Many people's faces have changed in varying degrees.

This can be regarded as very presumptuous.

They all looked at Li Yefeng. When they saw the latter's cold face, they had their own ideas.

"Yo, strength is not so good, temper seems to be not small, how, do you have an opinion on the decision made by Zhou Lao and them?" There was a sneer in King ChiYan's eyes, and his tone was full of irony.

"I really don't have much strength, but at least I'm not as shameless as you are."

Li Yefeng coldly looked at the king of ChiYan. After hearing the speech, he narrowed his eyes and laughed: "what a crazy boy, it seems that your father stepped into the emperor's realm and made you a little inflated. He dared to say such words on such an occasion."

Li Yefeng said calmly: "why not?"

"Xiao Li." Pan Long made him look dignified and scolded softly. Li Yefeng didn't seem to hear half of it and stood up directly.

"Mr. Zhou, with all due respect, it's not that I'm aiming at xiawangcheng. In the case of daoluocha, xiawangcheng has not played any role. Can you help me? It would be nice not to help! "

"I think you know why Dao Luocha exploded? If you understand and insist that xiawangcheng has played an important role in it, then I will take it as if I have not said that. "

Old Zhou didn't change his look. He just took a deep look at Li Yefeng. Unexpectedly, he dared to join the army.

ChiYan King's eyes are cold: "boy, do you dare to say that my Xiawang city is helping me?"

"Isn't it?" Li Yefeng looks at the king of ChiYan. The blessing of the two realms makes him not have too much fear even in the face of the legitimate king's realm. If he can kill the white devil, it means that he has the right fighting power in the king's realm.

Since they are all king States, why should they lower you? If you don't agree, fight. You can kill me, Li Yefeng!

"Ha ha ha..."

"You don't need eyes. You can donate them to those in need. If you don't have brains, you can eat more walnuts to make up for them. It's already a king's land. If it comes out that people know you're a brain wreck, isn't it a shame?"

"Presumptuous!" The pupil of the king of ChiYan shoots cold cold light, and a terrible pressure is directly rolling down. When Pan Long sees this, he is also furious: "king of ChiYan, who is reckless on earth?"


Two powerful momentum on the scene confrontation, a powerful figure appeared, blocking every old man.

Seeing this, Mr. Zhou said, "that's enough!"

"Hum!" ChiYan king and Pan Long make this just put in fact, but two people are very unhappy, each other are still tit for tat appearance.

"This is not the place where you two can make trouble. If you want to make trouble, go back to your respective Royal cities and make trouble. I don't care about you!" Old Zhou gave a cold rebuke.

Both of them dare not speak. Mr. Zhou looks at Li Yefeng and says, "I understand what you said, but if I'm not wrong, you seem to be going to put the knife into Luocha. Is there such a thing?"

"Yes." Li Yefeng nodded. There was no way to deny it. So many people saw it.

But, he does not regret, even if again, he will do so!

"Do you know how much influence it will have if you let go of Dao Luocha?" "Daoluocha has a deep understanding of the civilization of our world. Once he goes back and shares this information with other city owners, our situation will be more passive," Zhou said

"Can you afford such a price, such a consequence?"

"So you can ignore the lives of those who are still alive?" Li Yefeng asked: "then I would like to ask, so many years of defense, so many years of hard work, what are all for?"

"Do you think it's family? Can I give you a chance to start all over again? If we lose, we'll be destroyed in the summer, and there's no residue left! "

"The necessary sacrifice, should give up to give up, do you think watching the living people being killed is something we are willing to do?"

Li Yefeng no longer speaks. He is not indecisive.

But first of all, he has to be a person.

He has seven emotions and six desires, and he also has people he values.

He can't watch ye Xiaoxi leave him again.

"I can chop two, three or more kings to pay for it." Lee night wind tunnel.

"Why? With your two fields? Some people say that you can be compared with Qin Feiyang in the future? "

Li Yefeng is speechless. You see, I don't know everything!

"Don't be naive, child. All this is not what you say or what others say. You need to know that before your talent is transformed into strength, it's uncertain. After you die, there's nothing left."

"Any talent, any talent, any match with the green dragon and the dragon's teeth, will disappear."

Li Yefeng laughed at himself: "so, you don't care about my talent, do you?"

"Of course, I can't say that..."

"Come on, don't say these beautiful words. To put it bluntly, I, Li Yefeng, am just a casual family member. Even if my father is Huangjing, he's not your subordinate. He's a man of the Jianghu. If you can't control him, you won't pay attention to us."

"Xiawangcheng's fault, you should not take it seriously. Uncle Shen, in order to protect the whole Kyoto City, has suffered the power of daoluocha's self explosion, and has faced the crisis of strength decline. You don't care about it. You just want to put the credit on xiawangcheng."

"Everything has to do with my family background. It's just like when I was taken off the title of captain of secret mobile! Exactly the same

"Xiao Li! It's too late Pan Long made his heart tremble slightly. When he said this, everything changed!

Moreover, it is bound to offend Zhou and others!


"That's ridiculous!"

"It's treason!"

Several old people are angry, angry, their faces have become a bit ferocious, everyone's eyes, are dissatisfied with Li Yefeng.

See, Li Yefeng is also a smile of self mockery!

What a realistic situation!

ChiYan Wang light way: "young people, have courage, courage, unfortunately, is no brain."

Li Yefeng said no more and turned around to leave the chamber.

"Stop." Zhou said coldly, "who allowed you to leave?"

Li Yefeng stopped, slightly sideways, light way: "where do I go, have something to do with you?"

"Sit down." Old Zhou said in a deep voice.

A heavy pressure, suddenly pressure on the body of Li Yefeng!

Li Yefeng sneered: "if I don't sit?"

"No? The king of ChiYan. " Zhou's voice is cold.

The king of ChiYan got up and said, "it seems that the younger generation is not very sensible now. I have to teach them."

"Enough." Pan Long makes also angry, clap directly on the table, click a, the tabletop cracks open.

"I'll give you all the credit for Xiawang city. I'm not rare in Xiwang city." Pan Longshi looked at the king of ChiYan coldly: "but, you, king of Xia, must provide the medicine for Shen Ruoxu's body to recover."

"Without that thing, Shen Ruoxu volunteered to bear the self explosion of Dao Luocha. What does it have to do with our Xia King City? Why should I take this responsibility for you? " The way the king of ChiYan despised.

In a rage, Zhou suddenly patted the table: "what are you doing?! Sit down! Li Yefeng! Get back to your position! Panlong emissary! Sit down at once

ChiYan king looked at them sarcastically with disdain!

"Hu -" Li Yefeng took a deep breath and walked out of the meeting hall.

"That's ridiculous!" Old Zhou was so angry that he sternly ordered, "take down the hermit king!"

Li Yefeng's footstep, the ground under his feet burst open, people close to him were shocked by his momentum, two fields of power superimposed emerge!

"Elder Panlong envoy, I want to leave Kyoto. Ye Xiaoxi will ask you."

Pan Long made his eyes slightly fixed and said, "where are you going?"

"Any place is OK, as long as it's not Kyoto, this city, I breathe now, the air here is disgusting."


Hearing the words, the king of ChiYan flashed a cold idea through his pupils. His figure flashed and a red flame emerged, just like two fire snakes biting Li Yefeng!

Seeing this, Pan Long's body turned into lightning. He quickly blocked Li Yefeng and scattered the fire with one blow.

"Get him for me! Don't let him step out

Old Zhou's face was gloomy. He was so arrogant that he had no spirit of sacrifice. How could he let him go! At that time, what should we do to harm them and take refuge in the enemy?!

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