When he received news from his family that Liu Yan had lost her, he had even hoped to find him quickly. However, he did not expect that she was taken away by Song Yunli's men.

Moreover, he appeared in front of him at such a time.

Li Xun did not dare to look at Liu Yan, although she was the woman he longed for wholeheartedly. Giving her child as a name for someone else was already enough to make him feel guilty, but now, she had actually become a bargaining chip for him.

"Yan'er." Li Xun shouted in pain, but before he could finish, his tears had already started pouring out.

He had never felt such despair before. Even if the child was gone, even if Liu Yan was crazy, he would secretly shed tears. But today, facing Liu Yan, he could no longer hold back the tears in his eyes.

"Husband, they might have harmed our children. Liu Yan would rather die than have you work for them." When Liu Yan affectionately called out her name, her body even more violently trembled. Finally, she couldn't resist looking at Li Xun and opened her mouth.

Originally, she wanted to continue pretending to be a madman in order to avoid talking with Li Xun and making him hesitate. However, when she heard Li Xun's painful voice that sounded like a scream, she couldn't help but ask.

What she said made her heart ache the most, but in her opinion, only those words could make Li Xun angry. It could make Li Xun no longer care about her, rush over, and even take revenge for their children.

It was just that Liu Yan was wrong. After she finished speaking, she clearly saw the change in Li Xun's expression, and after her shock, there was pain. He looked at Liu Yan in pain and asked softly.

Actually, there was no need to ask, Li Xun already knew the answer. If Liu Yan hadn't gone mad, besides a child, there seemed to be no other reason that could cause Liu Yan to appear in such a manner in front of her eyes.

Liu Yan wasn't crazy, then she …

She hated him, so she wanted to torture him that way.

If the child was gone, then he only had Liu Yan left.

He could not lose Liu Yan, this was the only courage he had left to persevere after sending off his child.

"Let Yan'er down, I'll take her." Li Xun finally made a decision. The instant he finished speaking, he felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders.

Liu Yan obviously did not expect Li Xun to make such a choice.

How could he possibly choose her? The person he loved was not himself. What he wanted the most was to accomplish great deeds for the sake of the king.

It was very obvious that if he could enter the Texas today, then his life would definitely be different.

However, for her sake, he gave up.

Liu Yan looked at Li Xun who was standing at the entrance of the city, as a sense of satisfaction filled his heart.

In this life, to be able to receive such high regard from him, she had no regrets even in death.

Yes, he would die with no regrets.

Liu Yan struggled to approach the city wall. She smiled at Li Xun and shouted loudly: "Li Xun, I, Liu Yan, have not married the wrong way in my life."

Black Man who was guarding the city gate thought that it was because of Li Xun's excitement that he was struggling to speak with Li Xun. Since he had already achieved his goal, how the husband and wife pair were willing to communicate was their business.

When Li Xun heard these words, the pain in his choice was gone. He never thought that he would still be able to hear such passionate words from Liu Yan in his life.


Li Xun's heart was also brimming with satisfaction. If it was like this today, he would recognize it even if he was dragged out to be beheaded by the emperor tomorrow.

"Li Xun, if I, Liu Yan, can still marry you in my next life, I love you." As if seeing the satisfied smile on Li Xun's face, he shouted at him with a smile.

When the words fell into Li Xun's ears, it sweetened up later on, he felt that something was amiss. Before he could even react, his eyes saw the scene he loathed to see the most.

Liu Yan leaped down from the city wall, and her bright red clothes blossomed like fire in his eyes.

After a dull thud, Li Xun felt that his world had crumbled apart.

The Black Man on the city wall that thought they had successfully completed their mission were also stunned. They stared blankly at the bloodied people below the city wall, unable to recover for a long time.

However, Li Xun quickly woke up from the pain as he shouted Yan'er and rushed out of the city gate. At that place, Liu Yan's body, which was already badly mutilated, was still twitching.

Li Xun stooped down and hugged Liu Yan, as if he was holding a rare treasure.

"Yan'er, why are you so stupid? You …" Other than the word stupid, Li Xun really didn't know what to say.

He only knew that a hole had been dug in his heart, and he was afraid that there was nothing else that could help him fill it.

"Yan'er, Yan'er, you …" Li Xun sobbed silently. His hand gently brushed across Liu Yan's bloodied face, and his eyes were filled with an expression of pain.

"Li Xun, our child is still alive, the people of Flying Dragon Sect have promised me that they will help us find our child. In the future, you have to take good care of him, and our child no longer has a mother. Liu Yan's voice was as weak as a mosquito's, but each word was very clear and struck at Li Xun's heart.

Li Xun didn't say anything, he only hugged Liu Yan tightly, as if doing so would allow Liu Yan to stay in his life.

"Take good care of our child." Liu Yan saw that Li Xun was crying straight to his face, without saying a word, she was very anxious.

But her words, used all her remaining strength. After finishing her words, she didn't even have the strength to look at Li Xun.

Her eyes slowly closed, but her ears were still listening, waiting for Li Xun's response.

She realized that she still had too many things she hadn't done, such as helping Li Xun wipe away the tears at the corner of her eyes, such as …

However, there was nothing she could do now.

She could only hear Li Xun wailing like a wild beast in pain.

She tried with all her might, wanting to say something, but nothing came out.

Her world had already sunk into a dark and gloomy night. There was no more light, no more children, no more the man who had entered her life like the gentle and elegant moon in the past.

Li Xun hugged Liu Yan like she was a lifeless sculpture.

Previously, when he thought that her child was gone, Liu Yan going crazy was already her deepest despair.

He had lost his most beloved wife forever, and he could not find his missing child.

Li Xun did not dare to think or let his sorrow spread. He was afraid that he would not even have the courage to persevere any longer.

"Lady Li has obviously already made a choice for you. Let's enter the city as soon as possible. You can't let Lady Li bleed." The leader of the three thousand guards who was led by Li Xun slowly walked to Li Xun's side. Anyone who was not familiar with him would not be able to recognize that she was the elder of the Flying Dragon Sect, Li Changan.

In fact, no matter what choice Li Xun made today, they would only choose to rush into Texas. This was something that Li Xun was very clear about, but at the last moment, he still chose Liu Yan.

But even if he chose Liu Yan, Liu Yan still left him.

Li Xun seemed to not have heard Li Changan's words. He only hugged Liu Yan tightly and whispered into her ear, "I said to give up entering the city to protect you. This time, I really can do it. Why are you still …"

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