Ye Xiaoxi listened to the body slightly tremble, but did not refute.

"Wu Baoyang, what are you doing?" The boss's wife's sharp voice suddenly rang out. Wu Baoyang's face suddenly changed. Then he slapped Ye Xiaoxi in the face. Ye Xiaoxi was thin and weak. How could he resist Wu Baohua's hard hand?

This fan made Ye Xiaoxi's body turn to one side. Wu Baoyang got up and said angrily: "Damn, this bitch, even seduced me! She even said, "sleep with me to pay off my debts. Am I that kind of person?"

The landlady's face changed slightly. How could this dead girl behave like this? She looks very ugly immediately, a kind of twisted jealousy makes her angry!

Deng Deng Deng, the landlady rushed up and grabbed Ye Xiaoxi's hair, slapping!

"Little bitch, dare to seduce my husband, do you want to die?"

"I didn't..." Ye Xiaoxi had a clear red mark on her face. Her eyes were no longer calm, and she looked at the fat landlady with some fear.

On one side, Wu Baohua was relieved. Ma De, I'm lucky that I'm smart, otherwise I'll be beaten!

"How dare you argue?" The landlady was so angry that she slapped her hand again, slapping her face.

"Let you seduce me! Make you shameless! I want you to do it

Landlady constantly scolded, each scold a slap in the face, ye Xiaoxi dare not resist, clench teeth, don't let tears roll out.

Wu Baoyang was watching, but he didn't stop him. Anyway, it wasn't him who was beaten.

As for the rest of the kitchen staff, most of them are in their 40s. They have a lot of old and young people to support. How dare they offend the boss? It's not the kind of chef in a star hotel. He doesn't have the capital to stand out.

Even if they can't bear it, they can only shake their heads and sigh.

This girl, why come here to suffer?

A Passat stopped at the gate of Baoyang hotel.

Li Yefeng came down from the car. At ten o'clock, there were not many people in the hotel. When a waiter saw him coming in, he came over with a menu and asked with a smile, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Hello, I'm looking for someone, ye Xiaoxi, who works in your hotel, right?" Li Yefeng asked calmly.

The waiter's face froze, then hesitated. After more than ten seconds, she nodded and said, "yes, she's in the kitchen..."

"Is it convenient to take me there?" Li Yefeng said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, but can you ask, who are you from yexiaoxi?"

"I'm her brother." Li Yefeng answered.

Luo Xinlan smell speech, brow slightly frown, way: "you are her elder brother, why don't come early?"? So much for your sister? "

Li Yefeng pondered for a while and said, "sorry, I was out of town before."

"Come with me." Luo Xinlan takes the lead. When she comes near, she hears the boss's wife's scolding. Some ugly words come out. Her face changes slightly.

At this time, she felt a gust of wind passing by her side. She turned around and saw that the man who called himself brother Ye Xiaoxi had disappeared.

Li Yefeng rushes into the back kitchen. When he sees Ye Xiaoxi being pulled by his hair and slapped in the corner, his face turns black like charcoal!

Taking a big step, Li Yefeng grabs the proprietress's wrist.

"Who dares to stop me?" The landlady was angry and turned her head suddenly. As a result, she saw a young man with a cold face. Her body trembled, and a kind of inexplicable fear came into being.

On one side, Wu Baoyang saw that someone was holding his wife's wrist. He immediately said angrily, "where's the wild dog? Let go of my wife's hand!"

Li Yefeng didn't move. She suddenly made an effort on her hand, and the landlady immediately gave a scream.

"Ah! Wu Baoyang, what are you doing? He hit your wife! "

Wu Baoyang picked up the spatula on the ground, looked very manly, waved the guy in his hand and smashed it at Li Yefeng. At the same time, he roared: "dog, put it for me..."


Wu Baoyang flies upside down and bumps into the wall. The landlady's face changes slightly and she is about to shout. Li Yefeng has already thrown her hard. At that time, her whole body flies out and hits Wu Baoyang.


It seems to be the sound of bone cracking.

"Ah Wu Baoyang, who was hit by his fat wife, screamed bitterly.

Ye Xiaoxi raised her head, dishevelled, very embarrassed, see Li Yefeng, she suddenly tears can't stop.

Li Yefeng took a deep breath. At this moment, he was afraid that his missing sister would be reduced to the same miserable situation as ye Xiaoxi, and that his sister would be bullied.

"Come on, I'll take you home." Li Yefeng said, squatting down and holding Ye Xiaoxi up.

"No, don't go! If you dare to hit me, I'll make you lose it The landlady's face was pale and her eyes were very venomous. She looked at Li Yefeng's shrill roar.

"No. 239, Xiaolu lane, Xijiao, you are welcome at any time. Besides, this matter is not over." Li Yefeng's face was covered with frost. He left the logistics office with Ye Xiaoxi in his arms and kicked a table along the way.

The table has split in two.

No one dares to stop.

Black Passat driving away, a few waiters look scared, a violent person, but... Why is there an unspeakable heart?

At this time, a maid with short hair rushed to help the landlady up, and said, "landlady, it's Luo Xinlan's way!"

The waitress who just brought Li Yefeng's face suddenly changed, and several other people immediately stepped back to isolate her.

The boss's wife heard that she was cold and ugly. She said, "Luo Xinlan... You've been expelled. Go away immediately!"

Luo Xinlan smell speech, in the heart also had some anger, she had done very uncomfortable, immediately pulled down the chest tag, red face angry way: "don't do, don't do, I'm not rare!"


In the car.

"If it hurts, cry out loud. No one will laugh at you." Li Yefeng saw her curled up in the back, slightly tightening her fingers on the steering wheel, not crying, curling up, not saying a word, which was an extremely strong sense of self-protection.

"How do you know I'm there?" Ye Xiaoxi's voice is hoarse, revealing a weakness.

"I asked my friend to look it up." Li Yefeng responded.

"I want to go home."

"Go to the hospital first, your face is swollen." Li Yefeng frowned.

"No, it's going to slow down." Ye Xiaoxi's tone is a bit stubborn.

"You don't have to pay." An inexplicable anger flashed in Li Yefeng's eyes.

Ye Xiaoxi no longer spoke, his body trembled slightly.

"Cry, girls have the right to cry at any time."

"I didn't cry."

The girl gave a choking response.

Li Yefeng took her to the hospital for treatment, and left the hospital at one o'clock in the afternoon. He took Ye Xiaoxi to lunch.

Ye Xiaoxi looked at the three dishes and one soup in front of him, and there was a faint color on his pure and moving cheek.

Li Yefeng filled her with a bowl of soup, then stopped and said in a soft voice, "relax. Only when you are full can you have the strength to read."

Ye Xiaoxi trembled, and then scooped a spoonful into her mouth. Her white face suddenly became ruddy. She was a little embarrassed and said in a low voice: "have a good drink..."

Li Yefeng smiles and looks at Ye Xiaoxi. His gloomy mood is much better because of today's events. The mobile phone on one side vibrates. He takes a look. It's from Qin Wu.

"I'll take you home when you're full. You don't have to come back here. I'll ask Qin Wu to solve it."

Ye Xiaoxi was stunned when she heard the words. She put down the spoon and kept silent.

"Why?" Li Yefeng frowned slightly.

"Are you pitying me?" Ye Xiaoxi looks calm, but there is a hint of self mockery in his eyes. Is this charity?

"I'm not pitying you. I'm investing in you." Li Yefeng knows that a girl like Ye Xiaoxi should be very sensitive, so he also tries to maintain her self-esteem.

"I'm just investing in a prospective college student."

"Invest in me? I've got good grades and nothing else to invest in. "

"If you are admitted to a key university, you must be one of the best people in it. Such a person will have unlimited achievements in the future. I can only get a potential stock by doing a few ordinary good things. Why not do it?"

After listening to Ye Xiaoxi, the delicate little face suddenly frowned, and his eyes were puzzled, puzzled and surprised.

"Well, eat quickly. Eat well and go back to rest."

Ye Xiaoxi is thinking about something while eating. Li Yefeng has a headache. Ma De, just a little girl, how can she have so many thoughts?

After ye Xiaoxi was sent back, Li Yefeng turned around and went to the city.

He contacted Qin Wu for the first time.

"Tell me about the situation."

"Well, Captain, it's probably clear that it's a female classmate named Zhao Qing who made the ghost. She let people beat Ye Xiaoxi. There are rumors in the school that ye Xiaoxi is selling meat outside the school. I think it's also her story. For the sake of reputation, the school ordered her to drop out of school. She refused, so she asked for a long holiday instead of going to school."

"Well, where are you now?"

"I'm in longpeng group."

"You go to Binzhou No.2 Middle School with the chairman of longpeng group."

After hanging up, Li Yefeng went straight to Binzhou No.2 Middle School.

Binzhou No.2 Middle School.

Li Yefeng goes straight to Ye Xiaoxi's head teacher's office.

He knocked on the door and asked, "excuse me, who is Mr. Lin Qinfu?"

Sitting by the window, a middle-aged Mediterranean man in a checkered shirt put down his water cup, glanced at Li Yefeng and asked, "I am, who are you?"

Li Yefeng walked over and said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm Ye Xiaoxi's brother. Today I'm here to ask about ye Xiaoxi's school..."

"Poor performance, no teacher, and extremely bad character, also participate in fighting, you are her brother, right? I suggest you discipline her well. She began to sell her body when she was only 17 or 18 years old. This kind of student is a disgrace to our No.2 Middle School. As her head teacher, I am even more ashamed! "

"You come just in time. I don't think ye Xiaoxi is such a shameless student. She doesn't like to sell it. Just finish her studies. For her, reading is a waste of school resources! Come on, I'm very busy. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. I'll go back and forth from where I go! "

Lin Qinfu waved his hand impatiently.

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