"General Lee, these people wanted to destroy our Ke Army, but we refused, so we killed them. This has nothing to do with Clan Master Wen Yi, and it has nothing to do with your General Lee as well."

"General Lee, this is an internal matter of our Ke Army. You have already helped us a lot, we really don't need you to help us kill these beasts."

"General Lee, if the Emperor wants to investigate the matter of killing someone, you can say that I, Gao Deguang, gave the order. My foolishness of a few days has already caused me to die a thousand deaths. Gao Deguang spoke in a muffled voice, his eyes still carrying hatred when he looked at the few generals lying down weakly in front of him.

According to the law, the soldier who kills his own officer without permission is to be executed.

Therefore, looking at this group of people who were enraged by the crowd, Li Changan's heart was completely moved. They had already realized that killing them would bring Wen Yi and the Flying Dragon Sect a lot of trouble, so …

"Don't worry, no matter if it's the Emperor or the Ministry of War, they won't make things difficult for the Flying Dragon Sect, I just didn't want to make things difficult for the Sect Leader, you guys can rest easy, for this matter, I, Li Changan can handle it."

Li Changan turned his head and saw Qian Shan and Wan Sun standing beside the horse carriage.

"Previously, she was only able to control her injuries with the help of the golden needles. Now that things have gone wrong, she can't hold on any longer." Wan Sun's face was filled with worry.

"How do we deal with Liang Guangxiang's matter, and the Uncle Man, they should be here soon." Qian Shan was in a difficult position. Although the war had ended, the war that belonged to them had not ended. Now was the time to take Wen Yi as their pillar of support.

"Li Changan, get someone to find Su Yan and have him send down the money for the Uncle Man." Wen Yi weakly finished her sentence before she continued to rest with her eyes closed. How could she not know that this was the time where he needed her the most?

"Wan Sun, go to the military doctor and buy some medicine. Follow this recipe and cook it immediately, I want to use it." Wen Yi tremblingly took out a prescription from the carriage.

"Qian Shan, take me to see Liang Guangxiang." Wen Yi spoke out again.

"Clan Master, you should rest first, we have already captured Liang Guangxiang, he will not be able to escape." When Qian Shan heard that Wen Yi wanted to see Liang Guangxiang, he immediately dissuaded him. Firstly, it was because of Wen Yi's body, and secondly, he was afraid that Wen Yi would lose her temper because of Liang Guangxiang.

"We've dealt with the traitors of the Ke Army, the traitors of the Flying Dragon Sect..." Wen Yi's words were soft and she did not say how she would punish Liang Guangxiang. Logically speaking, the Flying Dragon Sect's traitors could not be left alive.

If Wen Yi had not been soft-hearted back then, she thought that Liang Guangxiang would not have made such a huge mistake, and not as tragic as the Ke Army today.

"Sect Leader, why don't you just stop by and see him? I'll just kill him directly." Thinking about Liang Guangxiang, the anger in Qian Shan's heart became even heavier than Wen Yi. Before today, she had been thinking about Liang Guangxiang, thinking that he would never become their enemy.

However, when that good person in her memory became the unforgivable bad guy, the first thing she had to do was step over the threshold of her heart.

"Sigh." Wen Yi sighed softly and said helplessly: "Liang Guangxiang isn't someone with no future. Since he dared to do something like betraying the Flying Dragon Sect, he must be prepared to protect his life."

"But …"

"Qian Shan, there are no buts, Liang Guangxiang has been plotting in the imperial court for many years, he is no longer a direct descendant of anyone, there are a lot of important people under his command, if we are not careful, it is possible for the court to be in turmoil."

"But he deserves to die, these thousand plus dead Ke Army, this …" Qian Shan said in a low voice. In the dark night, her eyes were filled with sharp hatred.

"Qian Shan, don't worry. This time, he will definitely pay the price for what he has done. Our Flying Dragon Sect will definitely punish the traitor with more than just one killing move." Wen Yi consoled Qian Shan and herself in a low voice.

If she had a choice, she really wanted to kill Liang Guangxiang right now and eliminate all future troubles. It's just that there were a lot of things that could not be resolved easily.

Only, Wen Yi and Qian Shan never thought that Liang Guangxiang's life-saving technique would be loyal and devoted to them.

"What did you say?" What right do you have to say that you have to be loyal to the Flying Dragon Sect? Because you just killed so many people? Do you think that right now, we still need your loyalty? " Qian Shan became mad when he heard Liang Guangxiang whispering that he was willing to be loyal to the Flying Dragon Sect and never betray him.

Liang Guangxiang did not speak, he only stared at Wen Yi, his eyes sincere and calm.

"Liang Guangxiang, this time, why?" Wen Yi did not answer Liang Guangxiang. Her face was calm and no one could tell what she was thinking.

"To be able to be with her in the open." Liang Guangxiang replied calmly.

Wen Yi leaned on the back of the chair, stared at Liang Guangxiang, and said softly: "But you have pledged your loyalty to the Flying Dragon Sect, so you might not be able to be together with her in your entire life."

"The Sect Leader is the one in charge of the phoenix imprint. If you want, you can give her freedom, or give her any status." Liang Guangxiang said softly.

"You know I have the right. Why did you do something to betray me?" Wen Yi was a little curious. She had always thought that Liang Guangxiang was unwilling to part with his wealth.

"School Head, it's clearly something that you can do so easily, but you aren't willing to help us. I hate you." Liang Guangxiang said softly.

The corners of Wen Yi's mouth were full of bitterness. She stared at Liang Guangxiang a few times, wanting to say something but stopped herself.

"The Sect Leader thought that you would eventually become Song Yunqian's woman, which was why he was unwilling to cripple the reputation of the late emperor's Imperial Concubine. Actually, you can just casually give it up, but you …"

Liang Guangxiang's eyes were filled with resentment. After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and did not speak any further.

"Liang Guangxiang, don't think about what you might have done to benefit the Flying Dragon Sect. Flying Dragon Sect raised you once, and you became the biggest ungrateful bastard, yet you still have the face to complain about the Sect Leader failing to fulfill your wish. What face do you have to have the Flying Dragon Sect grant your wish? When Qian Shan heard Liang Guangxiang's words, he couldn't help but walk in front of him and shout at him.

Liang Guangxiang still did not speak, and only quietly knelt in front of Wen Yi.

"Since you hate me, why must you serve me? is it to protect my life? " Hearing Liang Guangxiang's words, Wen Yi's face suddenly filled with a smile. She had used up all of her imagination, but she did not expect Liang Guangxiang to stand against her in the end, for her own unwillingness.

In this world, there was no lack of people like Liang Guangxiang who could only judge others by their own self-interest, while there were almost no standards to measure themselves.

Thus, what others couldn't do would always be their fault, and what he couldn't do was all because he had no other choice.

It was just that she did not expect that Liang Guangxiang, who was ranked among the three great officials, would also be such a selfless person.

Therefore, he didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt regarding the bloody scene today …

Wen Yi's eyes finally flashed with killing intent, and became as cold as a blade.

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