Back then, this subject knew very well that Miss Ke Er did not like me, but Ke Er, such a beautiful lady, had already fallen in love with me at first sight, so I chose to silently protect her, but I did not want her to die. This subject was extremely sad, and had also seen that kind of girl before, so no one would dare approach my heart anymore, until I met Mrs Liu, she looked very similar to Ke Er.

"Mrs Liu is indeed a good woman. She is filial to her parents-in-law, gentle and considerate to me, and even advised me to put all my effort into public affairs. When I was depressed and frustrated, it was her gentle and gentle words that helped to dispel the worries in my heart." Speaking of his days after marriage, Li Xun's pained face looked a little nostalgic.

Song Yunqian didn't say anything, he only stared at Li Xun. He already knew clearly that in the peaceful and happy days that Li Xun had described, Li Xun had already fallen in love with Mrs Liu.

"I didn't expect Ke Er to appear. She said that the person she liked was me, and that she had always been thinking about me. She also said that I should have some big achievements, and not waste my life in the Ministry of Justice." When Li Xun spoke, her eyes flashed with the light of hope, and he didn't describe the excitement in her heart the moment he heard the words, so much that Song Yunqian could feel his blood pumping.

"At that time, I was blinded by greed and felt that if I could achieve success and marry the woman I love, it would not have been in vain. Thus, I agreed to work for him at that time."

"This subject did not think that the first thing she wanted this subject to do would be to give her subject's child. She said that my child would also be her child and that she would treat her well, and also said that I would only be able to do great things without worrying if she raised my child. I only thought that the Liu family was from a merchant family, and my ability to raise children would definitely be inferior to Ke Er's.

Song Yunqian quietly listened to Li Xun talking to himself. Li Xun's guilt did not move his face in the slightest.

"So on the day that Mrs Liu gave birth to my child, I gave it to Ke Er. On the way, I felt happy in my heart, because I was a step closer to Ke Er. If I were to give the child to her, she would definitely know that I treat her sincerely and our future would definitely be good, but I didn't expect that after I give the child to Ke Er, Ke Er didn't even look at her, and had her send someone to give it to Song Yunli." As she said till here, Li Xun's face was already pained. She probably did not expect this kind of ending.

"It wasn't until then that I knew that Ke Er didn't want to help me raise my child. She wanted me to use my child as a hostage and make me Song Yunli's person. I …" When she thought of the indifference in Ke Er's eyes at the time, and how his own son cried weakly when he left him, Li Xun's tears finally started to uncontrollably fall.

I didn't think that she would go mad for the sake of the child, and never have that gentle look again. When she looked at me now, her eyes were filled with hatred, and she was no longer the girl who was shy because of my words, and she would no longer be as gentle as water for me, and the future she had described to me when she was pregnant would no longer appear in my life. I failed her, and she was the one who let me down, I … " He did not need the emperor's sympathy, but he really needed someone to pour out his feelings to. He wanted others to know that he was also someone who had been deceived, but even if he had convinced himself, he would still not be able to pass through his own heart.

It was him who had destroyed his own happiness. It was him who had wishful thinking and wasted all the happiness he had.

The only thing he could do now was to maintain the current situation. He didn't want to be used by Ke Er and Song Yunli, and even more so, he didn't want to kill her children.

Song Yunli and Ke Er would not think of him, nor would the emperor. He was only a small official of the Ministry of Justice, and because he had lost his son, his wife had gone slightly crazy.

This may not seem like a good time for others, but it was the best he could survive.

If he followed Song Yunli and Ke Er in doing those so-called big things, if the emperor knew about it, there would only be a dead end for sure. But if he didn't, then there would only be a dead end for his child.

Therefore, Li Xun begged Song Yunqian not to let him do what Ke Er asked him to do.

"Li Xun, you deserve to die." Song Yunqian hadn't spoken for a long time, and when he finally opened his mouth, even he was shocked.

"This official deserves to die ten thousand times." Li Xun touched his forehead to the ground and his expression was one of grief. He knelt there, not daring to look at Song Yunqian.

"A man can pursue fame and fortune, but how can you hurt a woman who loves you deeply like this? You can ignore your own son just for the sake of your work! I don't believe that your greed did them harm before you even thought about it." Song Yunqian's voice was very low and no one knew that when Li Xun spoke of his past, his mind was filled with only Wen Yi.

His Wen Yi was the same as Mrs Liu, giving everything to the man she loved deeply.

But, he could not protect Wen Yi's safety, and Li Xun was even more of a bastard, to actually cause her to fall for it …

No matter how deep one's emotions were, they shouldn't be betrayed. Therefore, Li Xun was a bastard, and he was also a useless man …

Li Xun thought that Song Yunqian's anger was due to his selfishness at the time. He had approached Song Yunli and Ke Er, but never would he have thought that the Emperor who resided high in the court would feel all his anger and disappointment because he had shamed his own woman.

But Li Xun had to admit, Song Yunqian was right, it was his greed that gave others an opportunity, it was his greed that destroyed the happiness that was so close to hand.

"Your majesty, as long as this subject's child can be safe, it's fine even if you want this subject's life. This subject should be punished with ten thousand deaths." Even though he clearly knew that he did not have the qualifications to make any requests, he could not not not mention any of these requests. If his son really died, then Mrs Liu would definitely not be alive.

Such an outcome was something that he shouldn't have even thought about.

"You did not do anything to harm the River and Mountain Region. We truly have no way to punish you, but you personally gave away your child. You go save him yourself," Song Yunqian said softly, his words solemn.

"This official …" Li Xun didn't understand why Song Yunqian said those words. He raised his head and looked at Song Yunqian, waiting for him to continue speaking.

"Talk to Song Yunli and the others about the conditions. Do what they want to do this time and save the child first." Song Yunqian said indifferently, but it caused the alarm in his heart to ring loudly. He almost did not dare believe his own ears.

The emperor wanted him to do as Song Yunli asked, but that...

"But Your Majesty …" Li Xun did not understand Song Yunqian's words. He did not believe that his child's life would be so important that the Emperor would not even care about his own matters.

But, why did he say that, he …

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