Just as Chen Yuanqing left, Ke Er came over.

Ke Er had been coming to see Song Yunqian frequently recently. In her opinion, without Wen Yi, she would not be able to threaten him.

It was just that she did not expect Song Yunqian to be too lazy to even look at her. She was furious in her heart, and felt that Wen Yi must have bewitched her Senior Brother, which was why she still treated her as a misunderstanding.

Every single time, Song Yunqian would give her a reason not to, but this time, she watched Chen Yuanqing walk into Song Yunqian's chambers, and was in a daze for a long time before coming out. She was certain that Song Yunqian was inside the chambers, so he barged in despite the guards outside.

"Senior Brother, why are you drinking again? Why don't you know how to cherish your body?" Smelling the strong smell of alcohol from Song Yunqian's body, Ke Er frowned. Then, she quickly walked to Song Yunqian's side and bent down to pour him a cup of tea.

Song Yunqian could feel that Ke Er was trying her best to get closer to his body. Her body was emitting a strong fragrance that carried a rotten smell, causing Song Yunqian to feel nauseous.

Without waiting for Ke Er to bring the tea in front of him, Song Yunqian stood up and maintained the distance between him and Ke Er.

Ke Er held the tea in her hand and looked at Song Yunqian, who was maintaining a certain distance from her, as her face underneath the veil throbbed painfully. She stared at Song Yunqian, her eyes filled with infatuation.

"Senior Brother, do you really have to keep your distance from me like this?" Ke Er saw that Song Yunqian's eyes were filled with pain.

Just that, this kind of Ke Er was already unable to move Song Yunqian.

"Ke Er, I've already told you everything clearly. If you have anything to say, just say it. If you have nothing to say, then return to your own palace." Ke Er coldly spoke as she continued to drink from her wine cup. Ke Er looked at Song Yunqian with eyes filled with pain, but what made her collapse even more was that she did not put her current sadness and disappointment in her eyes.

She, a peerless beauty, was actually unable to compare to the wine in his cup. This was a huge blow to Ke Er.

"Senior brother, you know what I'm thinking. I won't do anything that would harm you, I'm just worried about you. Even if I'm the enemy of the entire world, I won't hurt you. Don't get so far away from me." Ke Er said as she walked towards Song Yunqian. She did not like the look of separation between Song Yunqian and herself, and she did not want to continue to suffer like this.

Song Yunqian took two steps back, looked at Ke Er in disgust, and said in a low voice: "If you don't want us to attack you, then get lost."

Song Yunqian now only felt disgust towards Ke Er, especially that face of hers. If it wasn't for her being so vicious back then, he wouldn't have been separated from him for five years. Now that they were finally together, she still wanted to stop him.

"Senior Brother, for the sake of making you happy, I don't even have a feeling of existence in this palace. I've already felt wronged enough. You don't want me to target Wen Yi, I promise you, you're not like me who can cause waves in the palace, I'm just like an invisible person in this palace, Senior Brother, I've already done what you want, what else do you want? Why don't you understand me? "I only want you to be alone, I …" When Ke Er finished speaking, she saw that Song Yunqian's face was still filled with indifference. She could no longer hold back her tears.

Ke Er felt that she couldn't even use words to describe her grievances. She was the princess of the Southern Champion Kingdom, and had a noble identity, so long as she forced Song Yunqian to do so, there was no way Song Yunqian would disobey her, but she knew that Song Yunqian didn't like being coerced by others, so she had never put on the airs of a princess. She obviously was extremely jealous of the people who were glaring at her, but she pretended not to care, because she knew that these women from the imperial harem were all useful for senior brothers.

No matter what you do, I will never like you. There has only ever been one person I have loved, and other than Wen Yi, I do not like anyone else coming into contact with me, so please keep my distance. "

"Senior Brother, why are you suffering? Wen Yi is not in the palace right now, and as long as you are willing, no news will spread. You don't have to be so wronged, all the women in the palace are yours, you …" Seeing that Song Yunqian's attitude was firm, Ke Er was jealous to death, she forced her last bit of reason to shout at Song Yunqian.

She hoped that her loud voice would make Song Yunqian's mind go back to normal. Her senior brother shouldn't be like this.

"Ke Er, you don't understand the so-called love." Looking at Ke Er's hysterical appearance, Song Yunqian actually felt a burst of happiness at the bottom of his heart. He softly told Ke Er the truth, but Ke Er did not believe him as she stared at him and said righteously: "Senior Brother, the so-called love is for you, and I don't even want my sister and father anymore. For you, I have traveled across mountains and rivers to come to your side.

Ke Er spoke word for word with Song Yunqian. Her love, but Zhao Ryue, was her pride.

It was just a pity that her pride was not because of Song Yunqian's pride but rather, it was because of his contempt and even his disgust for her.

"Ke Er, you can go back. I still have things to do." Song Yunqian obviously didn't want to talk too much with a madman. Rather than talking about their different views of each other with Ke Er, he would rather look for the memories of his and Wen Yi's past in the wine.

"Senior brother, I still have something I want to tell you. It wasn't easy for me to see you, I …" Ke Er was a little crazy. He felt that his Senior Brother had misunderstood him more and more, and if he did not explain himself clearly, she would probably …

Although she had confidence in their feelings, she couldn't wait to see the two of them together. How could she give up the opportunity to explain?

"Ke Er, why don't you leave, or I'll leave." Song Yunqian said softly. When he spoke, he glanced at Ke Er coldly.

"Senior brother, I have something to talk to you about. After I finish, I'll leave." Even though she was not willing, Ke Er knew clearly that no matter what she said, it was impossible for her to move Song Yunqian in a short amount of time.

Song Yunqian didn't even say anything as he glanced at Ke Er. He didn't believe what Ke Er was saying was anything important.

Song Yunqian never thought that the person Ke Er was talking about was actually the three thousand guards that she married.

"Senior brother, they should be punished for their mistakes, but they are the Southern Champion, so send them back to their country. This is also the meaning of my royal father." Ke Er spoke calmly, as if she had completely forgotten that the one who made the mistake was her and not the three thousand guards.

"Senior brother, for you, I could voluntarily break my arm. I did it to make you feel at ease. I don't want to make things difficult for you, I …" Ke Er pretended to be understanding as she wanted to take all the credit for this. She felt that if this was the case, her Senior Brother would love her more.

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