"Eat it." There are not many dishes, such as fried cauliflower with meat, stewed pork in brown sauce, nutritious chicken soup and a braised fish.

Ye Xiaoxi looks at the three dishes and one soup in front of him. For a moment, he is a little confused. Come to a four-star hotel and eat this? I haven't even placed an order yet, and I haven't even sat down to get hot, so the dishes are served?

Li Yefeng laughed and said, "why, do you think you have no appetite?"

"Is not..." the leaf brook hastily answered a, but this in the mind is still very puzzled, she really some brains can't turn over.

In her imagination, the hotel should not be eating delicacies? What abalone, lobster, steak and so on, why is this in front of the roadside restaurant can also eat?

When the door knocked, a young man came in pushing a dining car with a portion of rice and a few plates of fruit.

"Captain, is my arrangement OK?" The young man brought the rice to the table with a smile.

"Well, thank you." Li Yefeng nodded.

The young man smiles, then looks at Ye Xiaoxi, who is confused and forced. He laughs and says, "girl, let go of eating and be full."

Ye Xiaoxi stood up and said, "you are..."

The young man's eyes flashed a trace of surprise. How could the girl brought by the captain be so vigilant? Is it the new player the captain wants to train?

He quickly stepped back two steps, maintained a certain distance, said with a smile: "girl, don't be nervous, I'm the leader's subordinate, this hotel is opened by me, you can come at will in the future, don't worry, there is no charge."

Ye Xiaoxi's heart suddenly panicked. Li Yefeng seemed more mysterious and powerful than she imagined.

Why should such people help themselves?

"You go down first. Besides, it's too eye-catching for you to deliver the meal in person. It's troublesome for people to find out." Li Yefeng frowned and warned.

"Captain, don't worry, the hotel is full of my people, will not be exposed, of course, I just have a look at you." After that, the young man pushed the dining car away.

"Originally, I should have a younger sister, a little younger than you, but now I don't know where she is, whether she's still alive, whether she's happy, or, like you, whether she has a meal or not, she can't eat enough..."

Li Yefeng side soup side said: "I am afraid, afraid of her life is very miserable."

Ye Xiaoxi just sat down, silent for a long time, said: "so, you take me as your sister?"

"Not really." Li Yefeng pushed the soup in front of her and sighed: "I hope that she will be as lucky as you and meet someone who is willing to lend her a helping hand."

Ye Xiaoxi did not speak, picked up the spoon to drink a mouthful of chicken soup, the dim eyes suddenly released a bright light, her whole person seems to have metamorphosed in general, as if all of a sudden to obtain vitality.

Seeing this, Li Yefeng also served himself a bowl. Well, it's really delicious.

Ye Xiaoxi's eyes suddenly moistened as she was eating. Li Yefeng didn't laugh at her either. He just drew some paper to wipe her tears.

Looking at this beautiful girl crying into a fool, he can't help laughing.

"This is local chicken soup. It's very nutritious. Drink more and vegetables can't be left behind. You're going to take the college entrance examination soon. You can't lack all kinds of vitamins. You look like you have meat. In fact, you're as thin as wood. Eat more meat to make up for your health."

"Wuwuwuwu..." Ye Xiaoxi is crying while eating. This strong girl is like an ordinary high school girl at the moment.

Li Yefeng has been wiping her nose and tears with a paper towel.

He didn't know that what ye Xiaoxi was afraid of most was that others were kind to her, because she would be addicted, and she would be afraid of losing this kind of kindness.

What's more, he didn't know how deep the little kindness he thought would leave in the girl's heart.

After eating, ye Xiaoxi's eyes were swollen.

Of course, her spirit has been greatly improved. Sure enough, delicious food will change people.

"Come on, go back."

"Well!" Ye Xiaoxi nodded hard, but her eyes stayed on the leftovers that she had not finished eating.

Li Yefeng is dumb but a smile, this wench

Without more explanation, Li Yefeng took her downstairs.

However, when he came to the parking lot and saw the smashed car, he was stunned. Ye Xiaoxi was also startled and hid behind him nervously.

Li Yefeng looks slightly cold, and then walked over, looking at the car has become a pile of scrap metal, he did not get angry, angry roar, is a kind of incompetence.

He went to the security booth and asked, "my car was smashed. Who did it?"

The security guard was a young man. When he heard that, he immediately said, "what the hell are you asking me for? Where do I know who broke it? Your own car, you came to ask me? There's something wrong with you

Even if ye Xiaoxi didn't have much social experience, he was angry at the moment and said, "we are here for dinner, and you are the security guard of the hotel. The guest's car was smashed. Don't you need to be responsible for it?"

"Who the hell are you talking to?" The young security guard immediately raised his case and sneered: "responsible? Negative your mother negative, have ability you go to our manager that sue me! Fool

"You..." Ye Xiaoxi's face turned red with anger. How could there be such an excessive person?

"Tut Tut, what a tragedy!" At this moment, a voice of sarcasm rings out. Li Yefeng turns around and looks at it. He suddenly knows who hit the car.

"Boy, remember me?" Li Zefeng looks at Li Yefeng with a sneer, disdaining the tunnel.

"Well, I remember." Li Yefeng nodded. He also had a deep memory of what happened in Professor Luo's office.

Li Zefeng sneered: "just remember. I'm afraid you don't remember... I don't think you're very good with your broken car, so I just helped you deal with it. How about thanking me?"

Li Yefeng looked at the scrapped Passat, pondered for a while, and said seriously: "I should thank you very much."

Li Zefeng felt a little frustrated when he heard the speech. This boy is too counsellor. If he is a little tough, he will have a chance to beat him. But now that he is counsellor, he is not good at it.

Damn, it's boring!

"Waste, I dare not say anything when my car is smashed! Don't you know how to shout in front of Professor Luo at that time? Why, now? " Li Zefeng sneered contemptuously: "I thought you were so strong, scum!"

At the corner of his mouth, Li Yefeng said coldly, "I'm a very old car. I've been with me for a long time, and I've had feelings. But since I've been smashed by you, it's time to retire..."

"Well, I don't count you as much as 300000. If you compensate me for a 300000 or so car, how about it

Li Zefeng was stunned. The next second, he burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha, what the hell are you talking about? Are you going to laugh me to death? You want me to pay you for a car? Oh, my God, what are you daydreaming about? Let me pay? I'll give you a S-class Mercedes Benz. Do you dare to accept it, you useless dog

Li Zefeng laughed to tears. He swore that he had never seen such a stupid person in his life!

At this time, the young security guard came out of the security booth with a baseball bat and said with disdain: "you sand sculpture, you don't know when you are dying. Do you know how miserable it will be if you offend Li Shao?"

Li Yefeng shook his head calmly and said, "I really don't know, so please let me know."

"Madder, what's your mother doing? Fu Laosan, come out for me! " Li Zefeng called with a sneer. The next second, a dozen people hiding behind the car all stood up with guys in their hands.

One of them was wearing a half sleeve shirt, but his chest was only buttoned with three buttons at the bottom. His braided middle-aged leader came to Li Zefeng's side. He looked at Li Yefeng with a cigarette in his mouth and asked indifferently, "is that the man, Li Shao?"

"Don't kill him, just kill him." Li Zefeng gives Li Yefeng a disdainful glance, and then turns to his BMW 730. Fu Laosan smiles and looks at Li Yefeng in a dim way.

"Boy, I'm brave enough to offend even Li Shao."

Li Yefeng looks very calm, leaves Creek behind, and then said with a smile: "are you sure you want to go through this muddy water?"

Fu Laosan picked up his eyebrows and immediately sneered: "what are you? Arrogance

Words fall, his foot a step, body shape extremely quick flash, straight to Li Yefeng and go!

And some of his subordinates were not idle. They all followed him. More than a dozen people were furious. Li Yefeng stepped forward slowly. At this time, the iron bar in Fu Laosan's hand hit Li Yefeng's face with a swish!


A loud noise rang out, a figure suddenly shot out!

Boom! The figure from the back shot fell on the hood of the white BMW 730, and the windshield split into a blur in an instant!

"I don't like grass! My car Li Zefeng's flesh was very painful.

"Fu Laosan, what the hell are you doing?" Li Zefeng shrieked and looked at Fu Laosan, who was lying on the hood of his baby car with blood flowing from his nose and mouth. Suddenly, his heart was cold.

Grass! How is Fu Laosan? Why is he so miserable all of a sudden?

Li Zefeng turned around and looked at Fu Laosan's men who had stopped in front of Li Yefeng. Those men were afraid to retreat at this time. As for the young security guard, his baseball bat fell on the ground. He was paralyzed and his legs were shaking.

Li Yefeng looks calm and indifferent at the gangsters in front of him. He says, "get out of the way."

"You mother..." one of the men with a swing stick in his hand seemed to want to scold to embolden himself, but when he looked into Li Yefeng's calm eyes, he counseled and his face turned red.

This man is so terrible that they can't see clearly, so boss Fu flies out!

Li Yefeng glanced at them, then directly ignored them and walked towards Li Zefeng.

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