Han Donghuang's silence is the best response to Li Yefeng.

It's impossible to forgive. Of course, it seems impossible to kill Luo simply.

There are enmities and enmities.

How can he pick it up and put it down easily?

He is not open-minded, the Revenge of killing his mother, he really can't be open-minded!

"Since I can't forgive you, I can only ask you to die." A desolate voice rings out. Li Yefeng's pupil shrinks violently. In a moment, he turns abruptly, and his momentum bursts out uncontrollably. In the field of extreme Tao, he covers in an instant!

"Why?" The bleak voice seemed to ask itself, or Li Yefeng. For a moment, the general situation of terror was like the collapse of the sky, as if with endless thunder, crashing down on Li Yefeng's field.


Li Yefeng's realm of extreme Tao was shattered in an instant. Then, a deadly terror enveloped Li Yefeng, making him unable to move at all.

It's like countless tentacles sprang out of the ground and bound his limbs and trunk.

An old figure appeared 15 meters away. Han Donghuang looked painfully and begged: "Mr. Wang, please give me a little more time. I can persuade the captain!"

"Han Donghuang, in fact, you know better than anyone that the hermit king can't convince you." The old man did not waver because of Han Donghuang's appeal. His deep pupils were filled with heartless color.

As long as a move, he can kill Li Yefeng. What kind of existence is this?

This is an existence that has disappeared in history, but now it appears again. No wonder there are two supreme lords under Mr. da. They are unknown to outsiders. The supreme lords in the river and lake can be counted.

However, in the long-term investigation, no one has found any unusual whereabouts of the supreme.

No one knows that the two Supreme People under Mr. Da had already died more than 20 years ago.

The dead man is standing in front of him today.

The information provided by Luo Xiangling just now, he has already thought of this person, but it is hard to believe. But if you think about Luo Xiangling's Tongtian energy, it may not be impossible.

"What a good seedling, but it's limited to the hatred of a small family. It's too wasteful to have such talent and strength and not to do business." The old man walked to Li Yefeng. Han Donghuang's face changed and he kowtowed.

"Mr. Wang, give me a little more time. What the team leader can figure out is that he doesn't slow down for a while. When he does, everything will be ok..."

"Han Donghuang, don't forget, what's the ambition of Mr. Da? Do you know how difficult that place is now? They are all ready to take part in the war. Don't you understand? "

"The captain just doesn't know the truth. I believe that if he knows everything, he will support Mr. Da!"

Wang Lao Wen Yan is extremely disdainful sneer: "Han Donghuang, you are too naive, you think, we have never believed in this river and lake? Have you ever believed in these so-called youths? "

"In the old days, with the help of the" five heroes order ", the song of Chu called the world's heroes to fight in that place, but what happened? Do you know how many people were killed in vain by that war? "

Han Donghuang's mouth trembles: "I..."

"Dare you say that today the hermit king has promised us that tomorrow he will not betray us? Is he really going to do his best to help us resist those horrors? If we do it again, all of us will be finished

Wang Lao's tone was sonorous. There was no doubt and no one knew the cruelty of that place better than him.

Why choose the strongest young people in the north and the south?

Why do we have to rank ten?

In order to deal with the possible situation in the future, ten people, one is handsome and nine are generals.

If we can't be absolutely intimidated by force, how can we command the whole staff?

Li Yefeng is still bound by Wang Lao's field. He knows this feeling very well!

The realm of kingcraft!

Very similar to my father's field!

Of course, father is not as powerful as father. After all, father is the domain strength of half step emperor.

Han Donghuang trembles. He looks at Li Yefeng reluctantly. Before, this was his team leader. Now, this is also his team leader.

After that, it is still.

He can't watch Li Yefeng die.

"Mr. Wang!"

Han Donghuang's mournful roar, Dong! Dong! Dong!

One by one, he banged his head and knocked heavily at Mr. Wang.

"Let the captain go. Please spare his life."

"Mr. Da's order is to kill. Han Donghuang, do you know what you are talking about and doing now?"

Han Donghuang wailed and trembled: "please, master! He's my captain, my brother

"Shut up "Don't think Mr. Wang and I don't know. You deliberately designed to lead the hermit king to Yangcheng in order to let the hermit king find out the identity of Mr. Wang. I haven't settled this with you yet. You dare to plead for him with arrogance!"

"Do you think you can do whatever you want if Luo uses you as an important person?"?! After the death of the hermit king, you have to give an account of the fact that you brought the hermit king to Yangcheng! At that time, even if you're dead, I'm not sorry! "

Mr. Wang said that the terrible killing broke out completely, and Han Donghuang's body trembled violently!

Pull the spear!

Body shape a quiver, block in front of Li Yefeng body!

"Master!" Han Donghuang red eyes, a roar, rather than die.

"I'll die for the captain! I am willing to accept all the punishment of Luo Lao! Just let the captain go

"Traitor! It's a waste of Mr. Fei to reuse you like that! " Wang Laosheng is very angry. He is very satisfied with this disciple! Whether it's character or talent, it's the best choice.

Even without the help of the flower of life and death, this disciple will have a bright future under his guidance. It's only a matter of time before he can become king.

Once you enter the "King's realm", you will be the real overlord. You can go to that city, contribute your own strength, and be the commander of one side!

In this way, he will feel honored after a hundred years!

But today, he was so disappointed!

Last night, he wanted to understand that Han Donghuang intentionally led Li Yefeng to Yangcheng, not to mention Mr. da?

I'm afraid he thought of this earlier.

He doesn't know how to keep this disciple now.

Now he has done such a wicked thing. How can he explain it to Mr. Da?

"Han... Dong... Huang..." Li Yefeng is under terrible pressure at the moment, just like the gravity of the earth has increased several times, his lips and teeth are difficult to open.

He cried hard, with a complicated look!

What Wang xuance said shocked him. Han Donghuang, what is this? Undercover? False surrender?

He didn't know.

But he was sure that what he had said to Han Donghuang in Mingzhu city was not in vain.

This bastard, how much does one bear?

The name of betrayal, he said nothing on his back.

Almost killed, he did not say he was pretending to join.

He is still the Han Donghuang who stands under the banner and takes an oath, or the Han team leader who is iron!

Even in the face of death at the moment, he had no fear, only the joy of learning Han Donghuang's mind.

Han Donghuang's body trembled slightly, which strengthened his inner choice.


Behind, there are footsteps.

The king of swords, the head of ten fierce generals.

Forced by the sword power, the sword emperor looked up at the old man coldly and said, "don't you want to start?"

"I'm working. When is it your turn to talk about three things and four things?" Wang looked at Li Yefeng and the sword emperor behind Han Donghuang, but his tone was not good.

"If you are not willing to kill your beloved, I can do it for you." Sword emperor light way.

Mr. Wang heard the words, his pupils flashed a sharp meaning, and immediately, the field of terror shrouded the sword emperor: "you, have a try again?"

The sword emperor snorted, stepped back a little, and looked at Wang: "do you want to betray Mr. Wang, too?"

Wang cold hum a, cold way: "I will not betray him, but, I do things, do not need you a small role to comment."

After that, he looked at Han Donghuang and said, "I'm very disappointed with you as a teacher."

"Master..." Han Donghuang called softly in a trembling voice.

"I'll kill the hermit King first, and then I'll deal with you son of a bitch!"

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