Li Yefeng came to the main hall of Ning family.

Ning yunxiong and Wu Jianjun have been waiting in the hall. When they saw Li Yefeng coming, they both got up to greet him. Wu Jianjun said with a smile, "Mr. Li, yesterday's Xiongfeng really made us ashamed. I didn't expect that Mr. Li's strength was so strong."

"The master of the Wu family is over praised. I'm just lucky." Li Yefeng said faintly.

"If you can get rid of the top experts of the Jiang family and kill Jiang Han... It's really a fluke that makes people envious. How many people will be ashamed to hear Mr. Li's words." Wu Jianjun has a bit of commercial praise for Li Yefeng. If Li Yefeng is a little boy, he may be really excited to death.

"Although Mo Cangshan is strong, I'm not weak either. I think Mo Cangshan is still a little behind the secret king." Li Yefeng said.

"Who doesn't know about the prestige of" saishenxian "? Being able to defeat Mo Cangshan shows that Mr. Li's strength is very terrible. First of all, I apologize for the disrespect that Lao Ning and I had for Mr. Li. I hope Mr. Li will not mind. "

Wu Jianjun got up and bowed, but Li Yefeng didn't refuse. After he expressed his sincerity, Li Yefeng said: "Master Wu and master Ning, you two should not simply want to reconcile with me. If I guess correctly, you two should ask me for help. You two might as well say that I don't like beating around the bush."

Wu Jianjun was not angry when he heard the speech. He said happily: "Mr. Li is really a straightforward person. I'll tell you straight away. Mr. Li should also know that our two families are targeted by the secret king for some reasons. Mr. Li is also very clear about the strength of the secret King..."

"I'm not his opponent." Li Yefeng light way: "if you want me to deal with the secret king, I'm sorry, I can't promise, I'm still a s level criminal, every day hiding is to avoid the secret maneuvering strong, want me to face with them hard bar, impossible."

"Mr. Li misunderstood us." Ning yunxiong said: "we don't want Mr. Li to confront the secret King head-on. We just hope that when the secret king comes, Mr. Li can resist one or two, and we will have other experts to solve the secret king."

When Li Yefeng heard the speech, he felt a little shaken in his heart. Behind the two families, there were indeed people at a higher level!

In the whole land of China, the people who can fight against the secret king are the existence of four sword immortals in the north and seven dragons in the south.

In fact, as long as the exclusion method screening, it will soon be able to lock in some suspicious targets.

"Can you find a strong one who can kill the secret king?" Li Yefeng's eyes showed a look of great interest, a very excited look.

"Well, the secret can't be revealed. Mr. Li will know it by then."

"What are your plans?" In order to avoid being doubted by them, Li Yefeng didn't ask again, but his expression became more dignified: "if you don't want to talk about your plan, it's hard for me to promise you."

Wu Jianjun's face was frozen, and then he said seriously: "Mr. Li, the secret king is our thorn in our heart. Therefore, I plan to conspire with master Ning to find an opportunity to bring in the secret king, set up a net in advance, and kill the secret king."

Li Yefeng's pupil suddenly shrinks, and his face is shocked: "are you crazy?"?! Kill the secret king. Do you know how big a tsunami this will cause? Now that you know the identity of the secret king, you should understand that if the secret king is killed in the war, the next time he will be attracted will not be the secret mobile people, but the mysterious existence of the Chinese security department! "

"Killing the secret king is tantamount to provoking the security of China. Do you know what a great sin it is?"

"Of course we know." Ning yunxiong's face was gloomy and he gritted his teeth and said, "but we have to do this. The secret King forces us too hard. If we don't save ourselves, sooner or later we will die. It's better to fight."

Wu Jianjun said harshly: "master Ning is right. We can only save ourselves, not kill the secret king. Sooner or later, he will find out what we have done. At that time, he will die, and there is no hope of escaping abroad; The killing of the secret king will lead to a huge tsunami, but

Wu Jianjun's expression was twinkling, with an indescribable deep meaning. He said: "but maybe we can survive in the cracks. The death of the secret king is like a taboo. The secret king will not send any more people. After all, what even the secret king can't do, except the" secret King "who can't be born, no one can do it any more..."

Li Yefeng's face didn't change, but he said in his heart: it's a pity that in order to investigate you, the hidden king and the secret king are out at the same time. Moreover, the hidden king has been sitting in front of you, but you don't know it!

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Li, although we can find the existence that can kill the secret king, we are still a little worried about the accident, so we want to ask Mr. Li to rob the array. Mr. Li can survive from the secret king. At the critical moment, he can't give the secret king a fatal blow."

"Yes, Mr. Li, we are also considering the safety of our two hands, so we call you here. I hope you can help us."

Hearing the speech, Li Yefeng shook his head and refused: "sorry, I can't promise. The risk is too big. I understand the strength of the secret king. If the person you call fails to defeat him, won't I take my life? I can't stop both of them. "

"Mr. Li!" Wu Jianjun's tone is very sincere: "I sincerely ask Mr. Li to help us! No matter how much Mr. Li would like to be paid! "

Li Yefeng still shook his head: "the risk is too big, how much money I don't do, make money and spend money, have life to earn and die to spend, I might as well live."

Ning yunxiong frowned slightly, looked at Wu Jianjun, and immediately said to Li Yefeng, "Mr. Li, why don't you think more about it and don't rush to refuse us, in case you change your mind?"

"If I think about it again, I won't change my mind. I won't agree with you about this. It's OK to beat people for you, but I have to gamble my life... If I'm not afraid of death, do I need to run around like this?"

Li Yefeng said and got up directly: "I'm going to see Qin Wu. If it's OK, I'll leave first."

"Take your time, Mr. Li." Wu Jianjun's face slightly coagulated. After he left, he sat down and looked at Ning yunxiong. He said in a deep voice, "do you think he can be trusted?"

"I still can't believe it all. How about your investigation on him?" Ning yunxiong asked.

"The intelligence is fairly accurate. Li yebei is really a S-class wanted criminal, but there is one thing I can't understand, that is his sister Li Qixin." Wu Jianjun has a lot of doubts in his eyes.

"Li Qixin? What do you say? "

"According to my investigation, and even the information found by the intelligence officers behind us, nothing can prove that Li Qixin and Li yebei have any intersection. What's more strange is that Li Qixin's background is blank!"

A blank Ning yunxiong immediately took a breath of air.

"Li Qixin's active records before the age of 10 are very few, and those before the age of 8 are almost blank. As you know, there are only two reasons why a person's records are blank. One is that his files are sealed, and we don't have access to them."

"One is that she really has no trace of biological activity. If Li Qixin is not Li yebei's sister, I will treat her as if she did not leave any trace of biological activity before, but since she is Li yebei's sister..."

When Wu Jianjun said this, he stopped talking, and Ning yunxiong was silent.

"Li Qixin's parents, have you found out who they are?"

"I didn't find out. According to the information, she was abandoned. At that time, the idea of son preference was still very heavy. Li yebei was not abandoned, and Li Qixin was abandoned. It was normal and reasonable."

Ning yunxiong pondered for a while, whirling chin, said: "then we have to continue to test him?"

"Once again, if he can pass the test, we will prepare the plan of" hunting the secret king ", and Mr. Da will also help us. If we don't kill the secret king, Mr. Da will not be at ease." Wu Jianjun's eyes were cold.


Lu Fengze was worried all night after he got home. He had offended his father, Li yebei, who could not be offended. He didn't know how to explain to his father.

Lu Shaowu came back to have a rest this morning. As soon as he sat down on the sofa, he saw Lu Fengze coming. He said, "pour me a glass of water."

Lu Fengze obediently went to pour water for him, which made him a little surprised: "why, don't you talk back today?"

"Isn't it normal for my son to pour me a glass of water? What can I do for you? " Lu Fengze road.

"OK, I know that. No, are you in trouble again?" Lu Shaowu, after all, is an individual. He suddenly realizes that something is wrong. Only when he gets into big trouble will his son be polite to him.

Lu Fengze did not speak, Lu Shaowu deep breath, and then some impatient way: "say it, give me what trouble."

Sometimes he would think about what he would do to have a son and make trouble for him all day long. He was always angry with him and made him angry.

Lu Fengze's body trembled slightly. Lu Shaowu noticed it. His eyelids jumped slightly, his face became a little ugly, and he was angry: "don't tell me, you have offended the two people in front of me in Nanjiang province!"

"No, it's not..." Lu Fengze responded with trembling.

"No, you're in a cold sweat?" The stone in Lu Shaowu's heart fell quietly, scaring him to death.

Lu Fengze shivered: "Dad, I seem to have offended Li yebei..."

"Well, it's OK, as long as it's not in front of me... What do you say!!"

Lu Shaowu spat out his saliva directly. He stood up and twisted his face.

"Dad, I offended Li yebei!" Lu Fengze called out shaking.

Lu Shaowu suddenly felt that the sky was spinning, Li yebei... Even Jiang Han killed Li yebei?!

"How did I give birth to such a son of a bitch like you!"


Lu Shaowu was so angry that he slapped him directly!

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