Out of the video game city, dantai Zixian wanted to go shopping again. She went shopping in the surrounding shopping malls for a while, bought some skirts and clothes, and then bought some jewelry. For this dantai lady, money is free, and it's very comfortable and light to spend.

Has been accompanied by Dan purple Xian stroll, until six o'clock in the evening, Dan purple Xian said to go back.

"Ah, why aren't you tired? Isn't it the most tiring to go shopping with girls? I'm so tired. How can you be ok? " Dan Tai Zixian is lying in the back of the car. She asks with a sore back.

Li Yefeng on the co pilot said faintly: "I have good physical strength."

Dantai Zixian smell speech, eyes turned, physical strength is good, do what all powerful?

"What do you mean?" Li Yefeng's eyebrows are slightly raised.

"Hee hee, I don't know! By the way, where are we going? Can I go home with you? " Dan Tai Zixian asked.

"Well, we all live in the same community, so naturally you will come back with us." Lee night wind tunnel.

"That's good. I don't want to go back to the hotel, otherwise uncle Zhou won't let me come out again."

Li Yefeng took a look at the young lady and said, "you may think too much. He should not restrict you now. If you don't believe me, I'll take you back to the hotel to have a try."

"Ha ha ha, do you think I will believe you? You must think I'm annoying. You want to send me back to the hotel, let uncle Zhou take care of me and give you free time. " Dan stage purple Xian a pair of see through the sky machine of appearance, coldly smile.

Li Yefeng, your imagination is really rich.

"There's a chance to kill." Suddenly, the driving crazy Sword Fairy dignified said, Li Yefeng naturally also felt that their car was locked by several murders, look indifferent way: "speed up."

Crazy Sword Fairy stepped on the accelerator, boom, Audi A4L high-power engine instantly broke out the power of terror, after a roar, the vehicle like an arrow from the string gallop out!

However, no matter how they drove, the killing machine that locked them didn't disappear. Li Yefeng knew that he had met an expert, and then said, "drive to a sparsely populated place, you drive according to my instructions."


I can't avoid it. I can only fight. Judging from the intensity of the other side's killing, I'm afraid the man who came to kill is not weak. He must have come for Zixian.

This is in revenge for Changqing!

According to Li Yefeng's command, crazy Sword Fairy drove to the outskirts.

The killers still locked them, and because they had stopped, they were getting closer and closer. The strong sense of Qi could also be locked by Li Yefeng.

"You get out of the car, too. It's not safe." Li Yefeng said to dantai Zixian in the back row, the car has gasoline, the other party just wants to kill dantai Zixian, it doesn't need any fair means.

As long as they can kill Tantai Zixian, their goal will be achieved.

"Oh." There was no fear on her face. She had experienced too many scenes of being attacked and killed. She was numb, so she would not feel anything.

What's more, Li Yefeng, the first master of Nanjiang province who has been recognized, is here. She is very relieved.

Three people all get off, but after they get off, the periphery walked out several old figures.

"Senior, senior Li yebei, I wonder if you can make it convenient for me not to do anything while I protect Tantai Zixian? When she comes back to Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, you can kill her as you like. I have no choice

"Hello..." Dan stage purple Xian Zheng Zheng Zheng looking at Li Ye Feng, immediately some angry shout a, listen to, this say is human words? What does it mean to kill casually after returning to Jiangsu and Zhejiang? How can this man go so far!

"Li yebei, the first expert in Nanjiang Province, is in the limelight recently?" One of the old swordsman's eyes firmly fixed on Li Yefeng and said with a sneer: "I said that the old man of Changqing dantai, how dare he let his granddaughter be outside by herself without a bodyguard. It's because of you."

Li Yefeng said with a polite smile: "I'm joking. What's the first master of Nanjiang province? It's all empty. I don't want to kill you."

"As for whether Mr. Tan Tai trusted his younger generation... I don't know. I'm only entrusted by my friends to keep her, but I don't want to conflict with my elder. So, can you give me a little face?"

Li Yefeng really doesn't want to have conflicts or antagonism with many people in the lake because he protects Tantai Zixian. Although he is fearless, these people in the lake don't mean you can defeat one.

You beat and beat back one. The next time, the other party may call friends.

Are you going to kill them all?

In this way, the whole Chinese world will disappear.

"Well, boy, why don't you take the initiative to hand her over? This saves you and me trouble! "

"This is not good. As you all know, Mr. dantai is one of the seven dragons in the south. I'm active in the south. I don't want to offend this dragon. Otherwise, ten lives won't be enough to kill him, will you?"

Li Yefeng is still polite, but these old men have no patience.

They just want to kill Tantai Zixian!

"No nonsense! Today, we rarely have a chance to kill Tantai Zixian. The old man always loves her. If the little girl dies, the old man will be crazy, right Another old man's face showed a vicious expression, and his killing intention was surging without any suppression.

"Crazy Sword Fairy, give it to me!" The old man with the sword smiles coldly and looks directly at the crazy Sword Fairy.

He is the weakest sword immortal. He doesn't even have his own sword road. He may not be able to fight!

Another old man with a sword also yelled, "take me one! I've lived for decades, and I've never had a fight with Jianxian. Today, I've got my wish! "

A total of six old people, two with sword, are locked crazy Sword Fairy!

Obviously, the definition of "the weakest Sword Fairy" has gone deep into the hearts of the people in the Jianghu, which makes Li Yefeng envious. Once the crazy Sword Fairy has been successful, it can be said that he can always be forced.

Anyone who dares to belittle him will be killed by him in the next second.

This kind of playing the role of a pig and eating a tiger is really a trial and error.

On Li Yefeng's side, he has to face four people on his own. These are all senior people, and their strength is not weak. Unfortunately, they are doomed to fail today.

"You elders, I really don't want to fight with you elders..." Li Yefeng is still talking, keeping his posture low and his tone polite, hoping to let them put back the matter of attacking and killing dantai Zixian.

But these elders are not willing to... This is really too much trouble

"Well, why, senior people?"


Li Yefeng's body is like a storm. In an instant, he comes to an old man, clasps his face with one palm, and then smashes it on the ground!

The other three were all in one meal, looking at the scene in dismay!

They are very clear about each other's strength. Although they are all in the hands of Tantai Changqing, they are... Tantai Changqing!

How many are the weak people who can make dantai evergreen?

However, they were defeated by the so-called "No.1 master of Nanjiang province" face to face!

"You -" the three old men were all shocked, but Li Yefeng didn't give them the time to be shocked!

Raise your hand and blow! Shoot it! Kick it out!

Action coherence incomparable, at one go!

Bang bang!

Three old strong, are Li Yefeng's attack shock retreat!

"Master, can you withdraw?" Li Yefeng still didn't want to fight. After shaking them back, he asked politely.

"Arrogant child!" The three old people are very angry to see his gesture. They are all masters who have been in the Jianghu for many years. They can't even win a young generation together?!

If this spreads, don't let people laugh to death?!

"Do you think you are really our four rivals?" The three people's faces were very dark, and then they all turned into a series of disease shadows and went to kill Li Yefeng!

Li Yefeng's eyes are dignified. He never dares to underestimate these old masters.

Bang bang!

Including the old man who was just knocked down by Li Yefeng, he also stood up and joined the battle circle. Four people and four hands attacked Li Yefeng at the same time!

Li Yefeng's figure flashed quickly, constantly avoiding and fighting back. His fist waved wildly and smashed out, and there appeared a series of residual shadows, and the sound of bang continued to resound!

Dantai Zixian watched Li Yefeng fight with the four old people. She was not nervous. Watching Li Yefeng retreat, she hummed: "it's not as good as my grandfather. If I were my grandfather, I would have solved these people three or two times."

She didn't know that Li Yefeng's injury in the first world war with Huangfu Hongjun has not recovered.

Even if these people are her grandfather's losers, it doesn't mean they are weak!

"Crazy Sword Fairy!" Li Yefeng can't resist. The wound of his body splits again. The sharp pain constantly stimulates every cell of his body. A cold sweat exudes from his head.

Any one of these old people is better than Du dingqiong!

"He's hurt!" One of the old men saw that Li Yefeng's body was moistened with red, and his eyes suddenly burst out. He was really looking for death, and the injured body dared to resist them?!


Li Yefeng was hit in the chest and flew out! He landed on the ground, rolled several times, and snorted.


Four old people suddenly came down and killed Li Yefeng!

Li Yefeng looked up and rolled back to escape. Bang bang, the four old men's attack failed at the same time, but at the moment of failure, they chased out again!


Li Yefeng was kicked out.

"Cough --" the whole body wound, all the cracks! Blood gurgled from the wound, and Li Yefeng's face became very pale!

Dan stage purple Xian also see something wrong, she Lengleng Leng looking at Li Yefeng dyed red clothes, heart suddenly some panic fear!

"Stop it

She yelled in a hurry. The four old people all stopped. Zixian looked at them and said nervously, "didn't you come to me? I'm standing here. Don't hurt him. "

Li Yefeng's body was trembling. At the moment when the four old people were stunned, a cold light appeared in his hands!

"Death Li Yefeng a fierce drink, immediately hissed the sound of the cut sounded, four old people are the chest appeared ferocious wound! The sharp army dagger directly cut their chest!

"Damn it, little slut, how dare you cheat and distract us!" The four old men were very angry!

Li Yefeng got up in a hurry, and the four old men were all violent!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Li Yefeng raised his hand hard to resist, blood constantly spilled from his wound, his neck became extremely pale!


Suddenly, there was a thin blood mark on an old man's neck, and the blood gushed out from the blood mouth!


As soon as the old man's legs softened, he fell forward. The other three old men's faces changed slightly and suddenly fell down. They had not expected it!

Li Yefeng's eyes flashed with a flash of light, and then he gave a violent drink and made a wild fist!


The three old men all raised their hands to resist, and they all flew out upside down!

The dagger in Li Yefeng's hand suddenly threw out, puffed, penetrated one of the old men's hands, stabbed the old man's throat, and killed him on the spot!


The sword roared, and the other two old people who flew backwards all gave out a grudging roar!


Poof! Poof!

The energy of the sword is three thousand li!

The sword spirit of crazy Sword Fairy directly cut countless wounds on the two old men's bodies, and the blood gushed out!

All three old people were killed!

The crazy Sword Fairy took the sword. On his side, the two old men who used the sword were dead.

"I'm sorry, these two swordsmen are very powerful. They took some time." Crazy Sword Fairy came to Li Yefeng and helped him up.

"Go to... Hospital..." Li Yefeng is very weak. All the wounds that he sewed up all over his body split again. If he can't have a good rest, he will really become a useless man!

Crazy Sword Fairy directly carries him to walk toward the vehicle, Dan Tai Zi Xian quickly runs over and asks: "what's the matter with him?"

Crazy Sword Fairy way: "he has old wound, very heavy."

Dantai Zixian smell speech, stay in place

The body has very heavy old injury... So he still so hard to protect me?

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