The solution has been discussed here. Another vice president and the director of the academic affairs office are late. When they see Lin Qinfu, who is like a dead dog, and vice president Lin qinbin, who is desperate, their hearts are shaking!


Two people trembled to shout a, Tang Lao and Zhang dongnian are looking at them.

With a slight frown, Tang said in a deep voice, "come in!"

When they came forward, Lin qinbin cried out, "headmaster Tang, I didn't agree with my decision to dismiss him. Gao Zhe and Xiao Yi also agreed! You can't favor one over the other! "

Vice President Gao and director Xiao's face changed at the same time. What's the matter? What is the dismissal decision?

The next second, both of them think of Ye Xiaoxi's dismissal notice, and their hearts twitch violently. Is there something wrong with Ye Xiaoxi?

Listening to Lin qinbin's climbing and biting at this time, both of them dare not speak. Dismissal needs to be discussed and decided. Is denial useful?

With a sigh, Tang laobin has already dealt with Lin qinbin. Can he always deal with Gao Zhe and Xiao Yi at the same time? That two is really empty.

He looked at Li Yefeng, who was the only one who could decide whether to stay or not!

Li Yefeng glanced at Gao Zhe and Xiao Yi. He had made a decision in his heart and said faintly, "who is the mastermind? Just deal with it. Others, just give a warning."

If Gao Zhe and Xiao Yi retort fiercely when Lin qinbin confesses them to open up for themselves, he won't let them go, but now they both acquiesce, which means that at least they have a responsibility. After all, ye Xiaoxi wants to take part in the college entrance examination as a student of Binzhou No.2 Middle School and leave her some life.

Mr. Tang was relieved, then bowed to attention and said gratefully, "thank you, Mr. Li for your understanding."

Lin qinbin immediately turned pale, and then he asked with some ferocity: "why? Why am I so miserable alone? They also agreed. I can't decide the dismissal by myself! Why are they OK? "

He doesn't agree! Don't accept!

"That's enough. What do you want to do by yourself? Up to now, there is no self-examination at all. Lin qinbin, I once thought you were the best candidate to succeed the president! " Mr. Tang's face is livid. What's that bullshit in front of Zhang dongnian?

Don't think it's big enough!

"Pack up your things and leave at once!" Mr. Tang left this sentence and said to Li Yefeng, "Mr. Li, would you like to have a seat in my office?"

"Qin Wu, since Tang Laosheng invited us, let's go and sit down."

"All right." Qin Wu throws Lin Qinfu on the ground like mud in his hand, and then walks out of the office behind Li Yefeng.

Zhang dongnian and Han Junsheng didn't look at Lin qinbin any more. They turned to keep up with him. Tang took a cold look at Lin qinbin and snorted: "the face of famous teachers has been lost by you!"

When he turned around and passed Gao Zhe and Xiao Yi, he said in a deep voice, "deal with the aftermath, or you'll have to leave!"

"We know the old headmaster, don't worry!" Xiao Yi replied quickly.

After president Tang left, Gao Zhe and Xiao Yi looked very ugly. They glanced at Lin qinbin angrily and left with an angry hum.

Lin qinbin's body trembled, and he staggered down on the chair, his face lost.

Lin Qinfu shivered and yelled: "big brother..."

"Shut up!" Lin qinbin face ferocious roar: "not you this waste, I can become now like this? Now I feel comfortable. I was dismissed by Zhang dongnian himself! "

Lin Qinfu's face turned white and trembled: "brother, that boy's surname is Li. He must not be ye Xiaoxi's brother. He must be ye Xiaoxi's man outside the school! We... "

"Enough! Do you want to continue to die? If you want to die, don't take me with you


In the headmaster's office.

"Mr. Li, I'm really sorry. It seems that I'm neglecting management. I also have a lot of responsibility." Mr. Tang pleaded guilty at the moment, but Li Yefeng stopped the old man.

"It's not your fault. You're not in good health and you're not willing to leave your post. It just shows that you are responsible." The headmaster of No.2 Middle School is not a great position. Mr. Tang's health is very bad, but he has been inspecting the two vice headmasters and is still very responsible.

"College entrance examination is coming, if this student named Ye Xiaoxi is expelled at this time, even Binzhou will become a joke." Zhang dongnian looks very serious. If this is spread, he has no doubt that Binzhou No.2 Middle School and his department will make the headlines on the Internet.

"Fortunately, it's solved... Or I'll die of guilt." Mr. Tang said with a bitter smile.

Li Yefeng sipped a sip of tea, and then said with a smile: "old headmaster, ye Xiaoxi is often bullied at school. If it's convenient, take care of him. By the way, find out what's going on."

Qin Wu asked Han Junsheng to check in detail after all. After all, what happened in the school often needs to be understood more clearly from the students and teachers.

"You can rest assured that I will attach great importance to it." Old Tang assured.

Li Yefeng nodded and then asked, "by the way, is there a girl named Zhao Qing in the school?"

Old headmaster Tang was stunned. Then he took a look at Zhang dongnian. The latter nodded, and the old headmaster said, "yes, this is the third miss of the Zhao family in Binzhou. Her academic performance is not very good, so she sponsored the school and crammed it into the second middle school."

Suddenly, the old headmaster understood something and asked: "Mr. Li, is it Zhao Qing who bullied Ye Xiaoxi?"

Li Yefeng smiles and doesn't speak. He wants to see what the old headmaster's attitude is.

When he didn't speak, Mr. Tang naturally understood that the office was quiet for a while, and Zhang dongnian and Han Junsheng didn't urge him. After a while, Mr. Tang said, "Mr. Li, I can guarantee that ye Xiaoxi will not encounter any injustice in the school. If anything happens, I guarantee that the school will handle it impartially."

"Thank you, Mr. Tang." Li Yefeng answered with a smile.

"But I still suggest not to provoke Zhao Qing. The Zhao family is very powerful. There are few people in Binzhou who can resist the Zhao family. Ye Xiaoxi will take the college entrance examination immediately. It's best to bear it for a while."

Li Yefeng didn't promise. Is it hard for Zhao Qingqi to take a dump on Ye Xiaoxi's head?

When things are done, Li Yefeng and Qin Wu leave, while Han Junsheng keeps up. They still have something to talk about.

After they left, Tang asked solemnly, "Zhang Ju, who is this young man surnamed Li?"

"I don't know. Han Dong called me in person and told me that no matter what it was, we should make this young man satisfied. He didn't say much about anything else, and he didn't look like the son of any family..." Zhang dongnian frowned slightly and couldn't understand.

"I think he is very arrogant. It seems that he wants me to suppress Zhao Qing, the third lady of the Zhao family..." Tang laomu appears dignified and frowns deeply.

"Young man, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Maybe he thinks that with Han Dong's protection, he can run rampant in Binzhou, so he doesn't pay attention to the Zhao family." Zhang dongnian shakes his head and laughs.

He will come to No.2 Middle School and deal with it so decisively. It is for Han Junsheng's face, not for the young man surnamed Li.

"This kind of people die quickly, and the Zhao family is not a good match." Old Tang twisted his eyebrows.

"I hope Chairman Han can remind him not to provoke the Zhao family, otherwise... It's just that whether he is dead or alive has nothing to do with us. Ye Xiaoxi, who is called, will send someone to come back to class. If there is any contradiction with Zhao Qing, don't be too biased."

"Well, all right." Mr. Tang nodded.

"Remember, no matter how Zhao Qing treats Ye Xiaoxi, you can't let Ye Xiaoxi not come to class again, otherwise this young man will let Han Dong come to me again, and I don't want to deal with these troubles any more."

"I understand. Don't worry."


Black Passat walked all the way to the western suburbs and soon arrived at Xiaolu lane.

All three of them got off the bus.

Da Da, PA!

After getting out of the car, Han Junsheng put his legs together and held a standard military posture. With a salute, he said in a magnificent way: "the owl, a member of the latent Department of the secret Mobile South Branch, reports for duty!"

Li Yefeng also returned to a standard military salute. Qin Wu, who was beside him, laughed and punched Han Junsheng on the shoulder: "well, you owl, you've disappeared for so many years, but you've come here! So are you, captain. You don't tell me that the chairman of longpeng group is one of us! "

"Hard work." Li Yefeng ignores Qin Wu and nods to Han Junsheng.

Qin Wu turned his lips, but the captain ignored me! unhappy!

"Captain, other brothers..." Han Junsheng clenched his fists and looked indignant. Although several brothers were alive, more brothers had died.

"I know. This time, I'm here to deal with it." Li Yefeng patted him on the shoulder: "take your time, it's too urgent."

Han Junsheng nodded and followed Li Yefeng into the dilapidated building.

"Captain, you live here? Shall I buy you a villa? " The walls are peeling. It's rainy in the south. If it rains heavily, won't it collapse?

"No Li Yefeng lightly responded.


A van galloped down the road and headed for the western suburbs.

On the co pilot, Wu Baoyang's face is fierce. Ma De, ye Xiaoxi, a bitch, dare to call someone to beat me. Today, she must take the initiative to go to bed!

"Brother Lang, I'll show you which son of a bitch it is later. You must kill him for me!" Wu Baoyang to behind a bald middle-aged vicious tunnel.

That bald middle-aged calm face, impatient way: "know, know, don't talk nonsense!"

His eyelids are very sharp. How can he look familiar in the west suburb and Xiaolu lane? Seems to have seen it somewhere? But I can't remembe

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