The second floor of the venue.

Feng Qingqing's face was a little pale, and he asked, "Dad, the owner of the Guo family... Will this be ok?"

Feng Chengwen's face was dignified, and his face was a little ugly. He said, "he just killed Han Junsheng. He won't really kill Han Junsheng in front of so many people. He can't afford the price."

Feng Qingqing nodded, but her face was still a little white. She was a good girl. She had never seen a bloody scene before. When Guo Bolu took out the standard long knife to kill Han Junsheng, she was really scared.

Feng Chengwen thinks more. He always knows that the person who wants to kill his daughter Feng Qingqing is Guo Bolu. Those assassinations are arranged by Guo Bolu, but he has no evidence. He and the Guo family are incompatible. Without evidence, he can only fight a commercial war.

Guo Po Lu is too strong. In Binshi, there is a sign that the Guo family is the most powerful. The Zhou family has always been invisible. No one knows the strength of the Zhou family, and he has some reservation. Guo Po Lu seems to despise everything, but in fact he does not have a hidden card.

The feeling that he knew who he wanted his daughter's life, but had nothing to do, made him very uncomfortable and frustrated.


Li Yefeng returned to his home in the western suburbs.

With Qin Wu in, ye Xiaoxi won't be in any danger. When he comes back, ye Xiaoxi has fallen asleep.

"She didn't sleep until she ate?" Li Yefeng asked.

"Well, the shadow wolf was sent." Qin Wu nodded.

Xu Hai, the young boss of haizhiyang Hotel, is also the dark son they secretly hide in Binshi, code named "shadow wolf", which was installed in recent years.

"The girl was very frightened. I asked owl to find her a private tutor to help her sprint in the last 20 days. Without the help of the teacher, the girl would skip some problems she couldn't figure out."

"Haha, Captain, even so, Xiaoxi is very smart. I asked someone to check. Xiaoxi's performance in other schools was excellent before, and the total score could reach 620 or above. The 985 of the last ordinary point should not be too difficult."

"Since she wants to study so much, I certainly hope that she will go to a higher school. In the last 20 days, there are too many students left behind. It's impossible for Qingbei. It's also difficult for Mingzhu city. Let's see if she can go to the top ten 985." Li Yefeng said with a dumb smile, how did he worry about it?

Li Yefeng also ate something. At the exchange meeting, he actually came back without eating anything.

Before going to bed, "shadow wolf" Xu Hai called him.

After hanging up, Li Yefeng frowned, Qin Wu quickly asked: "what's the matter, captain?"

"The owl was slashed by Guo Po Lu and shed a lot of blood. Although it was not dead, it had to lie down for a while."

"I'll go and tear him up now!" Qin Wu was stunned when he heard the speech, and then he got angry. What is Guo Bolu? Dare to cut down their secret mobile team members!

"If you want him to die faster, you go." Li Yefeng light said, they secretly maneuvered in the Bin City, the death of the people are still few? Obviously, some people are deliberately targeting them for covert maneuvers, and they don't want them to set up a stable branch in Binshi.

Qin Wu at this time in the past, it is difficult to avoid monitoring in places like hospitals, which only makes owls more dangerous.

Qin Wudang was withered. After sitting down, he said depressed: "that owl has been stabbed so white?"

"Of course not." Li Yefeng said with a faint smile: "Guo Po Lu wants to kill me."

Qin Wu suddenly widened his eyes and said, "is he crazy..."

What are you doing here? Kill the captain? God, America's most elite special forces dare not say that. Who gave him courage? Nitrogen? Why else is he expanding so much?

"There are plenty of opportunities for revenge." Li Yefeng does not neglect Guo Bolu. On the contrary, he devotes 100% of his attention to any enemy. Even if he is facing an ant, he will never relax his vigilance.

Guo Po Lu probably won't do it by himself. He is also the master of his family. How can he pursue and kill a person who wants to kill himself?

As Li Yefeng guessed.

When Guo Po Lu saw the injuries of Guo Er ye and Guo Zihao, he wanted to kill them. But he didn't mean to do it himself. Without him, he was the "King" of the Guo family?

"Big... Big brother..." Guo Erye has woken up. There is a strong sense of guilt in his eyes. He feels that he is very shameful. In front of so many people, he was killed by a young man. The reputation of "blood knife" Guo Erye is disgraced tonight!

What's more, he lost his face with the Guo family!

Guo Po Lu's Indifference: "don't worry, you are not to blame for today's affairs. I will cut off the head of the man named Li yebei and hang it on the gate of my Guo family."

"Dad..." one side of Guo Ziwei also a face of injury, his eyes filled with resentment.

"Have a good rest. Don't worry about other things!" Guo Po Lu said, turned and left the room, dialed a number.

"I, Guo Bolu."

"Master Lu." A very respectful voice came from the other end.

"There is a young man named Li yebei in Xiaolu Lane in the western suburb. I want to see his head at noon tomorrow at the latest."

"I understand."

Guo Po Lu explained two more words, and then hung up.

Guo Po Lu's face was cold, and his eyes were full of the meaning of killing. He said softly, "Li yebei? Even if Han Junsheng protects you, you will die! "


Dongcheng District, in a nightclub.

"Brother Sheng, what's the matter?"

"Go ahead and go to the west suburb at 7:30 tomorrow morning." A middle-aged man with a burn mark on his neck said to one of his men.

"Well, how many brothers?"

The middle-aged man, who was called Shengge, pondered for a moment and then said, "ten cars."

There are at least 12 people in a car, 15 people in excess, and 10 cars. That means at least 120 people.

That hand Leng for a while, then some hesitant way: "elder brother, we call so many people, want to talk with Wang Meng of Xicheng District..."

"If it's not him, I'll say hello to Wang Meng. Just tell him to go down."‘ Brother Sheng said indifferently.


This middle-aged man, known as "brother Sheng", is Fu Yunsheng, who is as famous as Wang Meng. Fu Laosan is his younger brother. He had planned to go to Xicheng District to clean up the people who hurt his younger brother.

Unexpectedly, Guo Po Lu called him and asked him to clean up a person, who happened to be the same person who hurt his brother.

"Li yebei... Where are you from? Even if you offend me, how dare you offend Master Lu? I'm tired of it. "

Cold ridicule, and then he picked up the phone, dial out the number of Wang Meng.

Xicheng District.

Wang menggang just hung up Fu Yunsheng's phone, and Yan Fengwen's face was very dignified.

"Big brother, the western suburb is a deserted old city. Few people live there. Li yebei and ye Xiaoxi live there. Do you think they are looking for them?"

Wang Meng took a hard breath of the cigarette, his eyes narrowed slightly: "nine times out of ten... More than 100 people, is Fu Yunsheng crazy? So many people just want to deal with Li yebei? "

"Then we..." Yan Fengwen hesitated and asked tentatively.

"Send someone over to remind Li yebei that if he listens, he will listen. If he doesn't listen, it doesn't have much to do with us anyway."

Although Wang Meng had a hot head before and believed Li Yefeng's sentence, "I want you to be the only king of Binshi underground world", now when he calms down, he feels a little funny.

Even if Li Yefeng is rich, why should he say such a thing?

Money, the Feng family, the Guo family and the Zhou family have no money? But even so, they dare not say that.

What's more, in his opinion, even if Li Yefeng is rich, he probably comes from outside the city. He can't manage them at all.

Fortunately, he didn't care too much. Anyway, he did a little help.

Xijiao, Li Yefeng's home.

A white totem stopped downstairs. Yan Fengwen came on behalf of Wang Meng. He called on the door to remind him!

Qin Wu opened the door. Of course, he met Yan Fengwen, so he was a little strange about his visit.

"Mr. Li, brother Meng just got the news that Fu Yunsheng from Dongcheng District has assembled a group of people to come to deal with you at seven tomorrow."

Li Yefeng thought about it and said with a smile, "Fu Yunsheng is Guo Paolu's man?"

Yan Fengwen a listen to, in the heart some surprised, it seems that did not expect Li Yefeng will know this matter.

"Yes, the supporter behind Fu Yunsheng is Guo Bolu, the leader of the Guo family. So, mengge specially asked me to remind you to run away now, because Fu Yunsheng has brought more than 100 people, all of them are excellent soldiers."

Qin Wu in the back turned his lips. Are there more than 100 people? I've played with the captain for two or three hundred people!

"I see. Thank Wang Meng for me." Li Yefeng nodded. Seeing that he didn't seem to care much, Yan Fengwen was speechless. However, he still kept a smile on his face and said, "then I'll leave. Mr. Li, I'd like to remind you at last that you should not worry about firewood. Don't take your own life for a moment's sake."

"I think it was in the ocean hotel that you beat Fu Laosan. The sequelae broke out. Fu Yunsheng was determined to kill you. There were many of them, so it was no shame to run away."

"I understand." Li Yefeng nodded with a smile.

Yan Fengwen didn't want to say any more. He talked about it. Li Yefeng still didn't take it seriously. In his opinion, this is his own death. Do you think that more than 100 people are Chinese cabbage?

Arrogance, ignorance.

After Yan Fengwen left, Qin Wu said excitedly: "Captain! Is there a chance for me to perform this time? "

Li Yefeng leaned back on his chair and said with a faint smile, "wake up Xiaoxi at six o'clock. You can take Xiaoxi to the underground parking lot of longpeng group and wait until I tell you to come back."

Qin Wu's face broke down when he heard the speech. He said plaintively, "Captain, don't do it. I haven't done it for a long time since I returned home. If it goes on like this, I'm going to rust! You see, I can't swing my arm now! "

"I can't get rid of it. I'll help you clear it."

"Well... I suddenly felt as if my arm could be thrown away."

After Yan Fengwen went back, Wang Meng was playing billiards alone and asked, "what's his reaction?"

"Wait to die." Yan Fengwen shrugged, his face was speechless, and said: "I said it was very serious. He didn't care. It seemed that he was going to deal with more than 100 people of Fu Yunsheng with Qin Wu, but he didn't mean to escape at all."

Wang Meng frowned: "is there any movement outside the city?"


Wang banged into a ball, then said faintly: "am I wrong? In fact, he's just rich, not powerful? "

Yan Fengwen frowned and said: "I feel that he is very arrogant, and he doesn't ask us for help, as if he can block it."

"Tomorrow I will know how he will stop Fu Yunsheng's army of 100 people." Wang Meng scored the last ball, then threw the club, then sneered: "when you went to the western suburbs, I received a message that Li yebei offended Guo Bolu."

Yan Fengwen's pupils suddenly shrunk, and his expression was shocked: "Guo Baolu, the leader of the Guo family?"

"Well, about Lishui villa tonight, Li yebei injured Guo Ziwei and Guo Erye. Do you think he can live?"

"Hiss -" Yan Fengwen took a cold breath: "is this boy crazy?"

Wang Meng gave a cold smile, with a kind of angry color in his eyes: "I shouldn't have been impulsive before. Even if he has a big background outside the city, he can only lie down in Binshi! Now that he has offended Guo Po Lu, we helped him find Ye Xiaoxi together before. Guo Po Lu may regard him as related to him! "

"Damn it, Li yebei, this bastard, killed me!" Wang Meng angrily scolded: "Fu Yunsheng's action should be the order of Guo Bolu!"

Yan Fengwen's face was also very ugly, and his expression was extremely embarrassing. Who in Binshi didn't know that the Feng family, the Guo family and the Zhou family could not offend? Especially Guo family, it's unreasonable to be crazy!

"Elder brother, shall we go to Guo Po Lu to show our attitude first?" Yan Fengwen is worried. Li yebei is dead. He and others can't be mistakenly judged as Li yebei's friends by Guo Ye.

"Nonsense, hurry up, now go to find Mr. Guo! At least we have to get rid of Li yebei! " Wang Meng went out with an unhappy face. He is very angry now.

Wang Meng and Yan Fengwen drive to Guo's home. On the way, Wang Meng gets more and more upset.

"Damn it, Li yebei, you'd better be chopped to death! Grass


West suburb, early morning, six o'clock.

Ye Xiaoxi woke up at half past five. Li Yefeng simply said something about the situation, but he didn't resist. He just worried and asked, "what about you? Won't you hide with us? "

Li Yefeng laughed and said, "you don't have to worry about me. I have my own way."

Ye Xiaoxi nodded and obediently left with Qin Wu.

Li Yefeng looked at it, and then he drove into the city.

All the way to the East, to Fu Yunsheng's site in the East District!

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