Wen Yi and the people from the Flying Dragon Sect were always searching for a way out, but they never found anything.

Some of the workers and miners whom they had saved had resigned themselves to their fate like the old man before, while others were enraged.

If the people from the Flying Dragon Sect did not come, they could at least live on. But now, they could only wait for death, because no one would bring them food anymore.

Previously, Qian Shan wanted to refute his words, but in the end, she was too lazy to even talk back. This was because not everyone was like them, able to calmly face life and death, able to not complain and not blame them.

When they had touched all the stones in the mountain and confirmed that they really had no way out, the people who were suppressing their anger from before had surrounded the people from Flying Dragon Sect. Those eyes that had previously surged with gratitude, were now filled with despair and anger.

The people from Flying Dragon Sect didn't know how to deal with this sudden change, but they instinctively protected Qian Shan and Wen Yi.

Wen Yi squeezed out from the cracks in the wall and inched closer to the miners. Qian Shan understood Wen Yi's intentions and followed closely behind her with a protective posture.

"Sorry, I might not be able to take you out, but that's not our intention. We really broke in to bring you home."

Besides being apologetic, Wen Yi couldn't say anything at this moment. It was their arrival that had given them the chance to walk out.

"If you can't guarantee that you'll take us out, then why did you come to harm us? We still want to live to see our loved ones. We just want to live to see them. " After Wen Yi said her apologies, he asked loudly. It was as if this was the only way to prevent the fear of death from approaching him.

"Apologies, we also did not expect it to be like this, we …"

"You're the ones who want to kill us, what else do you want to say …"

"It's all because you made us unable to see our own wives and children. You …"

She was just anxious to save them, she just wanted to bring them home as soon as possible, but in the end, she was still too careless, she had underestimated the viciousness of Song Yunli.

"Lady, although they hate you, I am very grateful to you for coming. Thank you for coming. I am finally able to resist. I will not feel aggrieved even if I die. I thank all of you." The old man who was in despair previously walked to the front of the crowd. He ignored the anger of the miners and the workers, and slowly kneeled in front of Wen Yi.

"Young lady, it's not that they don't know what's good or bad, they know that you've come for us. However, they do not want to die, so please do not take their words to heart."

"Old man, it's because I'm not comprehensive enough and have harmed everyone. Everything they say is the right thing to do, I …"

Wen Yi did not expect that at this time, there would still be people who would understand him, and that would be an old man who eagerly looked forward to going home.

"You made us die like humans. If you didn't appear, we would have also died, but sooner or later, we would have either died from exhaustion or from illness. We were tortured to death by those beasts and they won't let us out alive. "This time, although we might not be able to live for more than a few more days, those who die still have our dignity. It's us who killed those people, we …"

At the end of his words, the old man's body started to tremble, and the people behind him all listened to the old man.

The angry emotions from before were strangely pacified. The old man spoke a lot of words, but he pointed to two words: dignity.

They all knew very well that if they stayed here to work, the only thing waiting for them was death. Moreover, they were enslaved, discriminated against by others, and they couldn't even help but die.

But now it was different, they and the people from Flying Dragon Sect had joined forces to kill their slave. Now that they were dead, at least they died with dignity.

Her previous anger seemed to have been extinguished like a fire. Although she still had some angry emotions, she did not dare to act unscrupulously towards the people from Flying Dragon Sect like she did before.

A warm feeling flashed across Wen Yi's heart. Not long ago, she still thought that she and the people from Flying Dragon Sect would be the first to die from their anger.

"Heaven never bars one's way. Let's just search again, maybe we can find a way out." Wen Yi said softly, she did not dare easily give others hope, she just did not want everyone to wait for them to die.

The people of Flying Dragon Sect naturally obeyed Wen Yi's instructions. The moment she finished speaking, they scattered in all directions to continue searching for the exit, while the miners and workers who were just watching the movements of the people of Flying Dragon Sect earlier also walked out in groups of two or three. Together with the people of Flying Dragon Sect, they lightly tapped on every piece of mountain rock, carefully stroking every crack.

Seeing that the people of the Flying Dragon Sect were looking for the exit without distractions, the people who were still standing there were finally moved. Someone walked out and joined the group of the Flying Dragon Sect.

There were fewer and fewer people waiting, more and more looking for a way out.

Qian Shan looked at Wen Yi, and said softly, "This group of people are really not that muddled, they finally understand the seriousness of the situation."

"They are not muddle-headed. They are just too afraid of death. Fortunately, there are people who understand."

"Seeing them like this, I finally do not feel that I have died unjustly for them." Qian Shan seemed to be very satisfied with the way the miners were doing things, and the resentment he had towards them disappeared without a trace.

"We can't accept our fate until the very last moment." Wen Yi reminded Qian Shan in a soft voice. As the person in charge of the Flying Dragon Sect, she couldn't give up hope first. Otherwise, they really wouldn't be able to leave.

"But Sovereign, we really must accept our fate." Wen Yi looked towards Qian Shan upon hearing her, she was looking at the mountain not far away, her black eyes blazing with fire.

"Song Yunli is truly not willing to give us a single moment more, he's trying to kill us all." Wen Yi sighed as she looked at the gradually spreading flames on the mountainside.

"He's definitely dead since he trapped us. Why can't he even wait for a day or two?" Qian Shan asked softly. She only knew the answer without waiting for Wen Yi's answer, not everyone liked to play cat and mouse.

"He's probably afraid we'll find the exit." Wen Yi's answer was different from what Qian Shan had expected, but it caused Qian Shan's eyes to light up.

Was there really an exit? But now, with the flames overflowing, it was already too late for them.

"Clan Master, I can bring you to the halfway point of the mountain, I …" Qian Shan only wanted to think of how he could help Wen Yi escape …

She also knew, that even if they did their best, Wen Yi wouldn't be able to escape. Furthermore, Wen Yi wouldn't abandon them at this time.

"Qian Shan, immediately send the order to have the people of the Flying Dragon Sect protect the miners and workers. Even if they die, the people of the Flying Dragon Sect will die in front of them."

's order was resolute and decisive. Qian Shan understood what she meant, nodded with tears in his eyes, and rushed towards the people of Flying Dragon Sect.

Qian Shan's figure was soon covered by the fire. The raging fire seemed as if it would burn their eyes, and the heat of the fire had already penetrated their limbs and bones.

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