People of Huang family, Huanglong road!

From him, Li Yefeng felt the powerful momentum. Obviously, this huanglongdao is not mediocre. I'm afraid that even in the Huang family, he is one of the absolute strong.

"Huang shaotian doesn't know my strength? How dare you Huang people come? " Li Yefeng is a little surprised and asks, "Huang shaotian has dealt with him. How dare they let the experts of the Huang family come here? Do you have confidence in the experts of the Huang family?"?

"He can't win you, can't he? Boy, if you dare to fight against my young master of the Huang family, you are rare in the world. Do you know how noble my young master of the Huang family is? How dare you do this to our young master

Li Yefeng's eyes were slightly fixed, and a touch of sarcasm immediately appeared in his eyes: "I'm sorry, I don't know how powerful and noble your young master of the Huang family is. I only saw you young master of the Huang family open his mouth and beep at me, and then I beat him like a dog

"Wanton!" Huang Longdao's face has changed greatly. The young master of Huang family should not be insulted. This bastard Li yebei dares to speak rudely!

"Today I will take revenge for my young master, cut off your limbs and send them to my young master! Then I will hang you on the cross and make you repent


Huanglong Dao wields his sword like a dragon. A powerful force of the sword cuts Li Yefeng in an instant. Li Yefeng's figure flashes and avoids the sword at top speed!

The next second, he appeared in the side of huanglongdao, a foot horizontal kick out, bang, huanglongdao flying away!

The corner of Li Yefeng's mouth rose slightly, and immediately chased him out. He took hold of his ankle, and then turned it directly. After several turns, he released his palm, and huanglongdao flew directly towards a power pole.


Huanglong Dao's body hit the pole, making a sound of bone crack. A mouthful of blood spat out from Huanglong Dao's mouth. After landing, he looked at Li Yefeng in horror. There were only three in his heart - impossible!

He Huanglong Road, in the Huang family, the strength is enough to rank in the top ten, how can be no fight back? It's impossible! He doesn't believe it!


As the wind roars, Li Yefeng's figure suddenly falls in front of him. The shadow covers his face. Huang Longdao raises his head and looks at his face with a faint banter smile in disbelief.

He... Did he see God?


"Huh..." Huang long Dao's face was hit hard by Li Yefeng. His whole face was twisted and sunken, his nose was tilted to one side, and blood was spilling from his mouth. Immediately, Li Yefeng picked him up and smashed him on the ground. Li Yefeng cut him on his thigh with the back of the knife.

"Ah, ah, ah"

Huanglong road is very miserable. One second before, he was still talking to Li Yefeng arrogantly, but the next second, he was beaten like a dog.

"This strength, how can I have the courage to let you stop me?"

Li Yefeng kicks huanglongdao away. With a bang, huanglongdao bumps into the wall, then makes a hum and haw sound, slips down and falls on other people's lawn.

Li Yefeng clapped his hand and looked back to the crazy Sword Fairy, who had solved everyone.

"It seems that I'm a bit of a wave. I'll kill only one if you kill six." Li Yefeng said with a smile.

Crazy Sword Fairy cold hum a, and then directly receive sword, way: "go, we leave Pearl City."

Li Yefeng nodded with a smile and said, "now you are voluntary. I didn't force you to help me."

"You talk a lot." Crazy Sword Fairy coldly said a word, and then with Li Yefeng out of the community, the result, a out of the community, see the community in front of hundreds of cars parked on the road, two people are silent.


Hundreds of good people, all waving weapons, staring at two people.

Li Yefeng, wild Sword Fairy

It's a little embarrassing.

There are so many people out there, it seems that there is some trouble.

It's impossible to break through hard. The road is extremely straight. If you really want to break through, and there is no shelter, you will be beaten by the crowd. I have to say, it's really... The number gap is a little big.

"How many can you kill?" Li Yefeng asked.

Crazy Sword Fairy looking at these people, deep voice way: "at most 200."

"I can bring down a hundred and fifty." Li Yefeng said helplessly.

"Aren't you better than me?" Crazy Sword Fairy twisted his eyebrows. He always felt that Li Yefeng was deliberately releasing water. He gave all his strength. He was really upset.

"Keke, you are a sword and I am a dagger. Can you be the same?"

"It makes sense, but even if we can bring down so many people, there are countless people behind us. What shall we do?" Crazy Sword Fairy coagulates a voice way.

"Yes... What to do... Let's retreat first."

The crazy Sword Fairy looked like a Lin and glanced at him: "are you serious?"

"That's true


Two people at the same time figure ejection, not to the direction of the community, but to the front of hundreds of people running, this is to... Into the wolves!!

"Don't you mean retreat?" The crazy Sword Fairy asked angrily.

"Didn't you nod your head?" Li Yefeng responded.


"Just like each other!"

Shua Shua!

The shadow of the sword was heavy and the silver was surging. Countless shadows of the sword flashed by, and they fell to the ground in blood. They couldn't even see the figure of the crazy Sword Fairy, so they fell to the ground in blood.

Li Yefeng is also close to the extreme, just like the God of death. A dagger in his hand seems to become the most terrible sickle of death. Where Han mang passes, he spurts blood.

"Stop them!"

Someone yelled, but at the same time, the man was retreating crazily. Many people were angry. You asked everyone to stop them, but they were retreating? What the hell do you mean?!


Poop, poop!

Crazy Sword Fairy and Li Yefeng are killing gods. Although they rush into the wolves, they are like two ancient giants. Others can't catch them at all. They only see a remnant shadow, and then their own blood.

This strength is not a grade at all!


Some people finally can't carry, these two people, crazy devil!!!


"They're running away!"

Suddenly, someone noticed that both kuangjianxian and Li Yefeng were breaking away from the crowd. They just took the lead to create the illusion that they could resist so many people. In fact, they just wanted to use the pressure of people's hearts and fear of death to find an escape.

"Stop them! Two of them are two hundred million! "

Some people gave a drink, and all of a sudden, their eyes revealed the color of absolute madness. They all locked Li Yefeng and crazy Sword Fairy. Money, not to mention anything else, can stimulate people's nerves!


Feeling the different gaze, Li Yefeng's face also changed. Immediately he looked at the crazy Sword Fairy and said: "go

If you don't leave, you will face a group of crazy demons who don't want their lives for 200 million.

"I know!" Crazy Sword Fairy in the hands of the sword, a shadow was picked to fly, blood flying in the air.

Li Yefeng ran away with him in the same direction. They did not dare to escape separately. Otherwise, once they were defeated one by one by Huangfu Hongjun, they would be finished!

Crazy Sword Fairy is definitely not the opponent of Huangfu Hongjun. Even if Li Yefeng can defeat Huangfu Hongjun, he will be absolutely exhausted!

At the beginning, although he also defeated the old Sword Fairy, it was also a close victory, not an absolute advantage.

In the face of Huangfu Hongjun, whose physical condition is at the peak, Li Yefeng dare not say that he can win steadily!

Whew, whew!

Two people turned into electro-optic shadow, crazy over the crowd, speed escape!

"Chase me!"

Hundreds of people stare at Li Yefeng and crazy Sword Fairy like crazy demons and chase them.


In a magnificent Presidential Suite, Huangfu Hongjun is enjoying the wine leisurely under the service of several maids. In front of him, there is a large LCD display, on which is a real-time aerial camera. It is Li Yefeng and wild Sword Fairy who are running away madly.

When Huangfu Hongjun saw this scene, he raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth: "yes, that's it. Run, keep running, and give you two mice a little time to escape. Before you despair, I'll let you keep some hope."

The game of cat and mouse is not very interesting.

But if rats are very powerful, it's much more interesting.

Huangfu Hongjun is not worried about the joint pursuit of Li Yefeng by various forces. He is confident that he will keep Li Yefeng in Mingzhu city. This is his self-confidence in "the dragon of Fujiang".

If he can't do such a thing, he won't have to be called the dragon of Fu River.

The underground emperor of Pearl City, that ability is not ordinary people can imagine.

More than ten minutes later, Huangfu Hongjun put his glass aside and got up slowly.

Several maids knelt down to see Huangfu Hongjun off.

The first master of Mingzhu City, who has been watching the opera for a long time, has finally set out in person and is about to do it in person!


The Du family.

"Waste! Why haven't you been caught for so long? " Du Dingfeng looked at the person in charge of this matter, with an unhappy face.

His Du family also made a lot of efforts, but it didn't work at all!

"People try their best, but they are too strong and too fast."

The trembling way of the man said that he had never seen such a terrible person before. Only two people, 90% of the forces in Mingzhu City, fought together. Now the whole Mingzhu city is more terrible than a net.

Just like these two people, they broke the net of killing them directly and overbearing. They got out of the Siege!!!

"What about the Huang family?"

"Huang's family and Zhang's family also suffered heavy losses, with 78 injured in Huang's family and 69 injured in Zhang's family."

Du Fulong, who was beside Du Dingfeng, looked very ugly. He said: "if so many forces fight together, if they are not left behind, we will be laughed to death. Dad, we must not let them escape!"

Are you kidding? Mingzhu City three super families and Mingshi group together, unexpectedly take two foreigners, no way?!

Is this going to smack all of them in the face?

No one can bear the consequences!

"Waste!" Du Dingfeng scolded angrily, and then roared: "go and invite Du Yueshan! Let him hand, must leave this Li yebei! I really can't. I can leave that damned crazy Sword Fairy! "

At the same time, Huang family, Zhang family and Ming family all felt that they had lost face. They all mobilized the strength of the family, at least in the fifth place!

Those ordinary men and Li Yefeng are too different in rank, so it's useless to let them continue to fight.

Only strong to strong!



Li Yefeng throws a pear to crazy Sword Fairy. Crazy Sword Fairy eats it, then picks up the bread next to him and gobbles it up.

Even though they are strong, they will be killed soon if they escape for one or two hours.

"How far is it from the boundary of Nanjiang province?" Crazy Sword Fairy is also disheartened at this time. Swordsman is not good at these physical work.

Li Yefeng is much better than him. After all, when he was forced to the limit of his physical strength, he often met him in the battlefield.

"Ten kilometers." Li Yefeng took a look at his mobile phone and grinned.

I'm afraid they'll have to run for another two hours in these ten kilometers!

Crazy Sword Fairy helpless, way: "if I die, the ghost will not let you go."

"I don't..." Li Yefeng's eyes suddenly narrowed up, and then picked up the dagger beside him. Crazy Sword Fairy also threw the pear core in his hand aside.

Da, Da, Da

Footsteps, from far to near, sounded, came.

A strong breath, gradually revealed, slowly climbing, towards them, pouring down!

"I didn't expect that there would be a day when all of us would join hands."

"Yes... I have to say that these two people have created a legend."

"Well, it's a shame that we need to join hands to deal with two people!"

"Ha ha, Huang Zhan said, you are sure that you can go up on your own, and the three of us are watching."

Four voices, four different people, came out of the alley in front.

Ming's plutocrats - Ming building.

Du Yueshan, the bright pearl of Du family.

Huang Zhandao, the Pearl of the yellow family.

Zhang Shengtang, the Pearl of Zhangjia.

Li Yefeng and crazy Sword Fairy are speechless, standing side by side, calmly looking at the four people in front of them!

"Two for one." Li Yefeng said lightly.

In the eyes of the crazy Sword Fairy, a fierce idea flashed. Suddenly, the sword was so strong that he rushed up to the sky and said coldly: "Du Yueshan belongs to me! Choose two of the other three

Li Yefeng light way: "Ming's and Huang's belong to me."

"Yes." Crazy Sword Fairy nodded.

The four opposite heard that they had nothing to do with the distribution of the four of them. Their faces became extremely ugly. This is... They are regarded as fish on the chopping board?! How ridiculous!


Li Yefeng and crazy Sword Fairy look sharp at the same time, and then drink a low voice, turn into a shadow to kill and go!

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