The attendants and the people who were taking care of Li Xun's children were all brought down, but the hostility in the hall did not dissipate. Song Yunli sat in the middle of the hall with his carefully modified face looking like it was sealed in ice.

"They are all innocent. Why do you have to go against them?" Song Yunli turned his head to look at the door, staring at the valiant man walking in with a faint smile, and said with a cold face: "Ninth Prince, if you're here to mock me, you can leave first."

"Spare them. They don't know either. They don't have any intention of disobeying you." The nine kings did not answer, but continued to plead for them.

"What if I say no? "If I can't even do such a small thing, how can I forgive them? They …" Song Yunli thought about the defeat in his heart earlier, and a sinister look appeared on his face.

"Yunli, we have blood relatives, I won't harm you." The nine kings spoke to Song Yunli helplessly, although he was clear how much Song Yunli did not care about their blood relatives right now.

"If there comes a day when I am caught by Song Yunqian, I wonder if the Ninth Prince will say such a thing to plead for me in front of him," Song Yunli said indifferently as he glanced at the nine kings.

"Nope." He fiercely said to the Ninth King: "I knew your heart was on Song Yunqian's side. You have never truly been on the same side as me, what's the good of Song Yunqian? "He's just a useless trash."

"We are grasshoppers on a string. If you are caught, how can I escape? How could I have the chance to plead for you in front of him? " The Ninth King sighed helplessly.

He had long figured out the rules of interacting with Song Yunli, and when it came to Song Yunqian, he would definitely be driven mad. Only by putting himself together with would his anger calm down.

Sure enough, the words of the Ninth King pleased Song Yunli, the hostility on his face had disappeared. He smiled and said to the Ninth King: "Ninth Prince, you are right, we are all grasshoppers on the same string, you have even slept with Wen Yi's maid. You and Wen Yi can't even go back to the way you were before."

When Song Yunli spoke, a strange smile appeared on his face. The Ninth King pretended to be shocked at Song Yunli and asked: "What did you say? In my room, your woman is Wen Yi's maid, you … "

Song Yunli was very satisfied with the reaction of the nine kings. He slowly nodded and asked in a soft voice, "Ninth Prince, you have always been thinking of Wen Yi, my heart is not at ease, I had originally wanted to find a beautiful woman to make you relax, but I never thought that this woman would actually be Wen Yi's maid. I had originally wanted to kill this woman, but I also felt that this was not bad.

The Ninth King looked at Song Yunli with a face full of pain. He pretended not to know and asked, "This woman is the woman who was imprisoned in the forbidden room, right? At that time, you suspected that I let her go, but now I really regret not letting her leave. Otherwise, if I had met her once, I wouldn't have been so wrong … "How outrageous."

His mood became even better and he said softly, "Ninth Prince, even if you knew that she was Wen Yi's maid, you wouldn't have watched her poison herself to death that day. I understand your temperament the best, and I really don't know how you survived those years the late emperor feared you the most."

As he spoke, he had already stood up and slowly walked over to the side of the Ninth King, and said softly: "Ninth Prince, if you don't like that woman, once I've completed my big plan in the future, I'll help you change it.

Song Yunli had been talking to himself the entire time, and the nine kings only looked at Song Yunli with startled expressions. It was as if they had never recovered from the shock that Wan Liang was a maid.

"Ninth Prince, this matter is my fault. I just feel that all these years, you were alone and wanted to find a companion for you. That woman's looks are not bad, if not for her wanting to save it for Uncle Wang, I would have enjoyed it myself." Song Yunli happily advised the Ninth King, but anyone could tell that he was not advising the Ninth King. He was being proud to have successfully defeated the Ninth King and separated Wen Yi from the Ninth King.

"Since things have come to this, this is the only way. You better live well and scheme for your major matters. I don't want to die yet." The Ninth King didn't want to continue listening to Song Yunli's rambling. After he finished speaking with annoyance, he turned around and left.

"Don't worry Ninth Prince, there won't be the day that you and I get caught by Song Yunqian. In a few days, Wen Yi will die. Song Yunli shouted to the nine kings happily.

"You want to deal with Wen Yi?" The nine kings turned and stared at Song Yunli.

"Ninth Prince wants to plead for her? Her several attacks caused me to suffer heavy losses and he even messed up the matter with the Flying Dragon Mountain. What reason do I have to let her off? " Song Yunli's face was full of innocence, as if Wen Yi really did something extremely evil.

"What are you going to do with her?" The Ninth King stared at Song Yunli, unable to hide the desire in his eyes.

"This is my problem. Uncle Wang, don't worry about it. Just wait for me to drink my celebratory wine."

"You don't seem to be willing to tell me anything. In the end, I'm still your uncle Wang, and I'm related to you by blood." Just as he expected, Song Yunli still did not want to tell him about his plans.

Although they had already expected this outcome, they still couldn't help Wen Yi this time. Thinking of this, the nine kings were extremely agitated.

"Ninth Prince, when Wen Yi dies, I will tell you everything. When that time comes, our uncle and nephew will work hard together to snatch Song Yunqian's land and rivers, it will all belong to us." When Song Yunli was speaking, he had already walked behind the nine kings and was confidently speaking, but the nine kings were not even willing to listen to him.

Looking at the back of the Ninth King, Song Yunli sorrowfully sighed, and said softly: "I knew that you still wouldn't forget Wen Yi, is she that important? Back then when you schemed against her, you didn't feel much pain, but after so many years, you started to take pity on her. "

"Since you care for the fairer sex, I will help you. I will leave an intact corpse for her. At that time, I'll let you worship every day. "

After speaking those vicious words, Song Yunli prepared to leave, but just as he reached the door, he saw Liu Yan waiting there foolishly.

She didn't know what was going on in the hall. She was still anxiously waiting to see her son.

"When will I see my son?" Liu Yan saw the moment when Song Yunli saw her panic, her heart was also panicking, as she asked anxiously.

"If I don't let you see your son, are you prepared to disobey me?" Song Yunli suddenly said, his charming eyes revealing a bright light.

"Yes." Liu Yan's answer was calm but firm.

"If you don't listen, I will take your life, and you aren't willing to help me?" Song Yunli stared at Liu Yan, his tone calm, but anyone who was familiar with him would know, that he had already made up his mind.

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