"You're not going to hit him, are you?" Tong mengjuan is a little confused. It's not good to do it? Although she couldn't listen to it, if she started beating people, they would not pay any attention when the police came.

Li Yefeng said with a smile: "how can it be that I am a kind and good citizen. Is that the kind of thug who will fight with others at will?"

Tong mengjuan breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest and said, "I was scared to death. I thought you..."

Li Yefeng started the car and drove out of the parking lot. Tong mengjuan said, "I thought you would go first. I want to make an apology to you."

"What's your apology? There's nothing wrong with you. " Li Yefeng naturally won't say that he is really waiting for her, because he wants to see if Tong mengjuan will stay in it and continue to eat with the bastard who worships foreign things.

If Tong mengjuan didn't run out, he would be very disappointed. As the captain of secret maneuver, he would never have any contact with her again.

He can't control other people's mouth and thoughts, but he has his own bottom line!

Fortunately, Tong mengjuan came out.

"I have to take you back to the hospital anyway, don't I?"

"Thank you." Tong mengjuan nodded with a smile.

Liang fan walked out of the hot pot shop and dialed a number.

"It's me, Liang fan."

"Mr. Liang." The man at the other end gave a respectful cry.

Liang fan light way: "position sent to you, to personal pick me up, in addition, send a few powerful people to come, I tell you a license plate, stopped on the road, the boy abandoned."

"Well, Mr. Liang, just a moment."

After hanging up, Liang fan showed a sneer of disdain at the corner of his mouth: "where's the local chicken and tile dog? Do you have the qualification to rob women with me?"



"Then I'll go up first. Slow down on your way." Tong mengjuan waves to Li Yefeng, who nods.

After he came out of the hospital, Li Yefeng was ready to go back to his villa. A car suddenly crossed in front of him. Then several people came down from the car and jumped directly into his car. The steel rod in his hand bombarded the car and windshield.

Li Yefeng got out of the car in an instant. Looking at the car being smashed, he didn't change his look. His figure flashed. In an instant, he stepped forward and kicked a man. With a bang, he flew out. The man knocked their car and moved a centimeter or two.

Other people look startled, Li Yefeng cold smile, like a cheetah as crazy flash!

Bang bang!

A moment later, only one of the six or seven people was still awake. Li Yefeng sat directly on his back, put his right hand on his head, and said coldly, "which family are you from?"

"Boy, you are very good at fighting, which is beyond our expectation, but you'd better think clearly. We are the Hong family. You should know the Hong family..."

"Oh?" Li Yefeng raised his eyebrows slightly and joked: "Hong family, one of the top five families?"

"That's right. It seems that you still know that it's the Hong family. Don't you hurry..."


Li Yefeng hit him on the head with a fist, and he was immediately hit by the so-called Hong family.

The blood stained his hands red, but he didn't feel anything.

"The Hong family..." Li Yefeng whispered. He and the Hong family never met each other. Why did the Hong family suddenly send someone to deal with him?

After a look at the smashed car, Li Yefeng has a headache. It seems that his activities in China cost nothing, just the car.

No matter how rich you are, you can't be smashed one after another.

"It seems that it is necessary to import some special metals and refit them into bulletproof and explosion-proof vehicles. Otherwise, my car will be smashed one after another, which is a bit uncomfortable..."

Li Yefeng took a taxi and reported the address of Hong's family.

It's not polite to come but not go. Now that the Hong family has done something to him, he naturally has to give a return. At least, he has to ask why the Hong family did something to him.

Do you think Li Yefeng is a bully?

The five top families in Nanbin are ye Ruiheng's Ye family, Ding Guangren's Ding family, Ning yunxiong's Ning family, Hong Rongkun's Hong family and Wu Jianjun's Wu family.

Among them, the Ye family is the most high-profile, and before that, it was also the first of the five top aristocratic families. It seems that the other four aristocratic families are not willing to have any conflict with the Ye family.

However, as the Ye family was broken three times by Li Yefeng, and ye's father died, ye Shiping was killed, the strength and prestige of the Ye family were greatly reduced.

The Ning family is not so low-key. What happened before is enough to prove that the Ding family is a relatively normal family. They only want to improve the living standards of the family members. Ding Hao is also upright and secretly recruited.

Ding Hao will take charge of Ding family in the future. Ding Jia will become a hidden line of maneuvering in Nan Bin City.

The Wu family is the most low-key and never shows itself. It seems that they are the most weak. But the real situation is that they don't bite.

The Hong family, on the other hand, has always been a moderate family. There is nothing special about it, but there is no obvious confrontation with anyone.

If it wasn't for tonight, Li Yefeng would never have met the Hong family.

At this time, Hong family manor.

The Hong family's territory is not small. Their housing pattern is the manor style of Europe and America. A large area of them is their territory.

Of course, it takes a lot of money, and the Hong family can obviously afford it.

The taxi driver shivered for a moment, and then said, "young man, this is a big family in our local area. Don't mess around, or it will be very miserable to offend people."

Li Yefeng turned around and said with a faint smile, "OK, thank you for reminding me."

When the taxi driver saw that he didn't have the consciousness to get on the bus and leave, he sighed and shook his head helplessly. What a good young man, how could he not think about it?

At the entrance of the manor, there are two security guards with steel bars hanging on their waists. When they see Li Yefeng walking past, they immediately stare at him!

"Stop! Private territory, no invitation, no entry! "

"Get out of the way." Li Yefeng said faintly.

One of the guards sniffed and said, "boy, do you want to die? Do you know where this is? "

"Hong family manor."

"Don't you know, get out of here? Is this where you should go? " The way the security guard disdained, his eyes were full of arrogance, as if they were more noble than ordinary people.

Li Yefeng said with a smile: "is this the dragon's den or the sea of fire? Can't even break through? "

"You don't understand people, do you?" The security guard's eyes were fierce. He stepped forward and kicked Li Yefeng. He was polite at all.

The corner of Li Yefeng's mouth was hooked, and he immediately burst out with a kick!


The security guard slammed into the iron door and made a huge rumble. A mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth. Another security guard was startled and took out a steel stick to hit Li Yefeng!

Feeling the pain of his body, Li Yefeng looks at the security guard coldly.

"You... How are you all right..." the security guard who hit Li Yefeng with a steel stick can't imagine, but he is very hard, how can there be nothing? Not even a frown! Normal should not have covered the part of the fall? Why didn't the young man do anything?

Li Yefeng reaches out his hand, clasps his head and smashes it on the iron door.

"This strength, also want to put me down?"

In order to prevent them from being captured, tortured and interrogated for intelligence, they have experienced anti strike training, so the limit they can bear is different from ordinary people.

He looked up at the monitor probe, sneered at the camera, picked up the steel rod and smashed the probe.


Hongjia monitoring center.

"What's going on?" The team leader of the monitoring room saw that the picture at the door had disappeared, and his eyes were immediately fixed.

"The man at the door smashed the probe, captain. Do you want to report it?"

"What do you want! Some people come to make trouble. As the security guards of Hong's family, we can directly drive away the troublemakers! What do you want us to do if you want to disturb the young master? " The security captain's face was cold. He was the champion of Nanbin city. Even the most powerful boxer in the underground ring was not his opponent.

With him guarding the Hongjia Town, there are still people who dare to make trouble. Isn't it too humiliating if he doesn't solve it?

"Ask my brother to come with me, and I'll meet this boy!"



Boom! Boom!

Li Yefeng broke the door violently. The steel door was so heavy and hard. But under Li Yefeng's barbaric power, the door could not bear it. Li Yefeng opened a hole and went in.

As a result, he was met by a pair of mighty men and horses.

"Oh, so many people welcome me?" Li Yefeng looked at the dozens of people in front of him with a smile, and there was no panic on his face.

The security captain looked at the door which was broken by Li Yefeng. His heart trembled slightly. The heroism in the monitoring room just dried up. In this second, it dissipated completely. On the contrary, his legs gradually trembled.

Don't say he's just a champion of Nanbin city. Even if he's the world's top champion, he can't break the gate of the manor, can he?

Is this a fuckin 'human? That's iron, brother, iron gate!!!

"What about the people in charge of the Hong family? Who doesn't show up? " Li Yefeng asked with a faint smile.

"Boy, do you want to die if you come to Hong's house to make trouble at night?" A security guard demanded harshly.

The security captain's face changed slightly. He immediately looked at the security guard and said angrily, "shut the hell up!"

All the security guards were stunned. What's the fire of the captain!

The security captain's face was very blue, but looking at the broken door, he really couldn't make a move.

"Who is your excellency? Why did you break into Hong's House late at night? Do you have any misunderstanding with the Hong family? "

Li Yefeng looked at the security captain and said with a smile, "my name is Li yebei. You all know that..."

"What?" The security guards are in a daze. Li yebei? This name is so familiar! When did you hear that!

The security captain's face has changed dramatically, Li yebei?! This name... Recently can be said to be famous!

"Tell the young master that Li yebei is here!" The security team leader quickly whispered a word to a security guard around him, and then came forward in the dull eyes of the security guards, some trembled and said: "Mr. Li... Mr. Li, you made it late at night, but our Hong family, who didn't open their eyes to offend you?"

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