In front of the building of Tang Group, because of the words of the person who claimed to be the deputy of Tang Group, the door fell into a strange silence.

Whether it's Nanku Liugui or captain mo of the Tang Group, they are completely stunned.

Nanku Liugui and others were overjoyed. They were all caught off guard by the surprise!

You know, it's incredible!

Even if there are so many of them, the Tang Group, which dominates in the south, dare not do it directly. It is necessary to give some face to the dead. Otherwise, it is hard to ensure that some old antiques will show up and trouble them.

This so-called antique refers not only to those in the Jianghu, but also to those in the business and political circles. A Tang Group has been running through China for decades. In terms of status, the Tang family can not be shaken for the time being.

No one can.

Otherwise, with their anger at Li Yefeng, where would they care about the dignity of a company?

Now, with the permission of the top management of their company, these people in the Jianghu are naturally very excited!


There is a sneer on the six faces of Nanku. It's a chance to kill Li Yefeng!

Captain Mo's face was very ugly. He looked back at deputy general manager Zhao and asked, "general manager Zhao, why? How can you allow them to be reckless in front of the company? "

"Am I vice president or are you vice president?" Zhao vice president of a dignified posture, cold eyes looking at captain Mo: "don't forget, you are just the company's security, to put it bluntly, that is, we look at the door of the Tang Group, there are lawbreakers invasion, let you out to bite."

A group of security guards smell speech, the facial expression is all slightly a change, dog?

Does Zhao Yunxiao treat them as dogs? Although they didn't feel that their professional identity as a security guard was noble, they were very upset when they were humiliated by Zhao Yunxiao.

Mo captain Leng Leng, immediately, he coldly way: "Zhao vice president, please remember what you said today."

Hearing this, Zhao Yunxiao's eyes narrowed slightly and sneered: "Captain Mo, are you threatening me? In fact, I am very puzzled. How can you, a little security team leader, have the courage to say such words to me? "

With a cold hum, Captain Mo immediately ignored Zhao Yunxiao and waved: "brothers, follow me! These people in the world want to be presumptuous in front of our company. This is absolutely not allowed. The chairman has told us personally! "



"Screw them

Zhao Yunxiao's face slightly coagulated, and he said: "Captain Mo! what are you doing? Are you going to disobey my orders? You are too presumptuous

He simply doubted whether there was something wrong with his ears. He dared to disobey the orders of his vice president. Is he not afraid to lose his job?

Captain Mo doesn't care about Zhao Yunxiao at all. With the brothers of the security group, he directly protects Li Yefeng behind him. Huangfu Xiao is a little confused. Is there any internal disharmony in the Tang Group? There was a disagreement at this time!

Li Yefeng is a calm face, he just glanced at Zhao Yunxiao, he thought, Zhao Yunxiao's attitude, is Qin Feixue mean?

No, I don't think so.

His relationship with Qin Feixue is actually quite close. After all, Qin Feixue grew up in Kyoto. After he was received to Kyoto, he often contacted Qin Feixue.

Qin Feixue is his elder sister.

Although he left the country after graduation and rarely came back, he had no contact with Qin Feixue, but he never doubted the feelings between his sister and brother.

Then, it can only be Zhao Yunxiao who has hatred for him.

It's just, how does this hate come from?

"Vice president Tang, the security guard of your company, what do you mean?" The six ghosts in Nanku and others all look at Zhao Yunxiao. The other security guards are nothing, but the captain Mo is quite troublesome.

Zhao Yunxiao's face is very ugly. As the deputy general manager, he was disobeyed by the company's security team leader in public. This is completely beating him in the face and making him the deputy general manager.

"Captain Mo! I'll give you one last chance and give me back immediately, or I'll fire all of you immediately! "

Captain Mo sniffed: "come on, you fire me. I want to see how you want to fire me! You can't fire me. You're my grandson! Bah, I can't do it. I don't have you. If you can't get rid of me, you're a wild dog. How about that? "

"Don't ask the dragon!" Zhao Yunxiao was so angry that his face became a little ferocious. He took a deep breath and immediately looked at the six ghosts in the South cave. He said in a cold voice, "don't worry about them. You are your own. If they stop you, you can do it! From now on, they are no longer the security guards of my down group! "

The six ghosts in the South Grottoes looked at each other, and immediately there was a direct explosion of terror!

"Then we are welcome! Li Yefeng, die

Captain Mo yelled: "if you want his life, have you asked me for advice? Brothers, cut him! "


All the security guards of the Tang clan swarmed up, and Mo Wenlong was fighting with the six ghosts in Nanku in an instant!

Bang bang!

The fists and feet collide wildly. Don't ask about the dragon's great strength. He even blocked the six ghosts in Nanku alone!

Although the six ghosts in Nanku were injured, it is enough to prove the strength of Mo Wenlong. As a commercial company of Tang Group, there is such a super strong man who can be recognized by countless people in the Jianghu!

"Four heroes!" Nanku Liugui and others are bleeding from the corners of their mouths. It's not easy for them to come here. On the other side of the provincial capital, they are fighting with dangjianxian and others!

In the end, although he stopped those people's steps in the provincial capital, Dang Jianxian had more power to pursue them.

In fact, all of them were injured, otherwise they would not be dragged down by Mo Wenlong.

"You're in the company!" Don't ask the dragon's fist and foot dance wildly, but form a kind of close defense between the opening and closing. The six ghosts in the South cave are hard to advance!

Huangfuxiao takes Li Yefeng to the Tang Group building, but Zhao Yunxiao moves and blocks the door, coldly saying: "Tang Group, you are not welcome, please go back!"

"Go away, I don't want to be rough!" Huangfu Xiao's eyes are cold. As long as they enter the building, these people in the Jianghu can't help it.

Zhao Yunxiao indifferent way: "our company does not welcome you, you even want to break it?"? You're not a robber? Then I'll call the police directly. "

Li Yefeng raised his head slightly. He looked at Zhao Yunxiao calmly and asked, "have we met?"

Zhao Yunxiao indifferent way: "have not seen."

"Then why did you kill me?" Li Yefeng asked.

Zhao Yunxiao frowned slightly and sneered: "I'm protecting my company and employees. Where can I put you to death? Do I have to promise and accept all kinds of dogs and cats who come to our company for protection? What has our down group become? "

"Shelter? Or a hospice? How ridiculous


Several security guards flew over, and they were covered in blood. At this time, the four heroes in Northeast China had arrived quickly!

Huangfu Xiao angrily scolded a person, and then let go of Li Yefeng, turned to deal with the Northeast four male!

Bang bang, the sound of crazy fighting came from behind. Li Yefeng still stood at the door of the company calmly and looked at Zhao Yunxiao. Immediately, he said faintly: "I understand. Since you don't let me in, I won't go in."

Zhao Yunxiao snorted softly and said calmly, "it's good to know your face. If you want to find shelter, you might as well go to the police station."

Li Yefeng slowly turned around. At this time, Huangfu Xiao was also hit so that he vomited blood. Li Yefeng said calmly, "enough, don't fight any more."

His voice was not big, but it spread clearly.

All of them stopped, and then turned to look at him. Huangfu Xiao was black and blue, and retreated to Li Yefeng's side. Today, he once again felt the gap with China's super class strong.

I really can't win a fight.

This is really too sad, but he was not discouraged, his adoptive father had said that he was too young, after the precipitation of time, one day he can have super strength.

Mo Wenlong and his brothers also retreat to Li Yefeng breathlessly.

The six ghosts in the South cave, the four heroes in the northeast, the eight owls in the Central Plains, and other experts in the river and lake stand in a row, all looking coldly at Li Yefeng!

Don't ask the dragon mouth has blood flowing down, he took a deep breath, immediately asked: "what are you doing?"

Li Yefeng took a look at him and said with a smile: "thank you for Mo's help, but this matter has nothing to do with Mo's family village. I'd better not involve Mo's family village, which can't live in seclusion."

The six ghosts in Nanku, who had just met Mo Wenlong, had their faces sunk slightly. If Mo Jiacun didn't fear this place, they would have killed Mo Wenlong directly!

"My personal behavior has nothing to do with mojiacun. Brother, don't talk nonsense. Today, no one can touch you!" Don't ask the dragon. Look at the people in the river and lake with confidence.

Li Yefeng shook his head and looked at the six ghosts and others in the South cave. Immediately, he pushed aside the crowd and stepped forward, saying, "don't you want to kill me to vent your anger? Come on."

Don't ask long and Huangfu Xiao. When they heard the speech, they changed their looks and immediately came forward. Li Yefeng raised his hand to stop them and said, "don't worry, or you will die in the next moment."

Huangfu Xiao can't stop anyone. Don't ask long. He can't beat so many experts in the world.

The six ghosts in the South Grottoes looked at each other darkly, and immediately all the murderers were blocking Li Yefeng. The boss of the six ghosts in the South Grottoes stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "hermit king, we should not kill you, but there is no way, including me, who doesn't need the flower of life and death?"

"We are not so magnanimous, there is no way, because you eat petals do not pursue, we can not get things, other people can not get, I think, you can understand us?"

Li Yefeng was dumbfounded and immediately said faintly, "it's normal to understand people's hearts."

Wen Yan, the eldest of the six ghosts in Nanku, showed a light appreciation in his eyes: "since you understand our feelings, I'm not polite. Don't worry. I'll leave your whole body. We'll set up a monument and open a tomb for you."

"Whose monument? Lao Zamao, do you believe that I'll just screw off your Tianling cover? " Just then, a voice full of anger came out of the hall of the Tang Group.

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