A dozen vans stopped at the gate of Yuntian liquor Pavilion.

The co driver of the first car got up and down. A middle-aged man was furious. He rushed into Yuntian wine Pavilion in a hurry. When he saw the mess inside and the taste of wine floating in the air, he stood still.

Behind him, the following men saw the mess, so scared that they didn't dare to breathe. Something happened, something happened!

Fu Yunsheng walked inside and went straight upstairs. When he saw that the wine cabinet on the second floor of the special guest district was also on the ground, and the precious and famous wine was dripping on the ground, his body was shaking with anger.

"Ah, ah, ah!!! Grass Mud Horse

Fu Yunsheng kicked off the broken wood, and his face became extremely ferocious. He yelled: "who did it, who did it!"

A man in his thirties was followed by several people, each with a pale and seriously injured brother.


These people were thrown on the ground, they are crying, kneeling in front of Fu Yunsheng.

"Brother Sheng! Brother Sheng! Li yebei forced us. He forced us, brother Sheng! "

"Brother Sheng, spare us, we are really forced, brother Sheng!"


Several people were begging for mercy. Fu Yunsheng suddenly turned around and looked at them. His eyes were full of killing intention. When he looked at the crying people, his voice was shaking: "do you know how much money I lost? You know what? "

"If he forces you, you dare to smash Laozi's things?! I'm a grass mud horse. He forced you to go to the palace. Will you do the same? How much effort has it taken me to get the reputation of Yuntian liquor Pavilion out? Do you want me to let you go? "

"What are you? Your lives are not enough for Laozi's loss! "

Fu Yunsheng roared wildly, then stepped forward and kicked the person in front of him, then waved his big hand and said angrily: "give them to me!"

"Brother Sheng!"

"No, brother Sheng!"

"We're really forced to do it!"


There were bleak cries in the corridor.

The 30-year-old man stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "brother Sheng, what's next?"

Fu Yunsheng took a few deep breaths, looked at the glass fragments all over the ground, and asked about the aroma of wine in the air. His heart was dripping blood, his fist was white, his anger was nowhere to vent, and he roared: "look! Dig three feet to find out Li yebei for me, I want his dog's life

Early this morning, he lost tens of millions. How can he bear this tone?

This is still a loss that can be seen and counted at present. In fact, before the reopening of Yuntian liquor Pavilion, profits were lost every day.

His loss, even more than 100 million!

At this time, where is Li Yefeng?

He had staggered the time and returned to his home in the western suburbs.

When he saw the mess of his home, he couldn't help but smile. Sure enough, Fu Yunsheng smashed his home.

Fortunately, the more precious things were taken away by Ye Xiaoxi. For him, these furniture were not the most precious. The small objects related to his parents and sister were the priceless treasures in his heart.

"It seems that we can only let people clean it. Many things in our house are aging. It's really time to change..."

Immediately, he went to yexiaoxi's home opposite the door, which was also a mess. Some textbooks of yexiaoxi didn't seem to have anything to do, only some of them were torn. These textbooks are probably very important to yexiaoxi.


All of a sudden, Li Yefeng saw something under the torn sheets. He went over and pulled out the covering cloth. Then he saw an ID card.

This is Ye Xiaoxi's ID card.

"Nanbin people?" Li Yefeng always thought Ye Xiaoxi was from Binshi, but he didn't expect that his native place was from Binshi in Nancheng.

Suddenly, he frowned slightly. Nanbin city is the provincial capital, which is much more developed than Binshi city. However, ye Xiaoxi's student status seems to fall into the second middle school.

With Ye Xiaoxi's ID card, Li Yefeng turns to leave.


The Li family.

"You son of a bitch, who made you boast?" Li Jingzhong, the owner of the Li family, was furious and slapped Li Zefeng in the face.

Li Zefeng covered his painful face and said in a trembling voice: "Dad, I know I'm wrong. I really know I'm wrong..."

"What's the use of knowing you're wrong? Do you know how humiliating your third uncle was last night? Do you know how many people laugh at our Li family behind their back? " Li Jing was so angry that he wanted to explode. This son didn't let himself worry for a day. How unreasonable!

Li Zefeng didn't expect that this matter was finally revealed, which made him very embarrassed. His resentment against Li Yefeng was also stronger and stronger. He wanted to know that there were so many things that didn't happen to him?!

"Well, brother, calm down. Zefeng has learned a lesson. He won't make the same mistake in the future, will he?" Li Zexian sighed a little, but he still stopped. In fact, it was not so serious. There was no need to be too angry.

"The face of the Li family has been completely defeated by this boy! He also gave Professor Luo the six sons of Xi Fei. What's his surname Luo? Are you qualified to have the six sons of Xifei Li Jing was so angry that he couldn't breathe and didn't want to fight any more. He sat down and drank a drink.

"Dad, I know it's wrong, but if it wasn't for Li yebei..."

"That's your own death!" Li Jingzhong almost smashed the teacup in his hand and glared at the useless son angrily.

"Brother, this Li yebei is not really a thing, but he offended the Guo family. I'm afraid it's going to be cold."

Li Jingzhong frowned and said, "let's not meddle in the Guo family's affairs. It's said that a big man from the provincial capital will come to Binshi these two days."

Li Zexian was surprised: "what's the big deal? Does it have anything to do with the Li family?"

"It doesn't matter, but it's Ye."

Li Zexian, pupil constriction, leaf? From the provincial capital of Nanbin City, and let big brother so afraid, that is naturally

Thinking of this, Li Zexian's heart is trembling slightly!

Li Zefeng looked at the floor with his head down. His face was very twisted. Li yebei, Li yebei! I will kill you!


Li Yefeng came to the underground parking lot of longpeng group.

Join Ye Xiaoxi and Qin Wu.

"Captain, it's settled?" Qin Wu asked suspiciously.

"Not yet." Li Yefeng shook his head and handed his ID card to Ye Xiaoxi.

Ye Xiaoxi was stunned, put his ID card into his pocket silently, and then whispered, "thank you."

Li Yefeng is a little surprised. Ye Xiaoxi's tone doesn't seem to be very happy. His ID card is very important. If he doesn't lose it, shouldn't he be very happy?

However, he did not ask, after all, is a personal matter of Ye Xiaoxi.

"Captain, where are we going now?"

"Waterfront city which villa area environment is good, turn around you let people ask." Li Yefeng said.

Qin Wu Leng Leng, and then nodded: "Oh, good."

Captain, is that an inspiration? Don't live in the western suburbs, want to buy a villa? That's not easy.

"Director Niu, please give us another chance. I'll kneel down for you. Director Niu, you have a large number of adults. Please..."

"Baba! leave me along! You're sick, aren't you? I tell you, it's not settled! You are going to eat dirt

"Director Niu, it's not easy for us to do business..."

"Go away! Eight old women, block me again, don't blame me not polite! "

The voice of quarrel suddenly came from the elevator entrance. Li Yefeng frowned slightly. How could a woman's voice be so like Aunt Zhang?

"Captain, it's a bit like Aunt Zhang's voice!" Qin Wu also heard it. Ye Xiaoxi nodded and said, "it's Aunt Zhang's voice."

Li Yefeng frowned and said, "Qin Wu, go and have a look."

"Come on Qin Wu's eyes brightened. Damn, it seems that Aunt Zhang is quarreling with someone? Madder, I can do it at last!

Qin Wu took the lead to walk in the past. Sure enough, the elevator entrance entered the aisle of the parking lot, and Aunt Zhang, the landlord, was pushing back and forth with a middle-aged man.

"Dead 38, you stop me again, I will do it!" The middle-aged man looked impatient, and then raised his hand to fight Aunt Zhang. How could Qin Wu bear it?

"Stop it He gave a roar, then dashed over and kicked.

Bang, the middle-aged man flew out and hit the wall.

"Oh... Cough cough..." Director Niu lay on the ground and coughed constantly.

"Auntie Zhang, are you ok?" Qin Wu asked with a smile.

"Xiao Qin... Why are you here?"

"Hey, hey, by the way, by the way." Qin Wu has a smile on his face.

"Aunt Zhang." Li Yefeng and ye Xiaoxi also came at this time.

"Xiaofeng Creek, you..."

"Auntie Zhang, what's the matter?" Li Yefeng asked with a smile. Aunt Zhang has left her house for decades. After she came back, she also gave her rent back. How can she not remember her kindness?

Aunt Zhang smelled the speech, looked flustered and said, "it's OK, it's OK, you go quickly..."

Qin Wu beat Niu!

"No one wants to leave!" Director Niu, who was kicked out by Qin Wu, gave a roar, then stood up against the wall. He looked very gloomy and said in a cold voice: "you dare to be beaten, don't you? I tell you, the company less than your man is over, and so is your daughter! "

Aunt Zhang turned white and cried: "Director Niu, please let us live, please..."

With that, Aunt Zhang bent her legs and prepared to kneel down for Director Niu.

Director Niu sniffed and sneered: "dream! Even if you send your daughter to my bed, you can't turn the whole thing over. How dare you call someone to beat me? I can't let you hang out in Binshi! "

When Li Yefeng heard the words, his eyes flashed with a chill. He stopped Aunt Zhang who was about to kneel down. Then he said in a cold voice: "Qin Wu, fight! He didn't even know his mother! "

Qin Wu face a joy, happy way: "yes!"

Ha ha ha, Director Niu, dad is here!!

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