Wen Yi brought Qian Shan along, and Wan Sun hurried to Cloud Town overnight. When they arrived at Cloud Town, the sky was already bright, and they could only see a few blurry figures within the white mist.

A dozen or so meters in front of them, a few boorish men were dragging a girl onto the carriage.

"Clan Master, it's Wan Liang." Wan Sun and Wan Liang had grown up together, so they had the best understanding of his movements and language. Just by relying on his figure, they could identify that the person who was tearing him apart was none other than Wan Liang.

"Wan Sun, pretend to be a pedestrian and walk past them." Wen Yi softly warned.

"What if …" Wan Sun was still a little worried. After all, Wen Yi had already said before that if the people here wanted to take Wan Liang away, they wouldn't be able to move and avoid alerting the enemy.

"Wan Liang will understand that we are by his side if we do not act, she will understand our intentions and naturally cooperate with us." After Wen Yi finished speaking, she indicated for Wan Sun to move. Wan Sun understood Wen Yi's plan and hurried over, looking like she was about to rush to Wan Liang and the few brutes.

The few brutes naturally did not suspect that a delicate girl would hinder them, so they automatically chose to ignore them, and just as Wen Yi had expected, after seeing Wan Sun, they instantly understood what was going on. They struggled for a few moments before allowing the brute to push him onto the carriage.

The few boorish men let out a long breath and got on their horses. The few of them successfully surrounded the carriage. The coachman whipped the horses, and a few guards stood by his side. They were still cursing in an unclean manner.

"Sect Leader, these people seem to have decent martial arts skills. If they want to fight, they have to call out our men." When Wan Sun passed by Wan Liang, he had also observed the skills of a few boorish men. The three of them were obviously not the opponent of the six grown men.

"Who said we have to save them? Let's follow them and act accordingly." After Wen Yi finished speaking to Wan Sun, he urged her horse to chase after them. Qian Shan and Wan Sun could only follow.

When the carriage reached the bottom of the mountain, it was already noon.

"Sect Leader, if you don't take action, we won't be able to return to the Texas today. Things over there …" Qian Shan was a little worried. Ever since she knew the true reason behind Ke Army's mutiny, she felt that Ke Army was like a bomb that exploded at random. Only when Wen Yi was in Ke Prefecture could she be at ease.

"I know, but we can't just ignore the lives of these girls. Qian Shan, eat this." As Wen Yi spoke, he had already placed one black pellet into Qian Shan's hands. Qian Shan swallowed it as he wished, and Wen Yi handed the other black pellet that was as big as an apple to Qian Shan.

Qian Shan looked at Wen Yi in shock. Such a big pill, she …

"Not for you to eat. He'll explode if you ride past them and throw this on the ground." Wen Yi explained softly.

"You've already taken the Comprehension Medicine, and they'll only be temporarily unconscious for a while. They'll wake up soon, and they won't even remember that they were unconscious before."

Clan Master, you are too powerful, when did you make such a strong medicine, in the future, we do not need to worry about Ke Er anymore. Qian Shan praised Wen Yi excitedly after hearing the usage and effects of the medicine. Although she had always believed in Wen Yi and thought that she was the most powerful doctor, but all of her perseverance was not as convincing as seeing such a miraculous medicine.

Listening to Qian Shan's compliment, Wen Yi couldn't help but laugh bitterly, because the original intent of the medicine formula was different. The biggest poison she made was this, making people temporarily unconscious so they can act on their own, but Ke Er's goal was to kill people, she never cared about the life and death of the infected people, so Ke Er's poison was even more deadly. Thus, in terms of using poison, she could never compare to Ke Er.

Especially now, the poison in her body was still unable to be cured. Although she had restrained the poison from spreading throughout her body, she had a constant headache and knew that it was the backlash of the poison …

"Big Sister Qian Shan, go quickly." Qian Shan thought that her praise would cause Wen Yi to smile, but Wen Yi just stood there in a daze. She stared at Wen Yi worriedly, thinking that Wen Yi had something else to say.

Qian Shan didn't say anything else, she just urged her horse forward, and it was as Wen Yi had said. When she walked over to the riders, she fiercely threw the pills in her hands onto the ground, and the pills seemed to have exploded, although there was no sound, it was still filled with thick smoke, and the riders immediately covered their mouths and noses, but they were still a step too slow, and the few of them softly lied on the horses, while the horses they were riding on were also soft on the ground.

After the dense fog dissipated, Wen Yi and Wan Sun hurried forward. Wan Sun then kicked the unconscious coachman off the carriage, and Wen Yi entered the carriage.

Within the carriage, Wan Liang was also unconscious. Wen Yi stuffed the antidote into her mouth, and not long later, she woke up and anxiously asked Wen Yi: "Clan Master, why did you save me? It's not the right time to do that now. If you save me, I'll be alerted. I'm fine, no matter where they send me to, I'll protect myself. "

Wan Liang anxiously told Wen Yi. Wen Yi looked at the anxious girl in front of him and could not help but say, "Don't worry, we will not care about you. They will still have to bring you away."

"Sect Leader, you're too heartless. You've already saved me, but you still want to abandon me? Have you considered the feelings of my heart and lungs? They've all been shattered into pieces." Wan Liang pretended to be sad, his eyes showing no fear or worry.

"When you have time, think carefully about how you can escape in the future, don't be so talkative here." Wan Sun couldn't bear to see Wan Liang speak such nonsense, so he couldn't help but remind him in a low voice.

It had long become Wan Liang's habit to retort, but when he saw the heaviness in Wen Yi's eyes who was checking his pulse, she didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Sect Leader, you specially came to check my pulse? It can't be because I'm going to die, right? "Sect Leader, please help me think of a way. I don't want to die yet, I haven't found a handsome guy to enjoy my life. I'm still young, I …"

Wan Liang was also afraid in his heart. She was used to using words to hide his panic, but just as she spoke a few sentences, Wan Sun, who was guarding beside Wen Yi, could not help but mutter: "Shut up."

Wan Liang decided to shut his mouth. Actually, she understood the situation he was in, the reason Clan Master was able to come all the way was to save her life.

"Wan Liang, this time, our people will follow you secretly and protect you at any time. Although we will not be able to save you, but we will guarantee that you will not be worried about your life. We have wronged you this time, I …" Wen Yi didn't know how to describe the guilt in her heart. If she had other options, she wasn't willing to let Wan Liang enter the den of tigers and wolves.

Don't worry, Sect Leader, no matter what happens, I won't suffer any losses. If they give me to a little handsome man like you, Fresh Meat, then my life will be complete. If you don't let me go, it will ruin my marriage.

Although Wan Liang's words were not that reliable, he was still a smart girl. How could she not feel that Wen Yi was changing the topic? The poison she was infected with was by no means simple.

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