However, the two children evidently did not want to be protected by the Flying Dragon Sect. The moment they formed a protective circle, the two children stood outside the circle.

"Are you sure you want to capture us? We are a princess and a prince, my name is Song Jingmo, he is my younger brother, Song Zhong Lou. " Jing Mo's face was already very serious, it was a matter of priority. Although the county magistrate treating this mountain as her family's private property made her very unhappy, this was not the time to fuss about it with them.

"Don't listen to their nonsense, how could they be princes and princesses? Hurry up and take them down, don't listen to their nonsense." Yu Zhengmin saw that after hearing the two children's words, the bailiffs were already retreating, so he quickly shouted loudly.

"If I capture these two children, I will reward them heavily. I will reward them with a hundred taels of silver." Yu Min didn't expect his words to be of no use. Even after promising a hundred taels of silver, the unstoppable yamen runner still didn't dare to move forward.

"If you can't even take care of the two children, what face do you have to be my Ke Prefecture's Mansion's yamen runners? You guys …" Yu Zhengmin was extremely anxious. If these two children were to really open the mountain, then the secrets of the iron mine would no longer be preserved. At that time, even if Song Yunli were to blame, based on the Mountain Sealing Order that he gave out a few years ago, the Emperor would not let him off lightly.

You just have to come and capture us, when the time comes we will accidentally cut you into pieces, and then we will see how my royal father will take away your lives. Jing Mo was also threatening these people. Towards this group of idiots who did not even know the situation, she was not willing to use money to bribe them. Her mother said before that money was earned painstakingly and could not be wasted on trash.

After she finished speaking, Jing Mo held Zhong Lou's hand and walked in front of the constables. They even extended their hands out as if they were willing to surrender, but the more they took the initiative, the more the constables didn't dare to go forward.

Although their news wasn't as good as Yu Zhengmin's, they had already known from the rumors that the emperor had recognized their princes and princesses, and had doted upon them as if they were pearls and treasures. Although the two children in front of them were currently in a sorry state, they had a bearing that the children around them did not have. Especially in the face of their encirclement, they were even calmer than the adults.

"There are people in this mountain. We are doing this to save them, so it would be best for you to not stop us." Seeing that the yamen runners did not move, Jing Mo took Zhong Lou's hand and walked closer to them, forcing them to retreat step by step.

However, Jing Mo's childish and cute voice carried an extraordinary power, causing them to unconsciously believe what she had said.

"All of you stay here, I will tell the royal father about this and will not pursue this matter with you. If you dare to act recklessly, don't blame us for not sparing you." Jing Mo warned them and the constables didn't do anything.

After the miners' families had surrounded the county magistrate, they had already suspected the county magistrate. Now that they heard the child's serious words, they were even more worried that their superior would do something big or even wrong.

Therefore, if they could get the girl to say that they would let bygones be bygones, that would already be the biggest gift they could receive. Naturally, they didn't dare to make any rash moves.

Seeing that she had scared off these yamen runners, Jing Mo smiled as she walked towards Yu Zhengmin and softly said: "Lord Yu, you have such authority, to actually want our lives, let's see if you're qualified or not."

Towards Yu Zhengmin, who wanted to catch her, Jing Mo was obviously not in the same good mood as before. As she spoke, she raised her leg and kicked his knee, using the force of the kick to raise her small body, she instantly raised her hand and slapped Yu Zhengmin's face.

Yu Zhengmin obviously did not expect a small child like Jing Mo to slap her own face. He glared angrily at Jing Mo who had safely landed and shouted, "You …"

"What's wrong? "Are you going to hit me?" Jing Mo asked softly, a little wronged.

Yu Zhengmin looked at the girl who had an innocent expression and was about to say something, but Zhong Lou followed suit and kicked Yu Zhengmin's knee, leaving a palm mark on his other face.

"You all …" Even if he wasn't willing to admit it, he was now being slapped in the face by two children in front of everyone's eyes.

He looked at the two children in front of him angrily and wanted to attack them, but before he could raise his hand, he felt another pain in his knee and then another slap on his face. He repeated this over and over again, and before long, his face was swollen.

He was sure that these two children were not ordinary. The force of their palms on his face was no less than that of an ordinary person's. Their movements were smooth like flowing water, and were definitely not something that a child could do.

After Jing Mo had finished beating her up, she tugged at Zhong Lou's hand, indicating that he could stop. Looking at Yu Zhengmin who was still as pig-headed as ever, she said proudly: "This is just to give you a bit of a warning, I'll let you know who you can and can't offend. As for the grudges between the people inside, royal father will definitely give you a good answer. "

Yu Zhengmin almost could not believe his ears. The mountain was sealed, no one knew of the situation inside the mountain, and even he had heard that someone was about to open the mountain, so he had rushed over, but he did not expect that they already knew of the situation inside.

"Kill them all, Song Yunli will help you all get promoted. Hurry." Yu Zhengmin confirmed that the people here knew what was happening inside, and their expressions changed, as he shouted.

Yu Zhengmin was very clear that killing them to silence them was the only thing he could do now. If he did not kill them now, then everything in the mountain would be exposed.

The yamen runners naturally did not dare to move. They did not know why they actually believed the two Kids s in front of them. Of course, they did not know that there was a Soul Search spell in this world.

They were all standing there obediently, as if they hadn't heard Yu Zhengmin's words. Yu Zhengmin, on the other hand, had already turned angry from embarrassment, and picked up the blade in the hands of the bailiff not far away from him, and slashed towards Jing Mo and Zhong Lou.

He was a scholar in the first place, and Jing Mo and Zhong Lou were even more so carrying special ability s. He chased after them for a long time, but still did not succeed.

As for the two children, they seemed to be playing a game with Yu Zhengmin, being chased around by him, but in the end, the one suffering was more like Yu Zhengmin.

At this moment, atop the clouds, a white-clothed man with a jade-like face was lazily looking at the Heaven Seizing Mirror. Seeing the little girl in the mirror playing with Yu Zhengmin like she was playing with a mouse, a displeasure suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Overgod, this young lady is not yours yet. You have to go through some tribulations. Only then will she be yours …" The servant kindly reminded. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, the Highgod turned around and looked at him, causing fear to well up in his heart.

"Withdraw that girl's special ability for me." The servant looked at the man with a troubled expression.

"Are you preparing to let me go through so that I can't even take care of my own woman?"

"But …" The attendant still wanted to explain.

"Give her an immortal body. Even if she can't protect herself, she'll be fine." The Lord God seemed to understand his servant's words. He softly explained everything to him and then turned to leave.

Because of that little girl, he was actually looking forward to this tribulation …

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