two petite children in front of her. She wanted to persuade herself not to believe them, she had been tricked by them the last time, but she was still unable to control the joy in her heart.

She couldn't control the jubilation in her heart. If Wen Yi left the palace and the child left, then only she and her senior brother would be left in the palace.

Ke Er did not care about the other women at all. The most threatening ones, Imperial Concubine Rou and Imperial Concubine Liang, were already in a coma.

Ke Er felt that if Wen Yi was not here, everything would go smoothly for him. Now that she thought about it, without Wen Yi's harem, even her breathing would become a lot smoother.

"However, before I left, I still wanted to go to royal father and tell him that we did not poison him. I saw that beautiful big sister did." Zhong Lou said softly to Jing Mo. After he finished speaking, he nodded his head, as if he had already made a decision.

"Un, actually I saw it too. The Imperial Concubine Rou's poison was in her wine cup, and the Imperial Concubine Liang's poison was in the sweet and sour liquid in front of her. I had wanted to go to the Imperial Concubine Liang to get some of the sweet and sour vinegar, but the sour and sweet is my love." Jing Mo said without a trace of regret. However, Ke Er, who was standing in front of them, had changed her expression.

She was an expert at using poison, so she naturally had the ability to use poison without leaving a trace. However, how could she be seen by the two children?

What Ke Er didn't know was that the twins' words were all guesses, it was just that she had paid more attention to these two things during the banquet …

"Don't spout nonsense, I'm not the one who did it, I …" Ke Er still wanted to explain, but his words still carried a sense of guilt.

"However, if you agree to two conditions, we can refuse to tell royal father." Seeing Ke Er a little anxious, Jing Mo stated her condition in a good mood.

"What is your condition?" Ke Er clenched her teeth and asked softly. She could only hope that the conditions the two ignorant children offered were something that she could easily fulfill.

"We haven't thought it through yet, but you have to remember that we have to keep our promises. Otherwise, we will definitely tell today's matter to the royal father."

Ke Er almost jumped up upon hearing Jing Mo's words, she was least worried that after Wen Yi and the twins left, she would become the ruler of the harem. The senior brother would see her well, and as long as he had a good relationship with her, even if they told him that the things today were done by him, the senior brother would understand his love and wouldn't blame them.

"Beautiful elder sister, you must remember this well. When we return to the palace, you will have to cash in." Seeing the happiness on Ke Er's face, Zhong Lou reminded him once again.

Ke Er didn't think that the two children would be able to propose conditions that she couldn't fulfill, so she happily agreed.

The two children left in satisfaction. As Ke Er watched their figures disappear, the two children's words once again rang in her mind.

You'll cash it when we get back to the palace.

Ke Er's smile froze on her face. They had clearly said before that they would leave with Wen Yi, and they didn't even want the throne, so why did they say that they would return?

If they came back, then what about me and my senior apprentice-brother? Ke Er felt that she had to capture her Senior Brother's heart as soon as possible. Otherwise, Wen Yi might invade her life again.

She was even thinking if she could take advantage of Wen Yi's absence to activate the poison in her body.

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