The last defense is broken, and the terrible thunder light with infinite will to kill, engulfs the whole East King City. Just listen to the thunder roar, the East King City is wrapped by endless thunder light.

The newly built Dongwang city was destroyed by the dazzling thunder! Annihilated into dust!

Thunder Dragon, in the holy family, the strength can enter the top ten!

However, among the five dragons, the sword dragon still pressed his head. The sword dragon turned into a human figure and stood on one side quietly, as if he didn't feel anything here.


However, just when the holy Army thought that the people of the East King City had been annihilated with the East King City, the space over the empty land of the East King City suddenly distorted.

Then, a thin white arm, from the sudden appearance of the mouth of the circular space, only to see the white and beautiful arm, soft fingers slightly together!


Lei Shenlong's body was squeezed by the huge pressure, a burst like sound sounded, his huge dragon body suddenly issued the sound of bone fragmentation, a scream, resounded through the sky.

A piece of dragon scale with blood, directly torn down from him by the space here!

"Ah - who is it!"

Thunder Dragon screams to reduce his body shape, but the terrible force of space is constantly compressed with his reduced body shape!


Lei Shenlong's arm was crushed and broken by the force of space, and then the terrible space strangulation turned his broken arm into dust.

"For many years, you filthy things have not changed the lethality of random killing."

A clear and beautiful voice spread between heaven and earth, and the holy army felt an indescribable pressure of terror.

Standing quietly, the sword dragon suddenly flashed in front of the army of the holy family. Hundreds of millions of sword lights burst out on his body, and the terrible sword Qi burst out directly!

Turned into a terrible sword array, blocked in front of the whole army!


However, I can see that the slender hand protruding from the space is just a light stroke of the void, and the huge sword array is just like paper, which is sliced into two parts.

"If you want to fight with me, at least let the four gods around the emperor come."


The sword array was broken, and the terrible impact rippled. In an instant, all the strong people below the supreme level of the Holy Family army burst on the spot, and even their bodies were directly annihilated under the impact.

And the top class of the strong, also received a huge impact.


The mouth of the space slowly tears and expands. Then, a beautiful figure, which makes the world pale and everything silent, comes out of the space.

The woman is more than ten centimeters higher than before. Although she is only one meter and seven meters tall, her back looks extremely soft and beautiful, but it gives no one a sense of security.

Because, her breath is too strong, as if, even the sky hanging above, she can step on the foot.

"The founding of the great." There is a bloodstain on the mouth of the sword dragon. He has been injured just by looking at his face. We can see how terrible the founding emperor is.

After all, it's a woman who can compete with their Wang Feng!

All of a sudden, the army of the holy family has been greatly reduced. All the emperor's ranks have been wiped out, and there are no corpses left!

Most of the saints in the supreme level have suffered injuries that are difficult to cure by law.

The dying Thunder Dragon is carried by the fire dragon in one hand. Beside him, the wind dragon and the snow dragon are dignified. The founding emperor is still there!

This is a fact that they don't want to accept!

"Founder, long time no see." At this time, in the rear of the holy family, the four gods carried the throne and came to the front of the army in a flash.

The woman on the throne finally showed her face.

A red soft armor, can be called a disaster of the beautiful face, Fengmu long eyebrows, a free Imperial Majesty, that pair of beautiful eyes like red agate, with a touch of unparalleled pride.

"Shengji, you are also bored, planning for thousands of years, just to kill." Ye Xiaoxi faces it alone. It seems very different from the huge army.

But, that so big legion, in addition to this Saint family's emperor Saint Ji, nobody dares to have any contempt to her.

Sheng Ji's flaming red lips were slightly raised: "planning for thousands of years is to get rid of you... I didn't expect that you are so difficult, unexpectedly, to follow this era."

Ye Xiaoxi looked at her indifferently and said in a low voice: "yes... I came to this era just to make you disappear forever."


Heaven and earth, quiver!

The two greatest beings in history, their respective holy realms, collide!


The sky is broken, the earth is broken!

Saint Ji body under the throne slowly annihilation disappears, she herself, is slowly stood up.

"For many years, you and I have fought again. This time, either you or I will die!"


Two people, turn into two streamers, space burst, storm swept open, four God King hand, blocked the storm, otherwise, light is the aftereffect, will kill the saint below the saint!

Two peaks exist, break the void and go to the starry sky to fight!

The God King, the head of the four gods, stepped on the void, and then said indifferently: "all generals, listen to the order!"


"I'll wait!"

Holy people's army, all in one, with terrible momentum, breaking the nine clouds!

"Enslavement, spirit world!"

The voice of the Heavenly God King falls, and all the saints, except the four God King, the five god dragon and the nine Saint generals, begin to disperse everywhere!

However, at the moment when the Holy Family dispersed, many walls of light came down from the sky. Within a thousand miles, they were surrounded by these walls, and all the strong members of the holy family were forbidden!

"Well?" Tianshenjun frowned slightly. Suddenly, he looked up and saw that the space was broken!

A huge green dragon light palm is coming to kill him!

"Green dragon, broken empty seal!"

A cold drink, resounding through the sky, saw a huge blue sky, smashing the space, the law of heaven and earth is to avoid!

God King pupil suddenly a shrink, immediately an arm blooms divine light, direct a punch to blow out!


The unspeakable sound of explosion resounds, the space is broken, the endless impact spreads, and several saints are shocked to spit liquid!


God King cold drink, see a breath of body shape, expressionless from the space out.

"Hot summer, Li Yefeng."

The man looked at the God King indifferently, and his momentum was as deep as the abyss!

The pupil of God King shrinks slightly, this human race, very strong!

Dong! At this time, over the holy army, a huge array suddenly appeared. When the earth God king saw this, he came to the bottom of the array. With his hands together, a huge hand of law surged up from his feet and bumped into the huge array!

Bang, the array is swallowed!

"Ha ha, the four gods are really powerful. It seems that I'm not the opponent of the four gods. Fengtian and Yandi, you'd better come."

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