After Wen Yi left the Imperial Palace, she brought Qian Shan and the others and hurried to the Ke Prefecture at night. On the morning of the second day, they had already arrived at the borders of the Ke Prefecture.

After rushing for an entire night, everyone was tired. Wen Yi had initially wanted to rest at the wheel of Ke Prefecture, but unfortunately, the Chief of Hair was used to living like a prince, so she didn't cooperate at all in front of a restaurant.

"Chief of Hair, have you taken a fancy to some female donkey? I'll buy it for you." When Wen Yi said this, she acted like she was looking around, angering the Chief of Hair to the point that she wanted to hoof her.

Of course, they didn't find the female donkey, but looking at how exhausted these people were, Wen Yi finally softened her heart.

As if they had received amnesty, they were extremely grateful to Chief of Hair, especially Qian Shan. She ran to his side and smiled, "You are so considerate, I really don't know which mother donkey is lucky."

Chief of Hair glared at Thousand Mountains, and then raised his hooves to demand for Qian Shan's safety. Qian Shan quickly hid in the restaurant, but from time to time he would look at Chief of Hair with a face full of pride.

Chief of Hair was too lazy to lower himself to the girl, so after staring at Wen Yi and Qian Shan for a while, he started to look for food. He did not like the female donkey at all.

After Wen Yi and Qian Shan sat down, they had just eaten a few mouthfuls of rice and discovered many strange things. After Wen Yi and Qian Shan looked at each other, Qian Shan opened his mouth and asked the waiter, "Waiter, did something happen to our Ke Prefecture? I hope that many people will take their salutations and leave the city. "

Qian Shan didn't mention that there were too many young ladies among these people who were rushing to greet him.

"Customer, you should go back first. Don't go to the Ke Prefecture." The waiter rushed over after hearing the noise, but he didn't answer Qian Shan's question.

"What is it? What happened? " Qian Shan looked worried when he spoke again.

"You haven't heard of it? A few days ago, there were rumors saying that all those girls were sent to the Cloud Town, and after training, they were sent to various noble houses. Once something like this happens, as parents, naturally, want to protect their children, but being able to do nothing else, they are still able to distance themselves from the Ke Prefecture. "

The waiter sighed as he spoke, while Wen Yi and Qian Shan fell into silence after knowing the reason.

"The two misses are still young. You will definitely have to pass through the Cloud Town in order to go there. For your safety, or …" The waiter advised.

"Thank you for reminding us, second brother. We have a plan now." As Qian Shan spoke, he took out some crushed silver as a reward to the waiter. The waiter thanked him as he withdrew.

"What do you think?" Wen Yi looked at Li Changan, Wan Sun, and asked softly.

"Clan Master, let's go and take care of that Cloud Town's lair. If they don't die, the citizens won't be able to live happily ever after." Qian Shan was the first to speak. The waiter's words were understated, but they could all imagine the sorrow of his captive. All of his freedom had been destroyed.

"Sovereign, this matter cannot be delayed. We have to act as soon as possible." Li Changan softly agreed.

"Then let's go to Cloud Town to take a look." Wen Yi's tone was light, but judging from her expression, it was obvious that she had already made her decision.

Chief of Hair had naturally heard their conversation within the shop, and had all sorts of arrogance on the way there, waiting for Wen Yi to praise him. However, Wen Yi didn't have any other intentions, and the Cloud Town had already suppressed them like a stone at the bottom of his heart.

"Li Changan, let our people go investigate and find the place where the girls are imprisoned." When they arrived at the Cloud Town, Wen Yi discovered that the Cloud Town was actually a town that was around the same size as the Texas. With just the few of them, it would be difficult to find the place the girls were staying, so in order to reach her goal faster, she could only use the people of the Flying Dragon Sect.

"Sovereign, someone is in this city. I'll send a signal for them to come." Just as Wen Yi finished speaking, Qian Shan said softly.

Wen Yi naturally did not think that their people would be in Cloud Town, a place that no one knew of. What was even more unexpected was that the person who had come to meet up with her was Wan Liang.

Wearing a dress that was as red as fire, and with a complicated yet delicate bun in his hair, Wan Liang had drawn a few thick makeup on his face, making his look more charming and graceful than before. She smiled and bowed towards Wen Yi, then asked Wen Yi complacently: "Clan Master, how is it?

"You've succeeded in scaring me."

Wen Yi's answer was very honest. She had gotten used to the Flying Dragon Sect's maids' simple and elegant dressing, and were still wearing such heavy makeup, she was really not used to it. If all the maids around her were to be like the current Wan Liang, Wen Yi felt that she would be able to change her ways and become a harem.

"He is a natural born beauty. The Sect Leader can't even bear to praise him. This is really sad." While she was speaking, her face didn't show any signs of being hurt at all. Wan Liang held onto Wan Sun's hand by her side as he spoke.

"We didn't come to listen to your nonsense. Why are you in Cloud Town, what's going on inside?" Wan Sun could not stand Wan Liang's useless chatter the most, so he threw off her hands and asked.

"My apologies, but you have disgraced our Flying Dragon Sect. I have been captured again." Wan Liang said to Wen Yi seriously.

Wen Yi did not speak, she only looked at Wan Liang. She should have come and gone as she wished, otherwise, she would not have immediately rushed over when she saw their signal.

"Sectmaster, I was really captured. I was even injured when I was captured." Seeing that everyone was not believing him, Wan Liang quickly explained, but the truth was right in front of him, and compared to what he had heard, they were more willing to believe what he had seen.

"Wan Liang, what time is it now? Why are you spouting so much nonsense, our Sect Leader came for the girl who was captured." Wan Sun couldn't help but remind Wan Liang. Even if it wasn't reliable, it still depended on the time.

"I'm the girl that was captured. Is the sect leader here to save me from the fire pit?" Hearing Wan Sun's words, Wan Liang looked at him excitedly, but Wen Yi only stared at him.

Wan Liang was stared at by Wen Yi for a moment, and immediately lost any intention to joke around. She had just not seen the Sect Leader in a long time, and wanted to make the Sect Leader happy, but seeing that the Sect Leader was not happy, he could only give up and said softly: "Sect Leader, I was really caught, it's just that my captors and guards were not as good as me, so after seeing our signal, I came over."

"Are there many girls who have been arrested? What's the situation with them? "

"There are more than forty of them, but three of them are the most dangerous, including me."

"Wan Liang, you're still adding fuel to the fire?" Wan Qiang could not help but pat Wan Liang on the shoulder.

"What I said was true. If my guess is correct, I will be sent away tomorrow or tomorrow." Wan Liang said to Wen Yi seriously.

"Where to?" Wen Yi asked softly.

"I don't know. It should be the residence of some powerful official in Beijing or elsewhere."

"You mean to say, they really caught these girls for …"

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