A billiard room in Xicheng District.

"Li yebei was not killed by a random knife?" Wang Meng looked at Yan Fengwen in amazement, and his heart was shocked.

"No..." Yan Fengwen was also very shocked. At this time, his heart was very complicated. They had always thought that Li Yefeng would be killed directly by Fu Yunsheng's hundred people.

But now

"What's the matter? Fu Yunsheng has so many people. How can he not take that Li yebei? Is there any movement outside the city? "

"No..." Yan Fengwen said bitterly: "this is the most strange place for me. There is no force outside the city to protect Li Yefeng, but Li Yefeng is not only OK... I heard from his subordinates that it was Fu Yunsheng's most important venue, Yuntian wine Pavilion, that was smashed to pieces..."

Wang Meng is confused. Rao is the character of his rank. He is also a bit silly at the moment. Yuntian wine pavilion? For Fu Yunsheng, that's the flesh of his heart, which is equivalent to his gambling house.

Smashing the wine Pavilion is no different from asking for the things in his crotch. At this time, Fu Yunsheng must have the heart to unload Li Yeda's eight yuan?

Wang Meng's face suddenly became very ugly. He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "ah Wen, I'm afraid we've lost sight..."

Yan Fengwen's face is also not good-looking. Before Fu Yunsheng attacked Li Yefeng, they didn't even have the interest to lend a helping hand. After all, for an unimportant Li Yefeng to fight Fu Yunsheng, it's not worth the loss.

But at the moment... Their faces have been swollen.

Li Yefeng is OK, but Fu Yunsheng lost hundreds of millions!

In order to build Yuntian wine Pavilion, Fu Yunsheng spent several years and was destroyed overnight. You can imagine how angry Fu Yunsheng was.

"Where is Li yebei now?" Wang Meng asked.

"I don't know. Li yebei and ye Xiaoxi's homes in the western suburbs were smashed. It seems that Li yebei smashed them alone in Yuntian liquor Pavilion."

"He? Alone? " Wang Meng's pupils contract violently. What courage is it? Even he didn't have the courage to enter Fu Yunsheng's territory in the east of the city alone, let alone enter the wine shop alone.

Yan Fengwen nodded, Wang Meng was silent for a long time, slowly said: "find someone to check the location of Li yebei, pay close attention to his movements."

"Do we want to be nice..."

"No, for now, I can't see anything worthy of investment in Li yebei. He has offended Guo family, Feng family and Fu Yunsheng. We can't join them rashly."

Wang Meng took a deep breath, and his eyes were very deep: "moreover, we have to wait. Li yebei has offended so many people. When he can't carry it, he will appreciate us if he needs our help. Now... It's not the time."


Li Yefeng came to the number called by Aunt Zhang's daughter, and the last location was on the North Ring Road. There was a car accident here, and the person had been sent to the hospital.

"Captain..." Qin Wu felt the strong murderous spirit from the captain.

"You go to find the cow, and I'll go to the hospital."

"Yes Qin Wu was ordered to turn around and take action, while Li Yefeng asked people to find out which hospital to go to.

In the hospital, Aunt Zhang and her husband Tang Gutong are undergoing treatment. Li Yefeng finds a nurse and asks, "Hello, can you tell me how the two patients are?"

"The skin label was injured, the head was strongly impacted, but there was no bleeding, arm and thigh fractures, and it would be OK after a short rest." Sliding, the nurse looked at him suspiciously and asked, "who are you from?"

"I'm their junior. I've received a lot of care from them before."

The nurse nodded, and then said: "there is a policeman to deal with their accident, and then the hospital expenses are paid by that policeman."

Li Yefeng looks at the policeman who is calling from the window at the end of the corridor, thanks the nurse and walks over.

"I'm really desperate for money! Isn't it that the family of the injured can't be contacted? I can't watch the hospital ignore them! Why do I lie to you about life and death? " Police seem to be talking to his wife on the phone, the tone is very anxious.

"It's not much. It's seven or eight thousand first. No money? Isn't my monthly salary in the card? How can there be no money? For mom and dad? You gave it all? Nothing left? A thousand more? "

The middle-aged man suddenly said nothing. Li Yefeng saw that his hand holding the mobile phone was white at the moment.

"This elder brother..." Li Yefeng had to say something. The middle-aged policeman suddenly turned around and looked normal. He asked, "Hello, what's the matter?"

"I'm the younger generation of the couple you sent me. My name is Li yebei."

The middle-aged policeman was relieved and said, "Hello, Mr. Li, about their situation..."

He said it briefly, and Li Yefeng understood it, but after listening, he asked, "is there anyone else at the scene? Only the couple? "

"According to the scene investigation, there should have been four people in the car at that time, but we only found two of them at the scene, but the traffic police have gone to the intersection monitoring, so we should find something soon."

Li Yefeng nodded, and then gave him the medical expenses he paid in advance. Because of his special status, he did not dare to give even one more point.

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll leave first. If there's any follow-up, I or the traffic police in charge of the accident will contact you."

"Well, thank you."

Not long after the other party left, Qin Wu also called and said in a deep voice: "Captain, I didn't find the one named Niu, but I was transferred to the accident monitoring. It was a van that took Aunt Zhang's two daughters away, and the car went to the east of the city."

East of the city?

Li Yefeng looks cold, east of the city, is Fu Yunsheng's territory.

"I'll go to you, and then I'll go to the east of the city to save people and say something else."


East of the city, the basement of an old building.

The van that captured Aunt Zhang's two daughters was thrown into the basement. With a bang, the light turned on, and the two girls were held together in horror.

"Wu Wu Wu... Elder sister, I'm afraid of... Wu Wu..." Tang Dongxue, who is as old as ye Xiaoxi, holds her elder sister Tang Qiushui tightly, and her body is shaking slightly.

Tang Dongxue's body trembles. She looks at several men with strange faces. Her heart is cold and desperate. But her sister is here. She dare not cry. She must protect her sister.

Several men ignored them, turned away and closed the door.

About half an hour later, the basement door was opened.

"Damn it, bitch!" Before Tang Qiushui could see it clearly, he was pulled by his hair and pressed on the ground, then hit his head with one punch at a time.

"What the hell is that?"

"I was beaten! And fire me! That's a fuckin 'thing. You think it's over, don't you? Do you think Laozi is rare in the position of director of longpeng group? Grass

"Sister! Sister Tang Dongxue looks at the man who beat her sister in horror, and then pours on him to keep the man's arm.


The man let out a scream, and then roared: "little bitch, let me go!"

Bang bang!

Director Niu punches one after another, all hitting Tang Dongxue on the head.

"No... don't hit my sister..." Tang Qiushui cried feebly, then also threw forward, hugged Director Niu's thigh and bit it down.

"Ah! Do you two sisters belong to dogs? "

Director Niu was in great pain. He yelled at the door: "can't you hear me! Come in and help


Li Yefeng entered the east of the city. Of course, Fu Yunsheng couldn't find him for a while.

They came to an old building, Qin Wu said: "this is it, captain. The signal source is underground."

Li Yefeng got out of the car and went directly into the building. He heard a sound in the building.

"Break the door."

Qin Wu stepped forward and kicked open the door of the room on the right side of the first floor. With a bang, the wooden door was kicked away. They came in and saw the stairway leading to the basement.

Inside came the screams of two girls.

The two entered one after the other, and then ran into two young ruffians.

Qin Wu came forward in a flash, knocked them down with two fists, and then went to a basement inside. The basement was quite big, so it was not supposed to be used for doing good.

"Don't... Don't touch my sister... You touch me... I'm more mature than her..."

"Wuwuwuwu... Sister! Sister! Oh, woo woo woo! No, no

"Only the cow." Li Yefeng's anger is endless. He says it coldly. Then Qin Wu rushes in with a whoosh.

"Grass Mud Horse, who!"



Bang bang!

"Don't kill me!"

Several voices rang out, and then Li Yefeng went in. Tang Qiushui held his ragged sister and covered her body with his body. Li Yefeng's eyes deflected and fell on Director Niu who was subdued by Qin Wu.

Director Niu was pressed on the ground by Qin Wu. He looked up at Li Yefeng, his pupils narrowed, and said angrily, "boy, it's you! How dare you hurt me? "

"Why not?" Li Yefeng takes off his clothes and hands them to Tang Qiushui, who takes them in a daze and then puts them on to Tang Dongxue, who is not fully dressed.

"I was expelled by long Peng. Did you do a good job?" Director Niu said with a look of resentment.

Li Yefeng nodded: "yes, I asked the senior management of longpeng to do it."

"It's you son of a bitch!" Director Niu was extremely resentful and sneered: "you're finished, boy!"

"How to finish it? Tell me about it. " Li Yefeng pulled a corpse over, sat on it, and then asked indifferently.

"I'm from the Zhao family! Ha ha, forget it, I guess you don't know what the Zhao family is! How about meeting the senior management of longpeng group? Longpeng group is a fart in the eyes of Zhao family in Binshi! "

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