"Jing Mo, don't be afraid, your mother and brother are here. We will protect you." Wen Yi naturally understood the fear and helplessness in Jing Mo's heart at this moment. At this moment, other than hugging her and promising, she could do nothing.

She faintly felt that Jing Mo's actions had something to do with the person in the rain. It was just that Jing Mo knew too little about that person, and that person did it to protect Jing Mo.

After experiencing so many things, Wen Yi had already realized that being in possession of the special ability might be beneficial to one's life, but it could also bring about too many disasters.

Therefore, although Jing Mo was not willing to accept this result, it was still a good thing.

"Big sister, from now on, the two of us will be close. I will protect you well so that no one can bully you." Zhong Lou saw that Jing Mo was crying so he quickly comforted him. However, Jing Mo saw that aside from consoling him, she was also happy. She glared at Zhong Lou and said, "Don't think that I don't know that you're the only one who can help mother out right now.

"Big sister, it won't happen. In the future, if there's anything good to eat, I'll share it with you. I won't …"

Jing Mo stared at Zhong Lou, but in the end, Zhong Lou still lowered his head guiltily. In front of the food, he had never thought of sharing it with his sister, but it seemed like she would always snatch the delicious food with him.

"Jing Mo, I won't let you guys do this anymore, in the future, don't do it on your own, or I will be angry." Wen Yi promised the two children earnestly. Currently, many people in Flying Dragon Sect knew about the special ability and she was going to seal the news as well, who knows what kind of disaster they would bring to the children.

"Mom, just because your little brother will help you in the future, you can't give him all the good food. Mom, you can't be biased." Jing Mo didn't change her obsession about eating. She looked at her helplessly and promised her in a soft voice that she wouldn't.

Jing Mo knew that his mother always kept her words, the worry and sorrow in her heart gradually calmed down, and when Qian Shan saw that the three of them had finished talking, he quickly went forward and asked, "Sect Leader, I will first bring these people to the Texas so that they can meet their families. Since we have not been here for the past two days, who knows what kind of trouble that group of people have caused?"

"Have all of their stewards stay behind, I still have something to ask." They were thinking about how to leave the mountain, but now that they were out, she had to look into the matter of forging weapons.

"They are already waiting there. I will first bring the two young master s and the miners back. I will leave Wan An with you." Qian Shan said softly.

"Alright, I'll do as you say." The matter regarding the weapon was extremely important, so Wen Yi was naturally not at ease leaving it in the hands of others.

Qian Shan took his child and left. Not long after, only the managers and the people from the Flying Dragon Sect remained.

"Benefactor, I have a list of their forging weapons here. I remember it every time. I originally wanted to use this threat to make them let me go, but I didn't dare. I was afraid that if they knew about this, they would directly take my life." A middle-aged man in tattered clothes walked in front of Wen Yi and handed over a ledger to him.

"Sir, although I don't have any lists here, I can draw all the weapons that we forge. Please give me some pen and paper, I'll draw it right away."

"Benefactor, the weapons they asked us to forge seem to not only be our style. There is also the chain blade of the Southern Champion as well as the long spear of the Zixu Kingdom."

"What did you say?" Wen Yi almost could not believe her own ears. The weapons forged by the Flying Dragon Mountain did not only belong to their country, they also belonged to the Southern Champion and the Zixu Kingdom.

Song Yunli forged weapons for another country? For money or for profit?

"Wan An, get that big bro to draw out the patterns of the weapons they have forged these past few years and check them against the list one by one. Find out who these weapons end up in, and it would be best if he could find out through any means."

"Sovereign, I will immediately send someone to investigate." Wan An was secretly shocked.

"Wan An, do you know that what I want you to investigate is Song Yunli's evidence of treason?" Wen Yi's words became more and more serious.

If he found out that Song Yunli was the enemy of another nation, then Song Yunli's opinion of the people and court would become worse. Even if he wanted to usurp the throne, he would not be able to obtain the support of the people.

At that time, even if he played with people's hearts, he would not be able to make them submit.

"Sovereign, I know." Wan An was obviously excited too. This time, they had narrowly escaped death, if they could grab hold of Song Yunli's weak point, then this calamity would truly be worth it.

"Let's go back to the mountain and see if there are any clues left behind." Although they had gone through a huge fire, Wen Yi still hoped to find some clues within and help them investigate the results.

"Let me accompany you." After Wan An finished speaking, he followed behind Wen Yi. Although they had already come out, he was still worried, afraid that after they go in, the mountain would be sealed again. He had to protect the Patriarch.

"It won't happen this time, don't worry." Wen Yi could tell that Wan An was nervous, but the exit this time was opened by two children fighting with all their might. Even if Song Yunli wanted to set up a mechanism, he would still need time.

Wan An did not say anything and only followed Wen Yi into the mountain. They searched through the mountains that were almost completely burnt to ashes, and in the end, they actually found a rough map of the weapon. As for the sketches of the Southern Champion States's and the Zixu Kingdom's weapons, the markings on them were actually the Southern Champion script and the words of the Zixu Kingdom.

"Sect Leader, this is the proof that he is traitorous. With these things, he, Song Yunli …" Wan An spoke emotionally, but before he could finish, he looked at Wen Yi with an even heavier expression. He looked at him and asked softly: "Sect Leader, how do we prove that these are Song Yunli's things?"

Wen Yi did not speak, and this was also what troubled her the most. They all knew that the mountain belonged to Song Yunli, but the cousin of the one with the highest sight, Song Yunli, was already dead.

Therefore, even if they were to use this conclusive evidence to tell others that Song Yunli had betrayed their nation and colluded against them, he could still innocently say that he had been wrongly accused.

At that time, the person who wronged Song Yunli would have his or his heart punished.

"Sovereign, what should we do?" Wan An looked at Wen Yi with an ugly expression. All the previous happiness was gone as countless ideas flashed across his mind. In the end, he could only seek help from Wen Yi.

"I should check the way the weapons were shipped out. Why do I feel uneasy? I keep having the feeling that he has some sort of use for forging these weapons." Wen Yi said softly, but her heart suddenly became flustered, as though she had missed something.

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