When Luo Jinmin left, the other soldiers naturally withdrew. Even Luo Jinmin didn't say anything to Chen Fusheng, let alone others. The reason why Li Tiannan didn't fight hard anymore is that he knew very well that if he really wanted to kill Luo Jinmin, their father and son would die here.

"Han Donghuang, you stay." Chen Fusheng takes a look at Han Donghuang, who is following Luo Jinmin. Luo Jinmin takes a physical meal. He immediately looks back at Chen Fusheng coldly and says, "Han Donghuang is my man. What do you want to do with him?"

"He's a man of stealth." Chen Fusheng said faintly.

"He's out of stealth, and I've approved it." Luo Jinmin is a little angry. If it wasn't for Chen Fusheng's special status, where does he need to be so tolerant?

"Well, I'll put it another way. He's from Yanxia." Chen Fusheng opened his mouth, and his words were sonorous and powerful.

Luo Jinmin's face was so dark that he walked away angrily and scolded, "Donghuang, you stay."

Immediately, he left with the sword emperor. As for Wang xuance, someone went to carry him away. After they all left, Chen Fusheng said with a smile, "thank you for giving me thin noodles."

If Li Tiannan insists on killing Luo Jinmin, he really doesn't know how to deal with the scene. Fortunately, in Li Tiannan's mind, his son is still very important.

Li Tiannan looks cold and doesn't answer. He can die, but Li Yefeng can't.

Chen Fusheng doesn't care about his attitude either. He goes to Li Yefeng, reaches out his hand and pulls him up. He says with a smile, "you've made a lot of progress. If you had been kicked by me before, you wouldn't have been able to get out of bed for two months."

Li Yefeng is a bit stiff. Although he is 30 years old, he always keeps a deep awe in the face of this man who is also a teacher and father. He is curious about the strength of the instructor. It seems that he is much stronger than before.

What's more, he is already a very good person in the field. If he can kick himself, the strength of the instructor must have a half step in the realm of king?

"Talk somewhere else?" Chen Fusheng asked.

Li Tiannan nods, and the party comes to Li Yefeng's hotel. It's a big presidential suite. Originally, Luo Jinmin said it's impossible to have dinner together. Anyway, let Luo Jinmin deal with any trouble.

A few people opened a private room in the hotel, ordered food and took a seat directly.

"Instructor, how did you show up in Yangcheng?" Li Yefeng curiously asked, today's thing, thanks to the instructor appeared, otherwise, he really don't know how to save his father's life.

If the old man really changes with Luo Jinmin, he will feel guilty all his life.

"I just said that I came from Nanwang city."

Li Yefeng is still a little surprised. What is Nanwang city? Hot summer, which city is called this name?

"The boy doesn't know the secret yet." Li Tiannan raises his glass and drinks it down. He fails to kill Luo Jinmin. His heart is quite depressed. He can't kill Luo Jinmin this time. He doesn't know what kind of chance he will have to kill Luo Jinmin later.

This time, Luo Jinmin can be caught alone because of all kinds of coincidences and opportunities. Later, it will be more difficult.

"Qin zhantian, didn't they tell you?" Chen Fusheng looks at Li Yefeng in surprise.

"I asked. They didn't dare to say more. They asked me to come back and ask my father. As a result, he refused to say more because I was not strong enough."

Hearing this, Chen Fusheng gave a dumb smile and immediately took a meaningful look at Li Tiannan. He said, "if you don't have enough strength in this field, few people are qualified to know these secrets. Frankly speaking, your father doesn't want you to risk your life."

Li Yefeng felt a little shocked and asked, "instructor, what is it?"

Chen Fusheng poured a glass of wine with a smile, but Li Yefeng was a little anxious. He vaguely felt that he was about to know the most secret!

Chen Fusheng looked at Han Donghuang: "how about you? You know what? "

Han Donghuang shook his head, Mr. Big just let him improve strength, other things, did not say more.

In other words, there is no detailed description.

"As you know, there was a so-called" patron saint policy "in the hot summer days."

Li Yefeng and Han Donghuang both nodded. The former said, "is it the" four national protectors "that started with Ye wusheng, the ancestor of the Ye family more than 100 years ago? We know all about it. "

In the early Dynasty, ye wusheng, mu Chenxiao, Lu Junguo and Xu Rongyi were the national protectors.

The second generation of patrons: Qin Feiyang, Shen Changfeng, Kong Shaoyang, and Beike.

Three generations of patrons: Chu Ge, ye Xingyang, Su Chang and Qin zhuiye.

These are the most famous and powerful people, and the closest to them are the three generations of national protectors. Later, the national protectors came to an end in the generation of Chuge, and replaced by the four heavenly kings of Zhenguo.

"A long time ago, this strategy was just a kind of military deterrent to prevent those overseas employment groups from offending us in the hot summer. With them guarding us, naturally, no one would dare to cross the border."

"But in Qin Feiyang's generation, when Qin Feiyang was in his eighties, some changes took place in this strategy. Qin Feiyang was in the East, the guardian God of the East, and lived in Mojia village. Mojia village is a mysterious place where many strong people were born, and the Ye family was there."

"Before Qin Feiyang's twilight, he found that the terrain of Mojia village had become a strange array. After years of research, he finally cracked the array one day. It was something like a 'door'. When it was opened, people would directly disappear standing in it."

Li Yefeng's dull face, but also... There are such magical phenomena?

"Where did it go after it disappeared?"

Chen Fusheng said: "Qin Feiyang is my master. He was the first one to eat crabs. He came back three days later that day. When he came back, he was carrying six heads in his hand. He was also seriously injured."

Li Yefeng and Han Donghuang's looks are all drastic changes. Qin Feiyang seems to be the peak of the holy way, right?

He's going to get hurt, too?!

"Shigong went to a wilderness. It's a world totally different from ours. There are powerful beasts and many terrifying barbarians. The form is exactly the same as ours, but it's like another civilization. In terms of technology, they are not like us, but in terms of the use of cold weapons, they are far above us."

Li Yefeng took a cool breath, which... Had a great impact on his world outlook!

Han Donghuang asked in a trembling voice, "alien world?"

"I don't know, so far no one knows, whether it is another world, because there is a strange place, that is, their world continental plate is exactly the same as ours."

Li Yefeng and his wife were stunned by the earthquake. Are the mainland plates exactly the same?

Doesn't that mean that as long as the two ethnic groups exchange, there will be no difference in life?

"Their mainland is more like a copy of our mainland, but their population is very small, much less than ours."

Li Yefeng and they were shocked and digested the news quickly.

"Master Qin Feiyang found the first entrance. He went there for the first time and cut off the six heads of the other party. They were all powerful saints."

"However, the other side has too many saints. The population base is not as big as ours, but the saints are three times as strong as ours. Note that this" we "refers to the saints in the whole world. The other side has three times as many saints as ours. In the Qin Feiyang Era, there were about 61 saints in the world, that is to say, there were at least 180 saints in the other side at that time."

"Before their death, Shigong and his generation entered that wild land for the last time. Seven of them even killed each other's thirty-five saints. Then they all came back with their last breath, and soon they all drove West."

"Later, Chuge, my master, decided not to wait for death. He took the initiative to lead the army to enter, set up camp and build the city. In ten years, the number of entrances and exits increased to six. Therefore, we built six" King cities ". At that time, it was not called" King City "but" holy city ", because the strongest one was the domain holy way."

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