The current Wen Yi had already sensed the approaching danger, but did not know what kind of fatal move Song Yunli had prepared for him.

Everything around him seemed too normal, too abnormal.

Especially since he had met with a slight resistance when rescuing the trapped women from the Cloud Town. Then, he had been successfully rescued.

Song Yunli's defense should not be so weak, especially the thing he placed high hopes on.

However, just because it was so successful, Wen Yi, who was prepared to fight a big battle, was caught off guard and at a loss of what to do.

Wen Yi brought all the girls to the Texas, and gave each of them a pulse checking and writing down the corresponding medicinal formula. After making them consume it, she practically never left their side, guarding the girls even the slightest bit. If it was too easy to obtain them, she would be even more afraid of losing them, afraid that Song Yunli would have already prepared a killing move on them.

She was worried that her rescue would cause the deaths of the dozens of girls, so she guarded them fearfully. After taking the medicine for 24 hours, there were no longer any signs of poisoning on their bodies.

"You can leave now." Wen Yi said to the girls, as if a burden was lifted off her shoulders.

"Are we alright? "We …" When the girls heard Wen Yi's words, they were all overjoyed. Wen Yi smiled and nodded.

Thank you for saving our lives. We know that you all are Flying Dragon Sect's people, but we don't know if we can join your Flying Dragon Sect. A woman pleaded softly.

Wen Yi looked at her sincere eyes, then looked at the other girls around her, their faces also filled with anticipation.

"Go home and reunite with your parents. After I finish my business here, you can come back and find us." After all, Song Yunli had trained these people before. Although she had saved them, but they were in the middle of a storm and she did not dare to stay in the Flying Dragon Sect.

The smart ones among the girls naturally knew what Wen Yi meant, and the simpler ones thought that Wen Yi was thinking for their sake, so they sent them to see their families.

It was just that none of them had a happy smile on their faces, the girl who was talking just now suddenly stood up and knelt in front of Wen Yi, and said softly: Clan Master, even if we go back, we won't have any good days. After missing for so long, our good reputations are long gone, they might even marry us off, and the more old-fashioned things in our families might cause us to sink into the pond.

As the girl finished speaking, the Children who were still standing in front of Wen Yi a moment ago kneeled down, and started begging with a look on her face.

Give us a way out. If the Sect Leader doesn't trust us, we can put that in any of the businesses in Flying Dragon Sect. It would be good for us to work hard to support ourselves.

"Qian Shan, you go and make the arrangements. Find them a good source of income. They might not be as rich and powerful as they were before, but we can guarantee that they won't need to worry about food and clothing." As Wen Yi spoke softly, Qian Shan quickly nodded.

"Follow me." Qian Shan told the person kneeling beside Wen Yi after hearing what Wen Yi had said.

Wen Yi's heart softened, which was why she asked them to stay. She did not let the people of the Flying Dragon Sect casually arrange things for them, but instead instructed Qian Shan to do so.

Qian Shan suddenly turned around and said to Wen Yi before he left: "Sect Leader, apply some medicine on your foot, you're already bleeding, but you don't care."

With that, Qian Shan brought her people and left. Hearing that, Wen Yi lowered her head to look at her feet, her heart suddenly feeling cold, from head to toe.

Her leg was indeed injured, and if she remembered correctly, it was when Cloud Town was fighting. She did not notice, because she did not feel any pain.

Wen Yi took off her shoes and socks, and used all her strength to hold down her wound. Still, she did not feel any pain, and the panic in her heart grew heavier and heavier.

Was she finally going to leave Song Yunqian? As long as she was with Song Yunqian, she would definitely die.

Was she still unable to escape her fate?

She …

Wen Yi did not dare think further, she stared blankly at her own bloodied feet. She stood up in a panic, found a medicine to stop the bleeding and applied it to her feet.

But it didn't work.

The blood on the medicine smeared on her feet was still flowing, as if it was trying to drain all the blood in her body.

Tears suddenly flowed out of Wen Yi's eyes, she said to her feet again and again: "You can't be like this, you don't need to bleed, you can slowly rot, just like before, but don't bleed, I won't be able to hold on much longer if this continues."

After an unknown period of time, as if the leg had understood Wen Yi's words, it stopped bleeding, but its wound was sinister, it was extremely shocking.

When Qian Shan returned, Wen Yi was still sitting on the chair, and her eyes were filled with tears.

"Sovereign, why are you crying, you …" Qian Shan had never seen Wen Yi cry like this before, but the tears on her face made her extremely surprised.

"I want to be humble." Wen Yi hid the panic on her face and said softly.

What she said was the truth. When she realised that she didn't have much time left, her mind was filled with only Song Yunqian.

Song Yunqian knew how miserable his life must have been during the past five or six years. If he really watched himself die, then how would he continue to live in the future …

She didn't have much time left, what else could she do for Song Yunqian?

"Clan Master, you are both old wives, your child is already five years old and has only been separated for a few days. I really don't know how you endured your days in Nanshan City."

"At that time, when I thought about the person I like waiting for you to come back, even though I miss him, my heart would still feel warm." When Wen Yi spoke, the corners of her mouth were filled with bitterness.

Life and death were like knives cutting at her heart. She didn't even dare to think about dying.

Whether it was Song Yunqian or himself, neither of them wanted to see that day.

Therefore, even if he wanted to leave, he had to choose an excuse, an excuse that Song Yunqian could let go of.

Master had said that if she died, she would never be able to return to Song Yunqian's side.

Put it in the hands of someone you can entrust it to.

Only now did Wen Yi feel that there were too many things that she had yet to do.

The matters of the Texas, the matters of the palace, the matters of the Flying Dragon Sect, the twins, Lv Ning, and the Marquis of Jing …

All of this was actually Song Yunqian's fault, everything was done for his sake …

Of course, what Wen Yi wanted to do the most was to be with Song Yunqian. Since there was not much time left, she did not want to bother with these so-called ethics and morals.

Now that he thought about it, those so-called reputation and misgivings were nothing compared to the two of them …

Previously, she had felt that there was still a lot of time between them. That was why she was willing to waste her time with these people. She believed that victory would finally belong to them.

But now, they didn't even have time. What could they fight for?

"But you do not know what life is for the Emperor. He wants to find you but doesn't dare to, the only thing that supports him is what your master said about you having a long-lost relationship. " Qian Shan had always been in the capital with Lv Ning, so he naturally knew about Song Yunqian's ordeal for the past five to six years.

This was the first time Qian Shan talked about the days of Song Yunqian for five to six years.

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