"Sect Leader, there is no need to rush over there right? Our people are protecting the girls. They'll be fine. "

Wen Yi looked at Qian Shan, and wanted to explain, but she didn't say anything. These few days, she had been thinking about the Ten Day Chaos, and always felt that something huge was going to happen ten days later. It had already been four days, and she didn't know what would happen in ten days.

Regardless of warning Liang Guangxiang or going to Cloud Town, she was only doing these things to suppress the panic in his heart.

"After all, there are dozens of lives here. We will go there ourselves."

"Sect Leader, you should take a good rest. If you are worried, I will go over to take a look." Wen Yi had been busy running since the Li Palace, and she hadn't even rested for the past few days. Even Iron Man probably wouldn't be able to hold on, Qian Shan said with a pained heart as he looked at her haggard face.

"If I don't go, even if we rush in to save them, they won't dare, after all they have been in chaos for ten days, if they want to live, then they won't dare to leave, unless I go, and only with the golden signboard of Wen Yi will they dare to leave the tiger's den."

Qian Shan didn't say anything. She knew very clearly that no matter how many reasons she had, Wen Yi's was the most important one.

If Wen Yi did not go, they would have been able to take care of the brothel, but they could not let the girls leave with them.

"Clan Master, if the Emperor knew that you were putting your life on the line, he would surely be heartbroken." Qian Shan said softly, his eyes filled with pain.

She had personally witnessed Wen Yi's hardships after she returned, and she had truly exhausted herself thinking for the sake of the emperor. However, the emperor had always wanted Wen Yi to not touch these things, so he was unwilling to part with her hardships.

Right, we were trapped in the Flying Dragon Mountain, so we didn't tell him, right? If not for Qian Shan mentioning him, Wen Yi would have almost forgotten about him.

"Perhaps he has already been sent a message. Do you think that when we come to the Ke Prefecture, the Emperor will not even send people to protect us? I'm afraid the emperor knew about it the first chance he got. "

Of course, Wen Yi knew that Song Yunqian would send people to protect him. Even if she had numerous experts by her side, he wouldn't be at ease.

"Then immediately tell him the news of us escaping danger, don't let him worry too much." She didn't even dare think how guilty and worried Song Yunqian would be if he knew that she was trapped in the Flying Dragon Mountain, and how helpless and broken down he would be.

She couldn't change the things that had already happened. She could only let Song Yunqian know that she was doing fine as soon as possible. This was the only thing she could do for him.

"Sovereign, the Emperor will send a message to him. Don't worry." had completely forgotten what she had just said.

"I think it's better if I write to him, otherwise …" Thinking about the people in the palace who were always worried about him, Wen Yi finally became tranquil and warm.

At this moment, other people's words could not even compare to a few lines of hers, much to his relief.

Wen Yi's letter was written for a long time, and Wen Yi was very clear that even if she was to say a thousand things, even if she was to hear him say that she was fine again and again, Song Yunqian's heart would never be at peace. The moment she left the palace, his heart had already followed him through mountains and rivers to the Texas.

After Wen Yi handed the letter to Qian Shan, she began to prepare and rush to the Cloud Town. She never would have thought that in the current deep palace, the person who was concerned about him was using the alcohol to clear his worries.

Ever since she knew that Wen Yi was trapped in the Flying Dragon Mountain, he couldn't help but let her thoughts run wild. Thinking of the Dao length's words, thinking of the sweet and peaceful times they had together, he tried her best to not think of the worst case scenario. But in the end, he still couldn't control herself.

However, he couldn't do anything. He could only use alcohol to numb his nerves, but he was more clear-headed after getting drunk. All he could hear were the words of the Dao length.

Helpless and despair filled Song Yunqian's heart, and he did not even notice that someone had walked into the palace.

"Is the Emperor grieving for that woman? What's so good about Wen Yi that's worthy of you doing this? " There was still disdain in his words. In his heart, there was no one who could compare to her little sister.

"Wen Yi is not very nice, but she will do everything she can to love me. Because she loves me, her life is filled with mishaps, and she has always been at the edge of danger." Hearing that it was Chen Yuanqing, Song Yunqian was very displeased.

His close relatives and friends all knew the contribution Wen Yi had made to herself, and they all knew that she was the one who had harmed Wen Yi time and time again, and was not worthy of Wen Yi's deep emotions. Only Chen Yuanqing, whom he had never felt was not easy to accomplish.

But what Chen Yuzhu had paid was not even worth what Wen Yi had given. Instead, she was loving herself with her own life.

He hated the disdain in Chen Yuanqing's words towards Wen Yi. He felt that it was not only towards Wen Yi, but also towards himself, that he was being humiliated.

The emperor's eyes are fixated on a woman named Wen Yi. Other than her, there are a lot of other people who love you, I believe you already know that the current Imperial Concubine Rou is my sister Chen Yuzhu's rebirth, and she died once for you. This deep affection, how could she not love Wen Yi? Compared to Song Yunqian's displeasure, Chen Yuanqing's anger was even heavier. He did not understand that although Yu Zhu clearly treated Song Yunqian more seriously than that woman, Song Yunqian was the only one who saw that despicable woman.

"I know what she did for me very well, that's why I let her enter the palace. Other than my heart, I will help her accomplish whatever she wants." No matter how disgusted he was with Chen Yuanqing's self-righteousness, Song Yunqian would never dare to forget his guilt.

It was just that he could not treat himself as compensation, as his heart had long been placed in the hands of that woman called Wen Yi before he had met her.

"The emperor means that no matter what Yu Zhu has done for you, you must still let her down, right?" Before Chen Yurou had appeared, he had already known that this was the result. He thought that Chen Yurou's appearance would at least shake Song Yunqian's ice-cold heart, but the result was still the same.

From beginning to end, the only one who had been hurt and abandoned was his little sister.

The corner of Chen Yuanqing's mouth curled up in a mocking smile. Without waiting for Song Yunqian's reply, he said, "You just said that you could give her anything other than your heart. She's currently poisoned and unconscious.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Song Yunqian arrogantly, waiting for Song Yunqian to agree and for him to surrender.

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