The white BMW doesn't have much special features, but Li Yefeng remembers the license plate of the car, Feng Qingqing's car!

"So predestined?" Li Yefeng laughs bitterly. He pays attention to Feng Qingqing's car, not only because he recognizes it, but also because Feng Qingqing is obviously following a white imperial car.

"Uncle Feng, who did you offend? Someone wanted to attack and kill Feng Qingqing all the time..." Li Yefeng frowned slightly, from the bank robbery he met when he just returned to Binshi, to the fact that she was surrounded and almost murdered when he went to Binzhou University.

Although it is normal for Feng Jiashu to make a big move, he would not attack Feng Qingqing if it was not for the hatred of life and death.


The white imperial car, which has been following Feng Qingqing, suddenly speeds up and slams into Feng Qingqing's car. Feng Qingqing seems to have stepped on the brake, BMW makes a harsh friction sound, and a tail flick seems to be out of control.

Instead of ending the pursuit, the White Emperor continued to bang into the rear end of the car, turned around and hit the BMW. Li Yefeng flashed, stepped on the accelerator and ran into the White Emperor.


Li Yefeng also swung his tail, and the front of the car collided with the driver's seat on the left side of the White Emperor. The White Emperor was immediately rolled out by him, with a few loud noises, and the White Emperor rolled out of the highway guardrail.

Li Yefeng's airbag also popped out, but he punctured the airbag in an instant. Although his front of the car was deformed, he could still drive.

He didn't stop, just sped away from the scene, leaving behind a pair of dazzling tail lights.

Passing vehicles have spared the stopped white BMW, no one stopped to investigate the situation, as if they were afraid of stalls.


The door on the driver's seat of BMW was pushed open, and some dizzy Feng Qingqing got out of the car. She quickly put on the danger warning light, then took out the warning sign and put it 150 meters away, and then backed out of the road.

She took a look at the white imperial car, which was burning with a bang. She gasped with fear. She didn't know how many times she had been assassinated.

"Dad, I was assassinated in Xihuan..." Feng Qingqing took out his mobile phone and dialed out his father's number. Feng Chengwen was shocked and angry!

"How are you? I'll have someone pick you up at once

"I'm ok... An Audi just saved me, but the owner didn't stop..." Feng Qingqing suddenly got excited. She was not stupid. She could see that the Audi hit the white imperial car on purpose.

"Dad, did you arrange it?"

"No... how could the people I arranged match them with Audi? How can I protect you if I make too much publicity? " Feng Chengwen said.

Feng Qingqing was a little excited and said: "Dad, I have an intuition that the car owner is the same person who killed the robber and saved me in the bank!"

Feng Chengwen was silent for a moment, and then said, "I don't know..."

Feng Qingqing said, "I have written down the license plate. Let people check it. I must find this person!"

Feng chengning said in a voice: "dad knows. Don't hang up. The person who went to take you is already on the way."

"Good." Feng Qingqing has ups and downs. Looking at the direction of the road, she is a little melancholy and nervous. Is it the same person who killed the robber in the bank?

The front surround of the car is rotten. Li Yefeng can't drive this Audi directly to Lishui villa, so he called owl and asked him to send a car.

According to the captain's order, owl didn't dare to neglect even when he was talking business with others. He arranged it for the first time. In more than ten minutes, two cars came from the direction of Lishui villa. Li Yefeng took a look at the two cars and guessed that they were going to pick up Feng Qingqing.

Two minutes later, a Mercedes Benz C-class top configuration car came to Li Yefeng's position.

"Mr. Li, I'm Song Yi, the life assistant of the chairman. This is the car for you." Owl's assistant respectfully handed the key to Li Yefeng.

"Thank you." Li Yefeng nodded.

"You're welcome."

Li Yefeng didn't say much. He drove to Lishui villa.

After arriving at the villa, Li Yefeng saw countless luxury cars, among which Mercedes Benz S-class was the most, followed by BMW 7-series, and then a lot of A6. The top equipped Mercedes Benz C-class that owl sent him was not very eye-catching in these cars.

Because of the invitation, I didn't suffer any inexplicable difficulties and entered the banquet hall smoothly.

After entering the hall, "Owl" Han Junsheng saw him, but they didn't say hello. Xu Hai, the general manager of haizhiyang Hotel on the other side, was also there. He also took a look at Li Yefeng, but didn't come to say hello.

Li Yefeng himself found a position to sit down, eyes is on the scene, he is looking for Zhao Qing.

Behind the hall is an open-air field. There are all kinds of delicious food outside. Most of them are young people. After thinking about it, Li Yefeng gets up and walks over.

Guo Ziwei is in a bad mood. He has been staring at Ye Xiaoxi for a period of time, but he doesn't often stay in Binshi, so he moves slowly. However, he never thinks that ye Xiaoxi has been kept!

He thought Ye Xiaoxi was such a pure woman, but he didn't expect that it was so different from what he imagined.

Zhao Qing is still talking about ye Xiaoxi's various "black materials" innocently on her side. Even Shen Yue can't listen to them any more. Is Zhao Qing's heart too black?

I have long heard that Zhao Qing was against Ye Xiaoxi at school. It is most likely that these rumors came from Zhao Qing.

"Why? Guo Shao, that's him! He is Li yebei Zhao Qing suddenly excited exclamation, Guo Ziwei face a cold, along the direction she pointed to see the past.

Shen Yue was surprised to see Li Yefeng. Could he even attend such a top-level business exchange?

Shen Yue immediately had some disgust and felt that the level of the whole exchange meeting had been lowered.

Guo Ziwei's face was gloomy and he said, "are you sure it's him?"

"Of course, I know him when he turns to dust!" Zhao Qing looks gloomy and resentful. She doesn't remember. This bastard knocked herself out!

"Li yebei, I've never heard of such a number one in the Li family. So it's not the Li family?" Guo Ziwei said coldly.

"No, I don't know where it came from, but even if it's the Li family, if Guo Shao wants him to die, he must die." Zhao Qing said with a sneer.

Li yebei, you sent it to your home to die. You can't blame others.

Zhao Qing smiles coldly in her heart.


Li Yefeng saw Zhao Qing, but his heart was very calm.

At this time, a sharp voice came from the side.

"Why did you come to Lishui mountain villa?"

People, both in the open air and in the hall, were attracted by the insulting words.

"Ha ha... Is she Shen Zhongtian's daughter?" Someone looked at the woman who was talking and said with a smile.

"Well, it seems to be Shen Yao. He has a good relationship with Feng Qingqing of the Feng family." Another middle-aged man shakes his head and smiles. Shen Zhongtian's company is not very powerful, but because his daughter has a lot to do with Feng Qingqing, many people give him face.

Shen Zhongtian's company has long been labeled as the Feng family.

"The young man she was talking about has never met. Who is it from?"

Many people have doubts. After all, they have never seen Li Yefeng.

Li Yefeng heard Shen Yao's words and immediately looked over. He looked very calm. For the sake of the Feng family, he didn't want to quarrel with Shen Yao.

Therefore, he did not answer.

Unfortunately, he didn't say a word, but Shen Yao didn't say a word.

"What? You have nothing to say? How do you get your garbage into this party? " Shen Yao looks as if she has found out the truth. She hugs her chest and sneers.

Many young people have gathered around. They have never seen Li Yefeng.

Although Shen Yao's words are hard to hear, they actually agree with Shen Yao's opinion that the people who participate in this exchange meeting are rich or expensive. How can they allow some idle people to mix in?

Li Yefeng frowned and said faintly, "there are two barriers to enter the venue. Can you sneak in? Don't you know?"

"Tut Tut, you're right, so I'm curious. Where did you get your invitation?" Shen Yao sneered: "don't say it was sent to you by the organizer. No one will write."

What happened here has shocked many people. How could someone come in at such a high-end banquet? This means that the security of the organizer is negligent!

What if it's a ferocious gangster?

For a moment, all the people spontaneously stepped back, looked at Li Yefeng with alert eyes, and then stepped back.

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